vA.MHUis EDITS Press Must Keep v Heritage Intact UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1941 SPORTS Duck on Wing To Southland VOLUME XLIII NUMBER 12 Execs Pick Jean Spearow Four More Bid For Chief s Job In Alumni Fete Would-be Homecoming chair men will be interviewed today by the executive committee in the ASUO office of McArthur court at 4 p.m., Lou Torgeson, ASUO president, said last night. The ap pointment will be announced Fri day. "^our new candidates have pe titioned for the Homecoming chairmanship since the appoint ment, which was to have been made at Tuesday’s executive com mittee meeting, was deferred un til more persons had entered the race. New candidates are Russ Hud son, Jack McCliment, Gerald Huestis, and Ep Hoyt. Previous applicants are Ken Christianson and Harry Prongas. Homecoming committee ap pointments will be made as soon as the weekend chairman has been chosen, and work will begin immediately on plans for the cele bration. The annual alumni fete will take place November 27, 28, and 29 this year. Oregon will play the yearly football classic with Ore gon State Saturday, November 29. Allen to Bring Talk on Nazis Jay Allen, author and foreign correspondent recently released frftei. a German concentration camp, will speak to assembled Oregon students Friday, October 10, in Gerlinger. His speech is scheduled for 10 a.m. instead of the usual 11 o’clock assembly time. Classes meeting regularly at this time will be shifted to 11 a.m. today, so that no loss of class time will occur. The personnel office urges all students to attend the lecture given by this ex-Ore gon student and former Oregon ian reporter. Mr. Allen’s speech will center around his experiences in Nazi Germany and Nazified France during the present World War. was arrested by Nazi military guards when caught crossing the line of demarcation between oc cupied and unoccupied France last March and spent consider able time in a German-controlled French prison. Since his return to the United States he has been touring the country telling the American public of his adventur ous newspaper career. While here, he will be enter tained by Sigma Delta Chi, na tional professional journalistic fraternity, ana is scheduled to speak in Corvallis at 1 p.m. the same day. All regularly-scheduled Fri day 10 o’clock classes will meet ^this morning at 11 a.m., the usual assembly time. This change is to accommodate the lecture by Jay Allen set for to morrow at 10. SYMPOSIUM MARCHES ON Wally Dahlberg, director of Oregon's symposium teams, points out the “correct way” at tryouts Tues day night in Friendly hall. Members of the regular team will begin work soon on some vital, current topic which will be used in later tours through the state. Photo by Leo Molatore Deadline Set Tonight In 'Perfect Type’Contest By BERNIE ENGEL Entries for the Sigma Delta Chi “Perfect Type” contest must be in by midnight tonight. Call the Emerald news room (353) to turn in your nomination. SDX, national professional journalistic society, is rounding up ail ex-queens on the campus for judging purposes, with a chance at national competition and a cup allotted the winner. The “queen of queens” will be notified at a banquet Friday night. All candidates are invited as guests of honor. Jay Allen, Friday assembly speaker, will be present. ___ Debate Squad Picks Twenty Twenty men were named mem bers of the symposium debate team in a Hieeting held last night. The group includes Jack Robin son, Noel Carden, George Mosher, Charles Murphy, John Gilbertson, Hal Locke, Paul Thurston, y Graham Stepheson, Les Endi cott, Rendell Alldredge, Earl Hol mer, A1 Larsen, Bill Moshofsky, Bruce Jackie, Dan Halferty, Carl •Peetz, Robert Allan, Ancil Payne, Tom Brownhill, and Sid Nichol son. ! The men’s symposium debate team is under the supervision of Professor W. A. Dahlberg of the speech department. First meeting for the newly-selected group has been set for Tuesday, October 14, at 7 p.m. in Friendly hall. Gratis Finis Football game last Friday. Derby the following night. Grace Moore comes tomorrow eve. So far we've been all right. But I guess if we want to play, We'll have to pay on Saturday. —J.W.S. Bill Moshofsky Chosen to Fill Soph Vacancy Jean Spearow and Bill Moshof sky were appointed last night to previously vacant positions on the ASUO executive committee by ASUO officers who used their constitutional right to fill vecan-*’ cies in their own group. Miss Spearow will be seeontl vice-president. Moshofsky will be one of the two sophomore repre sentatives. Frost Fp The second vice-president posi tion was filled last spring by Jim Frost, who later became first vice-president when Bob Calkins, elected to the position, did not return to school. Moshofsky succeeds Chuck Woodruff, who did not return to school, as sophomore representa tive on the council. Voters Pass The measure providing for class representatives on the ex ecutive council was passed May 1 at a general ASUO election. The measure passed 154 to 3. Ogles by Young is the other sophomore representative. Others petitioning for the sec ond vice-presidency were: Ken Christianson, Milton Small, an* Glenn Williams. Others petitioning for t h <* sophomore position were: Leon ard Barde, Phil Hunt, Ann Rey nolds, and Dick Shelton. Code Subberers Haunt Infirbary Nose-bag news reports have it that "codes" are as plentiful at the Panacea Palace as they are in the the army, and tho navy all put together. The tea kettle and paper sack have lost no popularity through general use, and stocks are due for a rise, since the student health unit added its new service. It now brings hometown "code’* boys together. As an example: two fellows from way down south in old Calif., same town, but per fect strangers met the other day over the bag, and enjoyed a nice cold chat. - Despite the new deal down stairs, the hospital still wallows in a slump. Residents now are: Grace Henry, Norma Dare Tre varrow, Don Stephens, ^Eaton Way, and Willis Elliott. A super publicity group be cause of its strict membership qualifications, SDX is getting in gear for its national conven tion this winter in New Orleans. Chief of the organization is Buck “Titan” Buchwach, pint-sized ver sion of One-Eyed Connelly and Flash Gordon. Buchwach figures that news papermen are deluged with photos of this, that, and the other queen; so why not end the dis pute with a bona fide selection— a girl to be picked on photogenic merit and campus savoir faire, without political commitments. Appreciative SDXers are raily (Please turn to page three) Grace Moore Relates Start in Church By JEAN SPEAROW The little town of Jellicoe, Tennessee, was the proud beginning of the road to sueeess which Grace Moore has trod ever since her first appearance 111 its little church. Here she lent her voice on Sundays. Tickets for Grace Moore’s concert may he had upon presentation of educational activity cards at Ed Walker’s ticket office in McArthur court before 5 p.m. Friday. But “Across the Alps Lies Italy.” In oher words, beyond the Cumbeland mountains lay the bigger world of accomplishments. And so on to Wash ington, the nation’s capital, went the adventurous Miss Moore. Following a real ooneert date with Giovanni Martinelli of the Metropolitan opera, shfl proeeeded to New York, full of fond ambitions for immediate success. Fame, however, was shy, so she went back to» the dull routine of voice study, stage deportment, and languages. She paid for these lessons by sing ing in musical comedies. She drew crowds to Irving Berlin’s “Music Bo\ Revue’’ after which followed a year of study ia Europe. Her Metropolitan debut, February 7, l'J28, starred her in the role of Mi mi in “La Boheme.’* Each season she has been used, triumph has fol lowed triumph—Mimi, Mancn. Juliet, Louise, andl last year Fiora in “Love of Three Kings.”