Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 03, 1941, Page Three, Image 3

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    _ Folk Lore, Education, Music
Treated in Phi Bete Quarterly
xiiLcmaiiuiicu ctiiciirs, American
folk lore, education, and music
are among the fields touched by
The American Scholar, Phi Beta
Kappa quarterly, which will be
out in a day or two.
Hans Simon, dean of the grad
uate faculty of the New School
for Social Research in New York,
discusses the German army’s role
in the accomplishment of world
^-„peace. In his opinion, “the only
civilian group sufficiently united
in work and leisure and active
enough in defense of its interests
to serve immediately as an in
strument of democratic control is
John DeQuedville Briggs, head
master of St. Paul academy, ar
gues for the non-public school as
the place to give secondary stu
dents the curricula suitable and
adequate to preparation for col
lege education. The public school,
he argues, ban provide the tool
subjects to the one-fifth of high
school enrollment which intends
to go on to college. “Many high
school teachers,” he comments,
“exhibit little or no interest” in
offering such subjects. This gives
the non-public institution its op
Government Jobs
The problem of training for po
sitions in government and civil
offices is handled by Gilbert
Highet, writing on “The Ameri
can Student as I See Him.”
America’s “comic demigods,”
such as Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill,
Mike Fink, and Davy Crockett,
are discussed as a twentieth cen
tury phenomenon by Richard M.
Dorson. “Some observers will re
gret,” he writes, “that the Amer
ican demigod came late to life
when radio and jazz and syndi
• Sundaes
• Sodas
• Milkshakes
“Doc” Ireland, Prop.
cated newspapers had poisoned
the ancient channels of legend
and folk story and lessened his
chance for sedate epic glory. Still,
if twentieth-century conditions
offer new parallels to the heroic
age, precedent affirms at least
the possibility that the hero
clown of American popular song
and story may, like Samson and
Heracles and Kullervo, acquire
dignity in serious literature.”
Nazi Revolution
Amos J. Peaslee, international
ly known lawyer, writing on
“World Government Today and
Tomorrow,” declares that “Ger
many’s war is a revolution—a
civil war—against world gov
ernment as we know it.” Sooner
or later, he predicts, the predom
inant might of the civilized na
tions of the world will be swung
“to enforce the cardinal concept
that there is • a right to live at
peace with, and to be free fi*om
brutal attacks by, other nations.”
Daniel Gregory Mason, compo
ser and critic, takes a swat at
“prima donna conductors” and
the public that tolerates them,
in his “Dictator Conductors.”
Both the political dictators
and the dictator conductors, he
argues, develop to an excessive
mechanical perfection their re
spective means, political or ar
tistic, while prostituting the ends
which alone can give these means
value. *
“Both the dictator conductors
and the political dictators,” he be
lieves, “underrate the intelligence
of colleagues far excelling them
in public service, with effects dis
astrous to their dupes and often
in the long run to themselves.”
Finally, he sees even a physical
resemblance between the strut
ting Mussolini and the hero re
ceiving from the podium the
plaudits of the crowd in Carnegie
Dean’s Office Starts
Lost - Found Bureau
For the benefit of all new stu
dents and freshmen the dean of
women’s office announces a “lost
and found” department. Anyone
who has lost or found anything
may call there.
Among the items already found
are a black fountain pen, a pair
of black gloves, a scarf, and a
gold locket.
at the
Modern Complete and Soundproof
Fountain and Lunches
Drop in soon with Your Chums
Corner West 11th and Willamette
Advanced CPT
Course Enrolles
20 Students
With a training schedule com
posed of 144 hours of ground
school and a minimum of 40 fly
ing hours, Oregon’s newly initiat
ed secondary Civil Pilot Training
class is well under way, accord
ing to James C. Stovall, CPT
coordinator. Twenty students are
enrolled in the advanced course.
Flying, which will be done in
two low-winged Fairchilds and
a Waco F., secured for the stu
dents, will be mainly acrobatic.
All students taking the course
already hold a private pilot’s li
Upon completion of the current
program, according to Stovall,
students will be eligible,for cross
country and student instructor
courses. Those who go through
the entire four course program
are granted a commercial license
and student instructor rating.
Coordinator Stovall revealed
that with the 20 secondary stu
dents, in addition to the 30 en
gaged in the primary CPT course,
the University of Oregon is now
training 50 flyers. A total of 250
have been graduated during the
past two years.
Enrolled in the advanced course
are: Robert Anderson, Derwent
Banta, March Bowers, Gregg Cru
sen, George Drach, Howard Giesy,
Ehrman Giustina, Bert Hagen,
Donald Hone, Kenneth Jensen,
Don Kirkpatrick, William Larson,
and Frank Levings.
Elmer Pressman, Lawrence
Roger, Gordon Stanley, Jim Tay
lor, John Vandervert, William
Wright, and Ben Wohler. Alter
nates are Boyd Copenhaver, John
Loback, and Van Svarverud.
Ex-Gomm Petetions Due;
Two Places Open
Petitions for positions on the ASUO executive committee
must be handed in to Lou Torgeson, AUSO president, or to
Bette Morfitt, ASUO secretary, before 5 p.m. today.
Council openings are in the positions vacated by Bob Calkins
and Chuck Woodruff, neither of whom returned to school this
Calkins, elected last year as first vice-president, was suc
ceeded last week by Jim Frost, elected in the spring as second
vice-president, in making tms ap
pointment the committee used its
power of appointment.
Woodruff was elected in May’s
elections as sophomore represen
tative to the council, under a
provision made by popular ASUO
vote last spring.
Meeting Friday, the executive
committee went on record as ap
proving appointment of men of
the same “ideas about student
government” as Woodruff and
After the petitions have been
submitted the committee will in
terview each candidate before an
nouncing a choice.
His Orchestra
"It Brings You Fun
and Relaxation"
—a Third More Ink
than average of three well-known sac-type pens—
due to revolutionary One-Hand Sacless Filler
The Pen with the smart Arrow
Military Clip and the Oil-Smooth,
Lubricated Point that won't wear
scratchy in a lifetime!
No matter what pen you may happen
to be shown first, don’t make the mis
take of making a purchase until you
have seen and tried the Parker Vacu
matic—there is nothing else like it.
This is largely due to the Parker
Laboratories, staffed by able scientists
in physical metallurgy, chemistry, engi
neering. No other pen-maker we know
attempts the research and development
Today, in the world of science, it is
known that Parker achievements mark
the march in Pen progress.
Known far and wide as THE
JEWELS of PENDOM, Parker Pens"
and matched Pen and Pencil Sets are
the choice of 50 million people.
So remember, don’t buy until you try
Parker. Parker’s Blue Diamond is a Life
Guarantee Contract — makes pens so
marked cost less than the poorest.
The Parker Pen Co., New York, Chicago,
San Francisco. Factories at Janesville,
Wisconsin and Toronto, Canada:
Maxima, $10
Ma|or (Him.) or
Debutante, $1.73
Junior or Sub-Deb,
Writeflne Pencil*
to match,
$3.73 la $9
that go on daily here,
♦ Parker's Blue Diamond on the pan Is our Life Contract
unconditionally Guaranteeing to service the pen for
the life of the owner except for loti and intentional
damage, subject only to a 35^ charge for postage, insur
ance, and handling, provided complete pen U returned
for service.
t—Parker's 14 K Gold Point
is utterly different, finer-tex
tured and much less brittle
than ordinary 14 K Gold.
2— It is tipped with oil-smooth
Osmiridium, developed under
the direction of Dr. Robert
Pickus, chief Parker metallur
gist, former instructor of met
allurgy at Yale University.
3— Parker's One-Hand See
less Filler—a basically better
principle and the easiest of all
to operate — makes room for
about a third more ink than the
average of three well-known
sac-type pens, and substantially
more than any one of them.
4— Parker's patented Tele
vision barrel lets you SEE
when your pen needs refilling.
5— Parker's smart laminated
Styling—streamlined Pearl and
Jet RINGS—as shimmering as
velvet—is wholly exclusive.