Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 02, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    Qlcuii Gaud Skeleton J!.oohi tf-osi a Gloiet
i« .n
There are many freshmen on the campus who
want to know, “What is a class card? What
is the class card situation? IIow does it affect
me? What do I get out of it?”
First and probably the most important item
is the fact that all freshman numerals that are
earned by members of the freshman class are
paid for by the receipts of class card sales. The
only ticket for admittance to freshman class
meetings is the class card, and this is the only
way to check the membership of those attend
ing. The freshman can keep their meetings to
When Junior Weekend rolls around in the
spring, all the paint and brooms for painting
the “0” are purchased with class card sales.
It is not furnished by the school, and the fresh
men need a fund from which to draw.
The biggest social event, as far as freshmen
are concerned, is the annual Frosh Glee held at
the close of spring term. Where else but from
class cards can money come for guarantees to
big name bands?
By requiring purchase of a class card for all
students interested in participating in class
activities, then, we not only keep a tabulation
of active members but provide a treasury with
money sufficient to carry on the normal pro
cedure of the class.
These are the values of the class card, other
than those of political importance in estimat
ing voting strength, etc.
hrom l hese Cheap beats
“Class cards” and “fireworks” liave come to be almost
synonomous in the Oregon undergraduate’s political vocab
ulary. But after a year of heated battle, it looked yesterday
as if the “swords were to be made into plowshares” and ihe
class card issue tucked away in its rightful place.
In agreeing to recommend to the freshman class at its meet
ingto tonight that membership-voting cards be without charge,
ASUO President Lou Torgeson and the by-laws committee
which he appointed for freshman organization paved the waj
for a unified freshman class. For a class with time for more
worthwhile activities than the inter-organization bickering
which marked the first year of the class of ’44.
Last year’s freshman class is an interesting example of
what split-unity can do to class morale. Two distinct units of
the group existed throughout the year because they could not
agree on this single issue of paid voting franchise. Last 3rear’s
split is certainly a living example of what we do not want in
student government—crossed swords, entirely opposite prin
ciples, constant strife.
It cannot but seem right, when the class card issue is viewed
without prejudice, that in a democratic self-government such
as is the aim of the University of Oregon, a “poll tax” is
unjust. Taxing voters restricts voters, and restriction is not
the basis of democracy.
They will have to work out some sort of an activity tax,
which seems well and good since the class must be financed
in its social efforts. But it will be relatively simple to devise
a plan for required contributions.
If the class of ’44 accepts the recommendation of the by-laws
committee tonight, they have a chance to go down in collegiate
history as the first group to experiment with the universal
suffrage type of government, to act as a test tube for three
other classes now wondering about the benefits of such a
system, and to act as a proving ground for the hundreds of
freshman Hasses yet to come.
Why ivotr
While the question of class cards prepares
itself for an official airing before the freshman
class tonight, it would be well to look carefully
at figures recorded during registration in the
matter of sales.
Sticking doggedly to tradition, sophomores
sold class cards for 50 cents and managed a n^e
profit by the end of the second day. Juniors
and seniors, selling the 10-cent card, commit
ted financial suicide. Evidently students eare
little about whether the price of class cards is
10 cents or 50 cents. For despite the fact that
the privileges attached to all of the cards were
not worth even a dime, the same number of
cards were sold by the sophomores for 50 cents
as by the seniors or juniors for 10 cents.
Just what are the privileges which one buys
when he buys a class card. The voting fran
chise, with all its attending evils, doesn’t even
enter the picture until spring term. A reduction
on the class social function is optional with the
class. There is no inducement then except Mie
theoretical one that all persons engaged’ in
activities must possess a card. But few com
mittee heads check on such purchases before
making appointments.
The single issue of concrete importance then
is how to finance activities. The most likely
suggestion seems to be an activity tax, and as
social events came along, reductions would be
given, until by the end of the year the tax had
been returned. Its only function would be to
serve as an amount of cash with which the class
could conduct business.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Monday, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class
matter at the postofflee, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers' representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Bos
ton—Los Angeles—-San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
HELEN ANGELL, Editor FRED MAY, Business Manager
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olney, Betty Jane Biggs
Ray Schrick, Managing Editor James Thayer, Advertising Manager
Bob Frazier, News Editor
America Must Follow the Path
Through "Swamps, Quagmires"
Today we are being told that
the United States is at war—de
clared, undeclared, or otherwise
—and our enemy-fascistic aggres
sion. There are very few who
deny this and a still smaller mi
nority which today are creating
a bedlam with their isolationist
fallicies. These insidious incan
tations are to be found every
where and it is difficult to know
where to stand.
President Roosevelt has been
denounced for saying we merely
wish to crush a rattlesnake rath
er than tell us we are at war be
cause the word means only Sher
man’s “hell” in the mind of
Americans. The writer does not
intend to argue about the way in
which it is put to the people nor
whether we should keep a presi
dent because our nation has come
to this state under him. The writ
er wanted Willkie, too, but the
situation of today is such that
petty differences have no place
in the American mind. The ma
jority has chosen our path and
it is that path that we must fol
low to its ultimate conclusion
even though it lies through the
swamps and quagmires of war.
Things Worse Than War
And if it is war it will not mean 1
that the college youth of today
will tomorrow be a “hopeless, 1
regimented robot.” He may be dis- i
ciplined to a hard vigorous life, <
he may think a little more of the i
comforts of civilian liberties, he i
may be more determined to take i
his place in the running of his 1
country and with a strong desire
to prevent the recurrence of to
day’s tragedy—but that doesn't
make him a robot.
War will not make America a
shallow mockery of democracy if
today’s youth haven’t gone soft
from the neck both ways—if we
have the courage and stamina of
England, the faith of China and
the determination of Russia. If
anyone cared to listen last Sun
day morning he could have heard
a broadcast from England by a
Jewish rabbi, a Catholic priest,
and a Protestant minister, all
Americans, telling of the renewed
strength of England’s churches
through her trial by fire—he
jould hear of the plans for a bet
ter country built from the ruins
af the old—he could hear of the
forgotten racial hatreds—and he
?ould hear how democracy and
mity daily forges ahead in the
midst of war. This by men of dif
ferent faiths there for the pur
pose of finding out if the morals,
’hurches, and democracies are
No, America will not lose all
lor become a hollow monument
:o futilism if she but remembers
ind determines to insist upon her
>lace at the designing board of
he future. Rather, America
vould become a living symbol of
orgotten ideals and principles if
t should prove to have sons with
out the guts to undergo liard
ihips or unwilling to shed blood
n the ’40's for that system of
reedotn and liberty fostered by
he blood of 76.
The people of all nations—all
the world’s 1,500,000,000 civilized
people with the possible excep
tion of two or three million fas
cists—were: (1) thoroughly sick
of and appalled by the idea of
war; (2) morally ashamed of it.
-—Time, Sept. 11, 1939.
If you’re no longer out in the
air, you can’t be enjoying your
self indoors and out, if your eyes
become tired and your head be
gins to hurt, if your food won’t
digest, if your back becomes
cramped, if your feet seldom
move, if your hands become stiff
with exertion, if you can’t find
a law or medicine to prevent
this, brother, you’ve got studying
to do!
—School Herald
Nearly all the days are alike—
it’s just a matter of how much
longer some of them are. And
some of the people you meet.
-—Daily Texan
If men do not heed the lesson
of evolution, if they continue to
put personal profits above all
other considerations, the human
race will go the way of the dino
saurs, and man will be super
seded by some other animal as
the dominant form of life.
—Daily Trojan
A chicken in the house is
worth three in the coop, but
three fighting cocks in the par
lor—well! Such were the thoughts
running rampant at the Chi Ome
ga house of the University of
Kansas after their neighbors, the
Sig Alph's thrust three cocks
unceremoniously brought the
front door about 10 o’clock one
evening. They were forcefully
ejected. However, they were still
on hand to crow at 6 o’clock the
next morning. The episode fol
lowed a day of dickering, be
cause the Chi O’s swiped the Sig
Alph Drake Relays trophy.
—Daily Kansan.
At Second (fiance...
year’s crop of campus movie- go
ers who went to Chapman hall
once a week to view D. W. Grif
fith’s “Intolerance,” which before
the eight reels had been run, had
broken every existing code in
Will Hays’ books, or the excru
ciatingly funny “Steamboat Wil
lie,” Mickey Mouse’s first debut,
will welcome the announcement
of a new series to start on the
campus October 8.
This year’s films will be classic
favorites such as Douglas Fair
bank’s “Robin Hood,” and even
Bob Benchley’s “Life of the
Polyp.” Admission is free with
presentation of a student body
card. The scope of the films to
be shown will be from the early
silent attempts to the talkies, and
then out of the world with Bench
DEPARTMENT: “Central, may
I have the Delta Delta Delta
phone number?” “I heard you
the first time.” Or like the two
freshman girls sitting in the Side
Show, magpiping over cokes:
“He reminded me of Rudolph Val
entino . . .” “How’s that?” “Well,
not as good looking, but just as
dead!” ... Or the couple that
were sitting at Taylor’s. He got
up and walked to the door while
she suddenly stopped, turned and
got on her hands and knees to
look under the both. Came the
wisecrack: “He’s not under there
. . . he’s waiting for you at the
that the 1941 Oregana received
another plus rating, the office
may well turn into the veritable
date-bureau of the campus, for
at a late meeting last night, in
terested and enthused underclass
men thronged the office, looking
for a chance to work on the an
nual . . . girls outnumbering boys
three to one, as usual . . . but
all is not lost, for how can any
editor, even Bishop, take charge
of nearly one hundred secretar
ies ? Last year there were only
that Alpha O June Marie Wilson
bears a striking resemblance to
a prominent faculty member . . .
that Theta Betty Lou Brugman
had lots of fun at the Interna
tional settlement while down for
the Stanford game . . . that Delt
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wessorv^f&w
in Portland, has registered for
Sgt. Stork’s draft next year . . .
that Alpha Phi Cynthia Caufield’s
secret admirer sits right next to
her in her third-year German
class . . . two townies, Sigma
Chi’s Duane Marshall and ADPi’s
Winnie Scroggie having good
times together . . . that Johnny
Kahananui has the grandest as
sortment of Hawaiian print
shirts . . . that we’re anxious to
see Ted Hallock’s knee-length
coats and chest-high trousers . . .
that we’d like to know more
about Thetaki’s Bob Malcomb be
ing a personal friend of Linda
Darnell . . . that Beta’s Bruce
Stephenson isn’t back this y4~srJ
so K. Jenkins returns his pin i
. . . that Bob Whitely and Russ !
Hudson bought ATO sweetheart
pins for their girl friends; now
have decided to wear them per
sonally . . . that Betty Sue Fris
tow, Alpha O pledge, has received
a diamond from “way back home”
at the U of W . . . that UO stu
dents consume nearly 10 gallons
a day of coke syrup, of which one
ounce is used in each glass . . .
Last year’s Emerald worker, Ar
die Alexander has changed her
last name to Haesar . . . that
Nisma Banta has returned to the
campus after a summer in San
Francisco and vacationing .
that another camputsch by po
liticos is well under Way, now p^;
cupied with the thoughts about
freshman class officers. . . . that
McArthur court will Jje-awailable
only to class dances and Mortar
Board this year . . . others, taboo.