Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 30, 1941, Page Six, Image 6

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    Grace Moore to Open
Greater Artists Series
Grace Moore, brilliant and colorful soprano, will open the 1941-42
season of the greater artist series at McArthur court Friday night,
October 10. Students are asked to get their exchange tickets for the
concert from Ed Walker at the ticket office in the Igloo any time
after October 2.
For the convenience of those who are seated Upstairs, coke dis
pensers will be placed on the sec
ond floor, eliminating the neces
sity of running downstairs, wait
ing in line behind the one or two
coke machines, and finally tear
ing back up to the balcony, only
to find that intermission is over
and your gurgling coke bottle is
frowned upon with disgust by
your neighbors.
The educational activities of
fice requests that University wo
men refrain from wearing wood
en shoes to the concerts. The
noise caused by these clogs is so
annoying that frequent com
plaints from townspeople have
reached the office.
Dick Williams, educational ac
tivities manager, issues the dire
threat of requiring all coeds who
show up in these wooden concert
busters to check them at the
door. There is no guarantee that
they will still be there or. the
coed’s way out, he said.
In Time With
(Please turn to pape tivo)
the classics. The practice was car
ried to the extreme this summer.
The result wasn’t bad, though, in
many cases.
Jazzy Classics
If you remember the show
“The Great Lie,” starring Bette
Davis, you very likely will also
remember the music, which
played a prominent part in the
This music was the “Theme”
from Tschaikovsky’s piano con
certo in B-flat minor. Being
adaptable, this theme was seized
upon by orchestra leaders all over
the country, and you will dance
to it numerous times this fall. It
will probably make the top of the
hit parade, which is an honor of
Flatberg, Kahananui
Receive Appointments
Lee Flatberg and Johnnie Ka
hananui, juniors in journalism,
have been appointed co-editors of
the Oregon Daily Emerald sports
pages, Helen Angell, editor, an
nounced Monday. They will per
form the duties assigned to Ken
Christianson and Tom Wright
spring term. Wright is not in
school this year, and Christian
son is unable to work on the Em
erald because of outside employ
Both Flatburg and Kahananui
have had two years experience on
the sports staff of the Emerald,
and each has assisted the editors
in “putting out the page.” Both
arc members of Sigma Delta Chi,
national professional journalistic
fraternity, and Kahananui is a
member of Ye Tabard Inn of Sig
ma Upsilon, creative writing hon
Hunter Returns
Chancellor Frederick M. Hun
ter returned Sunday from a
three-week swing through north
eastern states with Mrs. Hunter,
attending to his duties as a mem
ber of the Educational Policies
which Tschaikovsky never
The original rhythm of the se
lection has been quite ruined in
its new status; jazz piano players
can never do justice to music that
was written for master perform
ers, and the hard brasses of dance
bands spoil the beauty of the or
chestration. Otherwise, it’s a good
760 Willamette St., is the
For many years Barker has served the
public well, giving good values and pleasing
the people, so why not let me please you in
some of these bargains.
Guitars at $3.90, $4.90, $5.90. $6.90, $12.50,
$12.75, $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, and $25.00, and
some still finer. Also Violins at $2.50, $5.50,
$7.50, $10.00, $15.00, $17.50, $25.00, $30.00
and on up. Lots of these goods are left with
me for sale. The owners want their money
and that is why the prices are so low.
I sell strings and supplies for all musical
instruments. Also do general repairing on
musical instruments.
See our fine trumpets and clarinets. They
will please you. REMEMBER THE
P L A C E —
M.S. Barker
760 Willamette
Eugene, Ore.
Enrollment Drop
Fails to Decrease
Sales of Oregana
In spite of a 7 per cent decrease
in enrollment, Oregana sales
rocketed to a new high with
salesmen reporting a 14 per cent
increase over last year’s sales, or
approximately 2,100 copies sold
this year against last year’s 1850.
Emerson Page, business man
ager of the Oregana, attributes
the tremendous sale to the qual
ity of last year’s fine Oregana,
which was on display at all regis
tration tables.
Sale of the annual will continue
this week at Johnson hall, where
late registrants may reserve their
copy of the ’42 yearbook.
Persons desiring positions on
the Oregana staff are invited to
attend the staff meeting in the
Oregana office this afternoon
from 3 to 5.
Barker Honored
By Chicago Alums
University Vice-President Bart
Brown Barker, A.B., LL.D., was
cited by the University of Chi •
cago alumni association for “un
selfish and effective services to
the alumni, the nation, and hu
manity” at the university’s 50th
anniversary celebration Saturday.
Dr. Barker was one of 50 Chi
cago alumni to receive the honor.
Dr. Barker telegraphed the
University that he received the
citation instead of the “paddling"
he had expected when called to
Chicago. He was one of the found
ers of Chicago’s alumni associa
tion and the originator of the
constitution and by-laws still
governing the group.
The University vice-president
will return to Portland sometime
this week.
At Second Glance
(Please turn to page two)
back while her sisters and cam
pus males breathe easier . . . The
ta’s Janet Morris back at school
again after a trip to Hawaii this
summer and a swell coat of tan.
ATO Bob Whitely’s question
as to whether the Hello dance
was a skating party or not . . .
the way the Stanford announcer
discussed Jo Ann Supple and
Earle Russell during the game;
almost as much publicity as the
players themselves ... Pi Phi’s
Hope Hughes generosity with a
smile for everyone . . . the wolf
pack on the run in front of the
Co-op yesterday afternoon . . .
Phyllis Gray and David Khox,
Eugenites, who make another
term-twosome . . . Peabodic . . .
Sigma Chi’s Art Wiggins and
Mickey Rooney . . . Alpha Chi’s
Gerry Stowell, who spells glam
our with a capital “G” and two
“m’s” . . . Don Swink, Fiji, who’s
radiotie voice will charm campus
listeners this fall . . . Thetaki
Larry Celsi trying to squelch ru
mors about living in a nurses
home all summer.
Sammy Sparrow made a date
with Susy Sparrow for that night.
Highly elated, Sammy arrived at
the certain twig to find that
Susy wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
He waited until dark when he
saw Susie limping towards him
with only two feathers left on
each wing. “Where have you
been?” Sammy demanded. Susy
sighed, “Oh, I thought that I’d
go down and see how the mortals
were and I got mixed up in the
darndest badminton game . . .
Or whether Cecil Snyder, UO
newshead, asked the girl at the
information booth in Johnson
whether or not she was Miss In
formation, “Yes, of course!” was
the answer. Snyder snapped back,
“Well, don’t give out any.”
Oregana Releases
Picture Schedule
The schedule for house pictures
for the Oregana by Kennell-Ellis
has been announced for this year.
Daily announcements will follow
in the Emerald for each house
the day before the pictures are
scheduled. The complete list is
as follows: Oct. 6, Alpha Chi
Omega; Oct. 7, Alpha Phi; Oct.
8, Chi Omega; Oct. 9, Alpha Tau
Omega; Oct. 10, Beta Theta Pi
and Alpha Gamma Delta; Oct.
11, Delta Delta Delta.
Oct. 13, Delta Upsilon and Al
pha Omicron Pi; Oct. 14, Kappa
Sigma; Oct. 15, Alpha hall and
Sigma Kappa; Oct. 16, Delta Tau
Delta and Alpha Xi Delta.
Oct. 20, Delta Gamma; Oct. 21,
Chi Psi and Canard club; Oct. 22,
Phi Sigma Kappa and Alpha Del
ta Pi; Oct. 23, Hilyard house and
Campbell Co-op; Oct. 24 and 25,
Hendricks hall.
Oct. 27, Highland house and
Gamma hall; Oct. 28, Phi Delta
Theta and Zeta Tau Alpha; Oct.
29, Kappa Alpha Theta; Oct. 30,
Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Oct. 31
and Nov. 1, Susan Campbell hall.
Nov. 3, Pi Beta Phi; Nov. 4,
Kirkwood Co-op and Omega hall;
Nov. 5, Kappa Kappa Gamma
and Sherry Ross hall; Nov. 6,
Sigma Chi; Nov. 7, Sigma Nu;
Nov. 8, University house.
Nov. 10, Theta Chi; Nov. 12,
Gamma Phi Beta and Pi Kappa
Alpha; Nov. 13, Phi Kappa Psi;
Nov. 14, Phi Gamma Delta and
Sigma Alpha Mu; Nov. 15, Yeo
Nov. 17, Sigma Phi Epsilon;
Nov. 18, Zeta hall; Nov. 19 and
21, Orides; Nov. 24, Sigma hall!
Nov. 25, Seniors (not affiliated).
One of the Year’s Screwiest
Here It Is!
'Rage in Heaven'
Joan Crawford and
Greer Garson
— and —
Red Skelton and
Ann Rutherford in
'Whsipering in the
Two Big Features!
Robert Montgomery and
Ingra Bergman
'When Ladies
— also —
'North of the Lone
with Bill Elliott
Symposium Tryouts
Set for Men October^
The first tryout for the men's
debate symposium will be held
Tuesday evening, October 7, All
men students including freshmen
may try out. The meeting will be
held in 107 Friendly at 7:30. Each
participant will be asked to give
a three-minute speech on any
topic of his choice. Topics for the
speeches should be current, vital
The symposium of last year de
bated over the whole state before
108 audiences. Their complete
traveling expenses were paid
the educational activities depare
column from
now on for
the series of
Pat Taylor
the celebrated ^
U. of O. gossip
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Elate rate 37c column inch.
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a
34c per column inch twice or more
a week.
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day
of insertion.
• Wanted
WANTED to buy, for cash, Chev
rolet coach, sedan or 5-passen
ger coupe. Phone 1725.
• Board
BREAKFAST and dinner for
women students. Campus loca
tion. Phone 3814.
• Wanted
Don’t Throw Used Clothes
We Will Give You
CASH For Them
740 Willamette