tJO Drama Tickets Go on Sale Today Season tickets to the Univer sity theater plays can be pur chased today in Johnson hali, drama division official announced. These tickets which sell for $1.50 give the holder admission to four plays for the price of three as well as entitling him to choose seats before the sales are thrown open to the general public. ^The production rights to two plays which are being considered for presentation, “Philadelphia Story’’ and “The Yellow Jacket” have been released. The division also plans to consider presenta tion of “Arsenic and Old Lace,” “My Sister Eileen,” “Claudia,” “The Corn Is Green,” “Life With Father,” and "Watch on the Rhine” as soon as production rights are released. Outstanding plays which have been presented on this campus before through the drama division include “Berkeley Square,” “Night Must Fall,” George Wash ington Slept Here,” “Dangerous Corner,” “Touchwood,” “Shining Hour,” and “The Trial of Mary Dugan.” The plays which will be select ed for production will include some from both the contempo rary theater and from the more worthwhile of the older plays, the drama division officials said. Tax to Increase (Continued from page one) games; eight conference basket ball games, two Frosh-Rook and four pre-season basketball con tests; two swimming meets; eight conference, four pre-season, and two Frosh-Rook baseball games; two track meets; and four tennis meets. Discounts In addition, card holders will receive a one dollar discount on their Oreganas, provided payment for the ticket is made in cash, and a discount of $1.50 on ad mission to the Oregon-Washing ton football game at Seattle. Tickets will be on sale all day Friday and Saturday in Mc Arthur court. They will also be available both during and after registration at the ASUO ticket office in McArthur court and at the cashier’s window in Johnson hall. Clean-Up Authorized ASUO salesmen will stage a clean-up drive the week of September 29 through October 4. Following is the list of student Oregon H Emerald Night Staff Mary Wolf, night editor Ted Goodwin Dick Shelton Lynn Johnson Mary Ann Campbell Bill Hazelstein Elsie Brownell Louise Rossman Edith Newton Velita Estey salesmen in each campus living organization: Bill Beifuss, Phi Psi; Pat Salisbury, Chi Omega; Rose Riley, Highland House; Pat Sutton, Gamma Phi; Bob Scrib ner, Sigma hall; Lois Hosford, Zeta Tau Alpha; Don Walker, Zeta hall; George Mosher, Camp bell Co-op; Evelyn Knockleby, Hendricks. Gerald Mosher, townies; Ann Vodeberg, Alpha Chi; Art Wig gins, Sigma Chi; Bette Workman, ADPi; Quentin Sidesinger, Beta; Max Miller, Sigma Nu. Florence Cooley, Alpha Xi Del ta; Tom Brownhill, Gamma hall;^ Helen Macomber, Susan Camp bell. More Agents Chuck Weisberg, Sherry Ross hall; Francis Tuckwiler, Phi Sig; Neil Huckleberry, SAE; A1 Sil vernail, Chi Psi; Jerry Battles, Delta Teu Delta; A1 Cohen, Sig ma Alpha Mu; Tom Boyden, Phi Delt; Nancy Reisch, Pi Phi; Bar bara Lamb, AOPi; Bruce Taylor, Alpha hall. Rylie Hatten, Tri Delt; Char lotte Alden, Sigma Kappa; Bill Bergtholdt, Theta Chi; Leonard Farr, Kirkwood Co-op; Carol Boone, Kappa Alpha Theta; Jim Harrison, Pi Kappa Alpha; Pete Lamb, ATO; Bill Bishop, Kappa Sig. Jim Burness, Fiji; Les Ander son, DU; Glendon Colwell, Omega hall; T. Glenn Williams, Canard club; Marian Gehring, University house; Maxine Hansen, DG; Kay Jenkins, Alpha Phi; Maurice Solomon, Sig Ep; Jean Johnston, Kappa. « a ff, For your car ... Gas .».. Oil Lubrication VARSITY SERVICE Corner of East 13th and Ililyard n SAVE $ $ $ Used Text Books o • © at Campus Book Store Where Thrifty Students Buy Across 13th St. from Sigma Chi ! ! Places Still Open On Oregana Staff Editorial staff of the Oregana, University yearbook, will meet Tuesday in the Oregana office at McArthur court from 2 to 5 p. m. About forty or fifty jobs re main to be filled, and include as sistants to the executive editors, secretaries, typists, artists, etc. All students interested in work ing on the editorial staff of the yearbook should come to the Ore gana office. Freshman Charter (Continued from page one) ment.” The motion to adopt the con stitution was put before the as sembly again, and was passed by a voice vote. The preponderance of “ayes” left no doubt as to its validity. Following this, Torgeson an nounced that the class would meet again Thursday evening to nominate officers and to adopt by-laws. It was under these by laws, he said, that the class-card question would be considered. Until the class-card question is decided, Torgeson said last night, freshmen will be identified by a door list. Later the cards will either be distributed free or charged for, as the by-laws may provide. Lottery Tactics Will Determine Partners For Dormitory Dance 15y imi t.uunui.x Checks, please ? Something like this will be the password at an all-dorm dance tonight at 8 o’clock in John Straub hall. Don't dress up, don’t date up, just show up. At the door each girl will have a baggage tag pinned on and the stub tom off. The stubs will be stirred up and the bashful males will each draw one. Clutching their tags the men will proceed along the line of win some women until they spy the one whose number has been drawn. Chuck Cutler, promoter of the dance, warned that there will be no deferments and the penalty for evading will be se vere. After 15 minutes in which to dance and get acquainted, the I? stubs will V>e mixed up again and the process will start over. Some probably feel that 15 minutes is not enough time in which to get acquainted and will keep their stubs. Cutler said. This type of evasion may result in some life time friendships. Those who instigated the dance gave up trying to find a name or a slogan to fit the occasion and concentrated on planning a sort of junior hello dance. Hopes High (Continued jrem page one) pearance of a flaming raft . con taining a burning effigy oi the Stanford Indian. The rally was terminated by an Oregon locomotive yell and tn*e singing of the alma mater song. ST. MARY'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 13th and Pearl Sunday Services—8 and 11 Student Vespers—6-6:30 Student Canterbury Club—6:30 _ i Wednesday—7, Communion, Gerlinger Ilall Rev. E. S. Bart lain. Rector Phone 4606 or 4808 Miss Caroline Hines, Student Adviser Ph. 4605-J or 4808 T O DAY’S The DAY Reserve Your 1942 Oregana