Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1941, Page Eight, Image 8

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What kind of a defense will beat the T formation? rIhe guy
that has the answer hasn’t been found yet, but soon as some
body ltnoeks off those Stanford Indians the woods will be
full of guys who will say, - ‘I told you so." There may be some
sort of a trick defense that ean make a “Custer s Last Stand
out of Sliaughnessy’s wizardry, but from here it looks like a
better ball club is the answer to the problem. When a team
that is definitely tops hits the turf against the Palo Alto lads,
thing's are going to happen. Thus far it seems that the Indians
tiave been on just a little higher plane than their opposition,
and so an undefeated season.
There's Always a Solution
This isn’t the first time some coach has come up with a
new trick that paid off in touchdowns—and it won’t be
the last. When the brainy boys figure out a new angle
to befuddle the defense, and gum up the opponent’s of
fense, everybody promptly runs out to the drug store to
buy a carton of No-Doz pills, to use until they figure out
an answer. Remember Prink Callison’s famed “cruncher
play,’’ and the “Gee cut-back.’’ Others were the “statute
of liberty,’’ and the “dead man play.’’ You could reel
off a list as long as a barroom bouncer’s arm, that some
body used, and that somebody else found an answer to.
So hang on to that raccoon coat fellas—the T formation
won’t last forever—victorious.
What About Idaho?
Francis Schmidt, the “rajah of razzle-dazzle," comes to
Idaho this year, and some of the tilings the Vandals might
|mi]I uud'M* his direction might be very interesting. Schmidt
lms the reputation of being a coach who would prefer fooling
the opposition and gaining one yard, to letting them know
what is'going on and make ten.
Need Material
This type of football works to perfection when there is
plenty of blocking, and fast backs, (as does any other
type), and Idaho doesn’t look as though they have quite
what it takes in the way of material. Seventeen letter
men return, of which 11 atre linemen. Schmidts’ own
words, “We won’t have a great team,’’ probably sums up
the Idaho situation. But be on guard for a bunch of slickers
when the Vandals come to town.
8ig Crowd for Ducks, Stanford
Last year when Oregon’s Ducks played Stanford in their
t-onference opener, a sparse California crowd of 20,000 was in
|,he stands. A large bet of a dirty loaf of bread, and a dusty
edgarette butt, is hereby placed on the line, that says that the
opening game this year between these two teams, will draw a
<*rowd that far surpasses last year’s figures.
Oregon's All-American
It’s pretty early to be yowling' “All-American” about
any Oregon player, but that’s what the big boys are say
ing about center Ab Wilson. Thus far no Emerald repre
sentative has seen the Oregon football team in action
since they whopped the ears off Oregon State last fall. So
guess with the Emerald—it’s free.
No Internal Discord at 0. S. C.
Sad Lonnie Stiner, who is the guiding light in Oregon
State football, quarters, is another who might have a new
trick or two to unveil before the blinds are pulled down
on another grid season. Last year his outfit was full of
bickering, self-centered, athletes, who, for lack of a better
word, were called prima donnas. These things said about
internal discord on that ball club weren’t just talk—the
trouble was really there. At present Stiner has a bunch
of boys, most of whom are nothing to wire home about
. that could really make the Beavers a ball club to steer
clear of. The big names of last year have pulled stakes,
and Stiner once more can plan on fielding a team—not
a bunch of boys all pulling in different directions.
A Pair of Aces
A sophomore hid and one to keep an eye on is the Heavers’
left handed, pass pitching. speed boy from Montana. Bill Me
jnnis. He looks like a million when he cuts loose with his
southpaw passes, and seems to be an all around natural. Hob
Detham. left half (whom the OSH boys ehummily eall “Black
Badger” is another who is getting the publicity blasts. Deth
nm is tin* rugged go through it s-farther-to-go-arownd type of
jdayer. and he should do big things for Stiner.
Tex Oliver, YVebfoot grid boss,
who bundles up his charges to
day, bound for Palo Alto and the
Stanford Indians, defending Rose t
Bowl champions. Though odds are
decidedly against an Oregon win,
Tex has drilled the Ducks dog
gedly in hopes of an upset.
Dr. Erb Outlines
Four Main Aims
in College Work
Four points to be emphasized
in a college education were out
lined last night by University
President Donald M. Erb, address
ing the class of 1945.
College, he said, should devel
op educated men and women who
are satisfied with their own com
pany—who have created a reserve
of inner resources.
It should broaden their intel
lectual horizons to include fields
they had never dreamed or en
College should also make them
better members of the commu
nity by helping them learn to live
together. Right now, he said, the
University and the living organi
zations make up their commu
Given last, because he said he
considered it least important, was
the economic advantage with
which the college graduates
should enter their chosen work.
“And who are you?” asked
President Erb after identifying
himself with a bit of personal
history. In answer to the ques
tion he introduced a few statis
tics. Out of the 1200 or 1300 new
Oregon students, 75 per cent
should come from this state.
TwenJty-five per cent would like
ly come from Multnomah coun
ty, and 20 per cent from Lane.
Lou Torgeson, president of the
ASUO, also greeted the entering
Two white lines of Kwarna and
Skull and Dagger members met
the new students attending the
welcome meeting.
“No matter what other of vari
ous organizations you belong to,"
concluded President Erb, “you
are a University of Oregon stu
dent. And I can't think of a bet
ter compliment to give you.”
Welcome to You
Here's looking to
another hig and suc
cessful year at Ore
gon. Better start the
year off R 10 II T
with a snappy hair
cut from
Alder bet. 12th and 13th
Warren to Eye rreshman ^
Grid Prospects Monday
Freshman football—second in
the two football mysteries at
Oregon—will get de-misted Mon
day afternoon, when Coach John
Warren gets his first look at this
season’s yearling gridders in a
pre-season training workout.
Warren, who at present knows
about as much about his fresh
man prospects as does the clerk
at the corner drugstore, will send
his men through strenuous con
ditioning drills. Nothing has been
announced as to the number of
ball players enrolled at Oregon
this year. A glance at a pledge
list reveals the names of several
prospective ex-preppers.
The Ducklings’ first game is
scheduled for October 17, at Port
land, against the ever-tough Ore
gon State Rooks. The Univrsity
of Washington’s Husky Pups
come rolling into Eugene around
the 24th of October. The Rooks
and the Frosh are back at it
again, this time at Corvallis, on
November 7.
Last season the frosh ended
up with two wins and one loss^ll
to their credit. The Husky Pups
took the count of the Goslings
once and the “U” boys tripped
the OSC Rooks twice.
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