Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 25, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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    Oregon’s Executive Committee Nurses It’s Wounds and Ponders
rJ'\IiE campus waits with interest for the action
of tlie executive committee of the Associated
Students tomorrow afternoon, when they meet to
select-a new first vice president and sophomore
member. For, by constitutional authority, it is their
privilege to replace council vacancies.
There is only one fair path for the electors to
follow in choosing their associates. Since Bob
Calkins, now a private in the United States army,
and Chuck Woodruff, now attending UCLA, botji
represented unaffiliated students of the University
it is logical that such representation should be
again granted the independent group.
# # *
JN the first place, an executive committee cannot
adequately represent a democratic institution
unless il is representative in every respect of the
wishes, aims, and principles of all factions or
groups in that institution. Only in that way can the
real purpose of an executive committee, to increase
the quality of student government, be developed.
Narrowing the explanation down to the com
mittee itself, it is oidy natural that each member
of the group will make a more determined effort
to contribute something worthwhile if there is a
certain amount of opposition to his ideas and a
challenge to his points. Student leaders must realize
that if the committee is to have sparkle and be
full of ideas, it must be varied in content.
# # #
j^JIIIEF executives of such higher governmental.
units as the state have established this fair
policy of replacing vacancies in representative
posts with men of similar ideas. Taking a cue from
experience, Oregon’s executives can see their duty
Independent organizers, however, should he
ready to propose new men. The executive commit
tee cannot be expected to draw conscientious stu
dent leaders out of a hat; undoubtedly they will
spend a good deal of time and their task will not
be easy. For certainly Bob Calkins and Chuck
Woodruff were the outstanding sophomore and
senior leaders. But from a field of more than 2000
unaffiliated students—57 per cent of the student
body—there are without doubt two students cap
able, enthusiastic, and actually fitted for student*
The executive committee is faced with its first
test of fair-minded representation. The campus
waits to judge their new governors by the policy
they will adopt in this initial duty.
Oregon W Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Monday, holidava, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class
matter at the postofflce, Eugene, Oregon._
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative. 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago—Bos
ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle._
HELEN AXGELL, Editor FRED MAY, Business Manager
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olney, Betty Jane Iliggs
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The Walls Come Down
^^REGON’S present seniors were thinking about high school
graduation when a man named Adolf Hitler took a revi
talized Gorman array into Austria in March, 1938.
In the four years since that first lightning-like trek across
the Austrian border, events have piled on top of each other
until the snowball of war has enveloped most of the civilized
Suddenly it becomes evident that this mounting torrent of
activity has touched even the peaceful center of the slow
moving college campus, whose ivy vines had always seemed
to cradle an existence entirely apart from that of the world
outside. In the past, the worries of political gravy trains, Sat
urday night dates, or-theoretical rather than actual studies of
international affairs, have often made students oblivious to
the world in which they live.
* * *
PUT in September, 1941, the war comes to our own doorstep.
And with the increased emphasis on national defense and
Americanism, it becomes evident that the “way of life” on a
college campus has undergone a change, too.
Then1 is something gone from the balanced spirit of the
campus of years before, because so many undergraduates “over
‘21” are now a part of the ever-expanding United States army.
The enrollment is not drastically reduced, but many of the
oldsters are gone. An occasional uniform on the campus is no
longer unusual.
House managers in living organizations juggle money hope
lessly as they try to provide the same quality meals -from
money whose buying power has been sharply curtailed. Pecu
liarly enough, they find their members are quite uncomplain
ing about food economy. They seem to feel the gravity of the
situation. There are fewer new clothes, because they aren’t to
be had.
' | Ml EKE is a larger percentage of students in the University
*w’ who have come because they have entirely serious mo
tives of preparation for life. When jobs are so plentiful as
during a war-time industrial boom, young men and women
think twice before they choose between highly paid jobs and
four years of college work. It is interesting to note that the
slight enrollment decrease is attributed almost entirely to army
and navy demands. It is an indication that many young people
are seriously deciding to prepare themselves to take over the
problems of the world instead of diving into insecurity for
present material reward.
Few of the grim realities of events on the other sides of
the waters has touched the protected lives of Oregon under
graduates. But modern communication has brought them closer
to the stage of the greatest drama of the 20th century. It has
brought them so close to the real suffering that each life has
become a little more serious, a little less complaining, and a
great deal more appreciative of the opportunity of obtaining
a college education in a free country.
Although mid-summer rumors indicated Oregon might be
in line for a sizeable enrollment decrease this fall, latest
administration reports indicate that registration will remain
practically the same as last year. Other coast colleges have
noted decreases up to 10 per cent.
The 1941 edition of rush week,
which most Greeks call “hell
week,” closed Tuesday afternoon
with cars parked on lawns, blar
ing sirens and horns, saw blades
and screaming coeds. Lifeblood
for campus living organizations
had been sucked from an even
500 rushees and the campus once
again began to settle down to a
normal routine.
It probably wasn’t until after
the pledge dance Tuesday eve,
not until these chosen 500
climbed into squeaky bunks did
they begin to realize that their
future would not be exactly a
bed of roses. Sure, this week
they can sleep as late as they
want, run around and violate
what will be quiet hours and let
the sophomores clean up the
houses. But that’s all this week.
And as they danced they, as
all new students did, began to
realize that they had begun to
share new responsibilities and
problems which will arise from
those about them. The humor
and pathos of rush welt is iron
ically mixed, but the final out
come is always the same; the
bond of a fraternity pin is not
in its weight or size, but in com
panionship and not even money
can buy that. It’s all in the indi
Red Face
At the dance, life’s most em
barrassing moment came for one
rushee when she fell headlong
down the steps of Geblinger after
catching her heel in her dress
. . . and for another when she
discovered that her "sisters” had
mistakenly given her two dates
for the evening and they were
both downstairs. There was the
fellow who couldn’t find the “Al
pha Delt” house, meaning, of
course, the ADPis. There was the
couple on the floor, one from
Los Angeles, the other from Port
land, who couldn’t agree on their
tempotic footwork. And the few
seniors who managed to get dates
for themselves with rushees to
go to the dance. The ruse didn’t
last long.
Chi’s Marcia Cochran and Kath
erine Pelly . . . ADPi’s Winnie
Scroggie and Lorraine Davidson
. . .Alpha Gam’s Betty Lee Stu
art and Betty Jean Bishop . . .
AOPi’s Carol Pagler and Betty
Ann Leist . . . Alpha Phi’s Elea
nor Staaehli and Carolyn Loud
. . . Alpha Xi Delta’s Jean Nor
ton and Amy Brattain . . . Chi O’s
Suzanne Stickels and Jean Mar
shall . . . Tri-Delt’s Meri Huber
and Marjory Vannice . . . Dee
Gee's Barbara Younger and Bet
ty Bevil . . . Gamma Phi’s Bar
. . . Theta’s Polly Gordon and
(Continued on page five)
'Greatest Show on Earth’
Stars A. Hitler; 'Cast' Jittery
(Editor's note: The following is one of a series of inter
pretative columns on international affairs to be written by
University students interested in the field. The opinions of the
writer, an Oregon senior, are not necessarily the views ($£~
the Emerald.)
By J. C.
“Abie’s Irish Rose” and “Tobacco Road” were pretty fair
shows of a sort and are remembered for the long runs they
enjoyed on Broadway but they have long since been dwarfed
by the color-filled, billion dollar extravaganza now being pre
sented by a star-studded cast headed by the Messrs. Hitler,
Mussolini, Stalin, and Churchill and a supporting cast of
millions. The program lists Mr. Hitler as the villain, and he
has stayed thoroughly in character all during the performance.
Britannia has a tough part as the wronged maiden; while
she’s undoubtedly a nice girl, so far she seems more perturbed
about saving the family silverware than about salvaging her
virtue. In fact Mr. Hitler has been heard to insinuate that^
although she belongs to the YWCA now, she has a past of
her own. With a quick shave, a bath, and a delousing process
between acts, Mr. Stalin bloomed forth as the champion of
virtue after a rather smelly part as coat holder for Mr. Hitler
in the first act. Mr. Mussolini, now relegated to the wings
as sound effects man, is doing a tremendous job on the wind
Love Scene
Irritated by the fact that Mr. Hitler has been promising
ice cream cones to his little brothers, the star-spangled gent
in the front row has been raucously heckling Mr. H. during
the entire show. So infuriated is the gent with the stars be
coming that he threatens to jump up on the stage and kick
the tar out of the fuzzy-lipped villain if he doesn’t put down
the meat cleaver and leave Britannia alone. The fair Britannia
has quite obviously been making eyes at this gallant gentle
man ever since the first act. The ushers report that the man
with the stars on his vest has been acting kind of funny,
running around behind scenes and loading cap pistols for the
slant-eyed bit player with the rising sun on his tunic, then
coming out in front and throwing tomatoes at him.
More Confusing
The plot of this merry little show is a little bit thick and
not at all easy to figure out. The supporting cast is taking an
awful beating and they’re kicking the very devil out of the
From way up in the nickel seats the whole thing is very
difficult to understand. It would seem like a comedy if folks
weren't so mad and excited about it. Some people think that
the guy in the star-spangled vest should sit down and figure^
out a happy ending.
Warning to pledges: fraternity
men agree that “a pat on the
back develops character—if ad
ministered young enough, often
enough, and low enough.”
—Reader's Digest
* * *
Alumni and student body mem
bers of UCLA, are requesting Oz
zie Nelson, currently singing with
his orchestra at the Casa Man
ana, to include UCLA’s “By the
Old Pacific's Rolling Waters” in
the album of college songs which
he recently made in the east.
—California Daily Bruin
At UCLA, with a view toward
more campus democracy, Student
Body Prexy Jim Devere invited
presidents of all organizations—
both University and social fra
ternities — to gather and talk
problems on executives’ day. At
Oregon, with so many politicians
under one roof, a new political
bloc would probably be formed.
This income tax minimum is
getting mighty low. We can justjll
hear some bum say: “Could you
spare me a nickel to pay my in
come tax.’’ —Daily Texan