Secretary Predicts Abundant Jobs Do you want a job? Miss Janet Smith, head of the University of Oregon employment agency, estimates that there will be plenty of work to go around for the three fourths of the stu dent body which earns part of its way through school. Last year students earned more than $200, 000, she said. The most important thing is to register as soon as possible. Close to1 100 students registered Wed nesday, and Miss Smith expects at| least 125 a day from now un til after school starts. The jobs are of all descrip tion—part time and odd jobs, aft ernoon and evening, Saturdays afld Sundays, on and off the cam pus. The small jobs often lead to better ones with better pay, ac cording to Miss Smith. .The employment office is lo cated in the Y. M. C. A. hut, just north of 13th, at 1225 Kincaid street. New Womens' Co-op Opens at 13th, Onyx A new co-op for girls at 13th and Onyx streets opened Satur day. The building, formerly used as a soeiology classroom, has been remodeled this summer into a living organization for girls. The co-op has living accommo dations for 32 girls and although school has not officially begun this quota has already been reached. Mrs. E. R. Smith, the new housemother, is expected to ar rive towards the end of the week when the house is completely fur nished and painted. Delores Davidson Dies Over Summer Vacation Delores Davidson, University of Oregon student and a member vjl a j p ii a Omega sorority, died this summer from a strepto coccus infection caused by an im pacted v/ i s d o m tooth. Miss Davidson was on the cam pus a year ago but remained out or sciiuui last year, jjictiiruiig eu return to the University this fall and continue her studies in the art school. Co-op Swells Staff During Busy Week To handle the expected pre school rush at least 35 extra per sons will be employed this week at the co-op store, M. F. McClain, manager, revealed Monday. This new group will augment the reg ular staff of 9, he said. About 18 of these persons will be employed to handle textbook sales. Beginning this week, the store will be open on regular school year schedule, opening at 8 a. m. and closing at 5:30 p. m. It will be open Saturdays. Manager Named Selected as layout production manager for the Oregon Emerald for the coming year is Helen Ray burn, a sophomore in art. Helen worked on the Emerald business staff last year and, according to Fred May, business manager, “turned out beautiful layouts.” She is well qualified to carry out the responsibilities of her new position, said May. Banking Headquarters for Oregon Students We welcome the accounts of all OREGON sons and daughters . . . . and place our complete facilities at your disposal. * Checking Accounts * Savings Accounts * Safe Deposit Boxes EUGENE BRANCH UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Welcome Students USED TEXTBOOKS We carry as near as possible a complete i line of used text books, all in good condition at a saving of 25 ; to 50/«, and will buy them back at the end of the term. GREETING CARDS A card for every occasion. New 1941 picture postcards of University build ings, sorority and fraternity houses. It is a pleasure to welcome you to the University of Oregon and Eugene, and our sincere hope that we may meet each one of you. Due to a fire in our old location on the corner it was necessary to move to our present site. We like it much better, and I am sure you will. In our new location we have reduced our overhead to such an extent, that it means the saving of dollars to you as the buyer and we the seller. We can now sell 1941 merchandise at 1940 prices. To all the students and faculty members, we wish you a most pleasant and profitable year. To the athletic teams and coaches, the best of luck in all of your games. Win or lose, we know you will give your all for the University of Oregon. Sincerely yours, Jack Schimberg Week-End Special ECONO-PAK Laundry Mailing Case.$1.19 SCHOOL SUPPLIES A full line of school supplies. Crested sta tionery from 35c up. Leather notebooks from $1.69 up. Can vas cover notebooks from 25c up. Filler paper at last year's prices. FOUNTAIN Fountain and booth service with the kind of a coke you will like. Starting Monday, Sept. 23, we serve breakfast rolls and cold sand wiches. Campus Book Store Across 13th Street from Sigma Chi