October 2 to See Initial Assembly The first all-campus assembly of the year is slated for Thurs day, October 2, with University President Donald M. Erb and ASUO President Lou Torgeson as speakers, 'Friday, October 10, will see Jay Allen, Oregon alumnus and wide ly-known foreign correspondent, speak on “My Trouble With Hit ler.” Mr. Allen recently spent Several months in a Nazi prison camp. Time taken by this assem bly will be made up Thursday, October 9, at 11 a.m., regular assembly hour. Clarence Streit, of “Union Now” fame, will speak Monday, October 13, at 11 a.m. Classes regularly scheduled for Monday will meet Thursday, October 16, at 11 a.m. Christians to Meet University Christian Union will begin fall activities with a frosh rally Friday night at 7:30 o’clock US'- Gerlinger’s AWS hall. Pro gram for the evening will provide a time for getting acquainted With new and old students, spe cial musical numbers, and an ad dress by Dr. Willard Aldrich of Vancouver. OUT FOR GOOD A bad knee last week perman ently benched Roy Dyer, Webfoot star back. Library to Conduct Two Tours Today Tours will be conducted today at 10:30 and 3 to acquaint new students with the library before school starts, it was announced Wednesday by Miss Findly, Uni versity librarian. If there is suf ficient demand, the tour will con tinue Friday, Saturday and throughout the following week. Frosty Nights Double Deckers Sleeping Porches Call for Flannelette! Cynthia Gowns 98c You’d never dream that such practical gowns could be so smart and pretty. Gay little bouquets scattered on pastel flan nelette, solid pastels, or combinations of prints and solid colors. Bias cut styles that fit beautifully, t r i m med with rick-rack, piping, lace or fringe . . . straight cut styles daintily trimmed with hemstitching. Choose several of these warm gowns now and be ready for winter! They’re priced, amaz ingly low at Penney’s. Sizes 15 to 20. 98c PAJAMAS if you prefer. Penney’s Main Floor Broadway and Willamette Ph. 2701. Oregana Business Head Tells Yearbook’s Value College year-books not only en dure in value; they actually in crease in value as time goes on, Emerson~Page” Oregana business manager, said recently in describ ing the 1942 annual. The' Oregana, which Page de clares will be the “world's best,” may be ordered at registration tables Friday and Saturday. Last year, he said, there were several persons who were not able to ob tain a copy of the book, because they did not place their orders early enough in the year. He ex plained that the great cost of printing so many pictures and so much color work made it im possible to print extra copies, unless there was a certainty of selling them. The price is $5. Persons buying athletic cards, however, will be allowed a $1 discount on the annual, he said. Krenk Plans Audition Of Freshman Talent Freshman talent for the Uni versity’s weekly radio program will be auditioned this week by M. A. Krenk, instructor in speech at the broadcasting room in the extension building. First year students who play an instrument, sing, or are inter ested in dramatic presentation are invited to see Mr. Krenk from 7 to 8 o’clock on Thursday and Friday evenings. The first radio program will be presented October 2 over the local station from 7:30 to S:30, according to Mr. Krenk. Especially noticeable durinug rush week: “Some people are like dictionaries — full of words but can’t say a thing.” —Amarillo Daily News SPEC//U TO STUDENTSl RENT A NEW t MACHINE (All standard makes) $3.00 per Month Buy Them or Rent Them .......... i UNIVERSITY 9CO-OP’ I Welcome Students Meet Our Products No health-giving meal is complete without DEPENDABLE DAIRY PRODUCTS OF QUALITY. We ask you to let our special campus drivers service your needs of GRADE A MILK . . . BUTTER . . . CHEESE . . . COTTAGE CHEESE and ICE CREAM. You will enjoy the extra richness and quality. Ice Cream Specialties and Fruit Punch for All Occasions. o • mmm* _ Eugene Farmers Creamery 568 Olive Street Phone 638