Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Monday, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of
Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second-class
matter at the postofflce, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC'., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York- Chicago—Bos
ton Los Angeles—San Francisco- Portland and Seattle._
FRED MAY, Business Manager
Aroi lI H.IJI iui\d; nai umcy, nriiy tnc »ngK>
Kay Schrick, Managing Editor
Hob Frazier, News Editor
Janies Thayer, Advertising Manager
Editorial and Easiness Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phones 3300
Extension: 382 Editor; 353 News Office; 359 Sports Office; and 354 Easiness Othces.
A Streamlined Emerald
A SKELETON staff took the Emerald out of its summer
^ moth halls last night. But the Emerald that greets first
of-the-year readers this morning is swept clean of all cobwebs
and moth balls. It is definitely new in every department.
The very modern headline type used for the first time today
was purchased during the summer months especially for the
1941-42 publication. One of the newest of the sans-serif types,
it is called Medium Condensed Bernhardt Gothic, and comes
from a famous old family of Gothic types. But the Emerald’s
face is in a condensed form more practical for headline writ
ing. Variety is provided with the italic type which is used for
# * *
/COMPLIMENTING the modernistic motif set by the new
^ headline type is the heavy script used for striking relief
from the straight Gothic lines in column heads and features.
It is called Kaufman bold.
This morning’s official introduction of the new face to Em
erald readers marks the first time since long before the publi
cation began five years ago to consistently mark up All-Ainer
iean ratings among college dailies, that a complete new dress
has been given the paper.
Headers and type experts alike have been enthusiastic about
the new type faces which greet the campus this morning. Read
ability, clearness, sparkle, and streamlining are the bases of
staff and reader endorsement.
There is little fanfare connected with introduction of the
campus to Volume XLIII of the Oregon Daily Emerald. But
that new group of publications has every indication of being
a volume of modern, streamlined portrayals of campus go
No Vacancies
T>Y 4 o’clock today pledge ribbons and pledge pins will be
proudly displayed on new fall sweaters of the T Diversity
of Oregon ’s 1941 pledge class.
Although Greek houses expect to take in about 690 rushees,
this is a minority of the population of the Webfoot cam
pus. Dorms alone can almost outnumber the fraternity men
and women.
Due to the democratic spirit at the University, the inde
pendents have an opportunity to find their place immediately
in campus clubs, honoraries, and scholastic achievements.
Without the benefit of being “pushed" by their “house
unaffiliated students have built up a record in activities and
scholarship that many fraternities and sororities cannot equal.
The organized men and women are feeling the pinch on
their houses more and more each year. During rush week
they struggle to put their “best foot forward and plant their
pins on as many as possible.
# # #
r | ''l IEY are often stymied by lack of housing room—a bug
bear that is a physical impossibility to improve. Women's
houses, with the ever-increasing number of girls flocking to
Oregon, are blocked by their “quotas” from taking all the
“gems.” This year 360 girls paid Pan-Hellenic dues. Soror
ities. because of lack of facilities, were only able to bid 290.
With Oregon’s enrollment soaring, the unaffiliated students
will undoubtedly find that their place on the campus will be
headed skvwards, too. —B. •). B.
Attention: Social Chairmen
Now Open for Reservations
and His
Fred McKinney, pianist
Formerly at the Casa Manana
Phone 4435-W for Reservations
Now that the leaves are be
ginning to fall like last term’s
GPA, and good ol’ rush-and-hush
week is ending, there’s just time
to wind up a few reflections from
vacationing Webfoots.
For instance, we visited ami
able Prexy Lou Torgeson while
he was a member of one of Port
land’s college boards, with a de
partment store degree, and asked
him “just what is the college male
wearing this year?” Lou
scowled just a little, answered,
“clothes . . . definitely clothes.”
It was one of those quiet sum
mer evenings during post-session
and we happened to pass the dor
mitory as another passerby, un
concerned as a sophomore, began
to sing aloud that “It’s a Long
Way to Tipperary.” He entered
the second climatic chorus when
from the hall came a voice sleep
ily asking, “Okeh, bud; we’ll take
your word for it.”
That Kappas pride and beauty,
Dorothy Havens, has ATO George
Van Pelt’s brass, a result of
summer rushing . . . that DU’s
Bob Lovell may contemplate dia
monds next spring . . . Redhaired
Margie Cole and Fiji Gil Geitner
are still thinking of the Two-Can
Live-as-Cheaply plan , . . Tri
Delt’s Bev Tobin, remindful of
one-eyer Veronica Lake, won't be
back . . . that Delt’s Lloyd Heca
thom has a beach named after
him near Newport . . . that Paul
Whiteman and orchestra may
have an engagement here soon
. . . that a new dance step called
“Boogie Beat” which requires
eight-to-the-bar footwork is on
its way in . . . Sigma Nu’s Don
Campbell is leaving shortly for
Boeing . . . that Marie Gable, Sig
ma Kappa, and Frank Albrecht
are alone together . . . that Lois
Fisher, Susie, still has her pin
from a secret admirer . . . that
Jonelle Melvin, AOPi, took The
taki Len Clark’s pin just before
leaving for school . . . that Elea
nor Beck is now president of Tri
Delt with ex-prexy Mary Mc
Adam’s marriage the reason why
29 E. 10th Ave.
The Largest
Stock of
and the Best
Service in
39 East 10th Avs
. . . that Californians Dave Ryan
and Jerry Staton are two good
reasons why Oregon’s coeds look
twice . . . that rumor has it that
there may be another campus mu
sical show this year as from
1939’s “With Fear and Trem
* * *
WEEK: “New tie?” “Naw, new
roommate,” at Taylor’s. At the
Side: “Don’t forget the glances;
we have to exchange them, you
know!” At the Lemon O: “She
may be as sweet as sugar, but
that’s no sign that she’s refined.”
At the Oregana: “He dances like
a sparrow; from limb to limb.”
* # *
Something to gulp over during
breakfast is this tidbit from the
University of Wisconsin saying
that the average coed uses
enough lipstick in one year to
paint two and one-half barns,
while it takes nearly 15,000 whis
kei’s to give an average sopho
more a Whiskerino beard. And,
of course, if you’re out for a
stroll, there’s that tree on the
promenade from Deady which
was struck by lightning this last
is Larry Clinton’s Bluebird disk
of “Let Me Off Town,” while
there’s a lot of comment about
Erskine Hawkin’s “Shipyard
Ramble,” with its “Hawkinized”
rhythm and brass sections. Due
soon are Victor disks with Artie
Shaw’s new 75-piece swing-sym
phony orchestra. Ziggie Elman’s
trumpet on T. Dorsey’s “Loose
Lid Special” . . . Ellington show
ing real blues in “I Got It Bad
and That Ain’t Good” . . . Glenn
Miller’s “Love Me as I Am” has
terrific tune.
jd GL&tf 0 0
A good harvest can send more
students to school than the ar
my, navy, and defense works
can take away. The University
of Nebraska attributes the in
creased number of men pledging
fraternities this year to the lfq^
of drouth and the good crops
the Middlewest had this season.
9H 5|s S|s
Note to rushees:
We who do
Just because we like to do
An we who coo
Because we like to coo,
But we who do
And we who coo
Just because it’s the thing
to do,
—California Daily Bruin.
❖ * *
War or no—SPAB dicta^a
must be disregarded the Univer
sity of Nebraska social chairman
ruled and coeds must wear silk
stockings to dances. We bet the
social chairman didn’t co-operate
with the aluminum drive, either.
* * *
The California Bear is borrow
ing a little of Hitler’s tactics for
mechanized warfare. They have
petitioned Berkeley’s “city dads”
for permission to erect a siren
near the big “C” to warn against
of the campus ... an all around sports
frock designed for action with its pearl
buttoned blouse of woven rayon jersey,
debonair with its flung-open collar and
smooth patch pockets. The swirling pan
eled skirt of Ki-Kasha Mix wool jersey
sports a belt in the same fabric. In tan and
natural, or grey and Oxford. Sizes 11 to 17.
Exclusively at
• Stiirt a charge account at Miller’s
now ... it s a convenient way to
manage your budget. . . . We have
so many of the things you’ll need.