Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 23, 1941, Image 1

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Pledges Dance
In Gerlinger
At 9 Tonight
Oliver Races Time
In Preparation
For Stanford
Depressions of a Rushee...or One Little Prepper and How He Grew
Generally speaking, methinks this rush-week stuff is
a racket.
I'm only a dumb frosh, I know. But I do think I have
made some observations up here this year that will
make me a wiser, if sadder, man hereafter.
Way back (1 year) when I was in high school, I
heard tales of the little girl who was dinged by one
sorority because she ate the wrong end of her salad.
I heard tales of innocent lambs who were rejected be
cause they didn’t smoke.
But despite all this, I forked over my ten bucks and
came up to Oregon for rush week. And I have had a lot
of fun?
The system seems to be this:
■♦you go into a house and are introduced to a lot of
smooth guys who aren’t just sure what your last name
was. They remember enough to call you “Joe,” and let
it go at that. You talk a bit about the war and the
weather and your major and your course and the good
and bad profs and then you say good-bye. As you leave,
one (or more) of them says something like this:
“Well, it's really been nice seeing you, and we hope
to see you again; ah, what did you say your name was?”
All of which will probably seem screamingly funny
in a year or two when the shoe is on the other foot. But
right now, it ain't.
Over at the dorm one of the boys has a clever way
of putting it. He says each morning, “Well, I guess I'll
go out and look over the international situation.” There
is always some dumb stooge who pipes up with “What
international situation?” And the clever guy says
"Rushin.” And then we all laugh. Not because we think
it's funny but because we are all more than a little nerv
ous and are trying to cover it up by acting suave like
the fraternity boys, and by having our little joke now
and then, too.
Sometimes the brother and sisterhood shown by the
members is rather startling. One house I know pledged
a person at the end of last year, but or.e of the mem
bers didn't remember the face, so she waltzed over to
the pledge and sweetly invited her to sign their guest
There was another Greek who saw one of the prize
rushees sitting on the davenport with two strangers.
That would never do. After buzzing around for a mo
ment trying to get another member to go over and en
tertain the prize rushce, it turned out that the two
strangers were alums.
Can I plant my pledge pin? Whenever I ask anybody,
they just laugh.
There are also stories about locking pledges in tho
closets and there are countless others of doubtful accu
racy. But I'm too smart to fall for all them. I'm just
the guy who believed everything all these boys told mo
about their houses.
Jay Allen, world famous for
eign correspondent, will come
“home” to the University of Ore
gon, his alma mater, October 10.
Allen to Speak
On Nazi Trials
The tribulations of a Nazi pris
oner will be revealed by Jay Al
1§^, foreign correspondent and
former Oregon student, when he
appears on October 10 as the
first assembly speaker before a
University audience this term.
Mr. Allen will speak at 10 a. m.
in Gerlinger hall.
Using as his topic, "My Trou
bles With Hitler,” Mr. Allen will
tell of his five months’ imprison
ment in occupied France this
year. He was arrested because
of crossing the border between
occupied and unoccupied France.
Mr. Allen left Eugene in 1923
and after working a year for the
Oregonian, went to Harvard. He
went to Europe in 1925, wThere
j|pr several years he was asso
ciated with the Chicago Tribune.
During the Spanish civil war he
was wounded when his car was
fired upon by the Fascists and
he was forced to return to the
United States.
More recently he has been in
Europe representing the North
American Newspaper Alliance,
securing interviews with Mar
shall Henri Petain, General Max
ime Weygand, and other French
officers before he was impris
oned by the Germans.
Before speaking at the Univer
sity Mr. Allen will appear at
Marshfield. At 1 p. m. he will
talk at Corvallis and then travel
gwcith on a lecture tour.
Mr. Allen was here three years
jyjo and spoke before the Oregon
press conference. He was former
ly a speaker for the New School
of Social Research. His wife, Ruth
Austin, also attended Oregon and
graduated in 1922.
Dean Stafford,
Noted Chemist,
Dies in Sleep
Dean Orin F. Stafford, 68, for
41 years a member of the Uni
versity faculty, died Wednesday
morning at his home. Besides be
ing active in his faculty work,
Dean Stafford was well-known in
community circles, especially in
his work with the Rotary club
and the Boy Scout movement.
Death, which came during
sleep, followed a brief illness, al
though the dean had not been
well for a number of years.
Dean Stafford came to Oregon
in 1900 as instructor in chemis
try. In 1902 he was named as
sistant professor, and in 1906 he
became professor of chemistry
and head of the department. In
1932 he was named dean of the
lower division and service de
partments, following the reor
ganization of the Oregon state
system of higher education.
Widely recognized as a chem
ist, he won fame for himself and
the University by his experiments
with “heavy water.” At the time
of his death, Dean Stafford was
engaged in experiments for the
United States government in con
nection with national defense. Ex
act nature of these experiments
could not be revealed.
(Please turn to page eight)
Oregana Will Hit Top,
Promises Staff for *42
Plans to make the 1942 Oregana second to none in the world, in
all respects, have moved ahead during the summer, according to
Emerson Page, business manager of the yearbook, who described
staff efforts to repeat the high ratings given the book year after year.
“The Oregana really has a national reputation,” Page said. “We
receive lettei’s from people and firms all over the United States de
Orin F. Stafford, "dean of low
er division and third oldest mem
ber of the University of Ore
gon faculty, passed away last
Freshmen Open Week’
As Ball Ends Rushing
Between dances this freshman week, new students will he initiated
into the way of life at Oregon.
Tonight sees the pledge dance, which marks the end of a hectic
rush week, and the beginning of a busy freshman week. The annual
president’s reception and Hello dance in McArthur court Saturday
night marks the end of freshman week.
The dormitories will be open to regular residents tomorrow, and
most persons who plan to live in
dorms, co-ops, or off-the-campus
boarding houses are expected to
return late this week. All Fresh
men, however, must be on the
campus tomorrow.
Physical examination of new
students begins today and con
tinues through the week until
completed. This examination is
required of all new students, re
gardless of class. Placement ex
aminations, also required of all
new students, will be given
Wednesday and Thursday. ,,
A photograph of all incoming
students will be taken exactly
two days after the physical ex
amination, at the same time as a
check-up, required after the ex
amination, has been taken.
President Donald M. Erb will
welcome incoming students at an
assembly in the Music audito
rium at 7:30 p. m. Wednesday.
There will be an ASUO assembly,
at which campus leaders will be
introduced, in the Music audito
rium Thursday at 7:30 p. m.
Faculty advisers will be in their
offices all day Thursday, and
new students are advised to con
sult with them before registra
tion Friday and Saturday.
Westminster house, Wesley
house, and the Y. W. C. A. will
be open from 3 to 5 p. m. today
to Saturday for rest and relaxa
tion. Tea will be served to enter
ing students at Westminster
house from 2 to 5 p. m. Wednes
day. Information headquarters
will be open in Johnson hall from
Wednesday through Saturday.
siring Oreganas for their collec
tions and libraries,' he added.
The Oregana has won “All
American'' ratings in 1937, 1930,
and 1940. In 1936 it received the
coveted “Pacemaker’’ award, and
the First Class Honor rating in
1938. No rating has been made
yet for the 1941 book.
The cover and natural-color
section pages have already been
completed, Bishop reported, and
many of the layouts have been
finished. Each of the photographs
was done late last spring and
this summer.
Persons interested in working
on the new year-book are asked
to see either Page or Wilbur
Bishop, editor, in McArthur
court. Plans are under way for
a large staff meeting next week.
Frosh Lament
Rush week, assemblies,
Unpacking, oh Buddy,
I’ll be glad for the time
When I just have to study.
—J. W. S.
Cecil Snyder recently took over
duties at the University News
Bureau. He will temporarily re
place George Godfrey, who is
working as a defense assistant
in Portland.
‘See Advisers,
Save Trouble’,
Freshmen Told
Freshmen and new undergrad
uates are urged to consult with
their advisers before registra
tion day to avoid the confusion
and misunderstandings that often
ta,ke place at University regis
tration, according to L. K. Shu
maker, director of the lower di
vision advisory group.
This policy has been followed
in recent years. Mr. Shumaker
said, and has brought favorable
results throughout. He pointed
out that there have been fewer
changes of major by students,
who have consulted their advis
er before registration than by
students who picked their courses
blindly or with the hasty help of
a harried adviser at the regis
tration tables.
Citing the necessity of con
sultations of this sort, Mr. Shu
maker observed that we "may as
well teach football by having the
players read the Spalding rules,
as have a student plan his edu
cation by simply reading a uni
versity catalog.’’
He urged students interested
in "taking the curse out" of reg
istration to see him first in
Room 6, Friendly hall, and then
talking to an adviser whom lie
will recommend. In previous
years most of the students who
have consulted him before reg
istration have been from out of
the state, "sometimes with par
ents, sometimes not."
Snyder Will Head
UO News Bureau
Cecil C. Snyder was recently
appointed acting director of the
University News bureau to re
place George Godfrey, who is oa
leave of absence with the state
defense savings bond committee
in Portland.
Snyder’s appointment was ap
proved by the state board of
higher education, President Don
ald M. Erb announced. He will
also serve as acting assistant pro
fessor of journalism and acting
information assistant to the
state board of higher education,
working through the office of
Chancellor Frederick M. Hunter,
A graduate of the University,
Snyder did his major work in
journalism, completed the course
in 1931, and later did graduate
work. He received a master of
arts degree in 1934.