Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, August 09, 1941, Image 1

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U. S. Postage
Eugene, Oregon
Permit No. 131
Mighty Oregon’ Rallies
At Mid-Summer Jantzen Frolic
Daily to Have ‘New Deal*
For First Autumn Issue
^Emerald Gets
Complete Fall
Swank Type and
Makeup to Greet
Webfeet Sept. 1
It will be an entirely new
Emerald that greets Webfoot
^'readers on the first day of Sep
tember publication, with four
progressive changes in “dress”
promised by Editor Helen Angell.
1. Complete new head type of
the very new medium con
densed Bernhardt Gothic.
2. All new feature type of
Kaufman bold, a heavy modern
script type.
3. Tabloid size starting fall
4. New nameplate to harmon
ize with the modern type.
The Bernhardt Gothic type is
modern version of the old
tfptandby of printers, condensed to
fiuch a degree that it gives better
readability, neater appearance,
and greater facility in headline
writing than any of the other
Bernhardt productions. Italic
type has also been purchased in
this type face for page harmony.
In keeping with the modern ap
pearance of the page is the Kauf
man script, which offers sharp con- .
trast to the straight lines of the
Gothic type. It will be used for
feature headlines and editorial
page material.
The decision to use a tabloid,
or half-size, form for the Emerald
was made after a thorough in
vestigation of the tabloid versus
regular size problem had been
made by the publication’s edi
torial board, Miss Angell said.
The new nameplate has not yet
been chosen, but will be created
especially for the Emerald to fit
n with the new head types.
Godfrey Accepts
Defense Bond Post
Deputy administrator of the
defense savings staff is the new
title of George Godfrey, recently
granted a year's leave of ab
,enee from the University. Mr.
Godfrey resigned as director of
,the University news bureau to
accept his new position.
Working with Ray Conway,
"0'ed Gamble, and Palmer Hoyt,
Godfrey's new job is in connec
tion with the nation-wide defense
bond campaign. He has been sta
tioned in Portland since the mid
lie of July.
Portland’s 1941 Rose Festival queen, Her Majesty Betty Jane Harding
(center), gets an official welcome to Oregon from Les Anderson and
Nancy Riesch, Portland federation workers. Betty plans to enter the
University in September.
It’s up to these coke-drinking collegians to see that the Jantzer, Beach
rally is a success. Portland students of the University, they are
directing Federation work there this summer. From left to right,
the committee includes Marge Dibble, a prospective student, Mary
Robinson, Ann Reynolds, Nancy Riesch, and Bill Rickman.
Campus Buildings
Damaged bg Fire
Two campus buildings, the
College Side Inn and the Alpha
Delta Pi sorority house were
damaged by fire during the be
ginning week of the summer
The College Side, a rendezvous
for students and traditional land
mark, was considerably damaged
by a fire which originated with
faulty wiring. Summer-session
students were routed from the
booths during the dinner hour
What’s In The Paper Today
News .1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 15, 16
Editorials . 6
Women’s Page .13
Sports .10, 11
by smoke and fire hoses.
The building, which includes
the Campus Book shop, several
offices and an apartment, was
partially covered by insurance,
and there are plans for remodel
Defective wiring was also the
cause of the Alpha Delta Pi fire.
Damage was not extensive, in
juring only the back portions of
the house. Reconstruction will be
completed immediately.
August 19 Set as Date
For Ninth Annual
Duck Family Picnic
Prospective Students to Be Honored
At Portland Dance, Program. Lunch;
Johnny 'Scat' Davis Scheduled to Play
A pre-season glimpse of col
lege rally spirit is on the fire
for Oregon Ducks and pro
spective Ducklings Tuesday,
August 19, when 4000-strong
they flock to Jantzen beach park
for their ninth annual picnic and
Undergraduates, alumni, pro
spective students, dads, and
mothers are expected to attend
the free picnic dinner and rally
dance. The picnic lunch, schedul
ed from 6:00 to 7:30 near the
park lagoon, will be followed by
a rally program at the bandstand
and dance in the canopied ball
room of the park.
M.C.'d by Jim Davidson, vet
eran campus ad libber, the eight
o’clock rally program at the
bandstand will be headed by Bill
Bishop, whose tricks of magic
were a featured part of 1941
Junior Weekend. Of particular in
terest to parents and sport fans
will be the appearance of Tex
Oliver, Oregon football coach,
and Hobby Hobson, basketball
Dr. Erb to Greet
Dr. Donald M. Erb, University
president, will be on hand to
greet the ralliers, and ASUO
Prexy Lou Torgeson will wel
come old and new to the picnic.
Carrying out the musical tradi
tion of any Oregon rally, campus
trios from sorority and fraternity
houses will sing classic campus
songs. A surprise feature is on
the intermission slate.
Johnny “Scat” Davis, leading
coast orchestra director, will
satisfy hep-cats and waltzers
with music forecasting the com
ing fall tingle of college spirit.
Invitations to the picnic, spon
sored by the Oregon Mothers,
Dads, Alumni Association, ASUO,
and the University Federation,
have been issued to over 15,000
Oregon fans throughout the state.
Free Tickets
Ticket booths in Meier and
Frank, Lipman Wolfe, Charles F.
Berg’s and Bedell’s will distribute
free tickets to students, alumni,
and would-be students who have
not received invitations by mail.
Tickets are also available at the
Portland branch office of the
Oregon Federation, room 401,
Oregon building.
Oregon Dads and Mothers clubs
have been working for weeks to
plan ways to feed the thousands
of fans expected to attend. Work
ing with the Dads and Mothers
on the picnic dinner is Bette
Morfitt. Food committee chair
men are Dean Vincent, president
of Portland Dads; Joseph Riesch,
Oregon Dads president; Mrs.
Curtis Gardner, Portland Mothers
president, and Clarence Codding,
president of Portland alumni.
Students working with the
Oregon Federation on the picnic
committee are Don Walker, gen
eral chairman; Ann Reynolds,
publicity; Virginia James, regis
tration; and Pete Lamb, decora
Religion Head
Is Oxford Man
Rhodes Scholar
To Teach Here
Dr. Paul Means, professor of
* English and director of public
relations at the College of Puget
Sound for the past two years,
will replace Dr. James R. Bran
ton as head of the religion de
partment this fall.
A graduate of Yale in 1915,
Dr. Means was named a Rhodes*
scholar from Nebraska. He re
ceived his degree at Oxford in
1923 and was awarded his doctor
of philosophy degree at Columbia
in 1934.
Dr. Means is a recognized;
authority on oriental religion®
having lived in the East 8 years/.
His training includes educational
work in Medan, Sumatra, mis
sionary experience in Singapore,
and religious training in Mar
burg, Germany, and Oxford, Eng
His doctor’s thesis, “The Thing®
That Are Caesar’s”, was pub
lished in 1934 by the Round
Table Press and was awarded
the honor of religious "book of
the month”.
The retiring head, Dr. Bran
ton, resigned to accept another
Oriental Problems
New Major Course
Growing American interest iit
the Orient is the basis of a new
major course for University stu
dents dealing with “Pacific Basia
Studies,’’ slated to unify Oregon’*
various lower and upper divisiott
courses in Oriental problems.
Dr. Harold J. Noble, associate
professor of history, has beea
named chairman of the faculty
committee in charge of the new
major field. Dr. Noble is a spe
cialist\in the field of Oriental
history, having lived and studiedl
most of his life in China and
The new major will weave into
a unit present University course*
in Far Eastern geography, an-*
thropology, Professor Zane’s art
course in “Civilization and Art
Epics,” Oriental history, and a
course in Japanese language.
Students who wish to work oa
on the Emerald are asked to con
tact the Editor, offices on the
ground floor, Journalism build