Fresh strawberries for that special dinner. We have a full stock of garden products fresh as the day they were grown. Old Fashion Short Cake Chicken Pies Salads — Picnic Lunches Elliott’s Grocery Phone 95 Corner 13th and Patterson We give S. & II. Green Trading Stamps THANKS Webfoots! P OR* a wonderful year in associ ating with you, your friends and your activities. We hope that we have imparted a bit of our appreciation and grati tude in our quality and service during the year. To those of you who are leav ing school this spring—best of luck . . . and those of you who are coming back next fall we wish you a most pleasant vaca tion . . . thanks to you all. 200 Rooms 160 Baths Coffee Shop Dining Room * Dinner Dancing RALPH KRUSE, Manager Eugene Hotel . Air Hostess Jobs Open to Women Upper-class women who speak fluent Spanish are eligible for po sitions in the air hostess depart ment of the Braniff airways, Love field, Texas. Applicants must be single women having acceptable grades. Other requirements are: height of 5 feet 2 inches to 5 feet 4 inches, weight of 100 to 118 pounds, perfect physical condi tion, unquestionable family back ground, irreproachable character, pleasant personality, poise, self confidence, tact, diplomacy, and ability to deal with people. Prospective hostesses must take a two-weeks’ training course, during which they are given an expense allowance of $2.50 a day. Hostesses receiving appointment are on a six-months probationary basis and must agree to remain with the com pany at least one year if services are satisfactory. Further information may be obtained at the office of the dean of women. DSR Initiates Two At Tuesday Meeting Lois Nordling and Rendel All dredge were initiated into Delta Sigma Rho, speech honorary, Tuesday evening. Qualifications for the honor ary call for upper division stand ing and outstanding work on the symposium or debating team. Election of officers took place with the initiates voted in as leaders of the organization. All dredge was named president and Miss Nordling will be secretary. Following the ceremony, W. A. Dahlberg, assistant professor of speech, invited members to his home for a steak dinner. HELD OVER! “The Flame of New Orleans’’ with MARLENE DIETRICH and BRUCE CABOT Three N ew Ideas for your House MODERNIZE NOW_ Draperies Brighten up your house with new draperies! Tliey will put new life and action into an oth erwise drab room. Call on us today for a view of our new samples. Venetian Blinds The modern way is with Venetian blinds. You'd be surprised at tlie ex tra brightness they give to a room. They look well besides controlling the light in a room. Call on us today for an estimate. Upholstering A re-upholstered chair will do wonders to make the rooms in vonr house look like new! We specialize in com plete renovation, new stuffings, restyling and repairing, and custom tailoring! Home Decorations 77 E. Bdwy. Phone 286 GOING PLACES? When you plan YOUR VACATION include ACCIDENT INSURANCE to prevent an upset in your vacation finances. Protection from one month to a year. FRANK E. SENN TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO. 236 Miner Building Phone 4270 NEED NEW LUGGAGE? Drop in and see us today. We have just the leather travelling goods you will need for your trip home and your vacation this summer. Preston & Hales 875 Willamette Phone 6G5 .■■ -M— I ■■■ ’ ■ —’ _ ■ ■ ■■■■ ■ NEW SEASON — NEW EYEWEAR If you have owned your present glasses for quite some time, drop in today for an eye examination. Or, if you have been bothered by headaches lately, see us for an examination. A\ e will fit you with glasses styled to fit your personality. Be sure that your eyes are examined by a registered optometrist.