Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1941, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Phi Beta Kappa
Awards Keys
To 12 'Brains'
Delzell, Treadgold
Make Top Honors
In GPA Selections
Spring elections to Phi Beta
Kappa, national scholastic hon
orary society, were held Monday,
May 12. Twelve students were
deemed outstanding enough in
scholarship and activities to wear
the Phi Beta “key.”
Those who will be initiated into
the society are: Charles Delzell,
history; Wallace White, business
administration; Orva Aebi, edu
cation; Edith Oglesby, journal
ism; Marion Narvis, journalism;
Lucy Edwards, English; Eunice
Edwards, psychology; Genevieve
Treadgold, business administra
tion; Lauretta Crocker, English;
Janet Goresky, German; Norma
Johnson, business administration;
Mary Godfrey, German.
Delzell Tops
Top honors for GPA cumula
tive go to Charles Delzell, who
has averaged 3.96 for the last
five terms, and 3.76 during the
entire time he has been in school.
To Donald Treadgold, top
sophomore student on the cumu
lative GPA list to date, was
awarded Phi Beta Kappa’s prize
of $25 in books. Treadgold is a
social science major.
Banquet Set
Initiation and banquet have
been set for Saturday, May 24.
Professor George E. Taylor, head
of the department of oriental
studies at the University of Wash
ington, will be the speaker. His
topic is “The Crisis in American
Policy in the Orient.” The re
mainder of the program will be
announced later.
The Senior Six, elected fall
term to Phi Beta Kappa include
Benson Mates, Jack Powers, Aida
Brun, Ray Hewitt, Nanette
Schmuki, and Florence Kinney.
Jim Frost Outlines
Platform Over Radio
Jim Frost, candidate for ASUO
president, outlined briefly the
main planks in his platform last
night in a five-minute radio
speech over station KORE.
Frost wont on record favoring
a merit system for campus ap
pointments and advocating an
amendment to the constitution
stipulating it.
Student union plans and selec
tion of the site should be hurried
to completion, Frost said, with
students given a deciding vote in
its location.
Lon Clark introduced the “dark
horse” of today’s election.
PiKAs Receive
Jilt From Gods
Of Float Power
No shivering freshmen slith
ered into the water Saturday to
guide canoe fete floats past the
grandstands, but behinds the
scenes swimmers still were need
ed. Behind the water screen were
10 Pi Kappa Alpha frosh having
a wet time of it bringing floats
down to the end of the greased
rope to be hooked on.
Float after float the boys
brought down the millrace and
float after float glided past the
audience in Arabian beauty. Then
came the moment when their own
float, the Pi Kaps’ pride, would
begin its voyage.
The float was a huge giant 15
feet high leaning on a castle 10
feet high. The giant would just
go under the top of the water
It went under—and so did the
rest of the float as the whole
structure toppled over and fell
into the mill-race.
Polls to Open
(Continued from page one)
Candidates for sophomore posi
tions are: Roger Dick, Chuck
Woodruff, and Oglesby Young.
The name of Janet Farnham,
candidate for junior position, will
appear on the ballot, although
she declared last night she had
Mortar Board
Spruce Up!
May 17 is the (late you
want to look your best.
Your appearance will
mean a lot to HER when
she takes you to Mortar
Make sure that every
thing is right by sending
your clothes to us to be
cleaned. The right serv
ice at the right price.
Phone 825
‘Service Our Motto’
839 High St.
Wanted at Once
Let’s Face Facts. 1. The country needs and must
have airplanes. ‘2. The industry needs and must have
trained workers. Do YOU want a place in this
rapidly expanding industry?
If you are over 18 years native horn white citizen
perhaps you can qualify for this work.
Anderson Schools of Los Angeles have placed thous
ands in Los Angeles County plants and are now
enrolling men in this area for entrance after school.
If accepted you will PAY
Full Tuition After Placement
in small pavments starting 30 davs after you are
on the job. NO. JON NO. PAY.
See Mr. Johns at 09 West Broadway at once and
find out if YOU meet the qualifications for this
Illinois to Fete
President Erb
Oregon Chieftain
Will Receive Title
'Honored Alumnus'
Dr. Erb will be named “hon
ored alumnus of the Univer
sity of Illinois college of com
merce and business administra
tion, at a ceremony to be held in
Urbana May 15, it was announced
here today, on receipt of a letter
from Charles M. Thompson, dean
of the college.
Last year the custom of hon
oring distinguished alumni was
begun, when three names, Law
rence F. Larson, ’03, Carl R. Gray,
Jr., ’ll, and Harold Boeschen
stein, ’20, were put on a plaque.
The college now has more than
17,000 alumni.
The persons so honored are
given testimonials signed by stu
dents and faculty. Dean Thomp
son has invited President Erb to
be present in person to receive
the honor, but it is doubtful if
he will be able to attend.
Dr. Erb graduated from the
University of Illinois in 1922.
To Vote
Mark your choices with num
bers only. (Do not use X marks).
Put the figure (1) in the square
opposite the name of your first
Put the figure (2) opposite the
name of your second choice, the
figure (3) opposite the name of
your third choice, the figure (4)
opposite the name of your fourth
choice, and so on until the whole
number of names have been
marked in the order of your pref
erence. You may express as many
choices as you please.
Do not put the same number
opposite more than one name.
If you tear or aeface or wrong
ly mark the ballot, return it and
obtain another one.
You cannot injure the chances
of those you prefer by marking
lower choices for others. The
more choices you express, the
surer you are to make your bal
lot count for one of them, but do
not feel obliged to express more
choices than you really have.
□ Joe Soap
□ Ivory Soap
□ Soft Soap
□ Shampoo
□ Killer Diller
□ A1 K. Hall
□ Green Goose
□ Ward Heeler
Gallery to Present
Exhibit Thursday
Divided into three main groups
—still life, potraits, and land
scapes, and exhibition entitled
Twenty Twentieth Century Painc
ings, brought to the University
through the educational activ
ities board, will be put on display
in the little gallery of the Art
building, Thursday.
Most of the important move
ments in Twentieth Century
painting are illustrated—impres
sionism, various forms of expres
sionism, cubism, and abstract art
as well as sureralism and some
examples of work of the untaught
Among the American and
European artists included in the
exhibition are: Bonnard, Braque,
Brook, Derain, Dickinson, Dix,
Ernst, Gris, Kantor, Kopman,
Modigliani, Roy, Soutine, Spen
cer, Tanguy, Utrillo, Vivin, Vla
minck, and Weber.
KKG. Phi Delts Win
Kappa Kappa Gamma and Phi
Delta Theta won the silver tro
phy for the best float in the mock
canoe fete Friday afternoon with
their interpretation of Desert
Emerald Classified Ads.
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch.
Frequency rate (entire term) : •
35c per column inch one time a week,
34c per column inch twice or more a
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day
of insertion.
• Cleaning
643 E, 13th Phone 317
• Exchange & Loan
of value
Eugene Exchange
& Loan Co.
Eugene’s Only
695 Willamette
• Loans, Insurance
Real Estate
80 10th Ave. West
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Don’t Throw TTsed Clothes
We will give you
CASH for them
740 Willamette
•For Sale
1939 Plymouth DeLuxe Business
Coupe. Excellent condition.
Low mileage. Will sacrifice for
cash. Some trade. Phone 4263-J.
• Lost and Found
Claim at Depot, foot of Univer
sity street.
6 Prose
4 Social Science
2 History of Europe
3 Composition
5 English Essentials
3 Literature
10 Looseleaf Notebooks
8 Notebooks
1 Philosophy
4 German Books
1 Nutrition
1 Business Correspondence
1 Business Law
2 Accounting
1 Shakespeare
1 Elementary Economics
1 Military Science
1 Accounting Workbook
1 Applied Geometry
1 Psychology
We, Lindbergh
The Flying Carpet, Halltbur
Weather, Talman
Mathematics of Investment
Outline Shakespeare’s Plays
1 Church manual
1 Coin purse
1 Green Kodak
2 Rings
1 Pair fur mittens
I pair glasses
II pair glasses in cases
1 green coin purse
1 Slide Rule
16 Pens
12 Eversharps
1 Debate Pin
3 Girls’ hats
7 Men’s hats
7 Umbrellas
2 Leather jackets
2 Slickers
1 Black Overcoat
2 Raincoats
1 Tweed jacket
1 Sweater
1 Bible
There is a 5c recovery fee.
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