Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 10, 1941, Men's Edition, Page Two, Image 2

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    UO Mothers Will Meet
Today for a Business
turn suuitu mcci at a.rtd
the Guild theater of Johnson hall.
Mrs. Herbert M. Clark, president
of the Oregon Mothers, will pre
Scholarship discussion and elec
tion of new officers will be the
main business at the mothers’
meeting, it was understood last
night. The session will be over
by 12:30 in time for lunch in
campus living organizations.
For their benefit a campus tour
will be conducted at 2 p.m. At
this time mothers will be shown
major points of interest on the
The Sunlight Serenade at 4
p.m. at the Music building will
feature music by the University
band, winners of living organiza
tion song contests, and the Delt
quartet, baritone Les Ready, and
an a cappella chorus. The concert
will be held outside.
The annual Mothers’ banquet
at 5:30 in Gerlinger will be one
of the highlights of the day. Gov
ernor and Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague will be introduced at the
banquet as will other University,
state, and mothers’ and dads’ no
tables. ‘
A special mothers’ program will
be broadcast over KOAC from
7 to 8. Among those on the pro
Campus Sweaters
You can rest assured
that when you send
your sweaters to us
for cleaning, they
will he returned
looking just like
new. Our driver calls
daily on the campus.
Superior Work and
Sendee—We Prove It
gram are: W. A. Dahlberg, as
sistant professor of speech; Jo
seph F. Riesch, president of the
Oregon Dads, Margaret Zimmer
man and Martha K. Moore, musi
cians; Edgar C. Smith, member
of the state board of higher edu
cation; University President Don
ald M. Erb; Sigurd Nilssen, pro
fessor of voice; and Miss Maude
Garnett, assistant professor of
public school music. Miss Garnett
will lead group singing of
“Mighty Oregon” to end the pro
Five men’s groups will sere
nade women’s houses at 10:30
p.m. Both men’s and women’s
mothers will be special guests at
women’s houses.
The new board of directors and
officers will breakfast with old
members in the regents room of
John Straub Memorial at 8:30
Sunday to discuss group plans for
the coming year.
Most Eugene churches have
planned special Mothers’ day ser
vices at 11 a.m. Dinner in cam
pus living organizations will be
at 1.
Sweat Rolling
Off Male Heads
Dampened the
endeavors of the Junior Week
end director ate at their last
meeting as they strove to finish
up final details of the festival.
So much sweat, it appears, that
their minds were drowned by
their efforts.
For, after the busy, busy meet
ing was over and they adjourned
for cokes, a bull-session, the boys
began comparing notes. “We’ve
got to get dates for some of the
local non-Don Juans who have
just got to be at the prom,’’ they
worried with wolfish grins.
• “Hold on there! Just a minute.
Dates! M’gosh, we’ve got to get
dates for the Prom! And not just
for other guys, either!’’ Shocked
eyelids lifted over bloodshot eye
A quick Gallup poll was taken
and the results were an Arabian
Nightmare. Of the 10 members
of the directorate only one, the
piggin’ marvel Jim Carney, had a
date for the Prom, at which all
of them will have to appear. In
the rush of events the other nine
had forgotten completely about
this “minor” matter.
UO Mothers
(Continued from page one)
Mrs. Herbert M. Clark, Portland,
She also announced that the
new $200 mothers’ scholarship
raised from the interest from
Modern Storage
Fire, Theft, Moths
Wright’s Furriers
0 West 8th Phone 377
Of the Piano
concerto through the past 150
years will be offered in an enter
taining demonstration next Tues
day night at 8 o’clock in the mu
sic auditorium of the University
of Oregon school of music in a
program presented by students of
George Hopkins, composer and
professor of piano.
Highlight of the recital is ex
pected to be the premiere per
formance of Mr. Hopkins’ “mod
em American composition for
two pianos,” aptly titled “Trans
The program is open to the
public. Opening the group of
selections will be the first move
ment of Beethoven’s “Concerto
in C Minor,” played by Dorothy
Gelman, followed by the first
movement of Schumann’s “Con
certo in A Minor,” played by Em
ery Hobson. Marian Isted will be
heard in performance of the sec
ond movement of “Concerto in
G Minor” by Mendelssohn.
Grieg’s “Concerto in A Minor,”
first movement, will be performed
by Jane Partipilo, and the first
movement of MacDowell’s “Con
certo in D Minor” will be offered
by Leone LaDuke. Laurel Burg
graf will be heard in the second
movement of “Concerto in G
Major” by Ravel. The “Trans
continental” will conclude the
The orchestral accompaniment
for each number will be played
by Mr. Hopkins.
the loan fund will be named after
Mrs. E. C. Peetz, past president
and a member who has pushed
the mohers’ scholarship drive.
A tea sponsored by the Asso
ciated Women Students, the
YWCA, and the Eugene Mothers’
club was held in Gerlinger yes
terday afternoon.
After the Last
Float Goes
the millrace tonight and the last
Arabian antic has been pulled off,
mothers visiting on the campus
and their daughters will go to
the various women’s living or
ganizations where they will be
serenaded by five campus fra
ternities. Men will take their
mothers to any women’s living
organization and leave them there
for the serenading.
Fraternities which will do the
singing and the houses they will
serenade are as follows:
Sigma Nu: Alpha Phi, Gamma
Phi Beta, and Hilyard house.
Theta Chi: Delta Delta Delta,
Highland house, and Sigma
Beta Theta Pi: Zeta Tau Alpha,
Hendricks hall, Susan Campbell
hall, and Chi Omega.
Phi Delta Theta: Alpha Omi
cron Pi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Gamma Delta, and Kappa Alpha
Delta Tau Delta: Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Delta Gamma, and Al
pha Chi Omega.
Alpha Tau Omega: University
house, Pi Beta Phi, and Alpha Xi
If rain does not come today or
tomorrow this will be the 28th
canoe fete in which it has not
Junior Weekend
Here Again
Everything in Hardware
Bdwy. & Oak St. Ph. 670
Proceeds From
Mothers’ Day
add another bit toward Oregon’s
student union building, according
to Phyllis Sanders, chairman.
All profit from the dollar-a
plate meal will be added to the
erection fund as the Class of ’42’s
contribution to the union, Miss
Sanders said.
In order to contribute a larger
sum, Miss Sanders has arranged
for student waiters to donate
their services and to eat at their
own respective organizations.
Three shifts of banquet work
ers will break up the duties for
the dinner with an 11 o’clock
group setting tables, 4:30, table
setting, and 5 o’clock, serving.
Pat Salisbury and Greg Deck
er are in charge of the women
and men servfers.
Savings Tell
the Story
Thrift is hard to prove by
word of mouth. But your
savings pass book will be
Eugene Branch
of the
United States
National Bank
of Portland
Member Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation
May 5 to 1 I
This week the restaurants of Eugene are
co-operating- with thousands of other res
taurants throughout the United States in
WEEK. The purpose of this event is to
educate the public on the delights, the
convenience, and the economy of eating
in the establishments listed on this page.
Especially prepared menus are offered as
special inducements for you to further
enjoy “eating out” this week.
The, Falcon
Across from the Men’s Dorms
Big Apple Cafeteria
1249 Alder
Chiaramonte’s Cafe
Greyhound Bus Depot
Christiansen’s Dairy Store
149 E. Broadway
Grand Cafe
124 E. 11th
Del Rey Cafe
845 'Willamette
Eugene Bakery Coffee Shop
36 E. Broadway
Eugene Hotel Coffee Shop
Eugene Hotel
Fenwick’s Coffee Shop
Lane Hotel
McCrady’s Cafe
878 'Willamette
Richfield Cafe
6th and Olive
White Palace Cafe
47 E. 10th
Rex Cafe
92 W. 8th
Robinson’s Cafe
550 E. 13th