Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1941, Page Six, Image 6

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By KEN C HRISTIANSON, Co-Editor of Sports
Oregon students will have a chance to put their fingers
in the selection of the R. A. Babb trophy Thursday at the
same time that the Oregon executive council is chosen.
The Babb trophy is a plaque given this year for the first
time to the outstanding graduating Oregon athlete who
has shown athletic excellence, team inspirational qualities,
a “C” average scholastically, and self reliance during his
terms at school.
Printed on the ballots with the names of the nominees to the
executive council will also be the names of 19 graduating
senior athletes. Those are: football—Bob Blenkinsop, Frank
JTmnons, Filing Jacobsen, Len Isbcrg. and Marsh Stenstrom;
basketball—Bob Anet and John Dick; swimming—A1 Sandner
juuf Jim Marnie; wrestling—Hal Kascliko; baseball—Toni
Cov, Fete Igoe, and Jack Shimshak; track—Boyd Brown, Bob
Keen, and Flile Reber; tennis—Len Clark; golf—Bob Engelke
and diet Keller.
This list will be pared to a smaller number by the stu
dents and the final list will be sent to members of the
committee for the selection who will pick three names for
the trophy. Points will be awarded on a 5-3-1 basis in this
voting by the committeemen. In this way it is hoped that
the selection will be made by fair means—fair to all the
The plaque will be presented at a dinner of the Order of
tlie “0” May IT or 18 if the returns are in. Mr. Babb, donor
ot the trophy, will be asked to present the award at this time.
Washington Less to Be Feared
Washington’s baseball team nq longer looms as a big “bogey
mao” to tlie other teams in the northern division. The Huskies
bad been reckoned a dark horse at the start of the race. Other
clubs—notably Oregon and Oregon State—trembled when the
[Washington’s hacked off four wins to start tlie season, then
came the revealing Oregon 8tate - Washington series. 080
smacked Washington twice, and Oregon slugged them once
Washington State players explained the opener at
Seattle against the Huskies when they were here Wed
nesday and Thursday. Washington won that first game,
14 to 6 or some such score, The Cougars made 11 errors—
nearly all of them accounted for Husky runs. Now Wash
ington is shown in a more nearly true light. It lacks Ore
gon’s power at the plate and hasn’t a much stronger
pitching staff. Sierer and Jorgensen seem the most effec
tive on the mound in games thus far. Oregon will see one
O', both perform, today.
Leiicht Moves
I roii "my weakest team in 39 years,’’ Colonel Bill Hay
ward’s track team lias come to he an element to be reckoned
with in the northern division. Jack Leielit, football halfback
tumod sprinter, has helped immeasurably in strengthening
the squad. Leielit turned in a time of :09.7 in the 100 which
Wi>i just slightly poorer than Pat llaley’s record-setting :09.G.
Hcii'ht ha^ been out about three weeks, give him another two
weeks and he will make it. interesting for Messrs. Haley, Smith,
and Qvale in the northwest.
Bill Regner, football end, lias improved vastly in the
discus. In the Washington meet he threw the discus platter
some 122 feet. His mark against WSC was 134 feet 7*4
inches. He tossed it 142 the other day and may work the
kink out of his arm soon so that he will be flipping it 152
feet as he did when a freshman. Ray Dickson has improved
Oregon's strength in the hurdles and the broad jump.
Ke jumped 23 feet 6 inches the first time he came out a
week ago, since then he hasn't fared so well. Saturday he
v on the event at 22 feet 8 inches.
Short Shots
Tidbits 1 »u**k Berry i- .-.till the power hitter on Oregon’s
nine hast rear he hit a oool .429, which dropped this year to
.‘2% until yesterday. Today he liit> .322 with 10 hits in 31
tii ie- at hat. .Seven of those hits are extra-base clouts which
mean- run- hatted in.
Pick John Bubalo on your pitching staff for the Inland
Empire trip. Bubalo is the most versatile man on the team.
Chuck Clifford suffered a cleat cut last week, and Bubalo
f ts in at first base for a few innings. In high school he
played every position on the team except pitcher, now' it
aoems that he’ll get his chance on the mound,
t >oh Keen, Oregon’> senior sprinter and senior class prexy,
ti t nod in a :09.9 Century Saturday against WSC. That was
mu of h s best 10Ck In the 220 he came through with a :21.8—
I best dust a flyer on tie* run—pick Oregon over Oregon
*S, .le i,« the track m**et Saturday. If the l>ueks do win, it’ll
lu k a \ cry slim margin.
L.es Steers is shown soaring to a new world high jump mark of 6 feet 1025/ inches in Seattle April
27. Steers was shy of equaling that mark on Hayward field Saturday, as he climbed over 6 feet
10>,2 inches in a Duck-Cougar dual.
WSC Trackmen Faster;
Ducks Surprise in Losing
Saturday morning a biting cold wind blew in from the west, shooing
away all Les Steers’ chances of further raising his world’s high jump
mark past his “ceiling” of 6 feet 10-3/ , inches.
Muscles don’t relax and loosen properly in damp weather, nor is
such a day an incentive for championship performances. Yet Les
came within a fraction—0/ inches in fact—of equalling his week
old mark. Undoubtedly with more
cooperative weather the sopho
more stratospherist would have
cracked the mark. Three times
he failed, by just a shade, of
clearing the bar at 6 feet 11, hav
ing to be content this time with
only 6 feet 10 ^ inches.
Pulling down another first in
his only other event—the javelin
—Les hurled the harpoon 185
feet 6 inches. Meanwhile, his
teammates were coming through
with un-thought-of performances
to let the strong Washington
Staters know that they had been
through a busy afternoon.
All told 58 1-8 points were
surprisingly punched out on
the adding machine for Oregon,
while the Cougars led the way
with 72 2-3. It was a much
closer squeeze for WSC than
anyone predicted, and if the
Ducks had come through with
a first place in the high hurdles
(which they lost by a nose)
just two points would have
been the margin of victory for
the Cougars.
Pat Haley, WSC flash, stepped
off two new meet records in the
100 and 220-yard dashes. The new
century mark is :09.6, with Ore
gon’s Jake Leicht breezing in
just a moment later. The 220
mark was lowered to :21 flat.
Mile — Tie between Williams
and Dale, WSC; Russel, Oregon,
third. Time, 4:36.7.
440-yard dash—Won by Lang,
WSC; Tuckwiler, Oregon, second;
Lee, Oregon, third. Time, :50.2.
Shot put — Won by Londos,
WSC, 46 feet 10 3-8 inches; Nie
mi, WSC, second, 45 feet 31-;.
inches; Regner, Oregon, third, 43
feet 9 1-8 inches.
High jump — Won by Steers,
Oregon, 6 feet 10inches; Me
Perhaps they’re trying out some new equipment. Or still, some
grid hero may have sneaked away from spring praetiee. Oh well,
your guess is as good as ours.
Cain, WSC, second, 6 feet 1 inch;
Beifuss, Oregon, third, 5 feet 10
inches. (Winning height new dual
meet and Hayward field record.
Former dual meet record 6 feet
3 3-8 inches set by Harris, Ore
gon, 1940; former field record 6
feet 3 7-8 inches, set by Vander
man, Washington, 1936.)
Pole vault—Won by Thomas,
Oregon, 13 feet; Pirie and Ramos,
WSC, and Hendershott, Oregon,
tied for second, 12 feet 6 inches.
100-yard dash—Won by Haley,
WSC; Leicht, Oregon, second;
Bowsher, WSC, third. Time, :09.6.
(Winning time new dual meet
record. Former record :09.8, set
by Shoemake, Oregon, 1936. Also
ties Hayward field record set by
Shoemake, in 1934.)
120-yard high hurdles—Won by
Schade, WSC; Butler, Oregon,
second; Dickson, Oregon, third.
Time, :15.4.
880-yard run—Won by Dang,
WTSC; McKinney, Oregon, second;
Russel, Oregon, third. Time, 1.58.
Javelin—Won by Steers, Ore
gon, 185 feet 6 inches; Niemi,
WSC, second, 168 feet 10 inches;
Londos, WSC, third, 140 feet 10 U
Discus—Won by Stone, WSC,
141 feet 10^2 inches; Regner, Ore
gon, second, 134 feet 7Y3 inches;
Londos, WrSC. third, 122 feet 6
220-yard dash—Won by Haley.
WrSC; Leicht, Oregon, second;
Keen, Oregon, third. Time, :21.
(Winning time new dual tracK
meet record. Former set by Orr,
WSC, :21.1, in 1938.)
Broad jump—Won by Dickson,
Oregon, 22 feet 8 inches; Bow
sher, WSC, second, 22 feet 6U
inches; Reber, Oregon, third, 22
feet 4 inches.
Two-mile run—Won by Lehn,
WrSC; Williams, WSC, second;
Ross, Oregon, third. Time. 10:01.4.
220-yard low hurdles—Won by
Butler, Oregon; Schade, WSC,
second; Parry, WSC, third. Time,
Mile relay — Won by Oregon
(McKinney, Reiner, Lee, Tuck
wiler). Time, 3:26.7.
Watch tlie
Oregon*# Emerald