UNION NOW! By Ann Reynolds Once again we repeat that the $250,000 bond authorization is not cash. Ever since the passage of the bill and the announce ment in the Emerald that the “grant” was available, there has been confusion in the minds of the students. Mainly because of a bad mistake in headline writ ing and second because the stu dents neglected to read the story further, the impression that ac tual cash was available has been fallaciously believed. Although the mistake was corrected, stu dents still persist in depending on the money for immediate ac tion. And so again we appeal to the students to understand that be fore any action can be taken the bonds must be sold. Although this problem will easily be solved and the plans for the site and fa cilities of the building are set tled, it is important to remember that enough security to back the bonds will be the biggest problem. Two Schools As the financial situation stands there are two schools of thought on how the security should be guaranteed and how additional funds raised. Accord ing to the financial report sub mitted to the student-faculty committee, security for the $250, 000 could be raised immediately. The security, however, would necessarily drain all available re sources. This method of using all the sources at the present time would not be advisable. With the future economic con ditions unpredictable, the Univer sity financial advisers recommend that another safer plan be de vised. The cost of labor and ma terials at the present are high and will rise greatly. It is esti mated that the combined cost of buying land and cost of construc tion will exceed that of present funds. This is the basis of the argu ment for the other school of thought. Some feel that if the school waits perhaps a few years the plans can proceed with great er safety. They argue that the building could be furnished more completely and that perhaps a larger building provided if we waited until more assets could mature. From All Sides (Continued from page four) lie consumes 9,500,000 drinks of what William Allen White terms “a sublimated essence of what America stands for.” —Daily Trojan. * * * According to the results of a survey among college men from all parts of the country as pub lished in the Indiana Daily Stu dent, college men prefer that “covered-up-look” for coed for mats instead of “the less the bet ter idea” commonly assumed. When shown 35 luscious for mats they chose the ones with sleeves, heart shaped necks and covered backs. —Indiana Daily Student. Social life at Iowa State Teach ers’ college is flourishing again after a lethargy of several months. Women are now footing the bills and the men, forsaking any qualms of conscience, have readily accepted their “deals.” Because women outnumber men two-to-one, the dating prob lem has been quite serious, but now that women have thrown coyness to the wind, the stunt has gone over big. —The Bugle. What Other Editors Think On some college campuses in this country—most of them as a matter of fact—student government is on the high school pattern. Officers are voted upon and elected to figurehead positions. Advisers from the faculty and administration see to it that the students are kept under strict control. The Universiy of California, on the other hand, has a tradi tion of letting the students themselves run their own affairs. The administration has confidence in the ability of the students to control their own government and publications and other activities without supervision. That is why “student government'’ is not just a windy phrase on campus. The Student Council of the Associated Students has all final administrative and legislative power in all A.S.U.C. affairs, subject to review by the students them selves. Financial matters of the Association are handled by the Board of Control—with three student representatives— which guides the business manager in the disbursement of funds. The students themselves through their council must approve such things as the hiring of coaches. They have the power to do such things as providing paved parking lots. The elective offices of the association are being filled today and Friday by the students who are interested in what sort of student government they want next year. The rest don't care who governs them. They’ll make good subjects for a fascistic ruler. International Side Show By BIDOELY CUMMINGS As campus politician Harrison Bergtholdt remarked yesterday about the president’s latest speech: “We all knew Roosevelt Cummings felt that way, tout it was a surprise to hear him say it.” What he said was that the American people ‘‘are ever ready to fight again” for their “simple faith in the free dom of democ racy m the world. Some writers, such as that di vinely inspired lunkhead and apologist for imperialism, Walter Lippman, profess to believe that the nation is way ahead of Roosevelt in their desire to jump into Europe’s blood-bath. But to me, an amateur observ er of Roosevelt’s foreign policy since his Chicago “quarantine the aggressors” speech, and par ticularly since his re-election as president, it is apparent and has been long before November 4, 1940 that Roosevelt considers the nation’s welfare indissolubly tied up with the preservation of Brit ish imperialism and that he is de termined to go to any lengths, including U.S. entry into the war, to .guarantee that preservation. Axiom A few years ago it was a school boy’s axiom that the 1914 18 war was not fought to “save democracy” but to save Mor gan’s loans to the Allies and the munition makers’ investments. We who were school boys then had it on good authority for we heard it in the classroom and read it in books written by theo rists who were at least the intel lectuals of Walter Lippman. Such men as Congressman Lane from Oregon and the elder Lindbergh and Norris and LaFol lette and the others, “a small handful of willfur men” who vot ed against American entry into the war, were held up as courag eous thinkers, heroes every one. All that is changing now after a two-year barrage of propa ganda for war, and Roosevelt, dedicating the birthplace of Woodrow Wilson as a national shrine, can speak unchallenged about how we are “ever ready to fight AGAIN” for democracy. “Cracked” I may be “cracked,” a “mis guided egotist,” a “case of ar rested development,” and a num ber of other things that the op position in the back booths of Newt’s emporium takes pleasure in calling me, but I still doubt that the last war was fought for “democracy” and I doubt that this one is being fought for “de mocracy.” Granted that the British re gime is preferable to that of Hit ler, I still doubt that the question of which of them shall dominate the political and economic life of Europe is a vital enough question for American youth to be called upon to die in an attempt at set tlement. In the name of democracy abroad we are being called upon to make sacrifices which may in the end mean the end of democ racy at home. We already have male conscription, which many of our best citizens fled to this country from Europe to avoid. And now there are straws in the wind for female conscription. Castor Oil My illustrious substitute in Sat urday’s Women’s edition, Betty Jane Biggs, intimates that some sort of year’s training for women may be a good thing—“like cas tor oil.” Mussolini fed the Italian democrats castor oil and they either turned fascist or died or fled. Hitler has a triple “K” pro gram—kitchen, kids, and I don’t remember what the other “K” is, possibly kleptomania, so they can steal enough food to put in the kitchen to keep the kids well fed. So it goes. Turkey has offered to mediate the British-Iraq quar rel and Britain announces an “es sential prerequisite to entering any negotiations” is the with drawal of Iraq troops from a be sieged airbase near Baghdad. The Iraq government was re ported to have cut the pipeline that is the outlet for four million tons of oil to the Mediterranean. Great Britain threatens to cut it anyway rather than let it fall into German hands. Either way it looks like American oil-tankers will soon be called upon to carry American oil up through Suez for the British Mediterranean fleet. UNIVERSITY BUSINESS COLLEGE SHORTHAND-TYPEWRITING COMPLETE BUSINESS COURSES Edward L. Ryan, B.S., LL.B., Mgr. 860 Willamette, Eugene Phone 2761-M In Time With the Tunes By RUBY JACKSON “Music has no politics and no frontiers. All great composers be long to the world, and their art owes allegiance to no one na tion.” Deems Taylor, noted radio commentator and composer, spoke these words Sunday during the New York Philharmonic broadcast. As a part of his intermission talk, Mr. Taylor told of the na tion-wide reaction to the all Wagner program given Easter day. Naturally, some reaction could be expected from an audi ence given a program of German music on Easter day. The reaction came in the form of 400 letters. Three hundred eighty-eight were complimentary to the program, and twelve ob jected. As it is human nature to give (Jislikes an outlet, each let ter of objection may be said to represent 100 listeners. On the other hand, each letter favorable to the program repre sents 1000 persons who do not trouble to express their pleasure. At any rate, these are the figures that CBS goes by. In conclusion, there are only 1,200 people who are against per formances of German music to« every 388,000 for it. This, Mr. Taylor thinks, i.« ample proof that the old hysteria that seems the invariable product of “war fever” has not yet caught hold. From this Sunday on, the CBS symphony orchestra will replace the New York Philharmonic for the Sunday noon programs. Thursday the Standard Sym phony hour will be presented as usual at 8 p.m. over KORE. Sme tena’s “Overture to the Bartered Bride,” and three movements of Beethoven’s Eighth sympony will be played. Inconsistencies in spelling books may often be the cause of poor spelling among school chil dren, according to Dr. Emmett A. Betts, head of the reading clin ic at Pennsylvania State college. YOU DON’T Cook on a Hearth That’s a task that went out of date when grand ma became of age. But a task that is yours this week-end is to be as neat and clean as pos sible for Mother’s Week end. Everything should be spotless. J Assure meticulosity by sending your clothes to us today. Phone 825 NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY ‘Service Our Motto’ 839 High St. Oregon If Emerald Tuesday Advertising Staff: Chuck Woodfield, manager Barbara Schmieding Paul Morris Morrie Riback Copy Desk Staff: Bernie Engel, city editor Herb Penny, assistant Marjorie Major Ted Goodwin Ruby Jackson Night Staff: Don Butzin, night editor Beverly Padgham Herb Penny Charlotte Knox Frances Oliver Elzie Brownell Bernie Engel Campus Calendar The annual YWCA ice cream sale originally slated for today and tomorrow, has been post poned until next Tuesday and Wednesday, May 13 and 14. Phi Beta musical program, candlelight service honoring sen iors and coffee dessert at 6:30 p.m. Gerlinger hall. Christian Science organization of the University of Oregon will meet this evening on the third floor of Gerlinger hall at 7 o’clock. WAA initiation is postponed from today to Tuesday, May 13, at 7 p.m. in alumni hall in Ger linger. Social chairmen from all men’s living organizations will meet at Tuesday, 4 p.m. in Gerlinger hall in the men’s lounge. There will be a special meeting of the judiciary committee of the ASUO in the office of Dean Wayne L. Morse at 4 p.m. today. The meeting has been called to form a ruling on the construc tion of the amendment to the constitution to elect additional members to the executive com mittee, and to determine the GPA necessary for nomination. Order of the “Q” will meet Wednesday noon at Sigma Phi Epsilon. Love We All Dream Of! IRENE DUNN and CARY GRANT in “Penny Serenade’’ Two Big Features! LLOYD NOLAN in “Michael Shayne, Detective — plus — TEX RITTER in “Take Me Back to Oklahoma” HELD OVER! LORETTA YOUNG in “THE LADY FROM CHEYENNE”