Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 06, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
**1 O egon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $5.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
mC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bo»
*Mn—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
Editorial and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phone*
MOO Extension: 382 Editor; 353 New* Office; 359 Sports Office: and 354 Business
AUtfta isackyerg, iiassinea Advertising
Mon Alpaugh, Layout Production Man
Kin reterson, t irctnaiion nianagor
Mar/ Ellen Smith, Promotiion Director
Eileen Millard. Office Manager
«*YLE M. NELSON. Editor
JAMES W. FROST, Busines* Manager
ASbOClATK LU11UK3: Mai Ulney, ilelen Angell
le Leonard, Managing Editor
Stitzer, News Editor
Fred May, Advertising Manager
Bob Rogers, National Advertising Mgr.
Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent
gfiUer, Timmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, adviser.
Bat Erickson, Women'*
Bob Flavelle, Co-Sport*
Ken Christianson, Co-Sporti
Kay Sehrick, Ass’t Manag
ing Editor
Betty Jane Riggs, Ass’t
News Editor
Wes Sullivan, Ass’t News
Corrine Wignes, Executive
Mildred Wilson, Exchange
Peculiar Prankery
)•> v.
ITNIVERSITY law students have at least one claim to dis
tinction. For in one certain field they are indisputably
“tops.” 'When it comes to disking out an utterly fantastic
type of folly which has come to be tabbed as “law school
clowning,” the campus barristers are acknowledged masters.
The law school weekend invariably hits new highs in ridicu
lous behavior. Each succeeding year inevitably sees some new
innovation, beyond the usual election of the most maseplim?
•nal? in the law school as queen, which sends the folly appre
ciative portion of the campus into new spasms of delight.
Nobody has ever dissected a law school student in order to
find out just what il is that makes him tick as he does. The
experiment would probably be highly informative as well as
entertaining. But a number of theories have, from time to time,
f»een advanced to account for their behavior. One is that you
tnv • to be completely crazy to be a law student in the first
§>I;i», \ If you weren’t cuckoo, you wouldn’t be a law student.
.Another H that the local barristers, who reportedly must labor
.very, very industriously over their ponderous tomes, resort to
their own peculiar brand of prankery as an escape. Other
explanations too long or too fantastic to describe here have
(been suggested.
Possible methods of curtailing the more radical activities
of tire “campus loonies” have repeatedly been offered. Some
furitanical soul has even suggested that allTaw school students
should be forced to wear a muzzle for the protection of the
rest of the campus. However, we feel that we must, without
equivocation or hesitation, oppose any such move. The antics
of the lawyers are, at their worst, harmless.—II.0.
Take It Easy, Jupe
«rHKN the occasion demands, and in truth it lias on num
erous occasions, the Portland Oregonian and Oregon
Journal have resorted to their editorial columns in an attempt
to i lfluenee weather conditions. Now there is no exact pro
cedure for a journalist to follow when he is begging for rain
for poor farmers gazing at the sky with parched throats, for
verily ii takes a combination of subtle demanding, varied plead
ing md good-natured hoping to achieve such desired results.
The Emerald, although of course it adolescently blushes
W'her compared to such time-honored organs as the Oregonian
and Journal, is driven to adopt such editorial tactics, how
ever, by Jupe Pluvius, that old gentleman who loves the Oregon
country so well and so much that he delights in spraying it
often and thoroughly . . . especially when asked to by the
Portland papers.
But now, Mr. Pluvius, the Emerald asks you politely, but
firmly, to shift your schedule in such a manner so as not to
#$poil our Junior Weekend this Friday and Saturday. The
farmers have had their misty blessings, and the Oregonian
and Journal have received their just due. and the city pave
ment- too are washed clean by the sweet Oregon mist. What
the University asks now is for you. Mr. Jupe. to rest on your
la arc's for a while and visit somewhere else.
* * *
TIIEKE is rca-or) to believe that you intend to scare us a bit.
In fact you have. The rain clouds have chased our baseball
team- hither and yon, our track meets have been held in sciyi
\v in try weather, and our golf and tennis teams have been
forced to completely abandon their frolicking.
But please, Mr. Pluvius, t,or Jupe, for we know you but
loo well), don't come around with your clouds and your tricks
this Thursday, IVtdan , {Saturday, or Sunday. Our moms will
tie down for their weekend festivities, and forsooth—they will
t»e attired in their springiest of spring outfits, and their hats
will be of the kind to bring male smiles. But we want to take
them to the campus luncheon to see Queen Annabelle Dow and
tier court of beautiful princesses crowned, and goodness my
Mother told me long ago not to point . . .
but she didn't say anything about counter
pointing1 nor did she reckon on my getting
a shot in the arm of printer’s ink. Euylioo
. . . this is COUNTERPOINT number one coin
ing to you through the back door of journal
ism. Unorthodox at the outset, there are a feAv
items that might be stated before the type
writer keys jam in the flurry: First of all, I
think that we (and I do mean you and I) can
dispense with the so-called editorial WE. That
stuff is okay for Ye Ed., the Lindbergh of
pre-purge days, and God the Father.
However, I insist that you can't point with
out being personal ... so let’s face facts. If
I say I, I mean I and not also Joe Gidget or
myself and the L. M. W. W. T. That eliminates
passing the 98 (marked down from a buck be
cause of the war) and in case anyone has any
objections to register I can tuck my tongue
firmly in my cheek and proceed to repel the
invader with lino typer’s shrapnel.
It would be highly indiscreet at this point
to announce any preconceived “policy” or
arbitrary set of doctrinary formulations; for
COUNTERPOINT is a substance variable to
its theme and as such should devote itself
to the avoidance of static judgments and the
peddling of absolutes. To prostitute a phrase,
its whole purpose should be “to castigate
and amuse” and as long as that purpose is
accomplished I won’t be stealing too much
space from the ad men.
Most of us do not very clearly conceive of
the poet’s place in these troublous days, much
less become aware that the scribbler of verses
might possess a utilitarian germ plus a philo
sophic drive equal to the international prob
lem. But such an exception is not completely
unique by any means. Milton was full of
political sentiments, Byron wore himself out
in the Greek cause of his day and many an
other has taken to himself the “mighty pen.”
But the latest effort in this direction to
come to my attention is a very slim volume
by Edna 8t. Vincent Millay entitled “There
Are No Islands, Anymore.” This poem is
described in her own words as “Lines written
in passion and in deep concern for England,
France, and my own country.” Released by
Harpers’, the booklet was printed and dis
tributed “in the cause of democracy” without
royalty to Miss Millay or profit to the pub
lisher and the proceeds were directed to war
relief work.
Couplets Vivid
There are, in particular, a couple of couplets
that make this piece very vivid for me. They
“No man, no nation, is made free
By stating that it intends to be.
Jostled and elbowed is the clown
"Who thinks to walk alone in town.”
'Which is just about as neat a disposal of
the isolationist attitude as it has been my
pleasure to find. Fancifully wishful argu
ments to the contrary, the fact must remain
that this is a social world and that there is,
in reality, no such thing as practicable isola
tionism personally, socially, or economically.
And it seems to me that the most difficult of
all times to defend the insular attitude is
that in which the international balance is
thrown off center.
In times of peace and comparative security,
the isolationist has a harmless right to his
ivory tower, (provided of course that the
bureau of sanitation approves his plumbing
facilities) but in these days of violent social
aggression there seems only the thinnest
possible validity that can be summoned in
the face of facts.
Nazi Schemers
To those who cry for a self-sufficient Am
erica and even generously extend their in
terest to the Monroe-defined western sphere,
I direct this reminder that although the At
lantic is indeed very wide the distance be
tween the respective “humps” of Brazil and
West Africa are separated by a mere 1600
miles. Nazi schemers have their eyes on these
narrows with the idea of establishing a base
on the African coast. They realize the short
distance between the continents and the acute
vulnerability of Brazil, as well as the fact
that the United States will need plenty of
time to furnish the weapons which the now
unequipped Brazilians are expecting to import
from us.
With our shipping to South America and
South Africa dependent on these waters, can
it be logical to imagine that we can afford
to ignore the Axis designs upon these terri
tories? The answer is emphatically “NO”;
and fortunately those experts who realize the
insatiable quality of the Axis aggression are
moving to maintain the front yard of this
The bigger our front yard and the stronger
the fence, the less we will be troubled by
street gamins.
how the raindrops do raise havoc with even a proud mother’s
finest apparel.
And Chairman Jim Carney of the canoe fete would be heart
broken if Ids cherished, nurtured, and adopted canoe fete was
in competition even for one evening with some of those Oregon
raindrops that have often caused us to rush to the Bible—
and make sure the Big Boss wasn’t just- kidding when he
said there wouldn’t be any more floods after that Noah thing.
* *■ *
rJNlE Portland papers have more important advertisers and
have more influence, perchance Mr. Jupiter Pluvius. but
not even they will praise you with more honest enthusiasm and
open-mouthed admiration if you will but take your vacation
this week.
And if you have to take that storm which is declared by
some pessimistic meterologists to be coming from out Newport
way somewhere, perchance you could deposit it at Stanford,
or California, or even CSC.
Just for the weekend, you understand. We want you as our
permanent resident up here in Oregon, Jupe, to freshen our
flowers, to clean our streets, and to keep our soil rich and red.
But not May 8, 9, 10, and 11, please.—B.B.
‘‘Coeds to Co Oriental” reads a recent
Cood goslr, first it was wooden shoes a la
iean huaraehes. What next?
*= * *
Emerald headline.
Holland, then Mex
East Friday the women journalists rolled up their sleeves,
chased the men out of the shack, and proceeded to turn out
their own special edition. Te result was an editorial headline
which read, “We’re not Flirting.” So-o-o-o-?
All Sides
One coke, complete with ice
and Carbonated water, consists
of 599 parts of sugar and water
and one part of essential ingre
The herbs that combine to
make “the pause that refreshes”
come from Peru, Jamaica, West
Africa and other tropical coun
tries. Coca-Cola contains 27 dif
ferent extracts that arrive at the
syrup plant in 9 compounds, dis
creetly identified by number. One
smells like string beans, one like
cinnamon, and another smells
like, and is, vanilla.
Very few men know exactly
what goes into Coca-Cola, but
chemical anaysis by government
experts has determined that it
contains no harmful drugs. Also
that there is less than one-third
as much caffeine in a coke as
there is in a five-ounce cup of
Every day the American pub
(Continued on page five)