Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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    Oregon If Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $5.l)U per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bos
%»n Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle._
Editorial and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phones
IJOO Extension: 382 Editor; 353 News Office; 359 Sports .Office; and 354 Business
MARY ANN CAMPBELL, Managing Editor
JEAN SPEAROW, Sports Editor
We’re Not Flirting
JF the presses don’t go on strike again, the edition of the
Emerald that you are reading this morning will be the result
©f the efforts of a staff entirely female.
Of course it is old stuff to remark that women as journalists
are a comparatively recent innovation. In 1900 we wore long
jskirts and were allo'wed to do secretarial work around the
office. Today, at the Emerald and other newspapers, we can
|>at out as good a yarn as the next man.
We feel that it is beside the point to argue here the equality
of men and women in this, our chosen field. The work, from
its character, need not belong entirely to either sex. Standards
mast be met. it makes no real difference as to whether men
or women meet them. These standards, judged on the basis
of their objectivity and solidity of aims, may be masculine.
But who cares?
Iii putting out this women’s edition, our hope is not to flirt
with you. or kittenishly infer that women journalists are
freaks. We only hope that you can enjoy reading what we have
written to the point of obliviating the necessity for any reflec
tions, pro or con, on our sex.
The Emerald has a standard we’d like to live up to—an
All-American rating among college papers.
Free Speech?
Ti/TAXY fervent patriots speaking on the Lindbergh question
seem not to see that this question, to be fairly considered,
should be divided into two parts: his opinions, and his right
to express them. When confronted with this criticism, they
.are usually blind to the distinction. A person’s right to speak,
they will tell you, should be governed by what he thinks,
and when he thinks it. They will tell you that during a war
everyone must cooperate with his government without any
question. His patriotism should be not a result of thought,
but rather of instinct.
Are they not then fearing a weakness of their government,
and a futility in patriotism, if they would not be able to stand
up under a close examination? If our standards and laws,
Which have been built up through long years of free thought
and group action, have the merits we think they have, they
should be able to continue under the same methods, and to
prove their worth in a comparison with any other governments
and methods. If, on Ihe other hand, there are flaws in our
system, the best way to correct them is to allow them to be
held up for the approval or rejection of the American people.
Therefore, Lindbergh has the right to state his opinions. If
they are good, we should follow them ; if they are bad, we may
condemn them. Wo have no right to condemn the man himself
for the courage, or foolhardiness, he exhibited in expressing
them ; but only for any wisdom, or lack of it, used in forming
his opinions.—J.C.
A Curious Word
jOROPACi ANOA is a curious word, one of the most used today,
a word that has changed greatly in meaning since it was
inscribed over the door of a Renaissance Italian priests’ college,
ltoget\s Thesaurus includes “propaganda” with “persuasion”
and “indoctrination" under the general heading “teaching,”
but does not put it in the list where most moderns would be
liable to place it, under “misteaehing” and perversion." “Pro
paganda" also shows up in the list headed “school." right
after “school board" and “council of education.”
Etymologically speaking, it is a derivation of the Latin word
that means ‘-to propogate,” in the sense that it means “to
disseminate." There js nothing in the poor word’s background
to indicate that it warrants the sinister meaning it has acquired
through its connection with the foreign political ideals and
perverted thought.
# * *=
JN modern times, the word grew from the practices of the
ballyhoo men who preceded carnivals and circuses in the
United States. Their propaganda was innocent, lively, and
entertaining and nobody minded it very much. It was during
the last war that propaganda began to be used with intentional
evil until it reached such a fine art that there is an immense
amount of it over the air, in books and in the newspaper col
umns that is cleverly enough disguised so that it is barely
Propaganda has developed in subtlety immensely since the
days of the stories of German atrocities in Belgium. Far from
apparent, it can creep into almost every form of the printed
and spoken word. Of course, it might be the sort of propaganda
everybody wants to believe anyway, which is propaganda
itself, and gets us right back to wanting to believe the six
armed lady really has six arms, even though we know perfectly
well she hasn’t. Maybe all that can be said about propaganda
ultimately is that it is just another form of life’s little whirl
International Side Show
How about a year’s compulsory
service for women?
Mrs. Roosevelt at the reception
Wednesday seemed to feel out
the opinion of coed leaders on
Betty Jane
the subject.
Perhaps a little
awed by the First
Lady, murmurs
of assent imme
diately rose from
the girls sitting
I sorority - fash
ioned at her feet.
She explained
that she didn’t
favor a rigorous
camp - life pro
gram sucn as tne ienows go
through. Instead the girls would
be allowed to stay at home, con
tributing their services to hospi
tals, helping in school cafeterias,
nursery schools, or other types
of social welfare work.
This experience, she jointed
out, will be useful when girls
have homes of their own. “Many
women can’t even take a tem
perature when their babies or
husbands are sick for the first
time,” she declared.
She illustrated her point by tell
ing of her neighbor across the
street at Hyde Park. “She has
four children. When one of them
has a temperature, she will admit
he seems ‘kinda hot,’ or if it is
a little more serious, she runs
over for me to come w'ith my
In order to pursue Mrs. Roose
velt’s train of thought a little
more thoroughly, we spent 10
cents for the May Ladies’ Home
Journal and studied her article,
“Defense and Girls.”
This page and a half “editorial”
might be outlined somewhat like
1. What’s good for the gander
is good for the goose—if boys
sacrifice for it, girls should, too.
2. Training would be valuable
for the girls’ home life later—
(providing, of course, that the
war doesn’t kill all the men off
3. Compulsory service would
be no more Nazi-istic than our
compulsory education law.
4. Even though stationed at
home the girls should be on the
same footing as the fellows and
should receive a cash remunera
5. W'ould help check the health
of the girls of the country.
6. Would give a girl a chance
to gather information on the
many sides of our national life.
7. W'ould help the girls devel
op a more cosmopolitan attitude
in regard to race and religious
8. Would lead to determination
to hand on this democracy which
they were sheltering to their chil
dren as an ideal for future gen
Mrs. Roosevelt said in Gerlin
ger the principal reason she
wrote this article was to have it
discussed as a national problem.
How do we feel about it?
Well, we take castor oil some
times because we have to.
From All Sides
Exchanges by Mildred Wilson
The group of South American
students referred to by Mrs. El
eanor Roosevelt in her speech
here Wednesday evening who
visited the University of North
Carolina to study the English
language and the U. S. way of
life, were really shown a big time,
according to the Daily Tar Heel,
student publication.
Crowning gesture of good will
occurred when Chilean Senorita
Sylvia Goich, running against
five campus beauties, was elect
ed queen of North Carolina’s an
nual student-faculty day. Others
served on the staff of the daily
paper or were in the chorus of an
undergraduate musical comedy.
Although the visitors learned
rapidly, the campus had a few
chuckles. One of the visitors, in
vited to a freshman party, told
his colleagues that he had a date
with "the fresh people.”
—Daily Tar Heel.
A Biology Pupil’s Lament
Until I heard the doctors tell
The danger of a kiss,
1 used to think of kissing you,
The nearest thing to bliss.
Now I know biology
And sit and sigh and moan,
Ten million mad bacteria
And I thought we were alone.
—'The Bulldog
* * *
Aaron (“Yo feet is too big”)
Barker of Texas Christian uni
versity, received the supreme in
sult the other day.
Barker, whose pedal extremi
ties require a size 14 shoe, walked
into a downtown department
store recently to be shod.
“Brother,” said the salesman
after measuring Barker’s foot,
“the best I can do for you is to
give you two pairs of sevens.”
—The T.C.U. Skiff.
* * *
“I’m through with all women,
They cheat and they lie.
They prey on us men till
The day that they die.
They tease and torment us,
They drive us to sin—
Say, did you see that blonde
That just came in?”
Oak Leaves,
Manchester College.
* * *|i
A prof at Auburn Polytechnic
Institute entered his classroom
the other day and spied a cigar
ette smouldering on the floor.
“Whose oigarette is that?” he
queried, pointing to the offending
bit of paper and tobacco.
No answer.
“Whose cigarette is thatt” he
repeated, a bit more irate.
From the depths of the room
came the answer. “It's yours,
prof, you saw it first.”
And we know that couldn’t
have happened at Oregon,
In Time
With the
Everything recordable is being
put on records these days.
Among new recordings just out
is a set of famous scenes from
Shakespeare, done by Otis Skin
ner and his daughter Cornelia
Otis Skinner. Best-known parts
of six or eight plays are given
on three 12-inch records, cost
$3.50. Victor distributes them.
Perhaps you speak French, and
would like to brush up on it. If
so, try the French recording of
“The Necklace,” one of Guy de
Maupassant’s stories. Victor re
leased this recently, too. It’s a
12-inch record, costs 75 cents.
Poetry, phonetic drills, and songs
—all in French—can be ordered
at any record shop.
“2000 Years”
A musical outline of the de
velopment of music is offered by
Decca. Edited by Dr. Curtsacha,
the $6 album is called “2,000
Years of Music.” Starting with
early Hebrew music, the evolu
tion of song and orchestration is
traced through 2,000 years to the
Even though the price of rec
ords has been cut just in half in
the last few months, the cost of
the new Victor recording of
Beethoven’s “Missa Solemnus” is
still pretty steep at around $12.
However, there are 12 12-inch
records in the albums, and ac
cording to critics the work is
beautifully done.
For you who have sung in ora
torios and liked them, the Mor
mon Tabernacle choir (one of the
best choruses in the country) has
recorded several selections from
the “Messiah” and “Elijah.”
Summer continues to put an
end to a lot of the best programs.
For instance, the New' York Phil
harmonic will present its last
concert Sunday. (11 a.m.-12:30
p. m., CBS). Tschaikovsky’s
Fourth symphony and Rachman
inoff’s Piano concerto No. 3 in D
Minor constitute the program.
Tonight the NBC symphony
broadcast is on from 5:35 to 7
p.m. It’s one hour earlier because
of daylight saving time in the
Oregon ^Emerald
Reporters for Women’s Edition:
Doris Jones
Marjorie Major
Elsie Brownell
Mary Wolf
Neva Haight
Dorothea Cathcart
Ann Carr
Mildred Wilson
Joanne Nichols
Rylla Hattan
Peggy Kline
Edith Oglesby
Ruby Jackson
Jo Ann Supple
Laurel Gilbertson
Betty Jane Biggs
Saturday Advertising Staff:
Warren Roper, manager
Lucille Reed
Maribeth Rodway
Don Brinton Bob Nagel
Copy desk Staff:
Elsie Brownell, city editor
Joanne Nichols, assistant
Ruby Jackson
Veva Peterson
Corrine Wignes
Pat Erickson
Night Staff:
Alary Wolf, night editor
Lee Samuelson, assistant
Beverly Padgham
Doris Jones
Marjorie Alajor
Betsy Hanchett
Evelyn Kirchhofer