Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 03, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    All Committees
Of Weekend
Meet Monday
Heads to Explain
New Plans at 9:30
In College Side
A giant meeting of all junior
weekend committees will take
place at the College Side Monday
at 9:30 p.m. Complete committee
reports of progress made will be
Jim Carney, canoe fete chair
man, will explain a new plan for
sending floats down the miUrace
rather than the use of freshman
swimmers. Plans for the all
campus luncheon Friday, May 9,
which will replace all house
luncheons, w'ill be discussed by
Bette Morfitt, luncheon chairman.
Jack Saltzman, Junior Prom
chairman, will conduct an open
forum on the ceremony to be
used in connection with the
Igloo’s new revolving stage. Gene
Brown, general chairman, will
make any necessary further ap
Bill Carney, director of ath’etic
events, will give a detailed ex
planation of preparations for free
admission of mothers and other
guests to all athletic events.
Queen Wendy
(Continued from page one)
floats. Then they will parade back
Fifteenth to Kincaid.
Baseball Game
At 2:30 they will betake them
selves to the diamond west of
Hayward field, where the tradi
tional baseball game with the
BA school will be played off.
“Honest John” Hollis will be um
pire. “Candid” Kenny O’Connell,
better known to the BA school as
“Cyclops,” will be the base um
Dean Wayne L. Morse as in
former years has put up a box
of fine Havana cigars against a
95-cent sack of oats for his
horses that the law school will
lose the tilt.
Four water-warmers, Bob Car
michael, John Winkler, James
Buell, and Meyer Kroopnick with
Dick Phillippi as alternate will
await the queen and his court at
the millraee.
Mass Dunking
Newly-elected law school stu
dent body officers and the queen
and her court will then be cere
moniously dunked.
If recovered from the effects
of their strenuous parade, ball
game, dunking, etc., the law
school will hold a closed dance
at the Anchorage at 9 o’clock.
Bette Morfitt Is chairman of
the committee for the Junior
Weekend luncheon.
Ben Allen Speaks
To Eugene C of C,
Visits Dean Allen
Ben Allen, who is associated
with the Herbert Hoover relief
drive for small democracies, vis
ited Dean Allen and the journal
ism faculty Friday.
During the noon hour, Mr. Al
len addressed the Eugene Cham
ber of Commerce forum, compar
ing censorship in the World war
and that prevailing now. The
speaker was a United Press cor
respondent in London in the pe
riod covering the first World
Mr. Allen has visited the cam
pus several times before and
spoke to Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional journalism fraternity, a
few years ago. He usually accom
panies Mr. Hoover on his Oregon
fishing trips.
Petitions Due
(Continued from page one)
secretary are further required to
have junior standing.
Nominees for class representa
tives must also be members of
that class as determined by the
registrar's office, according to
the new provision adopted Thurs
day by the student body.
Nominations will be made from
the floor and nomination speech
es should be limited to two min
utes, Cavanagh said.
According to a recent change
in the ASUO by-laws, candidates
not nominated at the Tuesday
assembly must submit a petition
signed by 50 ASUO members to
President Tiger Payne by noon
Wednesday to be eligible for the
Thursday elections.
For the.
Prize Winning Float
You can walk away with honors in the
canoe fete if you have a float that is con
structed well with the best lumber sup
plies. You can got those supplies at the
Booth-Kelly Lumber Co. at reasonable
prices. Order yours today.
Springfield 3 1 3
Eugene 85
Mortar Board
Pledging Nears
Activities, Grades
Count in Choosing
Honorary Pledges
With the pledging of women to
Mortar Board, an annual event
of the Junior Weekend all-cam
pus luncheon, looming in the near
future, junior students are be
coming increasingly more con
scious and concerned with mem
bership requirements.
At the ceremony, members,
dressed in their traditional caps
and gowns, form a procession
and wend their way over the cam
pus lawns, selecting pledges and
giving to each a red rose.
Among the requirements for
membership in this national sen
ior women’s honorary, the schol
arship one is very important,
Janet Goresky declared. A mini
mum accumulative GPA of 2.75
is required. Other qualities hav
ing a great deal of weight in the
selection of candidates are the
number and kinds of activities
they have taken part in, service
to school, democratic feeling and
policy, and membership in the
junior class with possession of
a junior certificate.
There can be no fewer than
five juniors pledged and no more
than twenty, the number depend
ing on how active the candidates
have been. Honorary members
are also pledged. These members
are people who have done some
service to the school.
The local Mortar Board chap
ter was organized on this cam
pus on a national scale in 1923,
and w as formed from a local
senior women’s honorary.
Lonely Lassie,
Nine Lads Find
Infirmary Dull
Leading a life of quiet restful
ness in the pill palace are 19 in
mates, who claim they are slowly
dying of boredom. Possible ex
ception to this is Reba Roseberg,
who would be very happy, being
the only girl interned at the pres
ent. Reba, however, says it’s not
much fun because she never sees
the 9 men.
Musketeers Oxman, Hoyt, and
Foster claim they have sneak
dates with each other every night
between thermometers, and make
a flying trip out to—well, you
know where.
To break the monotony of their
existence Clyde Rose and Alva
Ray Blaylock would like to start
knitting for Bundles for Britain.
Others dozing their lives away
includes Harry (Heartbeaker)
Prongas, James Kurtz, Barry
Campbell, and James Durken
The new Oregon youth hostel,
located on Central boulevard east
of Hendricks park, urges student
groups to use their headquarters
for hikes and picnics.
Moot Trials
Promise Fun
Students Invited
To Witness Court
Proceeding May 8
John Dunn is seeking to recov
er the largest judgment ever de
manded in the history of Uni
versity county. Mr. Dunn is suing
John R. Hay for damages caused
to his reputation and character
when he was arrested for tres
passing because of certain al
leged false representations made
to him by Mr. Hay.
Mr. Hay, the defendant, is rep
resented by Dave Rementeria
and Floyd Hamilton of the firm
of Hamilton and Rementeria and
Mr. Dunn, the plaintiff, is rep
resented by Donald Richardson
and Wendell Wyatt of the firm
of Wyatt and Richardson.
The trial promises to be one of
the most colorful in the moot
court history of the University of
Oregon law school. It will take
place in the circuit court for
Lane county Thursday, May 8,
at 7:30.
University students are invited
to attend and those who would
like to serve on the jury may
hand their names to Hugh B.
Collins a.t the law school.
30 East 11th Phone 148
Open to students and
faculty alike.
Contest ends May 19
j Any person that is registered as a
student or member of the faculty or
staff of the University of Oregon may
enter the 1941 EMERALD-HENDEK
2 The contest officially opens April 18,
1941 and closes at 6 p.m., May 19, 1941.
^ This trout fishing contest is limited
to RAINBOW TROUT only. As many
entries as desired may be entered by
the contestant.
^ All entries must be delivered, regis
tered, and weighed at HENDER
SHOTT’S, 770 Willamette Street, Eu
gene, Oregon.
Jj The prize of a $5.00 (five dollar) fly
fishing rod will be awarded on May
21, 1941 to the individual registering
the largest and heaviest RAINBOW
^ Decision of the judges will be final.
Duplicate prizes will be awarded in
case of a tie.
Prize Fly Rod
A new $5.00 Fly Fishing
Rod from Hendershott’s
will be awarded to the
contestant entering the
biggest rainbow trout.
Watch the
Oregon H Emerald
for More Details