i VOLUME XLII NUMBER 117 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1941 Frosh, Juniors Set Meetings Tonight Proposal to Enlarge Students’ Committee Comes to Vote Today University students will vote between 1 and 5 p.m. today in the “Y” shack on the proposed constitutional amendment to enlarge the ASUO executive committee by six members. The amendment would provide for two sophomores, two juniors, and two freshmen, elected from their classes at large, to serve on the executive committee. Sing Will Open Four-Dag Fete Entries Due May 3 Music Fest Invites Campus Groups A new attraction flashed onto the Junior Weekend calendar last night when Bob Deverall an nounced an all-campus sing as Thursday night curtain raiser to a four-day program of festivities. The sing will start at 7 p.m. May 8, and will strike the first official note of Junior Weekend. The program, Deverall announced as chairman, will last an hour and a half. Devoted mainly to group sing ing by students, the campus-at large will be "performers” for the program. Joe Gurley will be master of ceremonies, and special numbers will be included as “in termissions,” it was revealed. The women’s quadrangle will be location of the sing, and in case of rain the entire program will be moved inside Gerlinger hall. Arrangements for a stage, piano, and lights are now com pleted. All campus living groups wish ing to participate should contact Deverall by the end of this v/eek. Last Fete Tickets Go on Sale May 6 There are absolutely no re served tickets left at the Univer sity ticket office for the Junior Weekend canoe fete, Buck Buch wach, promotion chairman, said today. “Rumors that we are ‘holding out’ tickets are entirely unfound ed,” Buchwach said. “All the re served tickets available were sold out in 6 hours Tuesday, first come, first served,” Buchwach continued. He also explained that there are only 1500 other tickets to the fete available, at general admis sion prices of 50 and 75 cents. These ducats will go on sale Tues day morning, May 6, with the •“first come, first served” idea still prevailing, Buchwach said. The proposed amendment reads: “Two members having an academic standing as freshmen, two members having an academic standing as sophomores, and two members having an academic standing as juniors. These per sons are to be e’ected by the stu dent body at large at the same time and in the same manner as the student body officers.’’ This amendment would be add ed to the section of the constitu tion which provides for members on the executive committee. Steers Leaps Over Royalty For Life Pix Holding their breath while a world-beater performed Wednes day were a quintet of royalty, as Les Steers soared up and over the bar and' over their heads as well. Les’ obstacles in the six foot-one-inch jump were Anna belle Dow, Junior Weekend queen, and the four members of her court—Helen Angell, Jean Burt, Barbara Todd, and Barbara Neu. As Les soared over their curls, the cameras clicked, beauties turned pale, and a picture for Life magazine was born. Re quested by Life, the picture will possibly be run in an early issue. Were they frightened ? Not to look at the finished photo, they weren’t. Five times Les jumped, once slipping just before the take off, but the queens smiled bright ly and photographed their beau teous best. But, when the last camera clicked, their frightened femininity came to the fore, and, making a break for it, they dashed off to a waiting car. French Honorary Holds Banquet For Club Initiations The Oregon chapter of Pi Delta Phi, French national honorary, is holding a combined initiation, election, and banquet, today at 5:30 p.m., in Gerlinger hall. The newly-elected initiates will bg,: Emma Verdurman, Erma Taylor, Flora ,Douglas, Tamara Varm, Bill Bishop, Elaine Ferry, Betty Plankinton, Milton Small, Adele Canada, ‘Eilly Christensen, Clarethel Roselund, Edith Ogles by, Mary Hughes, Ruth Spreeher, Abbie Jane White, L. E. Richter, and W. A. Roefcker. Nominations Divert Frosh First, Third Year Students to Select Class Hopefuls Things political at the Univer sity will come into the open to night when numerous classes nominate officers for positions in next year's class governments. Both freshman “classes" will nominate tonight. Members of the “majority class" of 1944 will meet in Villard at 7:30, according to Chuck Woodruff, president. The “old class" will meet at 7:30 in Room 101, physical education building. Juniors will meet at 7 p.m, in room 207 Chapman to nominate officers and to discuss class bus iness. Lou Torgeson, junior presi dent, declared yesterday. Results of a petition to determine class sentiment on the “10-cent class card" plan will be presented to class members. Torgeson also said the class would take action to ward a constitutional revision “to distinguish a junior from a soph omore." He declared that the present system is unsatisfactory in that a person must have a jun ior certificate to qualify for membership in the junior class. Bud Vandeneynde, sophomore class president, revealed last night that his organization would nominate “about the first of next week.” Students also vote today at the YMCA between 1 and 5 p.m. on the proposed constitutional amendment to increase the ASUO executive committee by six mem bers. See story in columns 1, 2. Top ADS Citation Awarded Thacher Announced at the Alpha Delta Sigma conclave held in Portland Saturday was the award of the sixth degree, highest honor that ADS gives, to Professor W. F. G. Thacher, professor of English and advertising at the University. Only six men in the United States have been awarded this degree, according to ADS records. Also awarded at the conclave was the Bob Byington cup. given to Fred May, who also was awarded the $100 W. F. G. Thacher scholarship. The cup, donated by Air. Thacher, is awarded to the active member who has contributed most to ADS during the year. Theses Due Soon The deadline for submitting master’s theses to the graduate office is May 15. Graduate stu dents and their advisers are re minded to finish their theses as soon as possible. Adviser's ap proval is needed before the thesis can be typed. LIBRARY U. OF ORE. ... NEIGHBORS TO THE SOUTH...' r ....oitrtesy r.ugenc iNcwsj Appearing {>efore her first Oregon audience last night in McArthur court, Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt brought out several points directed toward better Pan-American relations. “Learn More about our South American neighbors,” she suggested as a basis lor better ui.dcr-* standing. Goodwill in Americas Urged by First Lady Bv MILDRED WILSON Emphatically stating her opinions on many democratic and political issues brought to her attention, Mrs. Eleanor Roose velt spoke last night in McArthur court before her first Oregon audience. In line with her lecture title “Cultural Relations Between the American Republics" Mrs. Roosevelt declared, “If yon like people it s very much easier to find a good business basis with them and above all a good political understanding—both of which are desirable in our rela tions with the Central and South American nations.” A question and answer period after the formal section of Mrs. Roosevelt's lecture brought a variety of queries from the audi ence, a few of which she adroitly side-stepped. In regard to the Lindbergh situation, the first lady remarked that she did not think that there had been any restric tion of free speech put into prac tice. "On the contrary it seems ob vious that free speech was both recognized and used,” Mrs. Roose velt said. As to what America's attitude toward both war and defense should be, she suggested “We should be ready at all times to do what we must do—and in the quickest, sincerest, and most effi cient manner possible.'’ Summing up her ideas as to the responsibilities and advantages of the democratic way of life Mrs. Roosevelt asserted, "It requires courage to be a citizen in a dem ocracy, as well as strength of spirit and fortitude of soul—but those are the qualities that have made us a great nation.” ft. Weekend No. 5 Ihere will be no propaganda Said the Junior Weekend band, t thought for sure they meant it, But now on the other hand, rhey’re going to turn the campus into a “Nomad's Land.” —J.W.S. Libe Sponsors Plan Banquet Barker Will Act As Toastmaster For Friday Affair The Association of Patrons ancl Friends of the University of Ore gon library will hold its second annual business meeting and din-* ner at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Library, day, at the Os burn hotel. Mem bers of the association and g.u sta will be present. Burt Brown Barker, president! of the association, will preside aa toastmaster. Rev. Raya one| Walker, pastor of the First Con* • gregational church of Portland! will deliver the main address of the evening, titled “Beyond thn ■ Library—the Man.” After dinner, members and guests will adjourn to the library for official opening of the room housing the Philip Ranney Biookft Memorial library. Ad Staff Worke: s All these interested in 'he position of advertising me ea ger of the Emerald 01 any eth er position on the business staff for next fall term are re quested to contact Fred 0; May, next year’s business man ager, by May 8. Written \p-f plications must toe in by May./ 9 at 5 p.m. - iftT m.