Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 25, 1941, Page Five, Image 5

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All Sides
Excitement gave way to shame
faced silence last week in the
scientific world when what was
supposd to be a comet at the sen
sationally low altitude of a thou
sand feet turned out to be noth
ing more than the light of a pass
ing plane.
When astronomers from the
Harvard and Oak Ridge observa
tories had computed the altitude
of the “comet” from comparing
photographs taken at both obser
vation stations, scientific reserve
vanished in the excitement of the
sensational discovery.
The bubble broke when some
prosaic scientist suggested that
the meteor was only an air
plane’s running light. The astron
omers retired to their telescopes.
—Harvard Crimson.
* * *
“Sing a song of sulfide
A beaker full of lime
Four and twenty test tubes
Breaking all the time.
And when the hood is opened
The fumes begin to reek;
Isn’t this an awful place
To spend two days a week?
—U. of W. Daily.
* * *
One of the well-liked profes
sors at the University of Rich
mond felt lazy one day and wrote
on the board, “The professor will
not meet his classes today.” One
cute little coed erased the “c"
from the “classes,” leaving “lass
es.” When the professor re
turned to the classroom next day
and saw what had happened he
went to the board, and calmly
erasing the “1” took another day
—Indiana Daily Student
New Chief Troubled
(Continued from poor one)
man journalist at Matrix table
in ’39 and ’40 by Theta Sigma Phi,
women’s journalism honorary;
served as neews editor and asso
ciate editor on the paper which
she will next serve as editor: was
recently elected vice-president of
Theta Sig; edited the 1940-41
Piggers’ Guide; and made many
contributions to “Social Secur
ity,” the campus etiquette book.
Her executive ability has been
widespread in other activities,
too. Kwama, sophomore women’s
service honorary, experienced her
leadership as president and now
she belongs to Phi Theta Upsilon,
junior women’s honorary. She
also served on the AWS cabinet
as its reporter during her sopho
more year.
Dean Powers
Edits Magazine
Webfcots Included
On Publication's
Contributors' List
A magazine used by 25,000
eighth-grade boys and girls in
Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Ne
vada, British Columbia, and Alas
ka, “Junior Historical Journal,”
was recently edited by Alfred
Powers, dean of creative writing.
Powers has this popular book
let published four times a year.
Contributors to the magazine
include various well-known per
sons and 16 freshman and sopho
more students at the University.
Lila Mae Furchner, Billie Eliza
beth Wade, Robert Sawyer, Hel
en Mae Hatcher, Alice Rae Cow,
William E. Farrell, Hubert Wil
liamson, Lawrence Thompson,
Lillian Davis, John Pratt, Vir
ginia Gray, Gilbert McLennan,
Joseph Guth, Chester Locke, Mel
vin Andrews, and Edgar Bush are
students that have written arti
cles for the March transportation
The four issues of this year
that will complete volume I are
“Prehistoric Number” in Septem
ber; “Fur-Hunter Number” in
November; “Covered - Wagon
Number” in January; and the
last, “Transportation Number.”
The four magazines of 1941-42
will cover other periods of Pacific
Northwest history.
Professor Chester Fee, Oregon
grad, and Professor Randall V.
Mills, instructor in the English
department, conducted much re
search and writing for the fascin
ating history of transportation
and advised the lads and lasses in
their contributions.
Student m Sweden
(Continued from nnm .me*
elers” have been touring Sweden
inspecting industries and raw
materials, supposedly to write
newspaper articles.
“It is apparent,” the letter con
tinued, “that Germany is prepar
ing to do in Sweden what she
has done in the other small coun
tries of Europe.”
Britain Praised
From the tone of the letter it
is obvious that the people of Swe
den are highly in favor of Great
Britain’s efforts in Africa and
the Mediterranean. The writer
voiced the country’s view in the
closing paragraph—“I am closing
now, wishing you good luck and
continued peace for your people,
hoping your help to England will
be as r’ich as up till now. We es
teem you for it.”
The letter was mailed March
7. Its probable route was across
the Baltic sea, Russian, Siberian,
and Japanese territory, and the
Pacific ocean.
Only the Best
For Your Prize-Winning Flo~t
Order your supplies from
us and be assured of the best
material on your entry in
the canoe fete.
189 6th Ave. West Phone 203
Last Minute Misses
Are Not for Mrs. R
Friday Advertising Stuff:
Marilyn Marshall, manager
Betty Lou Allegre
Marilee Margason
Marilyn Miller
Copy Desk Staff:
J. Wesley Sullivan, city editor
Elsie Brownell, assistant
Joanne Nichols, copy reader
Herb Penny
Betty Filtsdal
Bob Frazier
Ted Goodwin
Doris Jones
Freeman Holmer
Night Staff:
Fritz Timmen, night editor
Ruth Jordan, assistant
Dorothy Routt
Freeman Holmer
Wally Hunter
Tommy Mayes
Talks on 'Fact'
Greenwood Raps
Of Mind, Matter
The relationship of the philoso
pher to the physicist was clari
fied Thursday by Dr. Thomas
Greenwood, professor of mathe
matics and lecturer from the Uni
versity of London, to a Deady
hall audience.
The physicist, however, is
more restricted to investigations
into matter and nature, he said,
while the philosopher tries to
combine the results of many sci
entists and attempts to unify the
work of the physicist into a com
prehensive whole.
Two methods of arriving at
truth were given by the speaker.
The first is factual analysis. “In
this method the physicist tries to
know about facts and collect
them,” Dr. Greenwood explained.
The second method is structural
analysis. “This method interprets
facts and attempts to go nearer
to the business of the human
mind and' to the whole field of hu
man experience,” he said.
Mothers Entertain
Alpha Gam Alums
Over 80 alumni, members, and
mothers and fathers of members
and alumni of Alpha Gamma Del
ta attended a potluck supper held
at the local sorority house Sun
The get-together, the first of
its kind, was sponsored by the
Mothers club and was under the
direction of Mrs. Jessie B. Don
ovan, general chairman.
A program consisting of selec
tions on the piano played by Jane
Partipilo, recitations by Norma
Baker and Albert E. Rogers, and
campus and' sorority songs by the
present members followed the
Admen Announce
Two Promotions
Marilyn MarshaT, freshman,
has been appointed Friday adver
tising manager of the Oregon
Daily Emerald for the remainder
of spring term, succeeding Jean
Adams. Marilyn worked fall and
winter terms on the Saturday
advertising staff.
Jeanne Routt has been promoted
from the Wednesday advertising
staff to the office of secretary to
the layout production manager,
Ron Alpaugh.
The first lady of the land, Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, has the
outstanding record of never miss
ing a train or being late for an
Her syndicated column, “My
Day,’’ which appears six days a
week, has been late to the office
only three times, and never has
it been late through her negli
Date Articles
A thunderstorm was the cause
of the first late article when tele
graphic connections were broken
at Hyde Park. The second time
Miss Malvina Thompson, Mrs.
Roosevelt’s private secretary,
gave the copy to a third person
who misplaced it, and the last
time Miss Thompson herself for
got it.
Mrs. Roosevelt will give her
talk, “Cultural Relationships Be
tween the American Republics,”
right on the dot at 8 o’clock Wed
nesday evening in McArthur
Educational activities cards will
admit students. High school and
grade school students will be ad
mitted for 25 cents. Reserved
seats are on sale for $1.50, $1,
and 75 cents with general admis
sion 50 cents.
Spring CPT Class
Solos 13 Airmen
Up in the air all alone last
week, 13 more spring term stu
dent flyers in the Civil Pilot
Training program chalked up
their first solo. Only 8 of the
class of 50 have not soloed, ac
cording to the CPT ’Office.
Those making their first soli
tary venture in the air were:
Monday, Frank McKinney, in
structed by Harold Sander and
Howard Cavanagh and Burt Nic
oll, students of Steve Hathaway.
Cam Collier and Ed Reiner,
Bob Hone, student of Merle
Robinson, soloed Thursday,
taugh by Wesley Hammond were
additional soloists.
Jack Flanagan and Lee Good
man, taught by Merle Robinson,
- --1.
'Tiger' Pagne
Names Frosh
UO 'Black Eye'
ASUO Chief Favors
10-Cent Card Plan
For Unified Class
“The freshman class is a black
eye to the University,” stated Ti
ger Payne, ASUO prexy last
night, at first meeting of the
“old” frosh class since fall terra.
Appealing for class unity start
ing this spring term, Payne rec
ommended the 10-cent class card
as a means of unifying the two
existing “classes.”
Ten-Cent Card
The 10-cent class card, as pro
posed by a committee appointed
by the ASUO president winter
term, would do away with the
present charge of 50 cents for
voting privileges and participa
tion in class activities. It would
provide for a fee of 10 cents for
these privileges. This plan was
printed in the Emerald last term
but was not accepted by any of
the classes.
A committee to investigate
changes needed in the present
class constitution for the adop
tion of such a plan was appointed
by class prexy, Jim Burness. The
members of this investigation
committee are: Leonard Barde,
Mary Jane Terry, Betty Stock
well, Jean Frideger, Stan Skill!
corn, and “Bunny” Potts.
Payne Continues
Emphasizing that there could
be a definite place in University
activities for classes, Payne cited
increased school spirit, strong;
alumni support, and outlets for
activity interests as benefits de
rived from efficient class organi
were soloists Wednesday with.
“Buz” Rennick, tutored by Steve
Hathaway and Norm Foster, in
structed by Max Green, also so
loing on that day.
Tuesday, Pat Dorsey, Mary
Joan Parkinson, and Dudley Wal
ton, all students of Steve Hatha
way, completed their first flight
A very special offer for Mother’s
Day only.
From your Oregana negative a
miniature complete with lovely
gold frame — $1.00.
Kennell- Ellis
: . ■ / i •1 i
961 Willamette Phone 1697