Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 23, 1941, Image 1

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Signs Posted
On Bad Corner,
But Not Enforced
Stars Lead
Revival Film
4th Educational
Show to Feature
Inclusion of Sound
Still prominent and popular to
day, two motion picture stars,
Janet Gaynor and George O'
Brien, are featured as leads in
one of the two revival films to be
presented in the movie room
(207) of chapman hall four
times this afternoon and evening.
“Sunrise,” produced by Fox films
in 1927, and starring the two
favorites, is accompanied by a
German film “Hands.”
Although this is the fourth pro
gram in the series of six spon
sored by the educational activities
Times for today’s movies are
2, 4, 6:45, and 8:45. All students
will be admitted free upon pre
sentation of their activities
board, these two films are the
first to be accompanied by sound.
Music is included in the complet
ed pictures to add mood and at
mosphere and both films, al
though made in a past decade,
have a modern flavor.
Little comic byplays, such as
a small inebriated pig, and a
lady with unstable shoulder
straps, add humor to the later
part of the film, which ends on
a note of frustration with the
music of horns calling across the
dark waters of a lake.
“Hands” represents a compro
mise between the abstract and
realistic, and it is unique in that
only hands appear on the screen.
The director felt that the laws
of the medium are very often ob
scured by actors and yet the
hands were used as a means of
BA Major Wins
Club Gives Award
To Eathel Sutton
For Excellent Work
Portland’s Rotanna club’s sec
ond annual $25 scholarship to an
outstanding girl business admin
istration major goes to Eathel
Sutton, it was announced at the
Beta Gamma Sigma banquet in
the Eugene hotel last night. The
Portland organization honored
Lorene Marguth similarly last
Bert V. Chappel, speaker at
the banquet, outlined ten attri
butes which he said every job
holder should possess. Comment
ing on one attribute, he said.
“Never stop studying, never stop
growing mentally. Constructive
thinking takes knowledge and
knowledge j/takes continued
Other of the attributes were
dependability, cheerfulness, di
plomacy, punctuality, self-confi
dence, tolerance to other em
ployees, having an objective, be*.
(Continued on page five)
■nmi '
Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the president and famous in
her own right as a columnist, will speak to students and townspeople
in McArthur court Wednesday, April 30, at 8 o’clock. Her talk will
concern relations between the Americas.
'First Lady' to Speak
On Pan-Americanism
The first lady of the land, Airs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, will present
her first lecture in Oregon in McArthur court next Wednesday even
ing at 8 o’clock. Speaking on “The Cultural Relationships Between
the American Republics,” Mrs. Roosevelt will appear at a lecture
free for all University students with activities cards.
In addition to her extensive social duties as the first lady, Airs.
Roosevelt is able to fill between
30 and 40 lecture engagements
each season, write an occasional
book or article, turn six columns
a week for a new'spaper syndi
cate and visit her children, who
are situated in various sections
of the United States.
According to Mrs. Roosevelt,
the secret of her amazing ability
which makes it possible for her
to accomplish unbelievable quan
tities of work—is merely efficient
The mother of five children,
one girl and four boys, and the
affectionate grandmother of sev
eral other children, she has never
shirked a motherly duty and an
illness, birth, or wedding finds
her speeding to the city where
she is needed.
A special price of 25 cents is
offered all school children (in
cluding high school students) and
other prices are: Reserved seats—
$1.50, $1, 70 cents, and 50 cents.
News . 1) 2, 3, 5, 8
Sports . .6* ?
Edits .
Calendar .
First Lady No. 1
The size of the crowd
Mrs. Roosevelt gets will
Surprise her.
Why I bet that she draws
Almost as many
As Kyser. J.W.S.
Loans Due
Loans drawn at registration
time for one month will be due
Thursday. April 24. They are
payable at the student loan
windows 1 and 2 on the second
floor of Johnson hall.
Working Man?
If So, Look Out
For Economist
Are you working your way
through college? If so be pre
pared to answer questions which
10 members of the economics sta
tistics class, under the super
vision of Miss Beatrice Aitchison,
economics instructor, may ask
This class is conducting a sur
vey on student earnings. By tak
ing a cross section of the campus
they expect to find the per cent
of Oregon students who are self
supporting and what type of
work they do.
'Cash on Line'
Patient Stays
Another Night
Still no visiting signs posted on
the infirmary. Ain't it awful?
Send her a posie and a tube of
toothpaste, and chances are he
forgot his cigarettes and a deck
of cards. Oh, woe—and it's spring,
too. Pastime of the measlites is,
"Hmmm. spots all gone—Bet ya’
I get out tomorrow." "Bet a dime
ya' don't." "It's a bet—cash on
the line."
Missing out on mid-terms to
day are: Blanche Thompson. Peg
gy Magill, Margaret Barrett,
Otillia Hofstetter, "Bunny" Lynd,
Beverly Goetz, Donna Williams,
Jean Hanger, Billie Dexter, Oliver
Stendal, Harry Benson, James
Kurtz, Bob Brokaw, Tom Oxman,
Don Knowles, Orviile Marcellres,
Jim Davidson, James Pollard, Bob
Lovell, Bill Skinner, Cleve Ross,
Billy Frank, and Redmond Ru
Captain Long
To Tell Tales
Of Seven Seas
Soldier of Fortune
To Show Movies
Illustrating Talk
The man who, as a youth, found
four and one-half years of ad
venture in 32,000 miles of travel
around the world, Captain Dwight
Dong, will appear before Univer
sity students Friday evening,
presenting a two-hour technicolor
movie. The program will take
place in McArthur court begin
ning at 7:30.
Free to all students on activi
ties cards, Captain Long's movies
feature shots from many of the
foreign ports of the world—Bali,
Jamaica, Panama, and many oth
ers were photographed by the
soldier of fortune.
When only 21 years old in
1934, Captain Long broke off his
studies at the University of
Washington, and set off from
Seattle in his 32-foot yacht, the
Idle Hour. Since then he has
made his vagabonding profitable
and pleasant by writing two
highly successful books, "Seven
Seas on a Shoestring," and "Sail
ing All Seas."
(Please turn to f'agc free)
Arabian-Lunged Four
Announcers Picked
Four students “won out” from
a competing field of 35 yesterday
afternoon to serve as commen
tators to describe Junior Week
end floats as they drift down the
mill-race May 10, Jim Carney,
fete chairman, announced last
Winners were Eloise Rockwell,
Lillian Davis, Dave Zilka, and
Gene Edwards. Two of these top
four, one woman and one man,
will later be chosen as the “prin
cipal characters’’ on which to
base the program, Carney re
The name of the prime min
ister for Junior Weekend cere
monies mil be announced in to
morrow morning’s Emerald
Buck Buchwach, promotion
chairman, declared last night.
Script for the canoe fete is en
tirely written with continuity ar
ranged by Sally Ray and Pat Er
ickson. Arabian Nights, theme of
the weekend, will be carried out
in full, according to the chair
Contest to decide the commen
tators took place in Gerlinger
hall and was open to students of
all classes. Judges were W. G.
Hoppe, instructor in drama; H.
H. Hanna, instructor in speech;
and W. A. Dahlberg, assistant
professor of speech.
Discuss New
Union Plans
Construction Sites
Viewed for Favor
In Campus Future
Suggestions as to location an<§
functions of the University stu
dent union building were dis
cussed last night by abor t 4(b
persons who attended an open
meeting of the faculty-student
iac t-findin g committee.
Discussion of sites revolved!
particularly around the “Sheldon
block’’ on Thirteenth and Ur.iver
sity. where Dr. H. D. Sheldon'®
house now stands, and the spot
west of Deady hall, south ci Uio
Dad’s gates.
Principal point in favor of th«
site west of Deady was its cen
Dr. Will V. Norris, chairman
of the fact-finding commit too,
invited students having idea®
for the student union building
to put them in “memorandum
form” and either give or mail
them to him in Deady hail.
tral position in respect to the
present location of most campu#
living organizations.
The point was made, however,
that future University expansion
will be east and west, rather than
north and south. Plans for cam
pus development call for expan
sion eastward past the infirmary
and men’s dorms.
Dr. Norris declared that eon
(Please turn- to (age eight)
Staff Lecturer
To Speak Here
London Professor
Plans to Discuss
Physical Theories
Dr. Thomas Greenwood, staff
lecturer of Birkbeck college, Uni
versity of London, will speak
here Thursday, April 24 at 4
p.m. in 103 Deadly hall or. tin*
“Interpretation of Physical Theo
ries,” announced Professor Ru
dolph H. Ernst, director of the
University lecture series.
Professor Greenwood, who ha»
been on leave in America since
June, 1939, has given lectures in
many of the Northwestern state*#,
and has taught at the University
of California summer school.
Lectures Abroad
For twenty years Dr. Grociw
wood has been political correspon
dent for British and Americai*
newspapers, and in the past JLS
years has been visiting lecturer
to more than 40 universities iA
European and American coun
■Philosopher’ Editor
Profess-or Greenwood is a for
mer Rockefeller research assist
ant, and editor of “The Philos
opher” in London, as well as ot
an international series of mono
graphs on log,c and methodology.
He is a regular critic of learned
periodicals, and a contributor to
publications in all his fields.
His extensive travels have add
ed to <his academic profession by
giving him first hand knowledge
of comparative social conditions,
educational methods, and general
world affairs.
The lecture, under the joint
sponsorship of Sigma Xi, science
honorary, and Pi Mu Epsilon,
mathematics honorary, is open
to the public.
I •