Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 22, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    Student Union
Plans Proceed
On Site Choice
N ewly-Appointed
Building Group
Discusses Issue
At previous meetings of the
student-faculty student union
committee, which meets tonight
in the faculty room of Friendly
hall, members have succeeded in
narrowing down the number of
possible sites for the building.
Thus far they have determined
that the best possible sites are
the block at Thirteenth and Uni
versity where Dr. H. D. Sheldon’s
house now stands, and the tract
north of the “Y” shack near the
“Dads’ Gates.”
Led by Committee Chairman
Will V. Norris, professor of phy
sics, committee members are:
Virgil D. Earl, dean of men; Or
ville Lindstrom, business mana
ger; Fred Cuthbert, associate
professor of landscape architec
ture; and C. L. Kelly, professor
of business administration.
Student members are: Mary
Elizabeth Earl, Ray Schrick, Uly
Dorais, Bob Lovell, and Tiger
Payne, ex-officio member.
All committee members are
familiar with work done toward
a student union and with cam
pus building plans. Besides pick
ing a site for the building, the
committee has looked into plan
ning the structure and interior
of the building with an eye to
facilities such as a dance floor,
kitchen facilities, and lounges.
Dr. Kratt to Direct
Two Choral Fetes
Dr.' Theodore Kratt, dean of
the University of Oregon school
of music, has two directorial as
signments of large choruses ahead
of him during the next two weeks
■—neither at the University of
Oregon with his famed singing
group, the University Choral
Friday and Saturday he will be
in Ashland to take over the post
of choral conductor for the South
ern Oregon Music festival at
Southern Oregon College of Edu
inis annual iesuvai araws
several hundred grammar school
and high school instrumentalists
and singers from all parts of
southern Oregon, to undergo two
clays of intensive training under
guest directors. On Saturday
night, at the climactic concert of
the festival, Dean Kratt will di
rect a large chorus in perform
ance of five numbers.
As part of Oregon’s participa
tion in national music week, Dr.
Kratt will participate in the Col
legiate Choral festival at Port
land. He will direct a 250-voice
chorus, made up of representa
tives from Linfield college, Al
bany college, Marylhurst college,
Pacific university, Willamette
university, and University of
Portland, in a performance of
Gounod’s motet, "Gallia.”
The concert will be a joint pro
ject of the University of Port
land and the Oregon Federation
of Music Clubs.
University of Georgia art de
partment drew up a check 25
feet long, by means of which uni
versity sororities made a dona
tion to the British relief cam
Flying cadets at Randolph field, Texas, line up for the take-off, preparatory to formation flying.
Training at Randolph precedes more advanced work at Kelly field, Texas. Quite a number of ex
Oregon men have been promoted to Kelly.
Dr. Greenwood
Will Talk Here
London Teacher
To End Lectures
On Faculty List
Dr. Thomas Greenwood, pro
fessor of mathematics, now on
leave from the University of Lon
don, will address-University stu
dents and faculty members Thurs
day afternoon at 4 o’clock in 103
Deady on the “Interpretation
of Physical Theories.’’
Sponsored jointly by Pi Mu Ep
sipon, mathematics honorary, and
Sigma Xi, science honor society,
Dr. Greenwood’s lecture will be
the last in this year’s faculty lec
ture series.
Dr. Greenwood came to this
country from Birkbeck college,
University of London, in June,
1939, to teach at the summer
session of the University of Cal
ifornia, and to give courses and
lectures at other American uni
Dr. Rudolf Ernst, director of
the faculty lecture series, des
cribes Dr. Greenwood as “a very
entertaining lecturer. He is in
terested in philosophy and logic,
and mathematics from that point
of view. He is very well qualified
to discuss science generally,” he
Two hundred of the 670 stu
dents at Norwich university are
freshmen. There will be only 52
graduating cadets in June.
Social Chairmen:
• Original Designs
• Delivery on Time
• Prices to Fit Your
Personal Stationery
Distinctive Gifts
TG AY. Broadway
Recken Appointed
General Chairman
Of Law Festivities
John R. Hay, law school stu
dent body president, has an
nounced the selection of chair
men and committees for the an
nual la wschool weekend, May 2,
3, and 4.
Festival committeemen who
have been appointed include:
general chairman, Robert Recken;
orchestra, Roland Rodman, chair
man; Ed Luckey; hall, William
Robert, chairman; Dick Phillippi,
Herman Hahner. *
Challenge committee for the
BA school baseball game; Hugh
Collins, chairman; Elmo Vickers,
John Dick, John Luvaas.
Committee for the parade: Don
Richardson, hand; Meyer Kroop
nick, route; Floyd Hamilton, ve
hicles. Queen’s coronation com
mittee, Charles Phipps, James
Walker Writes
Book on Bierce
English Professor
Revives Frisco's
'Wickedest' Man
Dr. Franklin Walker, professor
of English, is the author of “Am
brose Bierce: The Wickedest Man
in San Francisco,” just published
by the Colt publishers in San
A student of early western lit
erature, Dr. Walker has written
several books on the subject. His
“San Francisco’s Literary Fron
tier” was published early last
Dr. Walker describes his latest
book as “a biography and study
of his work on the Wasp.” The
Wasp was a magazine published
in San Francisco in the early
“Ambrose Bierae” is printed on
all-rag paper and is bound in
linen. It contains a portrait of
Bierce, and a two-page facsimile
of “Prattle” from the Wasp of
Dr. Walker came to the Uni
versity from San Diego State col
lege last September.
House Managers have those
leaky faucets fixed now. Let
us take care of your plumb
ing worries at our new re
duced rates.
Plumbing* & Heating
936 Oak
Phone 243
Start This Weekend!
Trout Fishing
Lasts until May 1 9th
Open to Students and Faculty
Any person that is registered as a student or mem
ber of the faculty or staff of the University of Ore
gon may enter the 1941 EMERALD-HENDEK
The contest officially opens April 18, 1941 and closes
at 6 p.m., May 19, 1941.
This trout fishing contest is limited to RAINBOW
TROUT only. As many entries as desired may be
entered by the contestant.
All entries must be delivered, registered, and weighed
at HENDERSHOTT’S, 770 Willamette Street, Eu
gene, Oregon.
The prize of a $5.00 (five dollar! fly fishing rod will
be awarded on May 21, 1941 to the individual regis
tering the largest and heaviest RAINBOW TROUT.
Decision of the judges will be final. Duplicate piizes
will be awarded in case of a tie.
Win the
Fly Rod
A new $5.00 Fly Fisliing
Rod from Ifendershott’s
will be awarded to the
contestant entering the
biggest rainbow trout.
Watch the
Oregon^ Emerald
for more details