Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1941, Page Eight, Image 8

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    Retail Institute
Airs Problems
Over 100 Assemble to Hear Speeches,
Discuss Relation of National Defense
To Present Business Prosperity
“Consumers at retail stores like convenient, pleasant, and stimulat
ing stores, they want to be taught more intelligent spending so that
they may get a higher standard of living, and they like courteous
■ervice,” Mrs. C. W. Robison, president of the Portland Federation of
Women’s clubs, told delegates to the retail distributors’ institute
She told retailers that consumers dislike misleading salesmanship
Grafton Completes
ROTC Inspection
According to Colonel R. M.
Lyon, head of the University mil
itary department, Colonel D. B.
^Crafton was very pleased with the
results olj this year’s training
program as he completed his in
spection of freshman and sopho
more basic course students Thurs
day morning.
Each year Colonel Crafton,
ROTC commander for the ninth
corps area makes a tour of in
spection including the western
colleges and universities.
Although the training and tac
tical performance pleased the in
specting officer, he told Colonel
Lyon that the facilities on this
campus are very inadequate for
the increasing importance of mil
itary training.
Colonel Lyon reported that
preliminary action is being taken
to make possible a new armory
comparable to that of Oregon
State. The buildings here lack
the capacity and dignity neces
,aary to a satisfactory military
program, Colonel Lyon said.
Colonel Crafton discussed the
ROTC building and equipment
situation with Dr. Erb, before
continuing his tour to other
Lions Plan Show
In Igloo Tonight
Featuring a large talent re
view, the Eugene Lions club an
nual amateur show will be pre
sented on the stage of McAr
thur court this evening. Begin
ning at 8 o’clock the review will
include acts presenting every
thing from singing to tumbling—
With several novelty numbers. v
Funds from the show this year
will be used to provide recrea
tional facilities and little gifts
for all the Lane county boys who
are serving their draft time at
Fort Lewis. A portion of the re
ceipts, however, will aid in con
tinuing other charitable work
conducted by the organization.
General admission prices for
the show are 50 cents with re
served seats selling for 75 cents.
Wives of Delegates
Toar UO Campus
Wives of representatives to the
Oregon Retailers Distributors as
sociation were conducted on a
tour of the campus Thursday
morning by members of Phi Chi
Theta, national women’s business
Preceding the tour of the Phi
Chi Thflta members registered
the delegates and their wives. A
tea was given in the afternoon
under the direction of Frances
Montag and Eileen Washburne in
honor of the wives. Jean Sem
bling was in charge of the cam
pus tour.
and dishonest advertising. The
speaker was a member of the
1912 graduating class of the Uni
versity. Over 100 Oregon retail
men and women attended the
morning speeches and afternoon
discussions in the faculty room of
Friendly hall.
Burd’s Talk
Dr. Henry A. Burd, professor
of marketing at the University of
Washington, told how retailers’
collections problems were height
ened by the fact that one-third of
retailing business is done on
He pointed out several actual
facts affecting retail business,
Our present prosperity depends
on the billions of dollars being
spent temporarily on national de
fense, he reported. He advised
retailers to advertise mercnan
dise, not credit terms; warned
them about the fact that the
number of retail stores in Ore
gon is increasing 50 per cent
faster than the population, and
that taxes, both direct and in
direct, are rising.
Also Spoke
Speaking also were E. A. Bur
kitt, manager of J. C. Penney
company, Portland, Dr. N. H.
Cornish, professor of business ad
ministration, Howard Davis, sup
erintendent of Lipman, Wolfe,
and company, and Ransom D.
Mienke, attorney, both of Port
Then, as Frank Nau, president
of the Portland Retail Trade bu
reau summarized the speeches,
the retailers discussed the morn
ing talks. While almost 1000
ROTC students were drilling
during the regular Thursday drill
period, over 100 Oregon retail
men were discussing “How Na
tional Defense Affects Retailing.”
Discussion Leaders
Discussion leaders were W. V.
Merill, manager of the Murphy
Seed company, Albany; M. E.
Crow, manager of M. Crow and
company, Lostine; Damon Scott,
J. C. Penney manager. Cottage
Grove; Mabel A. Wood, head of
the home economics department
at the University, and Ralph
Campbell, Salem attorney.
Shorn Sophs
Called by 'Law'
Side Pickle Barrel
Again Authorized
By Sheriff Thomas
A special dunking party for
beardless second-year men, the
last one previous to tonight’s
Soph VVhiskerino dance, will take
place in front of the Side at 12:30
today, Sheriff Homer Thomas
announced last night.
Offenders who felt they could
“get by” with a last - minute
shave will realize that the long
arm of sophomore law is far
reaching, Thomas revealed, as he
released a final list of shavers
for publication.
Dick Ashcom and Floyd Rhea,
Thomas’ left and right hand men,
respectively, will perform cere
monies in the water-filled Side
pickle barrel. The beard ban will
officially end at midnight tonight
when the Whiskerino is over, it
was announced.
Offenders who will be punished
•this noon are: Steve Worth,
Dwight Caswell, Chuck Ingold,
Bill Rapson, Pat Riley, John
Matschek, Chuck McDougal, Lad
die Rucker, Neel Huckleberry,
Dale McKenzie, Bill Ault, Joe
Wicks, Gordon Childs, Glenn
Westfall, Clarence Terry, Jack
Nichols, GJL Oeitner, and Bob
Seven Fledglings
To Trg New Wings
Trying their wings yesterday,
for the first time sans instructor,
seven more civil pilot training
students successfully soloed after
eight hours of dual instruction.
Among the group was the first
girl soloist, Sue Cunningham.
Taught by Wesley Hammond,
Miss Cunningham, leads the fem
inine 10 per cent of the class of
50. Jack Hannegan was the first
man to fly alone.
Also riding the air bumps in
solitary .enjoyment yesterday
were Kelly Holbert, a pupil of
Wesley Hammond; Don Mahoney,
Arnold Reed and Joseph Doweny,
all instructed by Steve Hatha
way; and Malcolm Stubblebine
and Gil Geitner, tutored by Max
According to the CPT office,
due to the spring weather the
larger portion of the class will
probably solo within the next two
Plans are being made for a
Cornell university-Carleton col
1 e g e ornithological expedition
to Mexico in 1941.
House Managers
Do Your Repairing Now
199 6th Ave. West Phone 208
'Patient' Patient
Gives Up Hope;
'Zoo-itis ’ Reigns
Hospital attendents were
wondering whether or not they
were in the right place Thurs
day afternoon when they were
greeted by a chorus of barn
yard imitations. The bovines in
the men’s portion of the in
firmary started it all when Ed
Blumenthal, dictator and vet
eran patient, was accused by
one of the confinees of laying
the pretty blue Easter egg Tie
has so fondly saved from East
er. Hearing the commotion, the
“chickens” in the opposite end
of the hall immediately an
swered. Bedlam followed. Blu
menthal said he had hopes of
hatching the egg, but some of
the imitations were so “fowl”
that there seems to be no hope.
Hospital attendants were the
Participants in the farm fol
lies were: Jean Adams, Judy
Sherman, Beatrice Bell, Joan
Taylor, Florence Gordon, Sue
Wagner, Laura Hexter, Pa
tricia Lynch, Billie Dexter,
Wish Brown, Bruce Stephen
son, Phil Putnam, Dewey Ray,
Earl Beck, Phil Reiter, Bill
Strieby, and Blumenthal.
ROTC Examinations
Given to 100 Sophs
Approximately 100 sophomore
applicants to first-year advanced
ROTC (junior) are being exam
ined by a board consisting of
Colonel J. W. Crissy, Major C. E.
Knickerbocker and Captain H.
W. Hall.
The examination consists of
tactical knowledge and leader
ship. Of the 100 aspirants, about
50 principals and the same num
ber of alternates will be chosen
for the advanced course. Colonel
R. M. Lyon said that owing to
the increased interest in military
training, many more apply for
this training than can be trained
under the present organization.
The first part of the examina
tion was held Thursday with the
final tests set for next Thursday.
Each applicant was examined in
dividually in the handling of
arms, drilling of squads, and gen
eral leadership.
Businessmen of Fremont, Neb.,
raised $3,500 for Midland col
lege in a Midland Emphasis week.
fielding to Talk
At Ad Conclave
Alpha Delta Sigma
To Install Portland
Chapter of "Group
Speaking at the annual con
clave of Alpha Delta Sigma, na
tional advertising honorary, to be
held in Portland on Saturday,
April 26, will be Don Bekling.of
Los Angeles, vice-president of
Lord and Thoawan; eae-.of the
largest advertising? -agencies in
the world. Mr, Bekting is also
president of the Pacific Coast Ad
vertising federatMNfr'aad. an. Ores -
gon graduate (it the of 193 9i
Chief feature of the*, .conclave,
planned at a luncheon,4rf.. the j6>ae
gon chapter Thursday at the Col
lege Side, will be- the installation
of the Portland, Oregon, chapter
of the honorary. This chapter will
be the fourth in the nation, others
being at Boston, New York, and
Los Angeles.
Mr. Belding will speak at the
banquet to be given- at the Mult- -
nomah hotel, which all the active
members and pledges of the Ore
gon, Oregon State, Washington,
and Washington State chapters
are scheduled to attend. Also
present will be the Portland
alumni and associates and other
alumni from the state.
President of the new Portland
chapter will be Hal Short, of
Baum and Short, advertising
agency in Portland.
for a
99 at Moss
How to hold
your Partner
ourous dancing teachers
have to be even more partic
ular than most girls about
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effective Odorono Cream is
their big favorite!
Hold your partner with
Odorono Cream! Checks
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non-irritating, non-greasy,
non-gritty. And it gives you
50 to 100% more for your
Of » $1° Worth
^ * of Lessons in
Arthur Murray Dance Book and
Generous Jar of Odcrono Cream
If the instructions in this new Arthur
Murray Dance Book were given in
his private studio it would cost $10 !
See how easy it is to learn! And see
how easy it is to hold your partner
when you use ODOKOXO CREAM!
P. O. Box B, New York, N. Y.
Send me the new Arthur Murray Dance Book
and generous introductory jar of Odorono
Cream. 1 enclose 25t to cover printing, mailing
and handling.