Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1941, Image 1

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. __ . ^ Photo by Jimmie Leonard
Four mam heads of the Soph Whiskerino dance committee pictured
above are making final plans for tonight’s appearance of Russ Morgan
in Gerlinger hall. Like other male class members, they too have let
their beards grow for the annual occasion. Shown are, laft to right,
Jeff Kitchen, contest chairman; Bill Edlefsen and Ray Packouz, co
chairmen; and Homer Thomas, sheriff.
Hobby Hobson Talks of
Hoopmen v. Hipmen’
Dr. Walker Tells
Religion's Place
„ Faculty Lecturer
Declares Religious
Study Not Enough
Study of religion can never be
come a substitute for religious
living, nor can it reach finality,
declared Dr. Edwin R. Walker,
professor of philosophy and re
ligion at Central college in Fay
ette, Missouri, who spoke on re
ligion in the liberal arts curricu
lum to a University lecture series
audience at 7:30 Thursday in
Friend.y hall.
“Philosophy of religion can’t be
bound to one tradition or to one
sect,” Dr. Walker stated.
“The main consideration in re
ligious studies of the phenomena,
facts, principles of religious liv
ing, and its basic concepts,” he
explained. Dr. Walker said that
the basic functions of religion are
a person’s rea’ization of values
and his commitment to the de
velopment and awareness of these
“Religious knowledge will give
him an idea of good and value,”
he stated.
Dr. Walker be’ieves that in
cluded in the liberal arts curricu
lum should be the study of the
history of religion as well as the
study of religious literature.
“The study of this literature
should be simply as literature
study and a product of the cul
ture,” he said.
Dr. Walker’s opinion is that
this way men will develop a
genetic understanding of the re
ligious phenomena.
Having received his Ph.D. from
the University of Chicago, Dr.
Walker has occupied eight pas
torates and has wr itten articles
and book reviews in various pub
Whiskerino Finale
Do I pity the guy
Who did fervently try
To eke out a beard ? I say nay,
But I pity the man
Who must shave off his pan
Tonight with an electric razor.
Edits . 4, 5
News . 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Sports . 6, 7
Surf boards, pineapples, Waiki
ki beach, cocoanuts, hula dances
. . . it’s hard to tell which im
pressed “Hobby” the most.
“One thing I can tell you,” he
said emphatically, “that trip is
worth a whole term of school.”
And to hear Hobby tell it, it’s
easily worth all of that.
“We’ll begin with the wel
come,” he said. "They had twelve
girls from the University of Ha
waii down at the boat to meet
us. The w’hole town turns out
when a boat comes in and it’s
really an impressive sight. They
have bands and everything. We
each got about ten leis apiece.”
The boys and Hobby stayed at
the Moana hotel on Waikiki
beach and went swimming and
surf boarding whenever their
schedule permitted.
"I rode one a little ... I didn't
stand up on it though,” Hobby
grinned sheepishly.
r raiiifu —nwnsun
Hilo Hattie, the island’s most
famous hula teacher, gave the
boys lessons in the dance.
She told them that the hula is
a sacred dance on the island and
that each movement has a certain
significance Which was explained
as the dance was done. "Of
course,” Hobby grinned, "it does
n’t make sense to me but it does
to them I guess.”
Archie Marshik may have won
the grass h.at for being Hattie’s
best pupil, .but Hobby had some
colored movies taken of himself
doing the hula with her.
"I wras framed,” was his only
Side trips took the boys to a
sugar plantation and through the
largest pineapple cannery in the
There are many strange and
different kinds of foods in Ha
waii, several of which the travel
ing squad tried. "I didn’t care
much for poi but papaya is very
good,” said Hobby.
Then he turned to Ruth Travis,
who was typing a letter for him.
“I’m awfully sorry, Ruth,” his
voice held genuine regret, "we
just couldn’t find a sarong.”
Editor Applications
All persons applying for the
position of Emerald editor
next year, must have their
petitions in the activities of
fice by 5 p.m. today, according
to George Root, educational
activities manager.
Root emphasized that any
student on the campus may
apply for the position and
have the privilege of being in
terviewed by the board.
Russ Morgan to Rule
'Dance of Whiskers’
Rally Precedes
Return of Squad
From Lei Land
Erb, Cornell Speak
To U of O Students
During Program
Songs,, yells, and speeches pre
ceded the train depot welcome of
Oregon’s wandering hoopmen
Thursday at an 11 o'clock pep as
sembly in Gerlinger hall.
In a short address, Dr, Donald
M. Erb, president of the Univer
sity. praised the “qualities of
courage and fighting spirit that
made us all proud of the basket
ball team.” He said that they
didn't set the world on fire, but
they were a team that never let
us down.
Dr. Erb also discussed spring
elections and the student union
building. He urged; all to partici
pate in the elections, but to live
up to proper reputation and to
accomplish advantages of demo
cratic organizations.
As for the student union build
(Please turn to page five)
Hop Plans Completed
By Soph Chairmen
'Does Your Heart Beat for Me' Player
Will Bring Orchestra of Twenty Pieces
To Gerlinger for Annual Dance
"Music in the Morgan Manner,” played by its famed originator,
Russ Morgan, wilt come to Gerlinger hall at S:30 tonight as a campua-f
at-large comes to the "dance of whiskers” sponsored by the clans!
of ’43.
Posting on walls and entrance goodly evidence of its whiskenno
and Paid Bunyan themes, dance Co-chairmen Bill Edlefsen and Ray
Packouz last night announced
completion of last minute plans
for the informal.
A limited number of Whis
kerino tickets will be on sale
at the door of Gerlinger hall
tonight for $1.25 each, Co-chair
men Ray Packouz and Bill Ed
lefsen announced last night.
Russ Morgan, the man who
made famous the theme song,
"Does Your Heart Beat for Me?",
will bring a 20-piece orchestra to
the Gerlinger stage for the an
nual secondryear event.
From far and wide bearded
sophomores will meet to conrparo
beards which have been :r. con
centrated growth for the paott
two and a half weeks.
Highlight of the dance and en
tertainment will be crowning ot
the Whisker champ, the scc-cmid
year man who grew the biggest •
and best beard. Prize will be a*
gold-lettered shaving mug, be ar
ing- the lettering, "Sophomore
Whiskerino Champion, Class of *
This is a scene from the second act of “Tovarich,” University theater production, which plays to
night and Saturday night in Guild hail, Johnson hall. Pictured in the Dupont living room, Trine®
Mikail, as Michel, the butler, lights a cigarette for his enemy, Gorotchenko. Characters in the pic
ture are, from left, Adrian Martin, Chauffourier-Dubieff; Bettie Jane Quigley, Madame Van Kementj;
Jim Parsons, Prince Mikail; Parker McNeil, Commissar Gorotchenko; Betty Fiksdal, Fernantle Du
pont; Kay Fitzgerald, Mme. Chauffourier-Dubieff; Trudy Hariand, Grand Duchess Tatiana; and Jeff
Smith, Charles Dupont.
Second 'Tovarich5 Cast Praised
University and townspeople
were delighted again last night
when the slightly mad characters
in “Tovarich” once more wan
dered through an atmosphere of
caviar, artichokes, and vodka.
Trudy Harland and Jim Par
sons took over the leads with,
jest and humor. Miss Harland
was a wistful and gay grand
duchess. Prince Mikail became a
debonair and suave butler as
played by Jim Parsons.
The supporting cast, headed by
Jerry Lakefish moaning "The
Volga Boatman," played their
former roles with the exception
of Parker McNe.il, who exchanged
the lead for the role of Commis
sar Gorotchenko.
The piay concerns the predica
ment of two exiled Russian nobles
who attempt to save four billion
francs intrusted to them by the
czar from selfish interests. They
become servants in a wealthy
family and find themselves in the
midst of intrigue.
George Smith plays the vole of
Dupont, the tycoon who can’t
find his .chres oi Jose his head
ache. Bet tie Jane Quigley is Olga
and Madame Von Hemert. The*
regal Fernantle Dupont is t layieeL
by Betty Fiksdal.
Two More Performances '
Howard Speer, Adrian Martin,
Dorothy Durkee, Jeanette H«ar
bert, Jean Harper, and Kay Fitz
gerald complete the cast.
The play continues for iv/o
more performances, tonight Paul