Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1941, Image 1

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, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1941
Hoopsters Return
Board Chooses
Co-op Aspirants
For Next Year
Students Will Vote
For Directorate
At May 8 Elections
One sophomore and two juniors
will be elected to the Co-op board
May 8 from 12 persons nominated
yesterday at a meeting of the
Co-op board of directors.
Nominees who will be sopho
mores next year are: Bill Lilly,
Bill Bergtholdt, Jim Bennison,
Jim Harrison, John Gleason, and
Roger Jayne.
Nominees who will be juniors
next year are: John Busterud,
Bud Wimberly, Bob McKinney,
Les Anderson, Jim Bronson, and
Bud Vandeneynde.
Elections to the Co-op board
will take place May 8 along with
regular ASUO and class elections.
Miller Band Rumor
Quelled bg Frosh
Official denial of rumors that
Glenn Miller’s orchestra would
play for the Frosh Glee May 24
came last night when Ted Hal
loclc, in charge of music for the
Glee, said that Miller was “sewed
up’’ for the month of May.
Hallock declared that he want
ed to “quench this rumor’’ before
it grows too prevalent. He said
that he was "sorry the rumor
had started,” but that the Frosh
Glee committee was still work
ing to secure a big-name band
for the May affair.
Arrangements were being
made, Hallock related, through
the General Amusement corpor
ation of Los Angeles. Norman K.
Doyle, agent of the company, no
tified the Frosh Glee committee
that Miller would start his North
west tour about June 6.
Hallock said he believed Miller
would' be in Portland about the
middle of June.
And the Dean Smiles
This Friday’s Whiskerino
Will surely be a freak,
For ’twill practically eliminate
Dancing cheek to cheek.
—J. W. S.
__ . Photo by Jimmie Leonard
Homer Thomas, sheriff cf the bevvhiskered sophomore class males,
here resigns himself to the worst. The three girls, objecting to the
dutiful sheriff’s beard, have decided to deprive “Samson” of his power.
While Janet Farnham applies the shaving cream, Nancy Rieseh
stands ready with a maniacal smile and lethal-looking razor. Betty
Jane Biggs holds scissors. Bill Rapson, dangerously close, kibitzes.
Whisker Revolution
Fights Soph Stubble
The age-old sophomore tradi
tion of beard growing escaped
“going on the rocks” yesterday—
but it was a close fight all the
Heading an organized opposi
tion group composed of Betty
Jane Biggs and Janet Farnham,
Nancy Riesch directed a “revolt”
against bearded plans for Friday
night’s Whiskerino, and managed
to temporarily "hold” Sheriff Ho
mer Thomas, chief law-enforcing
agent for the soph affair.
(Please turn to page five)
Nautical Royalty Returns
Queen to Don Leis
Oregon’s Junior Weekend
queen and court lassies arrived
home last night following christ
ening of The Norwind in time to
gain most of a good night’s sleep
and to change to Hawaiian cos
tumes for greeting a homecom
ing basketball team today.
Hawaiian-born Queen Annabelle
Dow will meet Porky Andrews and
team members as they step from
their train, following their return,
to the "continent” from a basket
ball trip to the islands.
Train bearing the travelling
team will arrive at 12:04 p.m.
and at that time the rally-gieet
ing moves into official action. The
queen and court, leading the wel
coming party, will escort piayers
to the campus.
Launching ceremonies, which
feted Oregon’s Junior Weekend
delegation yesterday, featured a
clambake and an afternoon of
entertainment for the queen and
her court of four. ‘’After-dinner”
ceremonies included "ducking”
of King Neptune Buck Buchwach,
symbolic father of the occasion.
ROTC Inspection
Due This Morning
This morning's 9 and 10 o'clock
military classes will appear in
uniform for inspection by Colonel
D. B. Crafton, commander of the
ninth corps area ROTC units, ac
cording to Colonel R. M. Lyon.
Colonel Crafton is staff officer
to General Peake, with offices in
San Francisco. He is in charge
of administration for the ROTC
units in nine western states.
His university inspection is part
of a yearly tour of all colleges
and universities in this area. Be
cause of a scheduled inspection
at OSC, Colonel Crafton will not
be present at the regular Thurs
day afternoon drill.
Women’s pages .
Patter ...
Sports .
Duck Tracks .
Calendar .
Conclave Program
Passing Parade
... 6, 7
. 6
1, 5, 8
. 4
. 5
. 4
Rally Assembly
To Greet Ducks
Welcome Leis to Ring Tall Firs* Necks
At Welcoming Festivities; Erb. Cornell
To Speak at Ovations for Homecomers
Webfoots will prepare an Ore
gon "hello” for the basketball
team, winner of four games out
of five on the islands, today at an
11 o’clock student body assembly
in Gerlinger hall.
Immediately following the
short program, the rally commit
tee will lead the way to the rail
road station to throw leis of wel
come around the necks of the
nine-man traveling team and
Coach Hobby Hobson.
At the assembly Dr, Donald
M. Erb, president of the Univer
sity, and Anse Cornell, athletic
director, will give short addresses
before Earle Russell, head yell
leader, and his “dukes” take over
the assembly.
The Eugene high school chorus
under the direction of Glenn
Griffith, music supervisor at the
high school, will be a special fea
ture of the rally. The University
band with its leader John Stehn
will also play.
When the 12:04 train pulls into
(Continued on page fil e)
Last Guild Show
Reopens Tonight
Final Curtain
To Rise on New
Tovarich' Cast
"Tovarieh,” final University
Guild hall offering of the season,
under the direction of Mrs. Ottilie
T. Seybolt, reopens tonight for its
final run. Jim Parsons plays
Prince Mikail and Trudy Har
Jand the Grand Duchess Tatiana.
The play tells of the brave
fight of two exiled Russian no
bles to save four billion francs
intrusted to them by the czar
from selfish interests who want
the money for their own use.
Parker McNeil, last week's
Prince Mikail, plays Soviet Com
missar Gorotchenko in tonight's
performance. Others in the cast
retain last week's roles.
Tickets to Thursday's perform
ance, sponsored by Pi Delta Phi,
French honorary, must be ex
changed at the University box of
fice in Johnson hall, telephone
number extension 216.
Walker to Talk
On Philosophy,
Religion Tonight
Visiting Professor
Is in Northwest
For First Time
Coming directly to Eugene by
train from his chair of professor
of philosophy and religion, at
Central college in Fayette, Mis
souri, Dr. Edwin R. Walker will
speak to a University lecture se*
ries audience tonight at 7:30 in
the faculty room of Friendly half.
This is the first time that
Walker has been in the North*
west. He says that Oregonian®
would soon convince him if he
didn't already think that the
Northwest is a fine place in which
to live.
Having received his Ph D. front
the University of Chicago, occu
pied eight pastorates, and writ
ten several articles and book re
views in various publications, Dr.
Walker will speak about philoso
phy of religion in the liberal arte
The lecture is open to student®
and faculty.
SDX Heads Elected
Sigma Delta Chi, national pro
fessional journalistic fraternity,
Wednesday elected Buck Euch
wach president for the coming
year, according to Lyle Nelson,
present head.
Other officers elected at the
meeting included Ken Christian
son, vice-president; Ray Schrick,
secretary, and Den Butzin, treas
The group also discussed plan®
for a spring picnic April 27.
Float Plans Due
Ail houses entering floats in
the Junior Weekend canoe fete
must turn in theme plans and
drawings to Jim Carney ly 6
o'clock tonight, it was an
nounced yesterday.
In Honor of the Heroes
Hop to Fete Hoopmen
Oregon's wandering hoop squacl
will be welcomed home today at
a rally dance in Gerlinger hall
from 3:30 to 5:30. Members of
Talons, OSC sophomore women’s
honorary, will also be honor
Final dunking c,f beardless
sophomore men will take place at
the dance under the supervision,
of Sheriff Homer Thomas.
Coach "Hobby” Hobson will de
scribe the Hawaiian trip, and
members of the team will be
interviewed on wrhat they did in
A short pep rally directed by
Oregon yell leaders will cheer the
homecoming Ducks. The team
will be serenaded' with an Hawai
ian song by tho Alpha O trio
consisting (if Penny Mullen, June
Marie Wilson, and Yvonne
Ray Dickson's orchestra will
play for the dance. Dickson's
band played for the rally dance
after Oregon's football victory;
over Oregon State, for the sopho
more hop, and for the Order of
the "O’' dance.
A banquet at the Anchorage
will honor members of Talons aft
er the dance.
The dance is a no-date affair.
Tickets, which cost 10 cents, are
being sold by all living organiza
tions and by members of Kwama
and Skull and Dagger.