Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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i ;■ mregon uatiy Enteraii, puuushed daily during the college year except Sundays,
IH‘nriiys, holidays, an 1 hual examination periods by the Associated Students, University
ui Jrgni. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Watered as second
das. matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented for national advertising by VATIONAE AD\ ERTISING SER\ ICE,
mC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— 15 os
tun -Los Angeles—San Francisco— Portland and Seattle.
CifLL M. N'ELSON', Editor JAMES \V. FROST, Business Manager
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olney, Helen Angell
E Jit >rial Boar I - Roy Vertutrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent
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Wes Sullivan, Ass’t News
Corrine W'ignes, Executive
Mildred Wilson, Exchange
Fragmentary Education
qpilKV loll you occasionally in psych classes that incidental
learning is important. That is to say, all that is worth
■\vlii ■ information i> not outlined in the duller textbooks. One
fti;r aneeivably pick up the choicest bits in the most ofihand
F'*r instance, if you read last 'week s women s pages you
would lutve gleaned some incidental scraps that might (or
•right not t have taught you something.
One headline announced "Weekend Promises Real College
Spir t.” The story was about desserts and social things. Anil
tlii. abruptly, unannounced except for it thin black line
alienating it from the previous printed matter, the story gave
vu to a printer’s filler that said. ‘‘dolin lvirwin, G-foot 6-inch
SKU) round freshman at Ohio State university, wears shoes
that are 1G inches long and nearly G inches wide.”
if if
A NOT HER story was obviously beguiling the reader with
the caption "Try it Gleaming Red Straw Hat in Spring
Buti.’’ The good make-up man. hunting about lor an appro
pi u filler to make the story stretch to the end of the column,
^eizel upon this: ‘‘John P>. Waite, professor oi criminal law
at. the Pniversity of Michigan, is a bow tit' addict. The other
day 100 of HO freshmen in one of his classes showed up wear
ing bows.”
Tim casual reader could toss off 230-pound John Kirwin and
Cm. mologist John P» Waite with the merest flicker of an
eyelash. And yet the filler people may be mighty men in their
out kingdoms. Tim reader should handle these gentlemen
gevnt iy, respectful of the fact that knowledge is where yoiffind
ir\ Who knows, these bits of incidental intelligence might pop
up O ' a quiz program any day now.—P.11.
Everybody Likes Him
lETANNY Yezie left town for California Sunday. During the
two weeks period that the new end ooaeh was in Eugene
and -nixing on the Oregon campus, he came to be held in high
onto ’n by Eiiiversity students for two reasons—first, he s one
of t. best end coaches in the business; second, his personality
fs it initiating and because of it he s made many a new friend.
• > is a great mixer. In two weeks lie’s made as many
frie in Kug me as most people make in one year in a town.
He \ as to be friendly, however, beeause his other job calls for
*nee'. :ng lots of people and inspiring their confidence. Ve/.ie
o\\ • ■> a boy-,’ camp in the high Sierras just out of Eos Angeles.
JSorn - sixty-five boy> flock out to his camp every summer to
svvii hike, fish, and limit. Naturally, Yezie must be able to
ik' ; hoy’.s father feel that his son is in safe hands.
* # *
II^AilEX fall praetice rolls around, when the Ducks are look
ing toward a r u-ky lit game schedule starting in October,
Ve will be back at Oregon. Ilis summer with *'hi- boys’’
will over, and he can devote his time to coaching the cuds.
Tha N a job which has already occupied most of his time.
T1 ‘ Oregon ends a " stronger now than they were at any
time last year, according to many observers. It is sure that
opposing backs will have a tough time making yardage around
tliat department.
W.de is the type of eoaeli who loves to work with his ends
rn hi s own suit; he works effectively and with a degree of con
fide ■ and pep which overflows onto the other players and
p ,e- the team added energy and drive.—K.C.
By Ann Reynolds
Here’s an idea that should at
tract student attention. How shall
the building be constructed? The
committee wants to know which
of two ways would be more
satisfactory to the majority of
students. The first method would
be to build each unit as complete
as possible as we go along. In
other words, as each room is
built, the complete furnishing
would be provided until the
available funds are gone. Then
the next addition would have to
wait until more money was
raised. For example, if the first
unit would be a ballroom it
would be built and furnished and
would perhaps be the only facil
ity provided for until we could
get more money.
The second method is to com
pletely finish the outside struc
ture with an architectural plan
in mind. With this method not all
the rooms could be furnished per
manently at the same time. A
semi-permanent finish would be
given the walls of some of the
rooms. Less elaborate light fix
tures would be temporarily used
so that they could be replaced by
the more appropriate ones. How
ever, the complete outside archi
tecture would serve as a basis for
continued improvement.
Now here are the problems for
both sides: In the first method
the students would get the bene
fit of completed facilities. They
would, however, have fewer
rooms and less on which to con
tinue work. Another important
point to consider is the fact that
if one unit were built at a time
the architecture would be rather
unattractive until the building
could be completed.
On the other hand the second
method makes it necessary for
the students to wait until later
for the completed interior archi
tecture. However, “unifinished”
does not mean rough boards and
loose wires, but completed fur
nishings except that the paint
and such finishings would be
temporary. A point for the sec
ond method is that the general
exterior architecture would per
haps be more attractive if the
building were built as a whole.
Most of the important rooms
that the students would be using
the most would be furnished per
manently and perhaps the rest
of the building could be furnished
with student murals.
This is a good chance to plug
the weekly bulletin “Union Now’’
that is sponsored by the sopho
more committee. So far they have
published three editions that con
tain some good information if
the readers were able to look be
neath the amazing adventures of
Mr. Whipsneed and Penelope the
Pullet. It is a good idea to keep
track of the information they give
out because the more the stu
dents know about the possibilities
of construction the more they can
tell what they want.
'Potentials' to Give
Whisker Preview
Potential winners of the Sopho
more Whiskerino are asked to
display their “crops” at the
chi!-toning of Don "Noah” Good’s
“Norwind" this afternoon, it was
revealed by Sheriff Homer
Thomas last night.
Bewhiskered men should con
gregate at loth and Willamette
at 4:45 o'clock this afternoon.
Thomas and his posse will be on
hand to lead the soph delegation
in the parade which will precede
the christening.
International Side Show
Wowww! What a letter. I did
n’t suspect that Gene Edwards
knew so many big word's, and all
of them soaked in acid.
As a matter of fact, even
though Mr. Ed
wards finds me a
“schoolboy sage”
and a “dislocated
ego,” even though
he speaks of my
“notorious puer
ility” and my
“verbal d i a r -
rhea" — or per
haps it is because
of these very
terms, I am immensely flattered
by his open letter.
Mr. Edwards certainly proved
that he suffers no constipation
of the vocabulary, but the fact
that he considers me as a person
more important than the things
I write is bound to be soothing
to a “dislocated ego.” For Mr.
Edwards, using a common debat
ing device, almost completely
begged the question and concen
trated all his no small amount of
wit in a personal attack on the
man who raised the question.
What Is Question?
The question is briefly whether
a man who insists that “the great
masses of human beings are not
fit to govern themselves” is real
All Sides
A severe shake-up of the en
tire San Francisco police depart
ment may result from a “socio
logical experiment” conducted by
two Stanford freshmen in the
tough “South of Market” area of
the city a few days ago. The two
are now in the hospital recover
ing from severe injuries which
they claim they received when
they were “bruised and smashed
wantonly and without provoca
tion” by San Francisco police.
The Encinamen were picked up
in the questionable district and
booked for vagrancy. The “vic
tims,” even though badly injured,
begged to be released from the
hospital so that they could iden
tify their assailants in a line-up
of 12 uniformed men.
The case looks doubly tough for
the police after the following
statement released by Dean of
Men John Bunn:
“These are high class kids—
they are boys of superior ability.
I am sure they would not go up
there just on a lark, and I’m
sure they were genuinely inter
ested in social conditions.”
-—Daily Trojan.
* $ *
A student at the University of
Iowa bought a brand new tux
so he agreed to sell his old tux
to his friend, who rushed it down
town and had a couple of yards
cut out of it so that his nose
would show over the collar.
Two days later he walked in
to view the remodeled tux and
was horrified to discover that
he'd given his friend his brand
new, ultra-modern tuxedo by mis
—Utah Chronicle.
* * *
When Robert Ripley heard of
George Toot, a freshman music
major at Kent State university,
who also toots a trombone, the
cartoonist thought it strange
enough to write to Toot asking
permission to use the facts in his
—Indiana Daily Student.
ly a “potential fascist.” I took
the affirmative, Gene the nega
Gene's sole contribution to the
point at hand was denial of the
fitness of the label and a sugges
tion that I read John Stuart
Mill's essay “On Liberty.”
A very dangerous suggestion,
Mr. Edwards, and out of your
own mouth you shall be con
demned. Here’s what John Stu
art Mill has to say.
Kinds of Tyranny
There are various forms of
tyranny, and the first is the tyr
anny of individuals. Society, in
order to protect itself against
innumerable vultures, allows itself
to be ruled by one big vulture.
But the big vulture is as bad as
the little ones and so must be
checked. This is done by forcing
him to recognize certain political
liberties or rights which if broken
provide grounds for resistance
and general rebellion.
Another and more popular way
of hamstringing the big vulture
is setting up certain constitution
al checks. But from the idea of
constitutional government conies
the idea of rule by the majority,
which in turn gives rise to a new
form of tyranny.
This new form is the tyranny
of society. The tyranny of the
majority is more formidable than
many other kinds of political op
pression because there are fewer
means to escape it and it pene
trates much more deeply into the
details of everyday life .enslaving
the soul itself.
Limit to Restraint
“There is a limit to the legiti
mate interference of collective
opinion with individual indepen
dence," says Mill, and to find that
limit is the problem.
In crder that the greatest
good may accrue to the greatest ,
number it is necessary that some
rules be imposed, wrote the old
Utilitarian. What rules? That is
the question.
The rules vary with geography,
time, and culture. No two coun
tries decide alike. Yet always the
rules seem self-evident. This “nat
uralness” of the prevailing rules
is an illusion which results from
the magical influence of custom.
Ruling Class Morality
Now we are coming to the meat
of the matter. Says Mill: “Wher
ever there is an ascendant class,
a large proportion of the moral
ity (or custom) of the country
emanates from its class interests
and its feeling of class superior
The morality that exists be
tween dictators and stooges, be
tween planters and negroes, be
tween men and women (with men
in the dominant position) is
merely the creation of their class
interests and feelings.
When a class is losing its as
cendancy, or when its ascendancy
is unpopular, the prevailing mo
ral sentiments frequentlly reflect
inqratience with this superiority.
That is why a lot of the people in
the CIO unions, for instance, re
sent the power of Mr. Henry
Ford and Mr. J. P. Morgan.
Natural Servility
But a lot of people still wor
ship our capitalistic masters.
Mill says there is a servility in
mankind toward the supposed
preferences and aversions of our
temporal masters which results in
our giving in to their prejudices
and even getting very emotional
about the wrole business. Though
essentially selfish, this servility
is not hypocritical. We rational
ize aud convince ourselves. As a
result we nourish perfectly gen
uine sentiments of abhorrence to
deviators. The heretics are
burned, unpopular reformers are
ostracized, dissenters are put in
(Continued on page five)