Student Book Contest Opens Winners Will Get Prizes of $10, $5 In Like Additions Entries must be made by noon Wednesday, April 30, at the li brarian’s office for contestants in the Library day prize contest for the oest personal libraries belong ing to students registered at Ore gon. Prizes of $10 and $5 in books will be given to the first and sec ond place winners in both the un dergraduate and graduate divi sions. The prizes are to consist of books to be selected by the winners, the orders to be placed through the University of Oregon library. Five persons appointed by the head librarian will judge the col lections. Text books will be ex cluded. Consideration will be giv en to well-edited and effectively printed books as well as to rare editions and fine bindings. The contestant must state the number of books and general na ture of the collection. Arrange ment of the display in the space allotted must be made by 10 a.m. Saturday, May 3. Owners will be responsible for the necessary guarding of the displays and for their prompt removal after the contest. Consul Warns (Continued from page one) Studies Goal Mr. Van Nice went to Istanbul to make a survey and make pic tures and drawings of the ancient Santa Sophia church. This church is reputedly the most perfect ex ample of Byzantine architecture in the world. Dean William Emerson of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology received a grant from the Byzantine institute which he en trusted to Mr. Van Nice to make a survey of the old church. Re cently under Mustapha Kamel Ataturk it was made a national monument. Five Years Mr. Van Nice had a five year contract and decided to stay on when war broke. He had been working closely with the Turkish government and had been living at Roberts college at Bebek, a suburb of Istanbul. Santa Sophia church was built by Constantine the Great. When the Moslems took the city, they whitewashed the famous mosaic displayed on its walls. This white wash has now been removed. Mr. Van Nice was graduated from Oregon in 1934 and received his master’s degree in architec ture from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Mrs. Van Nice is an Oregon graduate also. Tradition Change (Continued from page one) were constructed, and much- ri valry developed as to design and decoration. Naturally the men were served first, and the women were not allowed to eat until all the men had finished. However, “in deference to wo men, no Oregon man ever smokes on the campus.” After their labors were over, the men serpentined around the campus, yelling “Oregon, Oski wow, wow!” and “Rah! Rah! Oregon!” The women were not permitted to yell, but might ap plaud. In former days it was the duty of the juniors to paint the Oregon “O” with the help of freshman volunteers. MEET THE PRESIDENT (Courtesy the Oregon Journal) Many unusual organizations have been born at the University during its history, and the Bone Breakers’ club is one of the most unusual. Mrs. Marion Watts, who was injured when struck by an automobile fall term, is president by virtue of the most recent frac ture. One must have a break of some kind to boast of before being eligible for membership. Mrs. Watts is here being congratulated by the originator of the idea, Marguerite Carpenter. New Victim Heads Broken Bone Club Mrs. Marian P. Watts. Univer sity librarian, is the new presi dent of the Bone Breakers club, a band for mutual support. The club is composed of University employees who have broken bones. According- to the constitution, only those who have submitted to adhesive tape, X-rays, plaster casts, and a doctor’s bill are eligi ble to belong to this exclusive and unique organization. Every so often, as specified in the aforementioned constitution which was written by Marguer ite Carpenter, a charter member of the club, the group meets for refreshments. These shall consist of calcium tablets and cod liver oil. Mrs. Watts’ position as presi dent is warranted by the fact that she complied with the article which specifies that the president shall be the member who has most recently broken bones or who has broken the most bones at one time. Since Mrs. Watts is not only the most recent, but also the most complete case of broken bones in the club, she now enjoys ( ?) the honor of presiding. Smith Addresses Tourists' School The first in a six weeks’ series of meetings sponsored by the Eu gene vocational school and known as the Tourists’ school featured a talk Monday night by Dr. Warren D. Smith on the geology, mines, and scenery of the territory sur rounding Eugene. The school, which will be held weekly at the Woodrow Wilson junior high school, is for the benefit of Eugene people who are engaged in dealing with the traveling public. A different speaker will be presented each Monday night. Street Dresses You’ll , Like f Nothing will £ be more use ful in y our ,Jt wardrobe than a few every- day s street dress- || e s. You’ll like our new ' selection. 6.95 to ; 16.95 li 1004 Will. St. Phone 633 Hot Weather Is Here to Stay ! ! ! Let us install that shower now. Our prices are reasonable and the work is guaranteed. CHASE CO. PLUMBING & HEATING 936 Oak Phone 243 Measles Epidemic Sets New Record Measles cases treated this year at the infirmary have reached a new high, 249 cases, according to Dr. Fred N. Miller, director of the University health service. Previous high in recent years was 1935-36 with 95 cases. There were no cases reported on the campus in either 1937-38 or 1939 40. One case was treated at the infirmary in 1936-37. There were two cases in 1938-39. National figures quoted in the April 7 issue of Time magazine report 43,000 cases of measles this year. “This figure,” the magazine revealed, “is slightly less than the all-time high of 1938. Since the current epidemic has not yet run its course, it may be the worst in U. S. history.” Many patients, Dr. Miller said, have felt sick as much as a week before breaking out. The disease is contagious in this stage also, he said. F ctiling-Beekman Oratory Contest Open to Seniors Speech-starring seniors will be able to show their powers during graduation week and make a vocal bid for $250 in prizes in the Failing-Beekman oratorical con test. First prize given to the win ner chosen from the six contest ants in the final contest will be $150. Second prize is $100. The contest is open to all mem bers of the graduation class who complete their requirements for graduation prior to spring term commencement. Those seniors who must complete their work in summer session are not eligible to compete. Subject of the oration will be left to the choice of each contest ant. Those intending to compete are urged to consult members of the speech department as soon as possible for help in preparing their orations. I.- . — Pickle Barrel To Call Sophs Convicts to Meet At Side at 12:30 To Get Sentence The call of the pickle barrel will be heeded today at 12:30 p.m. at the Side by “convicted” sopho mores. These anti-shave violators will feel the wrath of the dunking squad during the second meeting of the posse, according to Sheriff Homer Thomas. “Ashcomb and Rhea are my right-hand men, and let me tell you they will be on hand to handle their end of the dunking,” Sheriff Thomas said. “It’s possible that a bit of spe cial punishment might be ar ranged for Don Baldridge, who is supposedly ailing,” Thomas add ed, “but the rest of the boys will suffer the full brunt of our dunkers.” Sophs slated for appearance in clude Clifton Wilcox, Walt Kap len, Ray Schrick, Bill Edlefsen, Max Miller, Butch Nelson, Clar ence Terry, Bob Gibson, Jin* Schiller, Bob Oliver, Len Farr, Art Jacobson, Dale McKenzie, Don Baldridge, Chan Kilburn, Wes Sullivan, Ray Cook, and Joe Jackson. Bill Edlefsen, co-chairman of the Whiskerino, is also up for trial before the tribunal. There is word among “the boys” that more than a little fun is slated when. Edlefsen, an alleged flagrant vio lator, appears for sentence. Wright Addresses Dr. Leavitt O. Wright, profes sor of romance languages, jour neyed to Portland yesterday to address the Oregon chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish. He spoke to a group of Spanish students yes terday afternoon on Pan-Ameri can day. StOtlOH d* 1| expensive? Not at the Co-op! • FRATERNITY CRESTS AVAILABLE NOW In artistic design s, em bossed in gold, comes the new Spring array of fra ternity and sorority crest ed stationery on fine writ ing paper. Only 75c for 24 sheets, 24 envelopes. • GIFT BOXED STATIONERY For that next birthday or shower, give one of our choice boxes of gift sta tionery. Priced from 49c to $3.50. • SENIORS ATTENTION!!! Order your caps and gowns today. Also select your announcements and personal cards. Fine engraving for weddings and all formal occa sions. • UNION NOW! SAVE THOSE CASH RECEIPTS! UNIVERSITY 'CO-OP’