Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 10, 1941, Image 1

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Hilyard House Leads
Winter Term GPA’s
Winter term grade point av
erages released by C. L. Con
stance, assistant registrar, again
shows Hilyard house leading in
campus living organizations with
a 2.896. Second high is University
house, 2.877, followed by Pi Beta
Phi, 2.742.
Again taking the lead among
men’s houses is Sigma hall with
a 2.633, followed by Kirkwood
co-op, 2.646, and Alpha hall, 2.566.
With the Pi Phis heading the
sororities, the fraternities were
led by Delta Upsilon, 2.507. Zeta
Tau Alpha, 2.681, took second
place among the sororities. Lead
ing the women’s halls was Hen
dricks hall, 2.565.
For complete tabulations see
page 8.
Watch Closely, Judges
Beauty Rules Today
They should be blind, married,
and exceedingly fond of their
wives—those connoisseurs of fe
male charms who’ll select a Jun
ior Weekend queen today from
the nine remaining aspirants.
Then they wouldn’t be besieged
with illusions and could make the
only intelligent decision—all nine
for Junior Weekend queen.
Quite a regal assemblage of
feminine pulchritude — Barbara
Neu, Barbara Todd, Jean Burt,
Eleanor Sederstrom, Annabelle
Dow, Dorothy Wheeler, Wini
Green, Isolde Eichenlaub, and
Helen Angell. And if anyone is
doggedly certain HE can choose
THE ONE, he’s an abominable
Every one of the nine coyly
admitted mild surprise at being
chosen from the original bevy of
21, and all were thrilled, despite
subdued attempts at suppression,
as they lounged about the Uni
versity news bureau last Monday
night waiting to be photo
Annabelle Dow’s fathomless
velvet eyes twinkled for an in
stant before she murmured, “I
still can't believe I got this far.”
Jean Burt, wisps of golden hair
fluffed out in an alluring disar
ray, looked like a dream, and
“felt” like she was “in a dream.”
In between being coaxed by
Promotion Chairman Buck Buch
wach to be less Victorian in dis
playing her shapely, silk-sheathed
calves for the camera, Barbara
Neu managed to chime in with, “I
still can't believe this is happen
ing to me!”
Helen Angell, titian locks shim
mering under the flood lamp,
turned on a disarming smile
which left no doubt that she real
ly was, as she put it, “very hap
py.” Wini Green, waxing regal
in a snug-fitting blouse: "This is
one of those things that only
happens once.”
Vivacious Isolde Eichenlaub
drifted about good enough for
any Tristran, and "thrilled about
the whole thing.” Dorothy Wheel
er, dazzlingly exotic acquired a
demure demeanor for an instant,
then effervesced with, "Golly, I
can’t explain exactly how I feel!”
Barbara Todd hovered between
the ultimate in glamour and un
bridled gaiety. and "couldn't, for
the life of me” really express
how she felt about being one of
the nine. Eleanor Sederstrom,
beaming like Miss Happiness her
self, was "awfully glad” she “got
to be one of the nine finalists.”
Now comes the ticklish job,
choosing one of the nine to be
1941's Junior Weekend queen
and also choosing her court.
Bug Bungalow
Becomes Ward
For 'Mothers'
Becoming bored with the
“Isolation” sign on the door
Thursday, occupants of Ward
3 trundled out a new sign and
hung it up.
Woid spread through the bug
bailiwick like wildfire. People
began to drop around to in
quire: “How are the little
mothers today?”
The new sign read: “MA
The present roster includes
Olivia Dysinger, Mary Word,
Marjorie Taylor, Barbara Bry
ant, Elizabeth Hughes, Agnes
Barry, Ruth Eckhardt, Mary
Mercier, Paul Morris, Edgar
Blumenthal, Clinton Childs, and
Marge “Dupe” Dibble.
Sour Grapes No. 12
Crowds of rushees will be down
To U of O come Saturday,
And stay here over Easter too,
Or so the publicizers say.
’Twould be nice could they all
And then should sally forth,
Perhaps to play a bit of bridge,
If they can find a fourth.
Houses Add Four
Four new pledges were an
nounced today by the personnel
office. Alva Blaylock, Delta Tau
Delta, Baker, Oregon; W. P. Wy
gant, Phi Kappa Psi, Astoria;
Robert Tilson Jr., Phi Kappa Psi,
Fresno, California; Charles E.
Dougherty, Delta Tau Delta, Eu
Dan Bacot Elected
YMCA President
Dan Bacot, prominent YMCA
member in the past year, was
elected the organization’s presi
dent in yesterday's election.
Other officers for the rest of
this year and next year are Bob
Carlson, vice-president; Charles
Roffe, secretary; and Leonard
Farr, elected treasurer.
Installation . of these officers
will take place Wednesday even
ing, April 16, in the “Y” hut, at
the YMCA spring assembly, Paul
Sutley, executive secretary, an
nounced yesterday.
Pictures to Boost
Seabeck TCamp
Colored movies of the Puget
Sound area will be shown today
from 4:15 to 6:45 in campus liv
ing organizations in connection
with the YMCA-YWCA publici
zation of their annual Seabeck
Seabeck is the Puget Sound
summer conference camp where
the northwest district of the
YWCA and YMCA meets every
Following is a schedule of time
and place for showings of the
movies: 4:45, Kappa Alpha The
ta; 5:15, Phi Kappa Psi; 5:45, Al
pha Xi Delta; 6:15, Hendricks
hall; 6:45, men’s dormitory.
Students living near houses
where the films will be shown are
invited to attend the pictures.
Paul Raver
Will Speak
Todag at 11
Bonneville Project
Head to Present
History of Power
Students will assemble at Ger
linger this morning at 11 o'clock
to hear Dr. Paul J. Raver, grave,
gray-haired administrator of the
Bonneville power project. Dr.
Raver, who is boss of the biggest
power producing outfit in the
world, will speak on “The History
of Federal Power.”
Dr. Raver was graduated from
the University of Nebraska as a
civil engineer in 1917. At North
western, in 1927, he obtained his
(Continued on /'age five)
Pep Assembly
Set for Friday
Judges to Present
Junior Weekend
Queen and Court
Songs, skits, yells, two bands,
and a variety show, climaxed by
announcement of the Junior
weekend queen and her court will
make up the first evening assem
bly in the history of this school
Friday at 6:30, according to Tiger
Payne, ASUO president. The
place will be announced later.
Original plans for the rally to
take place in the afternoon were
changed because of conflict with
a relay meet. Another change
will be that only women's living
organizations will sing their
sweetheart songs.
Roll call of houses will be
Manny Vezie, new assistant
football coach formerly of Notre
Dame, will make his first public
appearance before University
students when he is introduced at
the assembly. Also to be intro
duced will be Dick Whitman, cap
tain of the baseball team.
Supplying the pep will be the
school band and besweatered
members of the rally committee,
Kwama, Skull and Dagger, and
Phi Theta. “Order of O" glee
club will sing.
Joe Gurley is planning a comic
act, and Ed Burtenshaw will be
featured in a skit.
Ray Dickson’s band will supply
special music for the queen and
her court.
Non-Resident Fee
Due by 3 Today
A non-resident fee of $40 must
be paid by non-resident students
by 3 p.m. today with a penalty of
suspension if the fee is not paid
by that time, the business office
has announced. Those suspended
will be given a week to be re
instated upon payment of a
$2 reinstatement fee.
The non-resident fee should be
paid at windows 2 or 3 in the
upper floor of Johnson hall. The
business office will be open from
8 a.m. to 12 noon and from 1 to
3 p.m.
Jim Rathbun, president of one
of Oregon's "daintiest” organiza
tions—the Order of the “O"—has
his hands fnl! this week, prepar
ing for the lettermen’s dance Sat
urday night, April 12. No small
task has been that of whipping
into shape the colorful voices of
the Order of the “O” glee club,
which will perform during the
finals of the all-campus sing at
Hero Cartoons
To Decorate
Walls of Igloo
Pictures Will Show
Letterman Events
During Past Year
Caricatures of campus athletic
heroes will decorate the walls of
the Igloo Saturday night for the
Order of the O Lemon Squeeze,
announced Jim Rathbun. presi
dent of the lettermen's organiza
The cartoons will depict cer
tain scenes that ha.ve taken place
on the sports field this year with
members of the O figuring promi
nently, Ratlibun declared.
Because the musical contest
finals of the Interfraternity sing
will interrupt Ray Dickson and
his 12-piece band for a “longer
(Continued on page five)
Four o'Clock
Set for Final
Queen Choice
Nine Candidates
To Pass Before
Politics-Proof Six
Nine princesses of the Near
East will be unveiled today anc(
judged for the final selection for
the Arabian Njghts Junior Week
end queen, Gerui Brown, general
chairman, announced today. Judg
ment is scheduled for 4 p.m. at
the third floor cf Gerlinger.
The nine prospective queens of
the Arabian festival are Helen
Angcll, Jean Burt, Annabello
Dow, Isolde Eichenlaub, Win!
Green, Barbara Neu, Eleanor Sc
derstrom, Barbara Todd, and Dor
othy Wheeler.
Using; Hollywood makeup the
nine queens-elect were photo
graphed in groups and individ
ually by George Godfrey, director
of the news bureau, Tueseiay.
In the queen-selection today
the potential crown bearers will
wear short silks, talk informally
to the judges, and display their
posture and grace while walking.
One queen and a court of pun
cesses will be named.
Judges of the coeds will bo
Bruce Hamby, athletic news di
rector; J. W. Teter, manager of
the photograph bureau; a studio
official; a photographer from
Kennell-Ellis studio; Godfrey,
Brown, and Buck Buchwach,;
weekend promotion chairman.
News .. 1, 5, 8
Sports . in, 1
Women's Pages . '<5, H
Calendar ... 5
Passing Parade . 4
Fete Drawing at 4*:
Drawing for canoe fete pait
lers and themes will take place 1 ’
today at 4 p.m. in room i05(j
Commerce building, instead of 7
the College Side as previously'!
announced. Representatives
from all participating campus j ,
houses must be present.
The women’s houses will “
draw for partners and the ’
men's for theme. 1
Templeton Reputed
Puckish Prankster
A puckish sense of humor,
combined with an infallible sense
of “the time and place’’ have
gained Alec Templeton a widely
recognized reputation as a prac
tical joker—as well as a brilliant
Templeton, who will appear in
McArthur court next Tuesday
evening, finds many social situa
tions which, have to be dealt with
firmly. For instance there is the
classic story’ of the Chicago ma
tron who invited the blind aitist
to tea—and then insisted, quite
violently, that he play a. few num
bers for the assembled guests.
After demurring a few times,
Templeton assented — but with
mental reservations.
Came the great momett tho
room was silent—all waited witti
indrawn breaths for the music to
commence. What they didn't wait
for or expect was the seiies of
discordant notes which issued
from the piano. Evidently thu
instrument hadn't been tuned for
years. 0
Very gently and politely, Tem
pleton rose—remarked he .ould
not perform on such an ir.stru?
ment—and left the room.
The matron, later: "I can't un
derstand it—I had the piano
tuned expressly for the occasion."
Templeton, later: “I just hit
the wrong notes at the right
time. I hope her face is red."