Sigma Delta Pi Adds 20 to M LeScige, Vargas, Oliver, Beall Made Special Members Gamma chapter of Sigma Delta. Pi, Spanish national honorary, has elected 20 active members for the year 1940-41, it was an nounced Thursday by Donald Cas tanien, president. Besides the new active mem bers, there were four special and honorary members elected. They comprise the following: Dr. Paul ette Beall, professor of Romance languages: Dr. Lawrence Le Sage, instructor in Romance lan guages; Anibal Vargas, instruc tor in Romance languages; and Gerald A. Oliver, assistant in structor in physical education. Grad Students The following are the newly elected graduate students: Bere nice Griffin, Erma Taylor, Max McKinney, Mary Jane Norcross. Robert Knox, Louis Richter, H. P. Backus. M. Elizabeth Costello, and Mary Fitch Wemliam. The five undergraduate stu dents to be elected are: Lucy Ed wards, Dorothy Jane Gullette, Harry Larson, Richard Lawson, Bette Morfitt. OSC Students-'^, The five Oregon State students to be included on the new active member list, are: Clarence Kraft, Esther S. Lochren, Marienne E. Lundell, Nancy C. Morrow, Georgena Samson. The annual initiation and ban quet will be held Saturday after noon and evening, April 12, in connection with the international celebration of Pan American day, observed by the 21 republics of the continent. April's Old Oregon Distributed Todag Today marks the distribution of the April edition of “Old Ore gon” published by the Univer sity and edited by Roy Vern strom. Edison Marshall, an outstand ing alumnus of the University and famous short story writer, is featured by his teacher, Profes sor W. F. G. Thacher. A dash of the sports news is given by Bruce Hamby, who predicts the results of Les Steers’ high jump in spring com petition. Another, article commenting on the intensive pilot training, which University students have com pleted is written by Bill Cum mings. r 71 New Shipment Bathing Caps Just received 59c - 79c - 98c Ne.w Beach Bags liubberized lining Assorted colors 98c Fit your favorite cologne with an Atomizer * op 25c - 35c LeGui Cologne $l.Gf) value 7CC RITE PRICE DRDG5 INC. Phone 2 — We Deliver Next to McDonald Theatre i IN A CLASS BY HIMELF The lone professional initiate among- 11 underclassmen, Wallace Sprague, left center, son of Governor Charles A. Sprague and pub lisher of the Salem Statesman, is receiving congratulations from Lyle Nelson, right center, Emerald editor, for his initiation into Sigma Delta Chi, journalism fraternity Wednesday. Jimmie Young, extreme (Courtesy Eugene News) left, INS correspondent for 13 years in Japan was guest of honor at the luncheon following the fraternity ceremonies. Palmer Hoyt, extreme right, publisher of the Oregonian and national SDX vice president, looks on. Johnson Hall Visitors 'Run' Pint-Sized Dam Johnson hall lobbyists have become engineerically-minded this term from watching the blinking lights of a miniature Bonneville dam “dioraming” for visitors. The model is bet ter than a pin-ball machine and no one has to put in a nickel. The traveling exhibit came from Bonneville headquarters in Portland as part of the Com monwealth conference, held during spring vacation. A large diorama of the Bon neville district, the exhibit does everything but generate elec tricity, and thez-e’s a model tur bine turning on and off which seems trying to do even that. The constantly changing scene includes a model ship raising and lowering in a model ship lock. At the side of the exhibit a fish-counter in his little house counts two salmon as they slip over the white boards of in the fish ladder. MootTrials to Have Premiere Saturdaq First in the series of the law school’s annual moot court trials will be given Saturday with the participation cf third year law students under the direction of Orlando John Hollis, professor of law. Special feature of the trial will be a gallery of 600 or more 4-H club members who will watch the mock court session as part of their “marketing day’’ tour. “Lawyers" qualified to be ac tive attorneys in the moot trials: Clyde Angerman, Hugh Collins, Jack Dunn, Floyd Hamilton, Brock Miller, Robert Recken, David Rementeria, Donald Rich ardson, and William Robert. Pi Lambda Theta Honorary to Hear Mrs. Montgomery Pi Lambda Theta, education honorary, meeting will take place Tuesday, April 8, at 7:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Calvin Crum baker at 1034 Mill. Mrs. Veola Wilmot and Miss Muriam Yoder are to assist Mrs. Crumbaker as hostesses. Dr. Elizabeth Montgomery, as sistant professor of education, will speak about to what extent modern American women are passive occupants of the poten tially most influential situation in the world today. Get Your MIXERS at TED’S 958 Oak St. REPAIRING HOUSES NEED LASTING MATERIALS! Let Snellstrora provide you with 100% fine paint for outside and in. SNELISTROM LUMBER CO. 199 6th Ave. West Phone 208 0 Dinner... Dancing Every Evening except Monday from 6:30-8:30 Eddie Gipson’s 5-piece Band Eugene Hotel DINING ROOM AND COFFEE SHOP i Willamette-Gold Butter Reid’s Creamery Phone 365 (Adv.) SMASHING ACTION! “Here Comes the Navy” with James Cagney and Pat O’Brien — plus — “THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN” with Laraine Day and Robert Young rnr^Fr^ ROMANCE! “Arise My Love” with Claudette Colbert and Ray Milland — plus — “Doom Caravan” with William Boyd MOVED OVER! GINGER ROGERS and JAMES STEWART “VIVACIOUS LADY” TWO BIG FEATURES! “Meet Boston Blackie” with Chester Morris and Rochelle Hudson — plus — “BOSS OF BULLION CITY” with John Mack Brown