HANDOUT • • • Willlrwin, Food Aid Head, Comes Here April 10 Assemblies, Lunch Slated by Oregon Aid Committee Launching Oregon’s campaign for education as to the aims of the present nation-wide move ment of the “National Commit tee on Food for the Small De mocracies,” Will Irwin of the central committee will appear on the campus April 10. Announcement of Mr. Irwin’s visit was made known to Dean of Women Hazel P. Schwering by mail yesterday, and a schedule of possible luncheons, assemblies and other entertainments are being planned by the campus committee. Mr. Irwin, who worked direct ly writh ex-President Herbert Hoover in organizing Belgian aid during the first World war, will explain the present Belgian ex periment. According to informa tion received here, he will lead the American movement for the success of the proposal, now be ing supported by the German government. Named on the University of Oregon committee for aid to the small countries of Europe are Dean of Men Virgil D. Earl, Vice President Bi#t Brown Barker, Lyle Nelson, Hal Olney, Helen Angell, and Elizabeth Steed. CAMPERS . .. YWCA to Rally At 7:30 Tonight New President, Officers to Outline Secxbeck Session Lois Nordling, newly-elected president of YWCA, will act as mistress of ceremonies tonight at the “Set Your Sails for Sea beck” rally at 7:30 in the YW bungalow. Songs, speeches, colored mo tion pictures, and refreshments are on the brief program. Anne Dean, Jean Crites, Jeanette Lu vaas, Mary Kay Crumbaker, and Genevieve Working, YW campus Seabeck publicity chairman, will give one-minute talks on "What I Got Out of Seabeck.” Carl Peetz, “Y” promotion chairman on Seabeck, the Puget Sound post-school conference sponsored by the "Y’s”, will tell about plans already made for this year's conference. Paul Sutley, executive secre tary of the YMCA, will make comments on the colored motion pictures to be presented on Sea beck. Virginia James is also rep resenting the YW on Seabeck promotion for this campus. Senior Advertisers To Enter Contest Seniors of Professor W. F. G. Thacher's advertising problems class are now working on the an nual prize contest sponsored by Botsford, Constantine, and Gard ner. Portland advertising agency. Subject for this year’s contest will be an advertising campaign for the “Diamond-A” brand of canned fruits and vegetables of the Eugene Fruit Growers asso ciation. ONLY ANGELS HAVE WINGS Wes Sullivan, left, and Kent Stitzer went “flying” Tuesday in this wingless plane in Villard assembly hall. The Curtis model has been “dissected” by the CAA aeronautics class in order to study construc tion of it part-by-part. Students Up in Air Plane Attends Class “What’s that doing here?” That’s the question on the lips of baffled students this week who happened to wander upstairs to room 207 Villard. The unusual phenomenon was a full-grown airplane. It just sits there, despite the fact that there is no record of an airplane’s enrollment in any classes. The explanation comes from James C. Stovall, instructor in geography and director of civil ian pilot training. Mr. Stovall cleared up the mystery by an nouncing that the plane, an Eagle Rock built in 1927, is be ing used for demonstration pur poses in the aircraft operations class in the CPI program. Formerly, the Eagle Rock was kept at the fairgrounds for class demonstration, but according to a government rule it must be housed in a university classroom. Villard hall is the only building on the Oregon campus large enough to act as an airplane hangar. The plane is a three-piace ship; it carries a pilot and two pas sengers, and is powered with a war-time motor, the famous 90 horsepower Curtis 0X5, which was used to train ships in the World war. The Curtis was the latest type of airplane motor then invented, and has not been changed since that time, said Mr. Stovall. “It has flown its last,” said Mr. Stovall, “and is now serving as worthy a purpose as an Eagle Rock ever could.” Sigma Xi Meets A regular meeting of Sigma Xi will take place at 4 p.m. Tues day, April 8 in room 105 Deady. Dr. Ernst von Brucke of the Har vard medical school will address the meeting on the subject, “Fa tigue and Recovery in Peripheral Nerves.” Dance Duo (Continued front pai/c one) music by Esther Williamson. Finale A comic selection, “Three In ventories of Casey Jones,” was the final dance. These “inven tories” are based on the well known American folk ballad. Miss O'Donnell and Mr. Limon were honored with a reception at Gerlinger by Master Dance hon orary following the recital. NEW ARMY FIGHTER Airmen at the Dayton, Ohio, field gather to inspect one of the army’s newest fighter planes, en route to Lowry Field, Denver. Note cannon in nose of the plane. The fighter is capable of speeds approach ing 400 miles an hour. 'Job Was A Piker' Rigors Described Discomfort was not the only trouble suffered by Jimmie Young during his stay in a Tokyo jail, for another trial was educating Japanese questioners to the use of the word “likker” and similar non-dictionary words in the American tongue. In his speech Wednesday Mr. Young told how, bundled to the ears because of the cold, he attempted to answer the queries of seven questioners. “Who is Walter Winchell?” “Who is Purina?” These and other difficult questions were fired at him by his interrogators. His membership in Phi Gamma Delta and Sigma Delta Chi was the basis for accusing him of be ing a Greek spy. His seven-year membership in the Rotary Inter national laid him open to sus picion as a Communist. During his imprisonment, said Mr. Young, he had three books: The New Testament, Mrs. Lind bergh’s “North to the Orient,” and,“Gone With the Wind.” He was uninformed of world events as he had no newspapers. Chop sticks were his eating tools. Typical laugh-pullers in his speech were the Japanese slogan parody “The New Odor in Asia” and a description of Siberian train operators as having a “two track railway with a one-track mind.” I Campus Calendar The Emerald editorial board will meet today at 4:30 in the edi tor’s office. Selection of column ists- for spring term, and discus sions of the Emerald picnic and banquet are scheduled to come before the meeting. Skull and Dagger will meet to night at 7 in the Old Oregon of fice to discuss student union plans. Members of hospitality commit tee . meet at 4 o’clock in the ‘Y’ bungalow. Tea will be served. Amphibian, women’s swimming honorary, tryouts will be held to night at 7:30 p.m. in Gerlinger pool. All girls interested in swim ming in the Amphibian water pageant before Junior Weekend in May are urged to try out. Places in the water pageant will be open to the newly chosen Ani phibian members. All members of the 41 club are invited to a social gathering at 9 p.m. in the ‘Y’ bungalow. She Lost Her Little Purse Where Is It? In the city of the Golden Gate, Betty Buchanan patiently taps her feet—and taps them and taps them, while the railroad com pany is going through the red tape to refund her ticket money, so she can join Elizabeth Steed and two Stanford friends at the AWS convention in Texas, She was sitting in the dining room of San Francisco hotel and when she got up—well, she left her purse behind her. Thursday night, through the red brick archives of the Chi Omega house, a persistent tele phone rang. It was Betty Bu chanan asking the sisters for some help. They sent her money, but she’s still waiting for her railroad ticket to be refunded and in the meantime— Pre-Meds to Take Exam for Aptness Students who wish to take the medical aptitude test May 1 prior to applying for entrance to med ical school in September of 1941 are asked to register with H. B. Yocom, head of the zoology de partment, as soon as possible. This year each person who pays his $1 registration fee will be given a sample exam (practice sheet) which he must return be fore taking the exam. Each year the Association of American Medical colleges sends out examinations from Washing ton to all parts of the United States. Forty Oregon students were among the 10,000 taking the exam November 8. Statistics show some six hun dred special “weeks” in a year, largely commercial. INTERPRETER... Jose Limon Dances With Artistic Grace By TOMMY MAYES Fantastically surrealistic and the embodiment of physical complete ness, Jose Limon has amazed dance audiences with professional en gagements for the past 10 years. To Mr. Limon dancing is the most cosmopolitan of the arts. In modern dancing six currents of artistic power are harnessed into one dance, as it contains the thoughts of literary men, painters, com posers, designers, choreographers, and musicians of all nations. Individual Using the human body as an instrument, Mr. Limon believes that the emphasis of dancing should be placed upon individual contribution to group expression, rather than one great soloist and a chorus as in ballet. He notes no conflict between modern dancing and ballet but indicates definite differences. Modern dancing, as a form of entertainment, is just beginning to find itself and to know its real purposes and goals. Much Study Mr. Limon has absorbed a wide range of professional study un der Charles Weidman and Doris Humphrey, w’ith whose troupe he appeared two years ago. Modest, brilliant, and definite ly successful as the male partici pant of the Limon-O’Donnel duo, he has established himself among the leading young dancers in America and favorable public sentiment indicates permanent popularity in the years to come. Oregana Bids Due All petitions for 1941-42 editor of the Oregana are due by 5 p.m. today, George Root, educational activities manager, announced last night. The petitions should be turned in to the activities of fice in McArthur court.