Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1941, Page Seven, Image 7

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Paul Derringer .. . comes to life |
» • Hpw • •
Paul Derringer, big hurier with the world champion Cincinnati
Reds, is all cranked up and read to let fly at the hapless batter.
Yearling Nine Beats
Yannigans, 14-3
The frosh bascballers unleashed their bats Wednesday afternoon
in a live-inning tussle which saw the boys of John Warren smash out
a 14 to 3 win over the Yannigans.
Bearing the blunt of the attack of the swishing bats of the first
stringers were Bob Sheridan and Aaron Jones. The pair allowed a
total of eight hits but a sprinkling of errors and walks proved costly
in the run column.
“Honest John" took the mound
for the first stringers to be
greeted w?th three resounding
hits in the first inning and a
brace of runs but the portly
coach soon shut off the scoring
and coasted along smoothly till
the fifth inning when Jimmie
Vitti blasted a homer in center
field. Bill Gissberg connected for
a round tripper in the third.
Weekend Games
Holding down the infield berths
for the regulars were Gissberg
at first, Bill Bishop at second,
Kik Simonsen at short, and Ed
Crane at third. In the outfield it
was Dick Burns, Bob Farrow,
and Bob Ballard.
With games on the docket Fri
day and Saturday with Grant and
Jefferson, Warren is still on the
lookout for another pitcher. The
pitching staff for the frosh is
overloaded with southpaws. A1
Wimer, number one chucker,
dishes them up from the port
side as do also Aaron Jones and
Norris Ambrose.
Southern division coaches
and California sportswriters
were all ga-ga when Jake
Leicht ended their “come-to
papa” ecstasy last week as he
filled out an enrollment blank
at Oregon. The much-heralded
young athlete denies ary anti
Atherton tactics are involved
in his anonymous selection.
• New, keyed expressly
to spring! Set contains full
size Dorothy Gray LIPSTICK,
choice of important shades...
plus cake of MATCHING
ROUGE...plus box of POR
in harmonized shade. a
Tiffany - Davis Drug Co.
797 Willamette
Phone 814
There will be a meeting of
the Ski club in 207 Chapman
hall at 7:30 tonight. Nomina
tions of officers •will be held.
Joins Frosh
Frosh track, back on a full
time schedule, went into high
gear Wednesday when the
balmy weather gave the year
ling thine lads their first break
in days. The cinder track still
yielded a rather mushy footing,
but was a big improvement
over the mire through which
the tracksters tried to wade
the night before.
Another state title holder has
joined the freshman ranks, giv
ing Ned Johns three 1P40 high
school champions. The latest ad
dition, Wes Dollarhide. speed
merchant from Lakeview. who
runs the 100-vard dash, swells
the turnout to well over 25 men.
Other prep title claimants are
Bob Newland, Medford high
jumper, and Don Wilson, McMinn
ville miler.
Splashing their way to then
first victory in the intramural
swimming competition, Delta
Upsilon, sparked by A1 Linn and
Bob Stuhr, defeated a determined
Zeta hall, 33 to 12, in Wednes
day's swimming meets. Walter
Keller. Zeta paddler, turned in
an enviable performance for the
Phi Sig strokers, who are ex
pected to furnish some tough
competition as the tourney
moves along, defeated: Pi Kappa
Alpha. 37 to 9. Starring for the
Phi Sigs were Ed Wyatt and
Bob Christianson. In the remain
ing meet. Sigma Phi Epsilon took
a victory by default over Alpha
: ‘Prodigy’
to Oregon
He came north because of the
weather, he says.
Under the Pasadena jaysee
banner last fall. Leicht hung up
what is considered by football
authorities as some kind of a
record. He averaged seven v^rds
per try, carrying the ball 200
times. His kicking average for S3
punts was 43 yards. As a track
man, Leicht sprints the 100-yard
dash at 9.7 and has had experi
ence in the 220-yard dash and
Here to Stay
With the rain-kissed hills of
California far behind, Jake ap
pears definitely settled. Con
sidered as a threat to Curt
Mecham's coast yardage rec
ord, he has been concentrating
on the left haff position in
spring drills.
Envied by coaches from Los
Angeles to Seattle, Jake has a
physical education course mapped
out and plans to remain here
until graduation. When spring
football practice adjourns next
week, he intends to register for
Jake’s presence at Oregon was
little heard of. In case he becomes
a second Bill DeCorrevant, Oliver
and Manny Yezie are keeping
their fingers crossed. It will be
quite an ordeal to go around with
their fingers tangled up until the
fall campaign opens.
Mound Casualties Mount
As Oregon Baseball Nine
Grooms for League Grind
t'nless something happens soon to bolster the tossing end of Crf
gon s baseball battery, the Webfoots will prance info their pre-season
Carnes and possibly conference play with those proverbial two strikes
against them. »
It looks like a conference dream team from any other angle but
via the little dirt mound that protrudes some 90 feet in front of Iho
batter’s box. The measles have,
cropped out on hurler Monroe
Carterman. Carlo Apa'.- arm ap
parently aches every time he
winds up to cut loose with a high,
hard one.
Linn Definitely Out
A1 Linn, who blanked Ore
gon State last year, is definite
ly out of this year's Webfoot
lineup, conference eligibility
rules rearing their ugly heads,
Pete Igoe, who pitched fair ball
for the Ducks last year, is
temporarily benched on some
league technicality.
Supplementing these woes,
lousy weather has set in during
the past few clays to sabotage
practice sessions. Only Tuesday
torrential rain, lashed by a howl
ing whnd, chased the Webfoots to
the dugout ahead 3 to 0 after the
third ixming in a pre-season skir
mish with Pacific university.
Yesterday Arise Cornell, pinch
coaching for Hobby Hobson, at
have just arrived at
Palm Beach
lead again in
style, quality
and service
Plain White and
colors continue
as strong
dress wear.
Service, while
favorites for
the demand is
getting stronger
for the pattern
styles, Palm
Beach suits are
long wearing,
and are ideal
for dress and
business wear.
Shewl Collor
Como down. Shop our
windows and then come
in for a try on.
1022 Willamette
t_A l_L □ P E. O B V GO PDA L L.
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FBOM T H \ ~C, £ MU I K L ~cT ~S r H
present in Hawaii with the Duck
basketball team, had the 0;ej;*>r\
varsity laying- down bants and
walloping the ball in a general
batting eessicm. Fielders get - x
cellent practice as high winds
blew the pill hither and ye n . tier
it caromed off the batters’ stick.
Girls-! Gome fo see
Our Now Bargain
Barbara Gould
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“Arise My Love5*
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