Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1941, Page Five, Image 5

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    Oregon ^ Emeu ald
Thursday Advertising Staff:
Mary Kay Riordan, manager
Barbara Crosland
Elizabeth Edmunds
Peggy Magill
Mary Riemers
Betty Schalock
Jean Younger
Copy Desk Staff:
Ken Christianson, city editor
Mary Wolf, assistant
Bob Frazier
Bernie Engel
Kent Stitzer
Night Staff:
Don Butzin, night editor
Barbara Lamb
Yvonne Torgler
Doris Jones
Jeanette Eddy
Betty Anunsen
Bob Frazier
Mary Wolf
(Continued, from page four)
Syc'n a conference is very sug
gestive of increased Anglo
American cooperation in the Or
ient. Would that be necessary if
Japan has only nuisance value?
Awful Mess
The world is in a God-awful
mess, with immense economic
political blocks struggling for
trade advantages and raw ma
terials. One economic bloc—the
Axis—has inculcated an ideology
of force and terror and hate by
which they hope to keep their
soldier population in a fanatical
frame of mind. They apparently
hope to conquer the world with
the aid of fanatics in uniforms.
The other economic bloc—our
country and Great Britain—are
fight'ng to maintain the status
quo. So far they haven’t even
tried to fight fire with fire—to
make fanatics of our own poten
tial soldiers. But there are straws
in the wind.
I would suggest that instead of
increasing the fascistic trends in
our own nation, that we start
doing some propaganda work for
democracy where it will do some
good—i.e., among the fascists.
I haven’t got the technique'
worked out in my mind, but it
sounds like a good idea. Propa
gandize the propagandists. Un
dermine the popular support of
Hitler, Mussolini, Matsuoka, et
Ex-Comm Sets
(Continued from page one)
$175, split between its expendi
tures and the yell king’s, and was
required to raise at least $150.
With the rally committee re
leased from its campaigning for
money, it will have more time to
devote to raising pep and promot
ing school spirit, the committee
gave as the reason for the
John Cavanagh, first vice
president, was appointed to ar
range and set times for ASUO
and class elections. The student
leaders also discussed the idea of
holding1 all elections on one day.
Six awards for wrestling and
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch.
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time a week,
34c per column inch twice or more a
Ads will be taken over the telephone on
a charge basis if the advertiser is a
subscriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have suffi
cient remittance to cover denite
cient remittance enclosed to cover
definite number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office
no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day
of insertion.
•For Sale
$30.00 CHEV. cab coupe ’29. Ph.
3SG4-W. 611 East 15th.
Seeding and leveling in front of
the art museum is proceeding
rapidly this week.
Little did Elizabeth Steed, left, and Betty Buchanan, future and
present AWS presidents respectively, dream that a villain would
cross their trail as they posed for this picture before leaving for the
national AWS conference in Texas. Betty’s purse was stolen from
her in San Francisco. She waits there for new arrangements to be
made and “Steedie” is continuing the trip alone to the Lone Star
six for boxing were okayed by
the committee on the recommen
dation of Coaches Tex Oliver and
Vaughn Corley.
Those receiving recognition for
wrestling are: Donald Holst, Har
old Kaschko, Harold Schluter,
Robert Still, Stanley Watt, and
Floyd Rhea.
Minor letters for boxing were
given to Jack Fruit, Merle Hans
com, Wallace Johnson, Martin
Schedler, James Shephard, and
George Thorpe.
Princeton university is offer
ing a series of five public lec
tures on “The Impact of Totali
tarianism upon the United
s sheer enduring
Do you know your stocking alphabet? It begins with
A for ABERLE, B for Beauty, and C for Comfortop—
and it spells All-Way stretch tops, exquisite sheer
texture, and tailored fit from top to toe. Try the
stocking that gives satisfaction in action. Enjoy the
peace of mind given by ABERLi Precision Manufac
tured Comfortops. Sizes 9—12
20-30 East Broadway
the most discriminating
Be comfortable this spring
in a NEW casually smart
suit. Each suit is carefully
tailored in new colors and
different styles t h a t will
brighten up your spirits. See
our suit styles today.
10Q4 Will. St. Phone 633
Shopping the Town
^ There ! !
Here is one
of the most
engaging dresses of the spring
which is out for fun and a good
time, no matter where. It is a
silk stripe, and we really mean
stripes! Every color of the rain
bow. The style is simple, with
long full sleeves, a full skirt, big
pockets and a sport collar . . .
at Beard’s . . . for 14.95.
* * *
Spring Bewitchery
Precious is the word for these
diminutive little charmers. Ev
ery blouse is designed for wear
this spring with suits, skirts,
and to change your outfits.
Penney’s have a grand selection
of new sheer blouses and full
gored alpaca skirts in navy and
black to match for a complete
outfit. Blouses sell for 2.98;
skirts, 2.98 and 3.98.
* *
Future thoughts should be
turned to your head these days,
for your permanent must have
special care during the hot days.
Brushing and careful washing
is important if you want to look
“smooth” . . . and at Hadley’s
beauty shop your hair will re
ceive expert attention. Do take
care of it tomorrow!!
* * *
One of the impressive little
things we’ve been hearing about
is the adorable dress Jane Mc
Curdy has been wearing during
the hot weather. It is washable,
green and white, and is wonder
fully styled . . . pockets, skirt
gathered just the right places,
and detail added by a tiny daisy
pique trim around the collar
ind sleeves. Other clever dresses
at Montgomery Ward and Co.
Glamour Garden
Go to Tiffany-Davis today,
and, for an unending delight,
just wander about the cosmetic
department. It’s the most glor
ious spot of lovely things to de
light a girl’s heart! Especially
lice this week is the wonderful
Dorothy Gray offer (honestly
$2 for $1) of rouge, powder, and
lipstick called Portrait Make
up. It comes in all the new
spring colors, especially South
American, Brass Band, and
Nosegay. Do see it . . . you’ll
love every shade!
If you feel
the hankering
to sew, oppor
t u n i t y is
knocking at
your door. The grandest ma
terial and patterns are on sale
at the Broadway. A fine rayon,
in a Hawaiian pattern with
pineapples and gay colors . . ,
69c; a seersucker for 59c.
With a rah rah!
— the most rol
licking, gay and
dashing group of
lapel pins ever to
swagger into town; it s tnc new
vegetable pins playing musical
instruments at Kaufman Bros,
for $1. Each is different and
colorful and really new!
* * *
A Merry Fling
Millers have it — a complete
picture of the Spring fashion in
sport clothes in our new up
stairs shop. Darling new outfits
to sun bathe in, and in all kinds
of materials and colors; three
pieces . . . shorts, bra top with
sleeves, and a short skirt.
Comes in plaid and polka dots
for 1.98.
o> 0
A The perfume of the hour for all who are
^ young and gay . . . tuliptime by Harriet
Hubbard Ayer. AU of the flowers of spring
blended together for your heart’s desire in
fragrance ... at Russell’s.