Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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    wr>bg i ic uui
Oregon W Emerald
rl up i_negon uany Emerald, puinisned da:.y during the college year except Sundaji,
ifond vs holidays, and hnal examination periods by the Associated Students, Umvcrs.ty
cd Ong'Jti. Subscription rates: $1.25 per terra and $5.00 per year. Entered as second
(4ass rnitter at the postoftice, Eugene, Oregon.__
Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
fNC.. college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bos
ton— Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.______
4vi r M NELSON Editor JAMES \V. FROST, Business Manager
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olney. Helen Angell __
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Success Formula
VESTERDAV a chunky little man with a youthful face
talked to the front of the stage in Gerlinger hall and
talked before a capacity crowd — talked in an easy, direct
•mat::;er with a charm and candor that completely captivated
4h'i» audience. He spoke with the forcefulness and positiveness
that marks the man who knows his subject thoroughly and
who, fully cognizant of that fact, does not hesitate to express
is opinion. And as he spoke he skillfully wound in amusing
anecdotes and commented on existing conditions in the Far
Bast with a tongue-in-the-cheek type of humor that set his
audien- e howling gleefully.
There can be no question that Jimmie Young, world-famous
International News Service correspondent in the Far East, was
definitely one of the best received assembly speakers of recent,
years, Probably it could be truthfully said that in the past
two year* only one other assembly speaker drew as large a
crowd and held it so well. That one speaker was Ruth Jennings
Bryan who spoke here two years ago.
^ sJp
JT 1- possible that a comparison of the two speakers might
indicate what qualities assembly crowds desire in a speaker.
Certainly both of those mentioned had an admirable stage
f>re;- nice, an case ami charm that contributed much to their
success. But that quality, while certainly a prerequisite, is not,
of i: -At sufficient. The speaker who draws a large crowd and
tiolu, its attention during an hour address is one who has
*oii) king to tell and can tell it with the air of one who knows.
It is unquestionably difficult to pick assembly speakers who
will ;,peak “with the air of one who knows.” But it might
(he i <diced that the man who has actually seen the situation
fee i- talking about, the man who has, so to speak, been “on
the ground” frequently is the possessor of this quality. A man s
g>ret• y apt to believe what he sees with his own eyes and
Beat - with his own ears.
And speaking of desirable qualities in assembly speakers it
might be well to mention the subtle type of humor so success
fully employed by Jimmie Young.—II.0.
Who Can Play?
“JT H amazing! This is on? of the smallest football squads 1 ve
ever seen,” said Manny Yezie, new assistant football coach,
a couple of days after his arrival at Oregon.
“Why, at Notre Oame we,had huge squads—well over 100.
We bad more than three thousand men in school. Around here
there are two thousand men. Look at the football turnout.
jFift '-seven men.” Yezie shook liis head sadly'. ‘'\\ hy don t
tnore men come out for football?”
Ti e answer to that is that Webfoots are laboring under a
flight delusion. They seem to think that a man has no chance
to ply ball unless he weighs in excess of 200 pounds, runs the
100 in 10.5 seconds, and has a mean disposition.
“1 only weighed 162 pounds when I played first string end
for Notre Dame in 1029. Things can’t be much different now
than they were then,” said Yezie. “A.11 a man needs is the will
to v ark, and the desire to play football to make the team.”
# * *
“/pVT'd quarterback weighed 14" pounds in 1929—and that
was on a national championship club, so weight makes
little difference if the kid wants to play and is willing to
work” added Yezie.
Coach Tex Oliver is of the same mind. Oliver said, “there
are as many football players who are not out for spring prac
tice .is there are in suit. There is a place and a suit for any man
who wants to turn out.”
Oliver is the kind of a man who will give every man a tweak
who turns out. Tex needs the men, for he goes through the
toughest schedule in the history of the school next fall—ten
tough teams. lie’ll need all the material possible, because in
juries will be prevalent. Hand a Clara, Texas, the coast confer
ence. and Idaho, rejuvenated by Francis Selimidt, are listed
on the Duck schedule
Surely*, it is a chance for a lot of men to get the training
football gives, the trips, and the pleasure. It is a chance for
the school to show its support of Oliver and the team with
l»hy. cal moral assistance by turning out.—K.C.
What Other Editors Think
Now in My Time
On the campus, this war has been fought, so far, without anj
of the horrors of patriotism. Quietly and without fuss, the word
“must” has been restored to the vocabulary of youth, "\outh
knows it, but prefers not to discuss the matter or hear it dis
cussed. If we’ve got to have a war, for God s sake let s have
it this time without bugles, flag-flapping, and spoiling the
movies with four-minute speeches from middle aged, articulate
Forums, movements, discussion groups, and undergraduate
editors have taken on a reticence never previously observed
by campus dwellers. Nor are over-willing professors leaping
this time to address students on the issues of the day. Hell,
everybody knows what the issues of the day are, and the less
said of them the better!
The legal right of free speech always exists, but in times
of stress there grow up recognized social limitations upon the
exercise of that right. In other words, I have a legal right to
say ’most anything, but you have the social privilege of past
ing me one on the nose if I say the wrong thing. If I then
invoke the law, the court will sustain me in my rights, fine
you $1 for assault, suspend sentence, and dismiss you with the
thanks of the community. This is not right but it is true.
"What has been said of free speech applies in part to academic
freedom; a subject which frequently gets embarrassing to
everybody in war-time. Freedom of thought and freedom of
expression are the very blood and breath of universities. Even
in war-time, freedom of thought and expression must not be
circumscribed—from above or without—in universities. But
it can be usefully soft-pedalled by academic persons themselves
as a matter of good judgment and good manners. Truth, if it is
truth, will keep.
In that other war, a handful of professors scattered across
the land were persecuted for unpopular pronouncements. The
persecutors were ashamed afterwards when they’d cooled off,
but the persecuted never made much of a success in the martyr
business, even with their own colleagues. They weren't guilty
of wliat they’d been persecuted for, of course, but they'd
indulged in loose talk at the wrong time, which is bad manners.
It was the verdict of society that while the incidents had been
unfortunate and discreditable to the administrations of the
colleges involved, the victims got just about what they
asked for and had coming to them.
The example of the present day upperclassmen is held aloft
for the emulation of their elders. “Must” has caught up with
them. They realize it and have no intention of even trying
to avoid. They have a date for the middle of June, and mean
to keep it. Their minds are adjusted and they’d prefer not to
talk about it or have it talked about.
And in the meantime, there remain to them two months of
the spring for the fullest enjoyment of youth and life, undefiled
by the bugles, flag-flapping, and four-minute oratory that
were once confused with patriotism.—Cornell Alumni News.
International Side Show
A couple more sessions like
the Sigma Delta Chi luncheon
that followed INS Correspondent
Jimmy Young’s assembly talk
yesterday and I'll be in danger
of forgetting I’m a. peace-mon
There is some
thing intellectu
ally stimulating
in the discussion
of international
military and na
val strategy that
makes one almost
forget that the
basic element in
voivea is numaii
Cummings blood, bone, and
sinew. It is as easy and as pleas
ant as playing a game of chess
to talk of relative tonnages, ef
ficiency of guns, strength of for
tifications, geographical advan
tages, and relative economic
Jimmy Young has a fire-crack
er mind, a hair-trigger wit, and
a multitude of facts and figures
at his finger tips. But like many
quid: thinkers he has a slight
tendency toward facile generali
zation and over-simplification.
With Grain of Salt
One is inclined to take with a
grain of salt his statement that
Japan is more of a “nuisance” to
the United States than a “men
ace.” In fact his remarks at the
luncheon tended to qualify this
broad statement, for he pointed
out there that the very “stupid
ity” and “fanaticism” of the army
clique that rules Japan might
lead them to make war on the
U.S. in the Pacific.
Yosuke Matsuoka, Japanese
foreign minister, has been trot
ting around Europe talking to
Hitler and Mussolini and it is
logical to assume that the Axis
is putting pressure on him to
promise to create a “diversion”
in the Pacific if the rapidly wors
ening relations between the U.S.
and Germany come to open war.
Stupid Enough to Try
Although Young thinks Japan
can’t win—and I agree with him
- he admits they are just stu
pid enough to try.
From the Philippines yesterday
came word that Sir Robert
Biooke-Popham, air marshall and
commander-in-chief of Britain’s
forces in the Far East, has gone
into conference with Admiral
Thomas C. Hart, commander-in
chief of United States naval
forces in the Far East.
Significantly, the two com
manders met in Cavite, U.S.
naval base in the Philippines.
(Please turn to page fire)
Please, fellows, don’t get me
mixed up with Humbert Seesall
Jr.’s column which comes out
twice a week especially on Wed
nesday and Friday. My column
comes out on Tuesday, Thursday
and* Saturday. There was a prin
ter’s error in giving me a by-line
on yesterday’s column—
Pete Lamb and Bob Whitely,
ATO’s, inviting girls over for
lunch after the assembly, were
their faces red when they were
told an emphatic no!!!
Don (Esqujre) Kirkpatrick,
Sigma Nu back from the air
corp. in time to look after Marge
DeBolt, Pi Phi; Gene Brown, ATO,
claims that he can't get a date
since Don came back.
Another one of these triangles
everyone tries to keep out of—
Jim Marnie, SAE — Dorothy
Wheeler, Chi O, and Bert Meyers,
ATO who is working in Portland
now. He comes down nearly ev
ery weekend though.
John McWavne, Pi Kap, Ellie
Forrest, Gamma Phi, and of
course, Paul Hillard, DU, along
with Harold Chung Hoon go to
Portland to attend a dinner party,
in celebration of an anniversary
of Punahou high school in Ha
waii—and Paul isn’t from the
islands. He was going along for
the ride.
Jim Harrison, Pi Kap, plants his
pin on Edith Smith, a Portland
girl, he met her one weekend
during spring vacation and
dropped the pin the next, fast
work, Jim.
Vic Brown, another Pi Kap,
gives his pin to a girl in Los
Angeles. No further information
on the subject available.
She doesn’t smoke, she doesn’t
She doesn’t drink, she doesn’t
At least she says she hasn’t
And when she’s 40 she’ll be
single yet.
Emerson Page, better known
as Waldo, transfers to OSC for
spring term to take advance fly
ing, but makes five trips back to
the old stomping grounds the
first week—must be some at
traction over here. Len Ballif, of
Humbert Seesall fame, another
of the flying transfers, makes
four trips back to Oregon out of
a possible five, beating a path
between Corvallis and the Pi Phi
Marilyn Blanchard, Gamma
Phi, seen in Joe’s Shine shop put
ting a high gloss shine on Dick
(Cruiser) Ashcom’s shoes. If this
were after elections I would say
that Marilyn was paying an elec
tion bet.
My apologies to Pat Carson of
Highland house—I misinterpret
ed the name, it should have been
Pat Lawson who gave a Fiji the
Majeane Glover, DG, has had
Rich YVerschkul’s Beta pin for
about two months—Emma Ver
durmen, DG, is going steady with
Joe Lebenzon, Alpha hall.
Pat Cloud, Phi Delt politician,
plants his pin on Marge McClung,
Chi O.
Campus rumor has it that
Barbara Todd, Alpha Chi's can
didate for Junior Weekend queen,
is going steady with Porky An
drews, Sig Ep prexy.
Shirley Munro, University
house, is going steady with Bob
Nagle, Kirkwood. They had a va
cation all winter term.
I'll be seeing you.