Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 02, 1941, Page Three, Image 3

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Brown Sets
Warmup For
Class of '42
Weekenders Will 1
See Candidates
' At Sendoff Dance
In preparation for Junior
Weekend, the class of ’42 will
gather Thursday evening at 6:30
in Gerlinger hall for its Weekend
Warmup, a no-date affair.
An hour’s dancing to the music
of Ray Dickson’s quintet will
start the evening’s entertain
ment with 22 potential queens
being introduced at 7:30 by Gene
Brown, general chairman of the
Queen Candidates
This will be the first public
announcement of the complete
list of Junior Weekend royalty,
Brown stated.
Underclassmen and seniors*
will be admitted to the hall only
as guests of juniors, Don Swink,
chairman of the activities board,
and head of the dance declared.
Refreshments will be served
during the evening under the di
rection of Ken Bowes.
All houses are requested to
have representatives at the
“strictly junior” affair and names
of candidates in the queen con
test should be given to Brown or
Lou Torgeson before Thursday,
Swink said.
Pickle Club Starts
Five-Cent Noon Dish
At YW Bun^a^ow
Cafeteria luncheon will be
served by the Dill Pickle club for
five cents a dish 'mn today
at th YW bungalow
This will be the first of the
luncheons for this ”',a-. accord
ing to Betty Lynx’s rMll Pickle
club president. T,"~rdishes
which the girls w'1’ v>~ing from
home will be featu’’c'',
Continuing thrr-'^hout most
of spring term, ’uncheons
will be under the sponsorship of
YW groups and v'1' held ev
ery Wednesday nr *’
Econ Insirur'—
Attends Sta^ Meet
Dr. Beatrice /
structor in econo’
the state board r
American Assoeiat'
sity Women in Po”'
to make plans for
ference to take pie
April 18 and 19.
At the banquet
18, Dr. Aitchison
tion chairman, ar
Tyler of the psyc1
ment will take pa
will speak about
and women’s probk
Musicals Of
In Westm!rr
A special musics'
be presented at t1"'
benefit tea Thurs^
5 p.m.
In part the sele-"4
sist of vocal nur’
Sprecher, studenf
Beardsley, soloist
gene Gleemen. Jane
a number on the cr
All women from f
pus are invited to •
Y» iilamette-G
Reid’s Cre
Phene 365
’^son, in
g of the
if Univer
1 recently
tate con
ay, April
e educa
r. Leona
’ depart
Dr. Tyler
'•ram will
vom 3 to
will con
by Ruth
nd Fred
the Eu
’1 will play
and cam
....(Courtesy Eugene News)
James Young, ace correspondent for International News Service,
will visit the University of Oregon today to address an 11 to 12 o’clock
all-student assembly and participate in initiation of 12 pledges to
Sigma Delta Chi, national professional journalistic fraternity.
UO Depot Competes
With 'Hock Shop'
Are you the “Phyl” who is
waiting for a tennis racquet?
Can’t you study without your
glasses? Do you know a Betty
Schalock ? What about that note
book you left at the Side? Have
you been pitying the poor fel
low who lost his winter term’s
notes in something? Take your
little quiz program and call on
A. H. Tyson at the University
Strong competitor of Moe’s
hock shop, everything from
toothpaste to a red gingham
housecoat may be found on the
shelves of the depot. Hats, coats,
gloves, glasses, umterellas, shav
ing brushes, books—both text
and some that are worthwhile
are gathering dust and moths in
the drawers and back rooms of
Mr. Tyson’s office. There are in
numerable fountain pens, pencils,
and a letter to “Honey.”
“Few students cause trouble by
The Academy Winners!
Screwball Comedy!
with Ian Hunter
and Ann Southern
— plus —
with Charles Starrett
trying to claim things not be
longing to them, but I’ve got my
eye on one gang,” the depot
agent said. “Fourteen years ago
I trusted everybody,” Mr. Tyson
remarked, “but I've learned more
about it since then although the
students as a whole are very
Director to Interview
Girls for Camp Fire
Miss Elaine Gorham, local di
rector of Portland Camp Fire
Girls will be on the campus
Thursday, April 3 to interview
girls for camp counselor work
this summer.
Interviews will be given from
9 to 12 and from 1:30 to 5. Ap
pointments should be made at
Miss Florence Alden’s office, 117
Gerlinger hall.
Two Big Features!
“The Lone Wolf
Takes a Chance”
with Warren William
— plus —
“Where Did You
Get That Girl?”
with Helen Parrish
Romance of the Season!
The Lady Eve”
with Barbara Stanwyck
and Henry Fonda
— plus —
“Flight From jj
with Geraldine Fitzgerald
and Thomas Mitchell
It's Mistaken Identity
Pats Vie For Honors
It's confuzin’ and amuzin’ —■
this story about two popular
Pats—Pat Taylor and Patsy Tay
lor—who have been involved in
more cases of mistaken identity
in their eight years of high school
and college than “Margie” in
Maggie and Jiggs.
It all started back in prep
school when the clever Pat and
the beautiful Patsy got all
tangled up with their names.
“I didn’t have a telephone in
those days,” Pat remarked, “or
I bet all the good-looking boys
who wanted dates with Patsy
would have gotten me, instead.
Lost opportunity, I calls it,” she
Both the Pats won scholarships
to the University and they’ve
been sharing each others honors
ever since. Both were Kwamas
and Phi Thetas, and Patsy was
pledged to Mortar Board her sen
ior year. “I just about wore my
self out trying to keep up with
her,” Pat explained.
Both Pat and Patsy ran for
AWS vice-president in consecu
tive years, and although Pat was
nosed out in the final count, many
of her friends congratulated her
on winning the office. “See, I got
copious gobs of the glory but
none of the work,” she grinned
good-naturedly. Patsy was AWS
vice-president in 1939.
“My big trouble,” proffered
Patsy, “is turning down invita
tions to entertain. People come up
to me with ‘Oh, you’re Pat Tay
lor. I’ve heard so much about
you,’ — and I always feel as
though they expect me to do an
imitation of Mae West or break
into a few strains of “Nobody
Makes a Pass at Me.”
“My big trouble,” said Pat, “is
that people have heard I’m beau
tiful, and when Patsy was chosen
Junior Weekend princess, you
should have seen the eyebrows
that were raised.”
When Patsy recently an
nounced her engagement to Ted
Lindley, Pat was showered with
sample announcements from
printing companies, received
books on etiquette of the bride,
and got notes of congratulation
from friends.
“I’m not quite ready to get
married,” Pat smiled, “but I
wouldn’t mind getting a'll the
presents — or Ted Lindley, for
that matter.”
Girl Scout Leader
To Give Interviews
Mrs. Helen Leonard, local di
rector of Portland Girl Scouts,
will be in Dean Hazel P. Schwer
ing’s office Thursday, April 3 to
interview girls interested in camp
counselor work this summer.
Appointments ' for interviews
should be made at the dean of
women’s office.
Set your RADIO
right, with our new spe
cial equipment, for this
work; the best in town.
Radio Service
llth and Oak Ph. 202
Keve's the telteshM
treat «W S° ° "'
-aiidi cMtNT GViW
rpat VOU rca»J &v ,
delicious ^
..„,uithca*P»sllle ,
Right to ^ ^Plenty oi
that’s 0°^^ swell itto to chew
jeiieshtog B»v°*D bU5MiOT &ts aU
-«*-t*g£-***H sj
occasions Chewing he p
class, dnnng 9V Seips brighten
SVJeeten yoto hr cosls so little
mile too. A-11*1 1 _,vitvjT GUM
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