Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1941, Page Nine, Image 9

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Henri Bendel's new soap, guar
anteed to make you feel as elegant
and luxurious as a pre-World War
I Parisienne, floats blithely on the
top of your water, and its scent
matches its subtle feminine colors.
It comes in large cakes, in rose
geranium, sandalwood, jasmine, li
lac or gardenia, and is made in
France, which makes it rather a
prize possession these days.
* * *
Bendel’s house also puts out
some bath accessories known as
soap cloth discs, a charmingly
unique idea. They are little round
sponges that come 12 in a box
and are colored pink and blue. In
the water they unfold into cloths,
with the soap already in them, a
convenience for traveling.
* * *
Bendelilas and Mon Jasmin, for
your glamorous moments, and
Suede and Checkmate for every
day, are four of Bendel's new per
fumes. Checkmate has two lip
sticks to match it, named Check
and Doublecheck, made with the
same scent. All these come in gold
gift packages.
* * *
Not new, but still wonderful, is
the huge box of cream of almond
bath powder you can obtain for a
mere pittance considering the huge
amount you get. The cream of al
mond is as fresh and gentle to
smell as its name implies, making
you think of bright green grass
and pink almond blossoms against
a blue country sky.
Chen Yu nail lacquer now puts
cut a little set of five bottles of
the lacquer in assorted colors and
a bottle of lacqueral. New colors,
which have not yet been shipped
out, or officially put on the mar
ket, will be east wind, an orange
pink; brown coral, looking like its
name, and manderin red, a very
dark, almost black shade, for dark
dresses. These are not yet obtain
able at local shops, but they are
worth waiting for.
* * *
Tailspin, a recent product of
Lelong's, is all you expect it to be.
It positively makes you dizzy to
smell it. You will find it in bath
. .—1HI
' Spring Fashion Parade
With a new military beret from Jiiller s, you can t
help it. All eyes will look at you with admiration.
Come in and see our wonderful collection of exciting
new spring hats of every description—bonnet brims,
off-tlie face straws, smart new sailors, casual felts,
We have all the styles that college girls love. And
they're all so reasonably priced.
' w
M I LI E Rui@
Use Your Charge Account
Photograph by Leonard and Jones
Evening glamor Is shown by Janet Straubel In a light blue silk marquisette with lace Inserts and
a lace bodice, which may be found at HADLEY’S. The Mexican motif so prevalent in 1941 spring clothes
is in evidence here in a good “little” dress with a bolero, that has the cactus design appllqued on It. The
dress, cactus and all, is at the BROADWAY.
powder, cologne, and perfume.
* * *
Pif-paf-puf is the childish name
for Lelong's very practical purse
kits, containing summer shades in
make-up. They contain all his regu
lar line of cosmetics and come in
the new colors to match your dress,
biege, rose, light blue, and stripes.
* * *
The odorette sachet doll is an
amiable and pleasant little girl
who will dangle in your closet or
lie in your drawer or even just
make the room itself smell pretty,
I but she does her job of scenting
whatever you want efficiently. She
comes in carnation, gardenia or
| rose, as you wish.
* * *
If you haven’t heard somebody
raving about Elizabeth Arden's
Woodhue by this time, you either
are deaf or don’t know the right
people. It is one of her new per
fumes, one of the most spicy and
at the same time sweet ones im
aginable. She also has just put out
a torrid one called Tigress, heavy
! and languorous; light and witty
i Straw Hat, and Aphrodesia, dryly
Shoes Take Ot>er
New Color Fields
» _
One of the new things about shoes this spring is the colors they
come in. There is an impulse, when you have dress and hat and per
haps purse of a cool spinach green, to try to find some shoes of the
same color. The chances are that this spring you will be able to find
them. You can also find them in new off-blue shades, and in all the
myriad variations of beige. Very smart looking are brown shoes
trimmed with beige patent leather.
We’ve been reading something in the magazines about the latest
shriek in the Southern resorts, and
it seems that red shoes, particular
ly red alligator ones, are popular.
They are worn with almost any
color, with a result that there are
many striking color combinations.
Another trend in shoes is the
strong urge toward the primitive.
Allowing you to walk with the
lithe poise of the Indian maiden
are some sandals fashioned after
the huarches and moccasins of the
early inhabitants of Americas.
You can achieve almost a barefoot
grave in these shoes whose supple
Spring Threesome
for the Coed
For morning, after
noon, and evening . . .
here are three “eye
catchers” to start your
spring out right.
A “must” in your wardrobe is at least one completely
militaristic outfit. Pictured above is a dinner dress—
patriotic in red, white, and blue with gold emblem on
IVIannish-tailored suit in navy with fine pin stripe in
white. An excellent suggestion for your Easter outfit.
Spun rayons for class and sportswear. The brighter the
color, the smarter the dress.
5.95 and 7.95
leather follows every line of your
foot. They are made very simply,
with sometimes only a single strap
between your first and second toes
to hold them on.
Favorites which have proved
themselves and are with us for an
other year are shoes with open
toes. Besides knowing that one's
feet are delightfully cool in these
shoes, one has the feeling that they
are not quite so plain looking as the
older order. Another old favorite
is the wedge heel. We heard a
rather amusing comment by one
young thing on this subject. "The
only thing I don't like about them,"
she mused, as she stared adoring
ly at her trim feet” is that they
make it awfully hard for me to
hook my heel around the bar rail.”
Hawaiian Styles
For Spring Term
It won't be long until the Oregon
tall firs to go bon voyage to the is
lands of romance and beautiful
women. Of course the boys will
want to make an impression on
some of those dark-haired wa
heines. The proper attire for Ha
waii could be used here at Oregon
for spring term.
The tall firs should take white
palm beach suits, and white dinner
jackets. Light polo shirts of silk,
rayon, or cotton are in style. Those
white shoes that have been in the
closet the past six months can be
cleaned up.
As for swimming trunks, light
colored with Hawaiian prints are
just about the thing for Waikiki.
These are rather attractive at Ore
gon, too, for fellas.
Take Advantage
Cash and Carry
Our plant is
on the campus
across from
Sigma Chi
Excellent Work
Oregana Workers
Enter Home Stretch
“All pictures have now been
taken for the Oregana and all
copy is in," Wilbur Bishop, Ore
gana editor, announced yesterday.
The next 20 days will be occupied
in pasting in pictures for the final
Proofs for the cover which will,
according to the editor, even sur
pass last year's popular yearbook
binding, have been turned in.
“All preliminary work should be
completed before March 22 and
the Oregana will appear before
Junior week-end,” Bishop stated.
Grand Opening
Holman’s Band
• Floor Show
• Betty Wvcoff
V ocalist,
• Jack Marstens
Master of Ceremonies
Saturday Night
Sixty-seven per cent of Univer
sity of Cincinnati students come
from Cincinnati homes.
Middlesex university has com
| pleted the 3-story brick building of
- its school of veterinary medicine.
Undoubtedly, you have many of your last year's
spring elothes that could be made to look just like
new again. Send them to us, and everyone will think
you have purchased a new outfit.
Let us dye some of your whites to beautiful pastel
shades for the coming season.
Phone 252
143 W. 7th Ave.
Phone 252
WSi- -
Thursday night is
window - shoppers’
own night — all the
city cooperates on
this annual win
dow show and
Miller’s are in the
front row with dis
distinctive presen
tations of the sea
son’s best fashions.
Don’t miss Miller s