Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 06, 1941, Page Three, Image 3

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    i i i ■■ ■ ■
Hooray for spring, spinach, et al. And while we ’re waxing
jubilant, let’s donate a few mild gurgles to Washington
State. Jack Priel’s Cougars stumbled over Oregon State
twice in their opening basketball jousts, then gathered
their battered hides off the boards and retailiated with a
12-game win wave to pluck the championship berry in 1941
northern division hoop competition.
Still obsessed with the spirit of giving, here's a towel on
which backers of “wrong” teams can shower their blatant
OSC Vandals Split
Oregon State, struggling to outdo Oregon, made a
clumsy thrust at second place Tuesday night, as Idaho’s
floudering Vandals squelched the Beavers 42 to 35 in Mos
cow. However, the Corvallis bogey men shuffled around last
night and clubbed Forrest Twogood’s five 41 to 32.
Oregon Forward “Slick” Vic Townsend is shy 33 points of
erasing Wally Palmberg's “official” northern division scoring
record, and the “Slick” one totes a lemon “33” on the green
playing jersey draped over his back.
Hawaii Calls Ducks
Hawaii calls, and at least seven Webfoot cagers and
Coach Hobby Hobson will be bobbing towards the islands
comes March 28. Unless the “Tall Firs’’ bend under the
flood of Hawaiian hospitality, they should give basketball
fans way out thar’ something to stare and gulp at.
Oregon's playing is certain to arouse more than 1 lie tepid
enthusiasm wheedled out of island fans by Oregon State's in
fernal waltzing last year. Spectators will lap up that fast-brealc
stuff. Their concept of college ball is a combination of dribbling
that virtually scorches the floor, passing that throws your eyes
out of gear, and basket-popping nothing short of miraculous.
And if there’s any team on the coast that can appease their
appetites on these scores, it’s Oregon.
Swim Roundup
Unless that deadly maggot, ineligibility, worms its way
into swimming ranks again next year, Mike Hoyman should
have a terrific squad all cranked up and ready to churn
loose against northern division competition. Loss of Sprinter
Stu Randall early in the season deflated the swim unit this
year, but with frosh stars Bob Irvin and John Mead grad
uating to varsity ranks next year, things will probably
brighten up for Oregon.
Irvin’s 18.6-second 40-yard freestyle splash against Uni lli
February 26 unofficially doused the Pacific coast record by .5
of a second. His 53.4-second 100-yard freestyle swim shaved .1
of a second off the national mark.
Now that
Spring is here
Meet your
Friends for a
• Milkshake
• Sandwich
• Sundae
at the
Cor. 13th and Alder
“Doc” Ireland, Prop.
RCA Tubes
Sylvania Tubes
for your
E. 10th and Oak Sts.
• Outdoor and trail riding featured
during spring term.
• Classes arranged at your conven
• Transportation provided by our sta
tion wagon to and from University.
• REGISTER — with Major Tobin
registration day at Igloo.
— Phone 2603 —
Eugene Riding School
Webfoots Off to Husky Lair
Seattle Mix Is Finale
Of 1941 Hoop Exploits
To Washington State belongs the spoils, to Oregon and Oregon
State an opportunity to woo second place with no fear of embarrassing
intrusion by a third party.
Today Coach Hobby Hobson takes his Webfoot basketball team north
to Seattle where the Ducks close their bid for northern division hoop
honors against Washington in a two-gamo series tomorrow and Satur
-:-I day nights.
Frosh Get
Coach John Warren’s recom
mendation of numerals for 17
of the University of Oregon
Duckling basketball men and
the 33 to 24 win over the Ore
gon State rooks wrote finis to
the 1941 season for the first
year hoopmen.
Warren's recommendation for
numerals covered all freshmen
who had seen action against the
baby Beavers in anyone of the
four games. This included the fol
lowing: Clark Brown, Warren
Christensen, Rog Dick, Bill Giss
berg, Cecil Gray, Lloyd Jackson,
Glen Kelly, Walt Kresse, Jack
Lakefish, Bob Newland, Chester
Schiwew, George Sertic, Bob
Sheridan, Kik Simonsen, James
Smith, Bob Wren, and Phil Jack
Prosh Wax. Kooks
The Friday night game with
the country cousins from Corval
lis town was win number 15 for
the frosli and the third win this
year over the ancient rivals, giv
ing the frosh a three to. one ad
vantage in this year's standing.
Ben Atwood of the rooks led
all scorers with nine points. Bob
Sheridan and Bob Newland vied
for top scoring honors for the
frosh with seven counters apiece.
Frosh, 33 24, Rooks
Sheridan, 7.F. 6, McKee
Dick, 6.F. 9, Atwood
L. Jackson, 4.... C.1, Warren
Newland, 7.G. 3, McCluskey
Gissberg.G. 5, Beck
Substitution: Frosh — Wren 2,
P. Jackson 1, Smith, Lakefish,
Sertic, Redfield, Brown, Simonsen
6, Kelly, Kresse. Rooks — Hiatt.
Officials: Robertson, Mandic.
News Finals
I-.cn Isberg won over Hal
Kaschko last week .for the all
campus handball singles cham
pionship. With both handball
brackets played off there re
mains only' a match between Bob
Whitely and Warren Moe for the
ping-pong crown to complete the
winter term all-campus sports
For spring term, the intramural
department announced tourna
ments in swimming, water polo,
Washington State In!
Washington State's Cougars
wopped Idaho last Saturday night
to grab the championship cor
nered last year by Oregon State,
leaving the No. 2 spot open to as
sault by the Ducks and Beavers,
and also the possibility of a squeeze
play shoving both glowering teams
side by side in the same niche.
Four Webfoot seniors — Vic
Townsend, Bill Borcher, Evert Mc
Neeley, and Hank Anderson—will
be playing their last game in
northern division intercollegiate
competition Saturday night.
Huskies’ Court Lousy
It's a lousy court the Ducks
will be playing on in Seattle, a
floor with “hard” and “soft”
spots. However, should Hobby’s
lads sweep the Huskies up north,
they’ll have cleaned the series,
having already bumped Hcc Ed
mundson’s quintet twice in Eu
Monday, March 10, at 4:45 in
room 101 of the PE building,
Mike Mlkulak, coach of tennis
would like to meet all prospec
tive members of the varsity
tennis team. If anyone cannot
appear for any reason, get In
touch with Mlkulak.
Baseball Notice
Monday, March 10, at 4:80 p.m.
in McArthur court.
That Is the time and the place
baseball Coach Hobby Hobson
has designated for the first
meeting of prospective 1941
Webfoot diamondeers. Hobson
announced yesterday that Anse
Cornell, University of Oregon
athletic director will act as coach
during his absence.
Hobson still has a barnstorming
trip to take with his basketball
team to the Hawaiian Islands and
will be unable to take over the
coaching reins until his return
some time In April.
Regular practice will not begin
until the start of spring term, ac
cording to Hobson’s announcement.
However, equipment Is to be is
sued to players reporting at Mon
day’s meeting so they may work
out during the vacation.
AWS scholarship application
blanks arc available at the dean
of women's office.
Kappa Sigs Cop Donut *A’;
Awfuls Nab ’B’ Hoop Title
In two close battles held last Friday, the Kappa Sigma and Awful
Awful hoopsters defeated Sigma Chi and SAE respectively to win
championships of the “A” and “B” intramural basketball playoffs.
The Kappa Sig basketeers, sparked by Jim Higgins, squeezed out
a 20 to 17 win over the Sigma Chi men to annex the title as champs
of the “A” league, while the Awful Awfuls’ “B” squad pulled out a
Coeds Eye
Swim Times
Oregon coed swimmers are
out to break the two remaining
western region records tonight
at 8 in Gerlinger as the second
half of the western region na
tional intercollegiate telegraphic
swimming meet gets underway.
The girls arc after the 60-yard
medley relay race and the 40-yard
backstroke record. Last week the
mermaids came within four-tenths
of a second of cracking the 80
yard freestyle relay national rec
ord, and they will try to establish
a new record tonight.
Order of events: 80-yard free
style relay, 40-yard freestyle, 40
yard backstroke, 60-yard medley
relay, 100-yard freestyle, 100-yard
backstroke, 40-yard backstroke.
softball, and Sigma Delta Psi. Last
year's Sigma Delta Psi field day
brought out nearly 300 contestants
in events ranging from shot put
ting to hurdles.
Sash and
These are points of weakness which
need checking against signs of wear.
Call us today for estimates on these
199 6th W.
Phone 206
i< to 15 win over the SAE contin
gent. H. Jensen led the Awfuls to
victory with a total of seven points,
while Middleburg collected six to
pace the losers.
Kappa Sigma, 20 17, Sigma Chi
Stenstrom, 4.F. 6, Shephard
Higgins, 11.F..'..... Back
Horne, 3.C. 3, Gianelli
Jameson.G. 2, Burns
Berry, 1.G.... 5, Maynard, W.
S.. 1, Davis
Awful Awfuls, 17 15, SAE
Craig, 4.F. 3, Kelly
Waby, 2.F. 6, Middleburg
Jensen, 7.C. Meek
Sanders.G. 2, Thomas
Luoto, 4.G. 4, Segale
This year you've got all the
styles you had last year and a
score more so take your allowance
and your roommate and tour the
town for a glamorous gown.
“Little Man”
with Kay Francis
and Jack Oakie
—: plus —
“Ride Tenderfoot
with Gene Autry
Until the
There’s spring in the air,
but, don't be deceived!
There’s many a cool day
of rain and frosty night
left before it is really sum
mer. So refuel that dimin
ishing supply of coal,
wood, or fuel ml and keep
warm aud toagty.
Call 651
997 0?k Pbone 651
Oilers Nip
(Continued from page otic)
the lead with a free throw at the
start of the game. This lead
changed three times later in the
first half. The score was tied
twice. Don Loekhard dropped in a
close shot, Pralle got a gifter, but
Andrews, Townsend, and Anderson
put Oregon ahead, 8 to 5, in the
Bill Martin went on a one-man
scoring spree for the Oilers. With
set shots from far out, he managed
to tie up the game at 11-all. Once
again Townsend, Anderson, and
then Bill Borcher jumped Oregon’s
score. Oregon led 17 to 11 before
an Oiler shot slid through the
Phillips came back in dead earn
est. The towering oil-derricks
flipped in points when Martin
broke the ice again from far out.
Oregon was held scoreless until
the final seconds of the first
period. Archie Marshik slipped a
couple of points in from the side.
Halftime score: Oilers 20, Ore
gon 19.
The Oilers smoothly shot ahead
at the start of the second half. At
two times they held 11-point leads
over the driving Ducks. Townsend,
Anderson, and Evert McNeeley
closed in to four points two times
at the close of the game. Oregon
played a hard game, but was off
in shooting.
Four seniors—Townsend, Borch
er, Anderson, and McNeeley —
played their last home games for
Oregon. The Ducks play two games
with Washington in Seattle before
shipping to Hawaii for a series to
end the season.
(Please turn to page four)
Spring . . .
The time for pin-planting
and going steady. Give
her something to remem
ber the grand time you
have in eollege cspeeially
in spring term.
Wo have all types of
rings, neeklaees, pins, and
620 Willamette
Pictures of Spring
Keep the fun of this year’s picnics, hikes,
and campus life always fresh and gay—take
pictures. All equipment you will need will
be found at the Carl R. Baker Film Shop.
698 Willamette Phone 536
Complete with
See the New
5-tube Portable
Musicaire Model
A set for use “Anytime, any
where.” Especially fine for
those picnics in the spring. Also
operates on 110 volts. Perma
nent magnet speaker. Built in
Signal Scope Aerial. Automatic
volume control. Longest life
and most economical batteries
to replace available.
We wish to express our thanks
to you, through your paper,
for your patronage and the
banquets you have given us.
Remember our banquet room
is always available for reserva
tions; and always open to you
when it is not reserved.
McCrady’s Cafe
STAR Health Drink
4% Homogenized Milk
? Definitely NEW: Provides
) ' •
? just the right flavor and color
* for coffee or cereals. Dcli
*> '
cious on fresh fruits —Used
just like coffee cream—Yet
costs only half as much.
Be glamorous in your own right, whether you’re
on the screen or in the audience! Milk helps you
keep your helath, your looks, and your figure.
We’ll deliver it to your door early every morning.
Medo-Land Creamery
Phone 393 673 Charnelton