Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 19, 1941, Image 1

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I-M Hoop
Street Is
A Speedway
Four Students
For Rally Job
Anderson, Greer
V/iggins, Lamb File
For Chairmanship
Four students were interviewed
Tuesday by the executive commit
tee as candidates for the position of
rally squad chairmen. The ASUO
officers postponed- voting on the
quartet until Thursday evening.
Petitions of those reviewed in
cluded: Les Anderson, member of
the '40-’41 squad; Bob Greer, '39
’40 assistant yell leader; Pete
Lamb, member of the ’39-'40 squad;
and Art Wiggins, '40-’41 assistant
yell leader.
Applications for the other 11 po
sitions on the rally committee must
be turned into the ASUO office in
McArthur court by 5 o'clock this
evening. The executive committee
will interview these aspirants at
their Thursday meeting.
Selection will be based on scho
lastic ability and personality qual
ifications. Remaining positions are:
one senior woman, two junior men,
two junior women, three sopho
more men, and three sophomore
Majority Class
Plans Rally Dance
'Beat State' Theme
Of No-Date Affair
On February 27
An all-campus “beat state” rally
dance is planned by the majority
class for February 27, the day of
the Oregon-Oregon State basket
ball tilt.
The dance will be a no-date af
fair with an admission charge of
10 cents per person. Twenty-five
per cent of all profit will go to the
student union fund.
It was decided at Monday’s
meeting of the majority class
council to hold the rally dance from
4 to 6 Thursday in the outer gym
of Gerlinger.
The dance chairman will be
chosen Friday by the council.
Freshmen interested in the posi
f tion are asked to present a peti
tion stating their qualifications to
any member of the council.
Applications for the position
must be in by Friday noon.
Council members are: Chuck
Woodruff, chairman; Uly Dorais,
vice-chairman; Beverly Padgham,
secretary; Bill Moshofsky, Dick
Shelton, and Grace Babbitt, coun
BA Program Slates
Baylor as Speaker
The BA school's business hour is
on the air tonight at 7:30 with D.
T. Bayly, downtown lawyer, speak
ing on "Law for the Laymen.” He
replaces W. P. Riddlesbarger, as
sociate professor of business ad
ministration, previously scheduled
for tonight’s program, who is un
* able to appear.
T. M. Holt, graduate assistant
in the BA school, will discuss cur
rent business trends in his "Busi
ness Observer” feature of the half
hour program.
Infirmary Notice
To the Emerald:
Due to an increase in the
number of cases of measles be
ing taken care of in the Stu
dent Health Service hospital
there will be no visiting until
further notice. We regret the
necessity for taking this pre
caution, but in view of the dan
ger involved to visitors and the
difficulty in having the nurses
on duty take care of the large
number of patients and also
check the isolation of many of
our patients, it seems necessary
to eliminate all visiting.
Fred N. Miller, M.D.,
University Physician.
Woody Hite is the nmn who will
lead the band that furnishes the
music for Scabbard and Blade’s
annual Military ball. The last
formal of winter term will be held
Saturday night, February 22, in
McArthur court.
Sprague Heads
Chaperon List
At Military Ball
Hite's Orchestra
Will Furnish Music
For Annual Dance
Governor and Mrs. Charles A.
Sprague will head the list of pa
trons and patronesses invited to
the Military ball Saturday even
Woody Hite and his orchestra
will provide music for the dance in
McArthur court when Scabbard
and Blade will crown a "Little
Colonel” and name new pledges.
Hite’s orchestra, featuring Milt
KeeH’s arrangements along Mi'l
er-Dorsey lines has appeared in
various places throughout the
Nortwest and has made several
Last vear the band furnished
the music for Orpo-on’s Leap Year
lamp. Featured vocalists are .Tov
Rradlov and Don Hite along with
Rill Johns. A'so appearing with
the band is Warren Black recog
nized as one of the outstanding
guitar soloists in the West.
All tickets yet unsold for the
Military ball will be called in
today at 1 p.m. Tickets will be
sold at the door for those who
have not yet purchased them.
Guests to the Military ball are
to include General and Mrs. Charles
H. Martin, General and Mrs.
George A. White and Chancellor
and Mrs. Frederick M. Hunter.
Others include. President and Mrs.
Donald M. Erb, President and Mrs.
Frank L. Ballard, and Lieut.-Col
and Mrs. Samuel J. Heidner of
Oregon State college.
Also present will be Mayor
Elisha Large of Eugene, Co'onel
and Mrs. Robert M. Lyon, Colonel
and Mrs. John J. Fulmer of Port
(Please turn la page jour)
Student Union
Drive to Get
Co-op Receipts
Contributions to Fill
Furnishing Fund
Of New Building
All Oregon students can now
contribute to the student union. A
drive will start this week to col
lect all of the co-op receipts. The
money is to be donated to a furn
ishing fund for the new building.
Every living organization on the
campus will take part in the cam
The two houses contributing the
greatest amount of receipts to the
fund will have the honor of partic
ipating in the cornerstone cere
mony. The frosh committee will
collect the money every two weeks
and the winners will be announced
at the end of the year.
Representatives in living organ
izations have been announced by
Uly Dorais, chairman of the sub
committee. They will meet in the
Side at 3:45 this afternoon. A
short meeting of the main com
mittee will be held at the conclu
sion of this meeting.
Freshman house representatives
are: Beverly Padgham, Susan
Campbell: Elaine Quinn, Hen
dricks; Clare Morgan, University;
Bruce Taylor, Alpha hall; Harry
Miller, Gamma hall; Howard Ra
mey, Zeta hall; Everett Franks,
Sherry Ross hall; Tom Burbee,
Omega hall; Og Young, ATO; Jer
ry Battles, Delt.
Rylla Hattan, Tri Delt; Mary
Robinson, Highland; Bud Berg
strom, Theta Chi; Morris Riback,
Sammies; Betty Bistaee, i Sigma
Kappa; Barbara Lamb, AOPi; Dor
othy Stewart, ADPi; Norma Bak
er, Alpha Gam; Jean Younger,
Helen Johnson, Alpha Chi O;
Lora Case, Pi Phi; Jim Bennison,
Phi Delt; Mary Bentley, Kappa;
Janet Straubel, Theta; Barbaralee
Jacobs, Chi O; Dave Casey, Pi
Kap; Don Vernier, Canard; Homer
Thomas, SAE; Fred Treadgold,
Fiji; Spencer Weills, Phi Sig.
Phil Burco, Sigma Chi; Uly Do
rais, Campbell; Berry Campbell,
Phi Psi; A1 Cellars, DU; Betty
Norwood, Alpha Xi Delta; Jim
Burns, Kirkwood; Ann Reynolds,
Hilyard; Neva Haight, Gamma
Phi; Jim Schiller, Sigma Nu; Bill
Edlefsen, Kappa Sig; Dick Igl,
Beta; John Gleason, Chi Psi; Les
Thayer, Sig Ep; Frankie Nelson,
Orides; Joan Taylor, Alpha Phi.
Fruit, Produce Man
Meets lob Hunters
In Johnson Today
Walter J. Sullivan, Portland,
Pacific Fruit and Produce com
pany personnel director, will in
terview students interested in
working' for his company Wednes
day afternoon, according to Miss
Janet Smith, University employ
ment secretary.
Mr. Sullivan will interview stu
dents at the employment office
during the early afternoon. Inter
views will start at 1 o’clock, Miss
Smith said.
Coed Crackshot Says
'No Place Like Home'
Big shot is Jean Cassidy, sophomore member of the rifle team who
visited Seattle last weekend for a match with the University of Wash
ington’s team.
Jean’s intelligent brown eyes not only hit the mark with people
but also with the target. She started out as a novice in rifle this fall
and was promoted to the team in no time at all.
“We had a wonderful time in Seattle,” said Jean. “It was very
; *o%gy—we had to start places a
half hour ahead of time, but we
! saw a basketball game at the Uni
versity of Washington, and we also
j saw the army on the way up to
1 Seattle.”
The girls in Jean’s group drove
! up with Captain W. E. Read of
the Oregon ROTC barracks.
‘‘We stopped at Fort Lewis and
Fort Vancouver; there were four
of us girls and 45,000 soldiers.
I “Everyone of us ate all the
time—coffee, candy bars, cokes,
steaks—anything to chew on.”
Jean suddenly thought of some
thing: “It just made me realize
when I went up there to Washing
ton, how much I love this Univer
sity; you couldn't sell Washing
ton to me. And at the Wash
ington ROTC barracks they gave
us old floors mats to lie on when
we shot, instead of nice clean ones.
I certainly like Oregon!”
(Lourttsy ot the Register-Guard)
Alice Giustina, shown here sitting; In her training plane, led a class of 44 students who studied the
civilian pilot training course at the University. Miss Giustlnn's score in the two-part written final was
94. She has received her civilian pilot’s license because she has already completed her instruction and
solo hours. Pictured with her is R. E. Herr, CAA inspector, who administered the exam.
Speaker Sees
Value of Dam
To Northwest
Hodge Declares
Bonneville Power
Being Badly Used
“Electro chemical and metal
lurgical industries are the birth
right of Bonneville dam and of
Oregon,” stated Dr. E. F. Hodge,
professor of economic geology at
Oregon State College, in his lec
ture last night in the faculty room
of Friendly.
Bonneville is one of the most re
markable dams in the world and is
located on the largest river of the
Pacific coast of either North or
South America. Its site on the tide
water of the Columbia makes it a
natural location for industrial plant
and shipping activities, according
to the speaker. It is nature’s gift
to the future.
Dr. Hodges told his audience
that for manv years geologists had
searched for a suitable place to
dam the lower Columbia and re
ported absolutely no success. The
oroiect was set aside as impossible
because of the soft clav type of
rock in the formation of the north
wall of the river gorge. When en
gineers found that nature had
stepped into the picture with a
land slide and provided the neces
sary bed rock for a foundation,
many of these former “critics”
were unable to accept the fact that
that the dam was not only possible
but practical.
“I made a considerable sum of
money answering letters from all
over the country which said the
dam wouldn’t work,” said the
speaker. He was one of the con
sulting geologists who decided it
would. Some of these letters even |
came from officials in the presi-;
dent’s office.
He explained that possible dan
ger from further movement of the
landslide was ruled out by the
straight growth of trees and the
stability of railroads.
At the present time the power
manufactured at Bonneville is not
being put to its rightful use, he
said. Industry is the destiny of a
power source located on the edge
| of the ocean on one of the world's
trade routes. "I regret every day
that it is being used for anything
else,” the geologist stated.
“I believe that the ultimate task
of Bonneville will be to produce
products of the future. The possi
bilities of a western steel industry
and magnesium plants are unlim
ited. We have only just nibbled at
the rich things possible to man.”
After All, It's Free
ASUO movie
Played to a full house.
Program was OK, I guess,
But what, no Mickey Mouse ?
I —J.W.S.
Pa tien t In crease
Closes Infirmary
To Any Visitors
There will be absolutely no
visitipg at the infirmary today
due to the number of patients
who are ill ,and because there
is entirely too much noise for
efficient care of those who really
need it.
Population at the infirmary is
steadily increasing this week,
.end a total of 26 are now regis
They include: A1 Powers, Bill
Norene, Miriam Wood, Gertrude .
Hoak, Joyce Hansen, Ann Gard
iner, Shirley Holcomb, Dorothy
Greer, Phyl Dube, Fred Hill,
Fred Lloyd, Chris Lundseth,
Amos Jahn, Nelson Sandgren,
Howard Girdleston, Gene Ed
wards, Burr Monrad, Paul Bol
ton, Chuck Rowe, Maurice Sal
omon, Fred Timmen, John Slat
tee, Hugh Muir, and Cliff Anet.
Oregon Ski Team
To Sponsor Film
Mctior Sport Areas,
Tournament Scenes
Will Be Presented
Ski America Second,” an all
color film, will be shown Thursday
night at Villard hall. The picture,
which packed the public audito
rium in Seattle, will present the
major skiing centers from coast
to coast in beautiful color.
The film will be accompanied by
explanations from Sidney N. Shur
cliff, nationally famous lecturer.
A great deal of the film will be
devoted to big time competition,
national jumping championships
and tournaments. The settings in
clude Mt. Baker, Mt. Hood, Yo
semite, Sun Valley, Jumping Cen
ter at Big Pines, California, Tuck
erman Ravine, New Hampshire,
and scaffold jumping in the mid
dle west.
The University ski team is spon
soring the show and admission
prices for students will be 25 cents,
townspeople, 55 cents.
Wyoming Offers
Language Training
An innovation in language study
will be started in the West this
summer when the University of
Wyoming presents two intensive
language courses. The students
will devote their entire attention
to the study of either Portuguese
or Spanish during a nine-week pe
The course will be given under
the guidance of the American
Council of Learned Societies. They
have been especially designed for
graduate students and other adults
of professional status.
Piano Recital
Honors Famed
Musician -Patriot
Mrs. Underwood
Plavs Selections
Of French Artists
That famed Polish patriot and
pianist, Ignace Jan Paderewski,
probably would have been proud
of the performance given Tuesday
night in the music auditorium in
his honor by Aurora Potter Under
wood, pianist and associate pro
fessor of music in the University
school of music.
Mrs. Underwood chose her pro
gram wisely, avoiding both the
spectacular and the hackneyed
selections frequently heard in the
concerts of professional pianists.
Her evening group, which included
compostions from the French com
posers, Rameau and Saint-Saens,
put the audience in a responsive
mood that was held till the con
clusion of the program. One of
the most difficult "little” pieces
of the concert, “Nocturne for the
left hand” by Scriabine, proved
to have melody as well as novelty
as performed by Mrs. Underwood’s
capable hands. Maintaining her
reputation as an adept interpreter
of Brahms and Chopin, the soloist
offered groups from the works of
each of these composers.
It was true tribute to the pian
ist that the audience seemed to
enjoy these compositions as much
as if they were "old favorites,”
which many of them will be now
that they have been interpreted
by Mrs. Underwood.
Oregon Women
To Choose AWS,
WAA, YW Heads
Buchanan, Riesch, Crites Are Outgoing
Ofiicers; Coed Nominees Unknown Until
Mass Meeting in Gerlinger on Thursday
With an air of mystery surround
ing the list of nominees, Oregon
women will gather Thursday at 11
o'clock in the Gerlinger assembly
hall to choose next year's officers
in the AWS, WAA, and YWCA.
Outgoing presidents in these
three top all-campus women’s or
ganizations are: Betty Buchanan,
AWS; Joanne Riesch, WAA; and
Jean Crites, YWCA.
According to the new amend
ment to the constitution, adopted
February 7, the names of the can
didates will not be revealed until
the mass-meeting. Voting will
take place immediately after intro
duction of the candidates.
Nominations, according to the
constitutional amendment, may be
made from the floor in addition to
the two names put up by the nom
inating committee.
The amendment was adopted,
under the sponsorship of Mortar
Board, senior women’s honorary,
to help in directing the trend of
campus politics away from bloc
The nominating committee con
sists of senior women of the AWS
cabinet. They include: Joanne
Riesch, Barbara Pierce, Janet
Goresky, Jean Crites, Barbara
Warner, Betty Buchanan, president
of the organization, and Dean of
Women Hazel P. Schwering, advis
Wyatt Appointed
Group Leader
Greater Student
Participation Hope
Of New Committee
Wendell Wyatt, senior in law,
has been appointed chairman of a
committee to investigate possible
enlargmeut of the student execu
tive committee, the representa
tion thereon and the possibilities
of a student senate in which all
groups on the campus will have a
Wyatt, active in school affairs,
honor student in the law school
for three years, and member of
Friars, senior men’s service hon
orary, was appointed Tuesday by
ASUO President Gleeson "Tiger’1
George Luoma, assistant educa
tional activities manager, and
Payne have been compiling infor
(Please turn to pai/c four)
ROTC Summer Meet
Preliminary plans for the advanced Reserve Officers’ Training
Camps for 1941 were recently announced by Major Genera! E. D.
Peek, commanding general of the Ninth Corps area. The camps wil)
meet from June 20 to July 31 at Fort Ord in California and Fort
Lewis in Washington.
Infantry students from Oregon State college and from the Univer
sity of Oregon will attend the
camps at Fort Lewis. Medical
students from the medical school
of the "University of Oregon go to
Fort Ord.
Training Required
The period of intensive field
training is one of the requirements
of the advanced military course.
While in the camp young oficers
are paid a regular salary and sup
plied with equipment and rations.
Oregon ROTC members who will
attend the camp are: Allen Adams,
Frank Albrecht, Norman Angell,
Lloyd Beggs, Richard Blickenstaff,
Paul Bocci, March Bowers, Ken
neth Bowes, Kenneth Boyle, Gene
Brown, William Browne, Stephen
Bush, Duane Carlson.
More Students
James Carney, Robert Cherney,
Kenneth Christianson, Raymond
Conroy, James Creighton, Ralph
Currin, James Currin, Jack Den
hart, Eugene Didak, Richard Drap
er, James Durkheimer, James
Frost, William Fugit, Alvin Gray,
and Robert Greer.
Thomas Hardy, Roy Hewitt,
Raymond Hovee", William Kirk
patrick, Samuel Knight, David
Knox, Loyal Lang, Julian Leonard,
Roy Lindley, Carl Little, William
MacGibbon, Willis McCarty, Frank
McKinney, Daniel Mercer, Robert
Merryman, Ernest Murphy, Robert
Oleson, and Emerson Page.
(Please turn to page four)
Drama Students
To Present Three
One-Act Plags
Presentations Due
Thursday Night
At Guild Hall
The play production class of the
drama division will present three
one-act plays Thursday evening in
Guild hall.
Each of the three groups is com
posed of University students and
is working under a student direc
tor, the entire production being
under the supervision of Mrs. Otil
ie T. Seybolt, director of drama.
A unified setting has been de
vised to accomodate all three
plays, although each has lighting
effects peculiar to the style of the
play. The program will be pre
sented in Guild hall, on the main
floor of Johnson, Thursday evening
at 7:30. All University students
are invited to see the plays; ad
misison is free.
Mary Staton, University Theater
player, is directing ‘'Moonset,’’ a
Peace Playwriting contest winner.
The play concerns a group of sol
diers trapped in a desert, waiting
for sunrise, with the knowledge
that the dawn will enable the en
emy to detect them.
Jean Horton has charge of a
play concerning the love affairs
of three sisters, entitled “Little
Darling.’’ In the play, the soDhis
ticated sister fights the demure
sister for the admiration of the
football hero, while the real pow
er underneath the triangle is the
younger sister, the “Little Darl
The third play, “Love Song,” be
ing directed by George Smith, is
the tragic portrait of a woman and
her beautiful love for her husband
and son.
Two Dozen Authors
Enter Story Contest
Manuscripts have been received
from 24 authors for competition in
the Marshall-Case-Haycox short
story writing contest, W. F. G.
Thacher, professor of advertising
and instructor in short story, an
nounced Tuesday.
Manuscripts have already been
placed in the hands of two of the
three judges. Copies of all the sto
ries were sent to Miss Victoria
■ Case, McMinnville, sister of Rob
ert Ormond Case, one of the orig
inal donors; the other copies were
given to Chester A. Fee, instruc
tor in the English department.
The first set of manuscripts to
be returned will be given to
Wayne Harbert, Eugene, Oregon
graduate and news editor of the
Register-Guard, third judge in the
Prizes will be $50, $30, and $20
for the winning manuscripts. Re
sults may not be expected for at
least two or three weeks, Profes
sor Thacher said.
Feoorts Published
On Dean's Conclave
Reports of the twelfth biennial
meeting of the western conference
of deans of women rolled off of
the University press recently and
are now being distributed to
schools sending delegates to the
Over 112 western schools in 11
different states took part in the
last convention which was held on
the UO campus last April.