Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 13, 1941, Image 1

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Duck Hoopers
Sharpen Eyes
For Idaho Five
One Greek, Five
Non-Greeks Rule
New Frosh Class
Chuck Woodruff Wins Chairman's Post;
Beverly Padgham, Grace Babbitt, Dorais,
Moshofsky, Shelton Elected to Council
Five independents nnd one Greek were elected Wednesday to the
six-man council which will govern the activities of the majority class
of 1944.
Chuck Woodruff will be chairman of the council; Uly Dorais, vice
chairman; Beverly Padgham, secretary; Bill Moshofsky, first conn
Lap Foundation
To Extend Work
All Organizations
To Participate in
Class Card Issue
The representative group of the
Independent Students association
met last night to lay the ground
work for a more comprehensive
independent organization.
Several committees were accept
ed with the purpose of furthering
understanding of the goal toward
which the group is working and
the methods to be employed for
realization of this goal.
Every independent living organ
ization on the campus was,repre
sented at the meeting. Discussion
of the class card question resulted
in the appointment of a committee
headed by Jean Spearow to outline
reasons for universal membership
in classes.
Steve Worth will be in charge
of research as to campus opinion
concerning the 10-cent class card.
A committee to check distribution
of students in campus activities is
composed of Beverly Padgham,
Don Broderick, and Ted Goodwin.
A group headed by Johnny Kahan
anui will draw up plans to finance
classes who operate on the princi
ple of universal membership.
Stars, Stripes
Set as Ball Motif
February 22 Sees
Washington Statue
Surveying Formal
The stars and stripes will hover
over McArthur court on February
22 in a gigantic flag as the Mili
tary ball gets under way. Red,
white, and blue velvet drapes will
edge the Igloo forming a multi
colored wall.
Hidden flood lights will shine out
from the boundaries of the dance
floor, casting a light over the
swirling throng of formals and
dashing uniforms. A spot light will
play over the dancers picking out
prospective Little Colonels. A
gleaming spot will shine upon the
commanding band stand where
Woody Hite and his 11-piece or
chestra from Portland will be
swinging out with their original
Large panels of military scenes
will be placed at vantage points
throughout the “parade ground”
and a six-foot statue of George
Washington will stand conspicu
ously above the elaborate review
ing platform where the Little Col
onel will receive her badge of of
School Graduation
Certificates Ready
For CAA Students
Students in the fall term civil
ian pilot training class may get
their school graduation certificates
between 1 and 5 p. m. at the CAA
office, 314 Fenton hall, it was an
nounced yesterday. The book on
civil air regulations must be re
turned but the students may keep
other books.
The following students have not
yet obtained their certificates: Ei
leen Baker, Leonard Ballif, Linn
Backus, March Bowers, Jack Dan
iels, Ray" Foster, Jimmy Doern,
Paul Gilbert, Alice Giustina, Nel
son Harrington, Blake Hirsh, Ger
ald Johnson, Johnny Kahananui,
Dean Kivel, Nancy Lewis, John
Loback, Rod McMillen, Lem Put
f nam, Bill Swanson, Gordon Stan
ley, Amie Thyng, Henry Wagner,
and Sherm Wetmore.
oilman; Dick Shelton, second coun
cilman; and Grace Babbitt, third
Shelton is the only Greek.
All freshmen were allowed to
vote in yesterday’s election at polls
in Gerlinger and the “Y” hut.
Ballots will be taken to the dean
of men’s office today where they
will be kept for two weeks. Ac
cording to the class constitution
adopted early this term a petition
signed by 25 freshmen will call
for a recount.
Votes Counted
Class adviser, Marvin Krenk,
Emerald Editor Lyle Nelson, Ann
Reynolds, class member, and John
Cavanagh, first vice-president of
the ASUO, counted the votes.
Voting was done on a prefer
ential system much like the meth
od used to elect ASUO executive
Class leaders say that the six
man council form of class govern
ment has been used with particular
success in the south and middle
west. It has found particular fav
or at the University of Minnesota.
Frosh Organization
The majority class of 1944 was
organized the first of this term
after a split with the official class
over the class-card-voting ques
tion. The dispute dates from early
October when freshmen first or
Besides the six councilmen, other
candidates were: Ted Goodwin,
Elaine Quinn, Tom Burbee, and
Chuck Woodfield.
Harvard Expert
Speaks Tonight
Dr. Shapley Tells
Of New Progress
In Astronomy Field
Dr. Harlow Shapley, of Harvard
university observatory, will reveal
the newest developments in the
study of astronomy in a lecture to
he given in the music auditorium
tonight'at 8 o’clock.
Dr. Shapley. one of the foremost
astronomers in the world today,
has done research work for many
years in the study of galaxies and
their relation to the “expanding
universe . . . and the theory of rel
ativity as it applies to the struc
ture of the universe.”
Many Degrees
Professor Shapley, member of
Swedish, Norwegian, Viennese,
French, English, and American
scientific societies, has literally a
“string” of degrees from Missouri,
Princeton, Pennsylvania, Harvard,
and Toronto (Canada) universities.
Before assuming his present po
sition as director of the Harvard
observatory, he engaged in re
search work at Mt. Wilson observ
atory, California.
Long Tour
Under the sponsorship of Sigma
Xi, national honorary for the pro
motion of scientific research, Dr.
Shapley is making a nation-wide
lecture tour of universities, and
will go to Stanford university after
his lecture here Thursday night.
Dr. Brodie Speaks
On Choosing Mate
The spur of the moment decision
in entering marriage is not the
character of adulthood, said Dr.
Jessie Laird Brodie, Portland phy
sician and surgeon, who spoke
here Wednesday in Gerlinger at
two assemblies, one for men and
one for women, on the “Physiolog
ical Aspects of Marriage.”
“We have to decide in choosing
a mate whether we want to work
together and play together and
make a family together,” said Dr.
Brodie in speaking of marriage.
"Marriage is a tremendously big
job of learning to live together.”
Johns Hopkins university has es
tablished a $750 fellowship in fine
arts. Further information for those
interested may be obtained at the
! graduate office in Johnson.
Students Will Elect Yell King at Assembly Today
'Heart' Girls Reveal
College Friendship,
Similari ty of In teres ts
Because they are such close friends Dorothy Havens and Jean
Hoover were more than happy when news reached them that they
had been nafned Oregon's "Valentine Girls" in the Oregonian-Life
Dorothy and Jean are both freshmen, Dottie majoring in science
Student Soloists
Chosen by Kratt
'Messiah' Concert
Stars Ready, Eva,
Gibson as Singers
The “remarkably high quality”
of the voices of advanced students
in the voice department of the
University of Oregon music school
has brought about choice of three
student soloists for the March 2
performance of Handel’s “The Mes
siah,” in McArthur court, Dean
Theodore Kratt revealed Monday.
The three already chosen are
Lester Ready, who will sing the
baritone role in the oratorio; Don
Eva, tenor, and Evelyn Gibson, so
prano. Both Ready and Eva are
known for their appearances with
the Eugene Gleemen. Miss Gibson
in new to Lane county audiences,
but is a native Oregonian, having
received her bachelor of arts de>
gree from Linfield college, and her
BM from Cincinnati Conservatory
of Music.
The University Choral Union,
which now boasts more than 500
voices, will be accompanied by the
University symphony orchestra.
The entire production will be un
der the direction of Dean Kratt
and under the co-sponsorship of
the music school and the educa
tional activities board.
Christianson Named
Secretary of SDX
Ken Christianson, sports co-edi
tor of the Emerald, was elected
secretary of the Oregon chapter of
Sigma Delta Chi, professional
journalistic fraternity, at a meet
ing Tuesday afternoon. Christian
son will succeed Kent Stitzer,
news editor of the Emerald, who
resigned as secretary.
Plans for the fraternity’s annual
spring term dance were discussed
and a committee of four, consisting
of Bill Fendall, Milton Levy, Ted
Harmon, and Christianson, was ap
pointed to formulate plans for the
dance and make a recommendation
to the chapter at the next meeting.
Pome No. Ill
After hearing Swarthout
On my ed activity card,
I’m for student union
From now on with no holds barred.
Boy, those seats up at McArthur
Certainly are hard.
and Jean in art. Dottie is of me
dium height, has lustrous black
hair and dark blue eyes. Jean is
tall, has dark brown hair, brown
eyes, and when she smiles cam
eramen forget to pull slides and
change film.
Both Portlanders
Both of the girls have lived all of
their lives in Portland, and both
are graduates of Washington high
school. “We never knew one an
other while we were in high
school,” Dorothy said, “but we have
certainly made up for that since
we have been here at the Univer
Expressing surprise that she
would be one of the chosen two,
Jean replied: “Now that the con
test is over, we are happy that
only one of us wasn't named, be
cause we both have the same in
terests.” The “heart” girls paid an
endless stream of compliments to
the beauty and personalities of the
other candidates—Jean Morrison,
Edie Bush, Emma Verdurmen, El
eanor Sederstrom, and Carolyn
Careers Discussed
Jean, who was chosen queen of
Portland’s Rose Festival in 1939,
is still doubtful as to the career
she would like to follow after
graduation; but Dottie has pretty
well sold herself on the idea that
she would like to become a labora
tory technician.
Staples to Attend
Miners' Confab
Geologists Discuss
National Defense
At Annual Meeting
Dr. L. W. Staples, instructor in
geology, will leave today for New
York City where he will attend
the annual meeting of the Amer
ican Institute of Mining and Metal
lurgical Engineers.
The efforts of mineral producers
to make the United States self-suf
ficient in national defense will be
the central theme of the meeting
this year. The sessions will be held
February 17 to 20.
Dr. Staples is chairman of the
institute for the state of Oregon
and will attend the meeting in that
capacity. However, in addition to
his duties as state delegate it will
be his privilege to participate in
symposiums dealing with mineral
industry education and the part
of the mining geologist in nation
al defense.
Prof. R. B. Harvey of the Uni
versity of Minnesota is using ultra
violet rays for finding and elimin
ating bacterial ring rot in potatoes.
(}*hoto T>n TCetinrll-Ellia)
Pat Keller, head of Oregon's
rally squad, helped draw up rally
reform plans which were adopted
by the ASUO Tuesday. His term
of office will come to an official
close Februray 18, when nevt
year's group is selected.
Ill Ones Beef;
Soothes Them
Jane McCurdy and Barbara
Ward are plenty griped because
their names always appear last
in the infirmary report. It seems
that they were in the “far” end
,of the infirmary, and their names
were always last. They were
moved out into a room with a
better view, and now they're
An even 20 are registered.
They include: Kristin McMahon,
Nola Lee, Jean Webber, Doris
Ann Shoemaker, Lorene Mar
guth, Jean Eekley, Jane Spann,
Phyllis Dube, Miss Ward, Miss
McCurdy, Bill Gissberg, A1 Ash
er, Ross Wither, Bill Lyon,
Jack Denhart, Fred' Hill, Jim
Newquist, Bill Bradshaw, Don
Swink, and Bill Norene.
Town Hall to Discuss
D.S. Aid to England
“Should this country aid Brit
ain?” University students are in
vited by the YMCA and Westmin
ster house to meet tonight at 6:30
to hear a radio town hall discus
sion of this problem at Westmin
ster house.
After listening to Dorothy
Thompson and other noted persons
discuss the topic over the Town
Hall program for an hour, the stu
dents will hold their own discus
sion for half an hour.
Rendel Alldredge, new town hall
meeting chairman on the campus,
is making efforts to have the local
organization affiliated with the
national Town Hall movement. He
is contacting Wesley foundation
and the YWCA on the campus to
cooperate in the weekly campus
discussion group.
Judiciary Comm
To Hold Hearing
On ASUO Action
Meeting to Decide
Of Previous Vote
The judiciary committee under
Chairman Wayne L. Morse, dean
of the law school, will meet at 4
p.m. in the office of the chairman.
The purpose of the meeting will
be to hold a hearing, previously
scheduled for lust Friday, on the
constitutionality of the action
taken last spring by the executive
committee concerning eligibility of
ASUO undergraduate voters.
This hearing was scheduled at
the instigation of a petition filed
by John Cavanagh, first vice-pres
ident of the ASUO, and was subse
quently postponed at the request
of the executive committee until
another decision could be made on
the matter. This decision was made
at the regular meeting of the com
mittee last Tuesday.
The only record of the previous
action was a story which appeared
in the Emerald on the following
day. The minutes of the meeting
were not filed in the educational
activities office and could not be
Ready Announces
ASUO Song Slate
The schedule for women’s living
organizations participating in the
all-campus ASUO sing contest was
announced today by Les Ready,
Since the schedule sets the times
at 10 minute intervals instead of
the formerly planned 15, Ready
asks that the houses select their
two best songs to sing Saturday
He also urges that every house
be at the, music school auditorium
fifteen minutes ahead of its sched
uled time.
Alpha Delta Pi will be judged at
9, followed by Alpha Chi Omega,
9:10; Alpha Phi, 9:20; Chi Omega,
9:30; Delta Gamma, 9:40; Alpha
Xi Delta, 9:50; Delta Delta Delta,
10; Alpha Omicron Pi, 10:10; and
Alpha Gamma Delta, 10:20.
Gamma Phi Beta, 10:30; Hen
dricks hall, 10:40; Kappa Alpha
Theta, lo’:50; Pi Beta Phi, 11; Hil
yard house, 11:10; Highland house,
11:20; Kappa Kappa Gamma,
11:30; Sigma Kappa, 11:40; Susan
Campbell, 11:50; University house,
12; and Zeta Tau Alpha, 12 TO.
WAA New Initiates
Must Meet Deadline
Another day is left to reply to
the WAA bid by telephoning Mil
dred McCarthy at the ADPi house
before 1 o'clock today, Joanne
Riesch announced.
Initiates are asked to meet in
the lobby of Gerlinger at 7 o’clock
tonight and to bring their $1 fee
with them.
Poll Reveals Dime Card Popularity
Rising- sentiment on the campus
regarding class cards has led to
endless committee meetings and
sky-rocketing aspirin sales. So to
day we conduct a symposium of
campus opinion on class cards in
general and the new plan set forth
by the resolutions committee in
This proposed new plan would
mean that the classes would de
pend for revenue upon a 10 cent
class card. If bought within five
days after registration, this card
would entitle the holder to voting
privileges. Cards bought after this
five-day period would carry with
them the right to enter activities
but would be punched void for vot
The question asked the follow-1
ing people was phrased, “What do
you think of class cards?”
Lowell Dick: “I bought one when
I was a sophomore. What’3 more,
I still have it, if you want the evi
dence of what a sucker I was.”
Elizabeth Steed: “I’ve had one
sitting on my mirror gathering
dust for a month. I wish someone
would tell me what you do with
Favors Dime
Tiger Payne: "I’m for the 10
cent class card, and I think it's the
noblest step taken by any class
in a long time. It isn’t Utopia but
we must sacrifice some principle
to that, of raising revenue. This
way it’ll get more people interested
in activities.”
Norm Foster: “Class cards are a
stupid idea. Charging 10 cents
doesn’t make it any cleverer than
charging 50 cents.”
Marge Clear: ‘‘If the cards are
only 10 cents, the blocks can pur
chase more votes cheaper . . . the
first five days.”
Bob Whitely: ‘‘If you’re going to
have class cards, what’s the differ
ence between 10 cents and 50
cents? All you get out of them
is the right to vote. You might
as well get rid of them.”
Connie Averill: ‘‘Ten cent class
cards with just the voting privdege
attached won’t sell. No one’s in
terested in voting. It’s too darned
SiUy Idea
Bob Flavelle: ‘‘It’s silly to spend
10 cents for them if you’re kicking
about 50 cents. You haven’t gained
Stan Staiger: “I’m FOE elans
cards, but I don’t think this 10
cent plan will solve the problem.”
Steve Worth: “I think that what
the resolutions committee did was
no compromise at all. It’s the poll
tax that people object to.”
Tommy Mayes: “The idea was
to eliminate class cards. You don’t
gain anything by lowering the
Free to All
Ridge Cummings: “Class cards
should be free.”
Jim Bailey: “I had one once, but
I never got anything out of it.
My dance wasn’t held that term
and neither was the voting. I
haven’t bought one since.”
Nancy Lewis: “If it’s those 10
cent deals you’re talking about, I
don’t think much of them.”
Seven Candidates
Apply for Position
Hodges, Hirsh, Russell, Salinardo,
Broderick, Wright, and Osterloh
Aspire; Cavanagh Reports on Union
Election of the new University yell king will take place at the 11
o'clock assembly in Gerlinger today. Candidates who will try out
for the position are Nelson Hodges, Blake Hirsh, Earl Russell, Buddy
Salinardo, Don Broderick, Cecil Wright, Bill Osterloh, and Bob Greer.
Ballots will be handed out as students go into the assembly and will
be collected at the door as they
leave, according to Bud Wimberly,
in charge of the voting.
John Cavanagh, first vice-presi
dent of ASUO, has been granted
five minutes to present a report on
the student union.
Other attractions on the pro
gram will be the Delt quartet, a
dance by Lulu Pali, a skit adver
tising the Heart Hop, a magician
act by Ed Zelinsky, and a five
piece jam session composed of Ted
Hallock,*Phil Jonsrud, Jim Doug
las, Ed Johnson, and A1 Kasmire.
The Chi Omegas and Phi Sigs will
Don Lewis heads the decorations
committee. Decorations will be
caricatures of the varsity basket
ball players.
Dr. Noble to Speak
On Oriental War
Professor to Base
Talk on Own Life
Among Japanese
Dr. H. J. Noble, associate pro
fessor of history at the University,
will use information based on his
life spent in the Orient to make
up the text of his coming lecture
on “War and the Japanese People,"
tonight at 7:30 in Alumni room at
Gerlinger hall.
The talk will show the effect
that four years of war has had on
the Japanese people. “One of the
most striking changes brought
about by the war,” Dr. Noble de
clared in an interview, “is the dull
and drab robes that the women
wear. It is now against the law for
them to appear in the bright and
colorful robes that were so typical
of the Japanese race.
“Japanese students have all been
exempt from any active service in
the army until they are 25,” the
associate professor announced. "In
this way the intellect of the coun
try will not vanish.”
Dr. Noble spent the greater part
of his life in the Orient. He stud
ied and taught at the Government
Imperial college at Tokyo for sev
eral years. The lecture is a benefit
to aid Chinese students who are
suffering because of the war. Tick
ets may be purchased from repre
sentatives who will visit the va
rious organizations and clubs in
Eugene. Tickets for adults will
cost 25 cents and for children 10
Educational Films
Billed For Tuesdiy
Tracing the evolution and sug
gesting the future possibilities of
American urban life, "The City,”
one of the most brilliant of the re
cent documentary films will be one
of the two movies presented by the
educational activities board next
Tuesday in the movie room of
Chapman hall. "The River” will ac
company the first film.
Four showings will be presented
to University students free on their
activities ticket. Two shows in the
afternoon and two in the evening
have been arranged so all students
will be able to fit this extra pre
sentation into their schedules.
The film examines unsavory ex
amples of what the United States
cities have become, then ends with
an optimistic glance at the town
or city of the future.
Girls Drag Bogs
To 'Hop' Todag
Cold Bath Awaits
'King of Hearts'
Winner, Knaves
The King of Hearts will shuffle
to his doom at 4:30 this afternoon
to the tune of "Pomp and Circum
stance” at the Alpha Chi Omega
As soon as he is enthroned, coro
nated, and given his scepter, both
ho and his Knaves will be given
royal submerging in the mill-race.
The conventional garb of cam
pus clothes will be worn to the
dance, with the exception of wood
en shoes, which will not be ad
Chi Os Get Records
The Chi Omegas will receive the
prize of five records to add to their
collection. They were the first wo
men’s living organization to an
nounce a 100 per cent ticket sale.
According to Lizbeth Daggett,
chairman of the "Hop,” the com
mittee is expecting a bigger turn
out this year than ever before, as
more tickets have already been
Open Doors
The doors of the Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Pi Beta Phi, Chi Omega,
and Alpha Chi Omega houses, will
be swung wide to Heart Hoppers
from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Spanish Enthusiasts
Set Thursday Meet
Meeting for all students inter
ested in Spanish will take place
tonight at 7:45. The group will
meet on the third floor of Ger
linger, and everyone is asked to
enter by the northeast door.
Students will be led in Spanish
songs and dances by Miss Darlene
Warren, who spent last summer in
Campus Calendar
Bishop William P. Remington of
the Episcopal church will be guest
of honor at a tea at Mrs. Paul
Sutley’s home from 4 to 6 Friday.
All students are invited.
Portland YWCA representatives,
Mrs. Gertrude Aiken and Miss Al
way, will give interviews today
from 9 to 12 and from 2 to 3 in
the dean of women’s office for all
students who wish to apply for a
position- as counselor at the YW
Skull and Dagger will meet to
night at the Sigma Chi house at
10 o'clock to hear Dean Earl dis
fcuss the student union.
Kwama meeting will not be held
this afternoon.
Oregana pictures of the Amphib
ians will be taken at 7:30 tonight
in Gerlinger pool. All Amphibians
are asked to be preesnt.
All Lutheran students who are
going to Corvallis Sunday call El
mer Olsen at Campbell co-op.
Bishop William P. Remington
will speak at an open meeting for
Episcopalian new students in the
YMCA Thursday at 4:30.