Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1941, Image 1

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Takes Action
On Rally Squad
Donut Hoop
* Those six students, members of the ASUO student executive committee, voted yesterday to extend the
privilege to vote to all students who are regular undergraduates registered in the University. The edict
was based upon the opinion that voting rights should not be given to those who do not pay full University
fees. The officers pictured are (upper row, left to right) Gleeson “Tiger” Payne, ASUO president; John
C'avanagh, first vice-president; Marjorie McLean, second vice-president; (lower row, from left) Harrison
^ Bergthoidt, secretary-treasurer; Betty Buchanan, AVVS president; and Lyle M. Nelson, editor of the
Oregon Daily Emerald.
'Majority’ Men, Women Ballot
For Six Class Leaders Today
Freshmen Vote
From 9 to 3 in Y
To Elect Council
i> Group to Announce
Results Tonight;
Ten Will Compete
Members of the six-man council
which will govern activities of the
majority class of 1944 will be re
leased tonight after freshmen vote
for councilmen today from 9 to 3
in Gerlinger and the “Y” hut.
Freshmen wishing to vote must
present educational activities cards,
which will be punched by an at
tendant at the polls. At the same
time the name of the student will
be checked in the Pigger’s Guide.
Ballots will be counted by the
election board provided for by the
recently adopted class constitution.
Board members are: John Cav
anagh, first vice-president of the
f ASUO: Lyle Nelson, editor of the
Emerald; Marvin Krenk, speech
instructor and class adviser; and
Ann Reynolds, member of the
The six councilmen will be elect
ed by a preferential voting system.
Voters will mark their first, sec
ond, third, and following choices
for as many candidates as they
wish to vote.
The nominee receiving the high
est number of votes will be presi
dent of the newly-organized group.
No candidate may be listed for
more than one choice on a ballot.
Open from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.,
the polls will be in the YMCA hut
and the men’s lounge, Gerlinger.
Candidates were nominated last
Wednesday at a majority class as
Class supporters emphasized that
no fees will be charged for voting
(in today's election.
Candidates for the council are:
Beverly Padgham, Tom Burbee,
(Please turn to page fcmr)
Touring Ghost
Turns Out to Be
Gadding Patien t
Banquo’s ghost has been seen
Touring the infirmary about
7:30 Tuesday night, who should
be seen out in the halls gadding
about like a spring chicken but
Florence Schwitzer. After see
ing her in bed so long, it was
quite a shock—but certainly a
pleasant surpirze.
There are 19 patients regis
tered—and still “Dube” and Sut
They include: Kristin McMa
hon, Nola Lee, Jean Weber, Dor
ris Anne Shoemaker, Lorene
Marguth, Jean Eckley, Pat Sut
ton, “Dube,” Frances Clingan,
A1 Asher, Dale Kaegi, Ross
Wither, Bill Lyon, Jack Denhart,
Fred Hill, Jim Newquist, Lloyd
Beggs, Don Swink, Bill Brand
shaw, Barbara Ward, and Jane
Faculty Association
Plans to Entertain
Graduates, Wives
Women graduate students and
wives of graduate students will be
special guests of the Women’s Fac
ulty club regular tea which will
take place this afternoon from 3:30
to 5:30 in the Alumni room of
Gerlinger hall.
Mrs. W. A. Dahlberg, general
chairman, gave the following list
1 of those who will pour the tea;
[ Mrs.' Howard Taylor, Mrs. J. R.
1 Jewell, Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering,
and Mrs. James Gilbert.
Those who will assist with the
serving are as follows: Mrs. Les
ter Beck, Mrs. J. C. McCloskey,
Mrs. Harry Schenk, Mrs. John
Stehn, Mrs. J. L. Bangs, Mrs.
Vaughn Corley, Mrs. D. D. Gage,
and Mrs. A. B. Stillman,
All-School Movie
To Depict US
Economic Ills
Tuesday's Plays
Show Mississippi/
American Cities
Two recent outstanding docu
mentary films will be shown to
University students next Tuesday
as the second winter term movie
presentation of the educational ac
tivities board, it was announced
from the activities office yester
day. “The River” and “The City”
will be shown in the movie room
of Chapman.
“The River,” produced by Pare
Lorentz, is a continuance of the
film “The Plow That Broke the
Plains” which was a feature of the
fall term picture schedule. It shows
pictorially the manner in which
the Mississippi Valley has been
impoverished by the river which
flows through it.
Striking views of the Mississippi
valley flood and the work of re
habilitation carried on by the gov
ernment and the Red Cross, are in
cluded in the movie.
As the second feature of the
j bill, “The City,” also directed by
Lorentz, will show the past, pres
ent and possible and probable fu
ture of the American city. Full
of action, humorous and with a
true and important theme, “The
City” was premiered at the New
York World’s Fair where it was
received enthusiastically.
Activities cards will be the only
ticket of admission required from
University students and two af
ternoon and two evening shows
will be given, according to present
! plans.
Ex-Comm Acts on Undergrad
Suffrage, Rally Budget Plans
Student Body
Will Choose
New Yell King
Regular Assembly
Named for Voting,
In accordance with the provi
sions of the new rally reorganiza
tion plan accepted by the execu
tive committee of the ASUO yes
terday, the election of the yell
leader for next year will be held at
an all-school assembly Thursday
at 11, President Tiger Payne an
nounced Tuesday.
The candidates for the position
of yell king will have an opportun
(Please turn to Pape four)
Bohlman Depicts
Iberian Scene
Watercolor Display
By Oregon Grad
Starts Next Friday
Unusual sidelights on life in Mor
occo, Portugal, and old Spain are
depicted in the watercolors of Ed
gar Bohlman, Oregon ’26, which
are to be shown in the little art
gallery of the art building the
week beginning Friday, February
These watercolors are based on
sketches Bohlman made while an
artist on a scientific expedition
going into remote districts of
northern Africa in 1932. They in
clude street scenes, people, and ex
act pictures of life in the villages
of northern Africa and southern
Since his graduation from the
University in 1926, Edgar Bohl
man has established a reputation
as a prominent young American
artist, according to Who’s Who
and numerous art publications.
Besides his painting, this versa
tile young man has taken an active
part in the theater world of New
York City as both designer and
director, written numerous articles
for national magazines, and written
a book, “Life and Adventures of
an American Painter in Morocco,
Spain, and Portugal,” to be pub
lished this spring.
The exhibition of his watercolors
has come from the Legion of Hon
or, San Francisco, after his New
York and Boston shows this win
The gallery is open from 9 a.
m. to 4:30 p. m. weekdays and
from 2 until 6 p. m. on Sundays.
Philharmonic to Play
In Portland Concert
Music with a pointer toward the
Portland premiere of Jaromir
Weinberger’s Prelude and Fugue on
“Dixie,” will be heard at the Port
land Philharmonic concert Tues
day, February 18, in the Portland
public auditorium.
Melodies of the Paderewski
“Minuet in G,” programmed to cel
ebrate the golden anniversary of
the Polish composer’s American
debut, will mingle with the famil
iar tune of “Dixie” in concert garb,
and the overture to the opera,
"The Flying Dutchman,” by Wag
ner on the second half of the pro
gram. First half will be devoted
to the Tschaikowski symphony
No. 4 and a short talk on “Pader
ewski, the Musician and Patriot,”
by Countess Morag Zamoyska,
wife of a Polish count in German
Gladys Swarthout, mezzo-soprano and long a member of the Metro
politan opera association, sang for a student and town audience in
McArthur court last night as fourth attraction of the 1940-41 Greater
Artists Concert series.
In Voice and Manner...
Soprano Captivates
Igloo Concert-Goers
She came; she sang; and she captivated! Charmed by an arrestingly
lovely voice and an equally beautiful face a large audience of Univer
sity students and Eugene townspeople admired and applauded Miss
Gladys Swarthout, internationally famed mezzo-soprano, as she ap
peared last night in McArthur court.
Ranging from operatic arias to gently melodic lyric songs, Miss
Oregon Stubents
Hear Dr. Brodie
Today at 4,7 p.m.
Portland Physician
Makes Fifth Visit
To University
For the fifth time, Dr. Jesise
Laird Brodie, Portland physician
and surgeon, will visit the campus
today to give lectures to men and
women separately at 4 o’clock and
7 o’clock in Gerlinger, on “The
Physiological Aspects of Love and
Dr. Brodie is a graduate of Ore
gon where she received her M. A.
and M. D. and of Reed College
where she received her B. A. and is
now college physician.
The men’s lectures will be given
in the alumni room, the women’s
series in the AWS room.
Dr. Brodie has conducted scien
tific experiments, turned out a
book, taught biology and acted as
social chairman of the Portland
and Oregon League of Women
Voters. She has a family of three
children and speaks with authority
on home-making.
Many students here have become
acquainted with Dr. Brodie through
personal counsel and through her
other visits to the campus. Dean
Karl W. Onthank terms her a
“popular and well-liked speaker.”
Her lecture will be further de
veloped in group discussions held
February 18, when faculty mem
bers and authoritative speakers
will conduct fireside chats in living
organizations on love and marri
Raymond Ruppert, journalism
freshman at Washington State, is
making profitable use of several
letters written in the 1870’s by the
Hudson’s Bay company to the Can
adian police.
Swarthout’s program was planned
to contain numbers which would
please every member of her au
dience—and judging from the half
dozen encores which were called
for it succeeded.
Miss Swarthout had difficulty
in keeping the dramatic quality of
her songs out of her expressive
hands and translated the mood
and meaning of the compositions
in a charmingly direct manner—
with a sly toss of her dark head
or pout for emphasis.
Like ‘Mignon’
Particularly well accepted by
her audience was the operatic aria
from “Mignon” an opera in which
Miss Swarthout has successfully
appeared many times. She sang
“Connais tu le pays.”
Three songs of the Auvergne
(in dialect), "Passo pet Prat,”
“Malarous qu’o uno fenno,” and
“Brezairolo” were beautifully pre
sented as was “El Majo Discreto”
—one of her Spanish numbers.
‘Carmen’ Encore
The “Habenera,” an aria from
(Please turn to parte four)
Vote for No-Card
Plan Unanimous
Pep Squad to Have Bookkeeper;
Bush Appointed Senior Football Manager;
Dads' Weekend Committee Praised
1. Voted that the regular fee,
paid by all regular undergraduate
students registered in the Univer
sity he the only fee required for
ASUO membership and voting
2. Adopted a rally eommittee re-i
organization plan drawn up by the
student committee appointed some
time ago. The plan had two main
features requiring (1) a week-kept
system of bookkeeping, and (2)
appointment of the rally group
during winter term.
8. Approved the appointment of
football and track managers.
4. Discussed the student union
5. Passed a resolution commend
ing the Dads’ Day committee for
the excellent work on the weekenr,
recognizing the fact that they were
handicapped by a lack of a student
union building in which to hold the
6. Discussed student sportsman
ship at the basketball game Sat
urday night.
The ASUO executive committee
by a unanimous ballot Tuesday
voted to extend membership in the
ASUO to all “regular ilrldergrad
uate students registered in the
University.” The action was taken
after only a brief discussion and
went into the minutes of the meet
ing as a revision of the by-laws at
11:41 a.m.
Such measures were taken to
clear up any doubt as to the posi
tion of the executive committee on
ASUO suffrage. A similar motion
was passed last year, according to
reports, but no minutes of the
meeting were kept and, therefore,
no official record was available.
The legislation will go down in
ASUO minutes as an action of this
year's committee.
The rally reorganization plan
worked out by a special student
committee was accepted by the ex
ecutive group, also by a unanimous
ballot. The plan, as explained to
the executives, will create a new
position of treasurer in the rally
squad. The treasurer will be re
sponsible for handling all funds,
and for an accurate, up-to-date set
of books.
The plan also calls for appoint
ment of the rally squad and elec
tion of a yell leader in February
of winter term. This provision,
members of the committee were
told, should eliminate purely po
litical appointments and put the
appointments on the basis of abil
The appointment of Steve Bush
as senior manager of football; of
(Please turn to paqe four)
Best Men u- Turnips,
Says Miss Swarthout
Raw carrots and turnips and
raw green peppers . . . these are
the delicacies which most appeal
to Gladys Swarthout who finds
that while on tour she can’t be
too particular, but must take what
she can get.
‘‘Oh, I simply adore raw tur
nips,” she crooned. “He and I,”
pointing to Lester Hodges, her ac
companist, “have munching con
tests. It’s great sport in restau
"Nervous?” she echoed, when
asked if she were still subject to
stage fright. “I absolutely quake
until the first group is over. One
never knows what one will have
to compete with and I’m always
scared to death until I find out.”
Conditions under which she is
forced to sing are Miss Swarthout's
•’hief cause of stage fright.
“Of course, the student union
building at Ann Arbor was beau
tiful, but I am extremely thankful
for a place as nice as this gym of
vours. The mirror could be a little
larger, but it’s clean and the piano
is in tune.”
Old theaters with drapes which
muffle her best efforts are Miss
Swarthout’s greatest grief. “And
the pianos,” she moaned. “Why we
often get nothing but some old in
strument with the keys wired on
and pedals that won't work.”
Most people’s faces light up at
mention of their hobbies so per
haps it wasn’t noteworthy, but
Miss Swarthout’s face did wreath
itself in smiles when she replied
(Please turn to page four)
Coeds Vote tor
'King of Hearts'
Law School Enters
'Dark Horse' lor
Heart Hop Ruler
Oregon coeds will make their
choice for King of Hearts today,
so that he can reign over the Heart
Hop Thursday afternoon from 3:30
to 5:30.
Besides the 27 original candi
dates, the law school has entered
the race, at the last minute, with
their most “sophomoric" member,
Herb "Dark Horse” Barbur.
Voting will take place from 3:00
to 5:00 today in front of the Col
lege Side, and only girls having
tickets will be allowed to cast
their ballots.
The "Women’s living organizations
(selling the most tickets will be giv
en a prize of a $5 order for rec
Campus clothes, with the ex
ception of wooden shoes, are in or
der for the dance, which is spon
sored by the sophomore commis
sion of the YWCA.
Besides “Herbie” Barbur, the
other candidates and their respec
tive houses are, Hugh Muir, Alpha
hall; Ralph Dunn, ATO; Ralph
Fuhrman, Beta; Jimmy Hafen
brack, Campbell co-op; Blake
Hirsch, Canard club; A1 Card, Chi
Psi; A1 Soresen, DU; Jack Brown,
Gamma hall.
From Kappa Sigma there is Bert
Hagen; Bill Skinner, Kirkwood co
op; Jerry Winkler, Omega hall;
George Olsen, Phi Delt; John
Schaefers, Fiji; Bill Belfusa, Phi
Psi; John Williams, Phi Sig; Vic
Brown, Pi K; Steve Worth, Sherry
Ross hall; Homer Thomas, SAE;
Howard Fishel, Sammy; Chan Kil
burn, Sigma Chi; John Crawford,
Sigma hall; Jim Schiller, Sigma
Nu; Bruce Bates, Sig Ep; Joe
Wicks, Theta Chi; Bill Dyet, Yeo
man; Don Shirley, Zeta hall; and
Jim Maize from Delt.
Portland Bankers
Donate Scholarship
Fourteen Portland businessmen
have contributed $140 towards a
scholarship donation for the 1941
42 school year. This scholarship,
known as the Portland Bankers
Association scholarship amounts to
$250, awarded each year for four
years to an outstanding student.
This donation has been obtained
chiefly through the efforts of Dean
Conway, a former student at Ore
gon. Further contributions will
arrive soon to complete the neces
sary sum.
The contributors are: E. B. Mac
Naughton, W. E. Keenan, Mac
Wilkins, Dr. Otis B. Wight, Dean
Vincent, John C. Veatch, Horace
Necklem, Jank N. Barde, Dr. Burt
Brown Baker, B. B. Beekman, Hen
ry F. Cabell, O. B. Caldwell, Ar
thur H. Devers, and A. A. Comire.
We now have student voting.
The rally squad program is out of
its fix.
God, What’ll I write my poems
If everything’s cleaned up in our
| politics.