Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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Writing Society
Closes Contest
N. Koch, R. Smith
Selected on Basis
Of Story's Merits
Neil Koch, freshman in architec
ture and allied arts, and Robert B.
"Deacon" Smith, sophomore in Ro
mance languages, have been judged
winners in the recent "campus
talent round-up" sponsored by Ta
bard Tnn, tlniversity of Oregon
chapter of Sigma TJpsilon, national
creative writing fraternity, it was
announced this week by Glenn Has
As winners of the competition,
Koch and Smith will receive free
membership in the society. Tabard
Inn at first had intended to give
only one membership, but since en
tries in the contest were unusually
good, co-winners were named for
the round-up, Hasselroolh said.
The two winners will be initiated
at a banquet Thursday evening at
the Anchorage. At that time six
other undergraduate pledges will
be initiated, and an honorary mem
bership will be conferred upon
John Hawkins, Portland novelist,
whose stories appear regularly in
such magazines as Collier’s and
the American.
Smith’s story was "Johnny Was
the Best Man,” a humorous nar
rative describing the activities of
a young Oregon lumberjack. Koch,
who was one of the three Oregon
high school graduates winning
University of Orefon Mothers’
scholarships in 1939-40, won with
“Storm-coming,” a story of peas
ants on the coast, of Norway in
pre-Hitler days.
Frosh Heads Meet
With Advisers at 4
Executive members of the frosh
commission meet with their upper
class adviser, Cliff Mattson, and
Paul Sutley, director, in the YMOA
bungalow at 4 p. m. today.
Those who will discuss “Y”
problems and plans are Charles
Roffe, Bob Sabin, Beauford Clem
en's, and Fred Lloyd.
Fifty Dollar Prize
(Continued from Pape one)
Minnville, experienced in teaching
and writing, and sister of Robert
Ormand Case, one of the original
donors; Wayne Harbert, Eugene,
Oregon, graduate, and now news
editor of the Eugene Register
Deadline for the contest, which
is open to all University students,
has been set for February 15.
Manuscripts should be handed in
in duplicate to Professor Thacher,
room 3, journalism building.
The author’s name must not be
on the manuscript, but should be
in a sealed envelope that is clipped
to the manuscript. The name of
the story should be typed on the
Erb Will Honor GPA
(Continued from pape one)
the various living organizations
as well as faculty members will
be present.
Sigurd Nilsson, professor of
voice, will sing “The Two Grena
diers” by Schuman and “Invictus”
by Huhn. Miss Maude Garnett will
accompany him.
Presentations of the scholastic
award to Bill Farrell, Fiji pledge
class president, will be made by
Karl W. Onthank, dean of person
nel. W. A. Dahlberg, faculty secre
tary of the council will be master
of ceremonies.
Other faculty members expect
ed to attend are Dean Hazel P.
Schwering, Assistant Dean Alice
B. Macduff, and Dean Virgil D.
While their father* await a possible Nazi invasion, these little English ehihlren sleep on the eonerete
floor of a subway station. A woman with a baby and two little hoys and a girl smile for some reason, blit
the others sleep. The Bundles for Britain eommittee, active on the Oregon campus, is campaigning for
cots in order to better conditions like these.
Speakers Will Air
ASCAP and the broadcasting
systems of the country will under
go the scrutiny of three argumen
tation and persuasion speakers,
Bob Macdonald, Bob Whitley, and
Morell Sharp, Wednesday after
noon at 4:30 over radio station
KORE, it was announced today by
Marvin Krenk, instructor in
Sharp will Introduce the ques
tion to the radio audience by pre
senting the history of the Ameri
can Society of Composers, Au
thors, and Publishers, and the
background of the present difficul
ties. Macdonald and Whitley will
offer solutions to the problem
which is causing considerable pub
lic comment at the present time,
Krenk said.
Questions telephoned to the sta
tion during the broadcast will be
read and answered by the speak
ers. Members of the argumenta
tion and persuasion class will act
as the studio audience.
Next week the bottleneck in the
defense industry will be discussed.
Kappa Sig, Theta Chi,
Superchargers Win
Kappa Sigma’s “Beef Trust” rolled to another effortless victory
30 to 5 Monday in trouncing Alpha hall in an “A” league intramural
contest. ..It was Bill Jameson who provided the impetus for the rout,
hitting the hemp for 11 markers. ..Fullback Marsh Stenstroni tossed
in 7.
Superchargers, with Verlin Wolfe in the driver’s seat, bouncer
Canard club 18 to 11, after lead
ing narrowly, 8 to 7 at the half.
The winner's forward connected
for 10 points, one less than the
Canard total.
Theta Chi rolled to a 21 to 13
win over Phi Kappa Psi in the
third “A” encounter played on
court 38. Harrison Bergthold was
top man for the victors with 6 in
the scoring column.
Yearlings Run Up
(Continual from page three)
in less than six minutes dropped
in 10 points to shove the frosh way
out in front at the half.
Substitutes Score
Action slowed down in the third
quarter, and the yearlings held the
Col. Charles A l.iiullx-r^li, pictured above as he read before house
foreign affairs remittee, decried American fear of air invasion “in any
predictable future.” Ap|teuring during the committee hearing on the
“leasc-lend” hill, the famous aviator favored an immediate "negotiated
peace” in Ktiropc.
Vancouver five to one foul shot
while adding to their own score.
Frosh (53) Fg Ft Pf Tp
Dick, f .3 117
Wren, f .3 0 16
L. Jackson, c .6 0 0 12
Simmensen, g .1 0 12
Gissberg, g .2 115
Substitutes: Christenson 3, Sher
idan 12, Sertic, P. Jackson 4,
Schiewe 2, Kelly, Kresse, Gray.
Fg Ft
0 0
Pf Tp
Vancouver (14)
Butler, f .
Finney, f.
Davis, c .
Wilson, g .
Sandstrom, g
Frank, White.
Officials: Sarpola and Pavalunas.
1 (
2 o
0 2
0 4
0 2
Frosh Hoopers
(Continued from
Lineups for the
Wren .
Jackson .
Dick .
Newland .
Sheridan .
Christenson .
Gissberg .
Paldonius .
Love .
Peterson .
Kirkkunnen .
Seeborg, R.
Parker .
Lovvold .
Seeborg, K.
Moore .
Mittet .
Dick .
Christensen .
Jackson .
Gissberg .
Newland .
Sheridan .
Wren .
Simonsen .
Hood River:
Ison .
Samuel .
Dudgle ..
page three)
Astoria game:
.14 3
. 4
. 5
. 6
.. 8
. 6
. 0
. 6
.. 2
.10 1
. 0 2
. 7 3
. 4 2
. 4 1
. 2 1
.15 1
. 8 2
1 2
0 2
2 2
0 0
0 1
to to
Campus Calendar
Amphibians: Tins.’ who plan to
take the test for swimmiAg meet
officials must pass the oral discus
sion test to be given today at 5
p.rn. in WAA social room. The test
wdl be based on the “Aquatic
Guide,” which can be procured at
the library.
Tabard Inn will meet Tuesday
night at 7 at Mr. Thachers', 1992
University. Thsi meeting will be
over in time for the game.
The Y\V cabinet will meet this
afternoon at !i o'clock in the bun
Order of “O” will meet Wednes
day noon at Phi Delta Theta house.
All women BA majors are in
vited to attend a Phi Chi Theta
meeting at 4 :30 p.m. today in 10r>
Commerce at which an Equitable
representative will discuss real
estate and life insurance.
The Christian Science student
organization will meet from 4 to
4:30 today instead of from 7 to
7:30 as usual. This change will be
Main student union committee
meeting today at 3:30 at the Side.
Puncheon will be held this noon
at Westminster house. Speaker is
Miss Leona Tyler, who will discuss
“Personality Problems.” Worship
study group will meet at 5 p.m.,
and from 7:30 to 10 a party will
be held for the high school group
from Central Presbyterian church.
Communion service and break
fast will be held Wednesday at 7
a.m. for Episcopal students.
Fire Laddy Hopefuls
To Take Kehrli Test
Herman Kehrli, director of the
bureau of municipal research, will
give civil service examinations to
new recruits in the Astoria fire
department and promotional ex
aminations to old members Feb
ruary 17.
Mr. Kehrli, who is the chief civil
service examiner for Astoria, Ba
ker, and other Oregon cities, has
also prepared civil service exam
inations for Baker’s new recruits,
and recently gave the tests to Sa
lem policemen.
Air Representative
Returns to Burbank
Although he could place no one
at present, Dick D. Moyer of the
Lockheed employment service de
partment returned to his post at
Burbank, California, after inter
viewing Oregon students Friday.
Reporting his interest in Uni
versity students, he told Miss Jan
et Smith, employment secretary,
he intended to return soon or send
another persons for further inter
Taylor Prize Raised
To $75 for This Year
The T. Neil Taylor scholarship
fund, awarded last year to Phil
Bladine, has been increased th»'(
year from $50 to $75. The prize is
given each year to the journalism
senior in Dean Eric W. Allen's
class in editing who writes the best
editorial investigation.
Two Big Features!
with Jean Arthur,
Melvin Douglas,
and Fred McMurray
— Plus —
cf the North”
Ready to do their part if Nazi legions attempt a channel crossing
are Americans living in England, who have enlisted in Home Guard
units. Holding the map here, General Wade Hayes, commander of
first division mechanized guards, chats with Sir Sergison Brooke,
British general.
'Majority' Class
Planning Council
Nominees for Six
Positions to Take
Eligibility Exams
Nominations for the six-man
council which will govern activities
of the majority class of 1944 will
be made at a class meeting Wed
The meeting will take place at
7:30 p. m. in Villard hall.
Nominees will be required to
pass an “eligiblity test” before
they are eligible for election, how
ever. This test, over parliament
ary law and campus government,
will be given between 3 and 5
Thursday in 107 Friendly, office of
Speech Instructor Marvin Krenk,
class adviser.
Names of nominees who pass
this test will appear on the ballot
for the election, “probably the fol
lowing Wednseday,” Woodruff
Persons wishing to run must.
Send Me
A Delivery Man
Smart rood ! Slip knows
laundry done quickly and
efficiently. She wants her
clothes to come back to
her clean and fresh . 0 she
phones for the New Ser
vice man.
Phone 825
839 High St.
procure a statement of eligibility
from either the dean of men or the
dean of women, and must file a
statement of their intention to run
for office.
Wednesday's meeting will be the
first for the “rebel” class since its
organization three weeks ago.
Beaver Mittmen
(Continued from page three)
of Oregon; 135 pounds: Hal Peter
sen of Oregon State won by decis
ion from Martin Schidler of Ore
gon; 145 pounds: Arnold Hilde
brandt of Oregon State won by for
feit from Pete Riley of Oregon;
155 pounds: Don Hawkins of Ore
gon State w’on a decision from
Merle Hanscom of Oregon; 165
pounds: George Christenson of
Oregon State won a decision from
Wally Johnson of Oregon; 175
pounds: Leon Sergeys of Oregon
State won a decision from Jack
Fruit of Oregon; heavyweight: Jim
Shephard of Oregon won a decision
from Ken Pruitt of Oregon State.
No Heatin
With A Phone
at Your Elbow
Don’t shiver. And don’t
worry about heating!
Reach for your phone and
order our economy fuel
oil—clean, refined, and
westc free. Same day
delivery is our specialty.
Phone for quotations.
Battle of Orient
Depicted in Film
On China Today
Thursday Movie
Free to Students
Possessing Cards
Considered the best film recent
ly produced on tlm subject of
Chinn as it is today, “The 400,000.
000.” will he shown to University
students in the theatre room of
Chapman (207) Thursday. Pre
sented by the educational activi
ties board, the show will bo free
to dfll students.
Sponsored by a board of famous
Hollywood and New York celebri
ties including Luise Rainer, Doro
thy Parker, Lillian Heilman, Er
nest Hemingway, and Archibald
MacLiesh, the dialogue of this bril
liant documentary film is narrated
by Frederick March.
The film concentrates primarily
on the famous Chinese victory at
Tajerchwang but restates briefly
the whole war between China and
“Japan's War Against China,” a
March of Time news feature, will
also be shown on the bill. Times
for the four showings on Thursday
are 3:15, 4:30, 7:15, and 8:30.
By Pat Taylor
Ah me, sure and ’tis not with
out a pang we said goodtay to
Baby . . . Perhaps there are
those of you that remember a
small piece of Patter that was
devoted to charmin’ Charlie
Eaton and baby . . . That is, if
there are any of those of you
who read Patter . . . well, seein’
as how Charlie and Baby are
two of the Campus’ better
known characters, we did writ
a wee article on them . . .
Weil, Charlie, late of the ev
er-lovin’ lawr school, returned
last week end to get Baby (the
SX great dane) ... he told
Baby that a match had been
arranged and that Baby was
betrothed to some fascinatin’
great daness in Long Beach . . .
Charlie said that when he told
Baby, Baby jumped up and
down and “was ever so happy’’
We’re inclined to believe its
going to be a child marriage,
i though, for ’tis rumored that
Baby’s betrothed is ONLY
really! . . .
Congratulations and all that
goo to Ituss Hudson and Betty
Jane Biggs . . . For a laddie
who Seesall, this Humbert Boy
gets the wrong slant on some
things . . . Mayhap its from
trying to look through Yale
locks . . . Next time you’re in
the College Side come Vittle
time, try a swiss steak ... it
won’t be a miss-steak on your
part. (Alright, so I ain't neat.)
See you on the late shift . . .
VALENTINES, thousands of them, and clever
• Millay, Make Bright the Arrows
• Miller, \ White Cliff
• Moll, i ;Blue Interval
• Campus Sennets
• Blanding, Drifters’ Gold
• Vagabond House
Give a Membership in Our Rental Library, $1.00 Per Term for All the Books One Can Read.
A Lasting Gift and a Splendid Compliment is a Re
production of a Famous Painting Chosen from our Care
fully Selected Stock. (Display on Text-Book Balcony).
University f C Q