Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 24, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon it Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bos
ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco—Portland and Seattle.
JAMES W. FROST, Business Manager
Hal Olney, Helen Angell
Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor
Kent Stitzer, News Editor
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Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrom, Pal Erickson, Helen Angcll, Harold Olncy, Kent
Stitzer, Timmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, adviser.
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Anita Backberg, Classified Advertising
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Bob Flavelle, Co-Sports
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Kay Schrick, Ass t Manag
ing Editor
Wes Sullivan, Ass’t News
Betty Jane Biggs, Ass't
News Editor
lom wrignt, /\ss t .vjanag
inq Editor
Corrine Wigncs, Executive
Mildred Wilson, Exchange
Another New Plan
SMALLER rally committee of twelve members will be
recommended to the executive committee of the ASIIO,
the group drawing up plans for rally reform decided yester
day. If the new plan is accepted by the executive commit
tee it will be a definite step towards eliminating some of the
inefficiencies and cries of “politics” in the rally committee.
The new plan for rally would have the committee composed
of three sophomore men and three sophomore women, two
junior men and two junior women, and one senior man and
one senior woman. The people would gravitate from sopho
more positions to junior to senior, each time with the least
efficient member being dropped. In other words one of
the three sophomores, and only one, would ever get to the
top position as senior man on the rally group.
# # m
JF SUCH a plan is followed by the ASUO executive commit
tee only the appointment of the sophomores would still
be left to uncertainty. With only a minor possibility of
politics in the appointment of the two juniors or one senior,
the sophomore positions would be the only ones left for
presidential candidates to promise in their campaigns.
The rally reform group will also recommend that the duties
of the rally committtee be reorganized and that they not be
required to appear in front of the stands. Instead they will sit
with the students and organize this section for yelling, card
stunts, etc. This, too, will be a step towards eliminating some
of the criticism of past rally committees.
The members of the committee have always felt silly, rather
useless, standing before the stands, clapping their hands or
waving pom poms. The students haven’t wanted them there,
judging from the cries of “down in front,” “down with the
rally committee,” etc. which have been heard at each game.
# * #
rjpiIAT canse of friction will be eliminated if the new plan
goes into effect. It will surely be an improvement.
This attempt to reorganize the rally committee is not the
first. Each year some change is made and each year the cry
for more reform is heard. As a rule the suggested changes,
most of them good, have been destroyed or made of no value,
because of the inefficient practices, of failure to enforce the
legislation on the part of the student executives. Such was
the case a few years ago when Richard Williams brought in
a complete new program upon the request of the ASUO ex
ecutive committee.
His program was cut to shreds and finally stripped of fill
its real qualities by changes, amendments, etc. which the
executive committee made.
Now, another attempt is being made. Perhaps it will
meet with more success.
Is There a Common Ground?
'yX/'HEN a learned twentieth century seieutist pours into his
shining tost tube two powerful, conflict inf!; chemical ele
ments . . . he knows enough to look for trouble. When two
powerful and conflicting economic and political forces are
set loose in the world . . . the economist knows enough to
look for trouble, too.
Douglas 1’. Miller probably won’t, offer a panacea for the
world's economic and political indigestion this morning when
he speaks at the assembly, but campus wide interest in the
possibilities of reconciliation between the two great world
economies now striving for supremacy will undoubtedly be
amplified by the first-hand knowledge of an international
relations expert who has been in the field of American tier
man commerce for two decades.
Dean \ ictor 1’. Morris of the school of business administra
tion, who heard Mr. Miller speak earlier in California, ex
pects that he “certainly won't be in favor of the 1'nitcd
States going to war" , . . but that he will attempt to explain
the possibilities of common ground for the two economic
« * *
■y IE WED from a perspective, the economic question is in
deed a vital one. When war becomes a reality, the im
mediate pressure of nationalistic pride and protection hide
one of the really fundamental points of difference between
the two forms of government now fighting a life and death
battle . . . their respective theories for the production, con
sumption, and distribution of wealth.
Two world economies, one built on the basis of the demo
cratic. institution of private initiative . . . the other ou the
planned economy of the fascist state, are lighting for suprem
acy. Only those close to both regimes, those relatively un
prejudiced by the propagandist writings of either democracy
or fascist organization, through first-hand association with
both, can be expected to have a clear picture of the possibil
ities of reconciliation id' the two commercial or economic
policies m the modern, elosel;- knit world.
As trade commissioner and a United State; representative
in Berlin duriug both the pre-liitler and post Nazi period of
expansion of the new Germany, Douglas Miller shoukl be
one of those few who eau know the true grounds for harmony
between the two forces whose swords are now so sharply
drawn on the battleground di Europe.
Women and Current Affairs
''jpiIE WOMEN on the campus, at least those in the journal
ism department, are rather sadly behind the times, it
In a Time magazine current affairs test given Tuesday to
journalism students, the boys stood head and shoulders above
their feminine competitors. Although journalism students
should, by the very fact of their major subject, be better
posted on news than many students, it seems safe to assume
that, such a ratio of test results between boys and girls might
exist in any field.
Statistical evidence does not indicate that University males
have higher intelligence quotients or psych ratings than have
the women. But from the grades of six classes who took the
current affairs test, it is shown that only three girls rated in
the top five of any group. That is, there was never more
than one girl in any one top five listing. The others were
generally considerably further down the scale than the men.
* * *
'^y'lIY DOES this happen? Some of the men will take it
upon themselves to feel self-righteous. They'll shrug it
off with “of course men know more than women.” Or
they’ll reason that women haven’t the capacity to learn such
Both assumptions arc; unjust. No one instinctively senses
the complexities of current history, even men. Here a con
scious effort is involved. And why should a woman with a
higher intelligence rating allow a man to outdo her in know
ing the news?
It is more logical to assume that these test results are but
a manifestation of our way of life. From childhood up
aren’t boys taught to feel a greater responsibility to the
world? Then consider the college girl. Almost without ex
ception doesn't even the most ardent careerist manage to
arrange her time so that she can be as feminine as her butter
fly sisters?
* # *
HE DIFFERENCE is in expenditure of energy. The col
lege girl must attend to such womanly businesses as hair
fixing, manicuring, doing the weekly wash and pressing,
being in on time, and absorbing living organization culture,
as well as competing with the men academically. Keeping
body and soul together is easier for the boys. They have a
chance to direct, their energies toward practical considera
tions of a practical world.
This is all right, too. How many kinds of life can a woman
Parade of Opinion
I5y Associated Collegiate l’ress
THE election sinks into the limlm of things historical,
the Daily Princetonian comes through with the observa
tion that “the nation's press has about as much influence
over the electorate as an English nanny over a gang of dead
end kids/’ The campaign has been the springboard for a new
flow of collegiate comment about the press, much of it un
The Princetonian believes that “the people no longer trust
their newspapers because they sense that their newspapers are
not delivering the straight news, but news adulterated and
flavored with partisan bias. Unless this practice is stopped,
people are going to start turning to their radios to get their
news unadorned, and newspapers will be bought only for the
radio programs, the comics and Winchell. ’’
# # #
JT IS “a little saddening" to the Stanford University Daily
“to look back over the campaign and evaluate tin1 place
of the Fourth Estate. When, forsaking all attempts to pre
sent unbiased news coverage and to confine editorializatiou
to the correct columns, a paper prostitutes itself before the
public, it cannot fail to suffer in the final analysis. Today the
vaunted ‘power of the press’ is seriously crippled, perhaps
Hope that “the papers may have learned a lesson now. the
one they should have learned when they won the war for
Finland," is expressed by the Akron Buchtelite. The press,
declares this publication, “led the attack on the man whom
public opinion supported. Because this is a democracy, that
criticism and attack was their prerogative. Their abuse of it
may or may not have been justified, but they arc still free to
defend the country from anything they believe to threaten
what we tritely but honestly call ‘the American way.’ ’’
The right of journalistic criticism finds further defense in
the editorial columns of the Daily Reveille at Louisiana State
university, which feels that “when the occasion demands,
there must be criticism. If no bad news can be reported, then
the readers must assume that all the news is good. Assentive
journalism somehow is a foreign germ that inevitably be
comes democracy's cancer.’’
# * %■
DECENT attacks on t lie press by Harold L. Iekes, see ro
tary of 1 lit> interior, are answered In the Amherst Stu
dent and the Cornell Daily Sun. The Student declares that
“if the secretary's criticism was aimed at the editors simply
because they expressed their own views and not those of the
readers, his argument is hardly valid. For if the meaning
of the term ‘free press’ were taken to be ‘strictly representa
tive' there would be. in newspapers no consistent opinion or
policy whatsover. That party pressure was exerted on the
press m the past campaign is a charge worthy of every con
sideration. But it is equally important to realise that a ma
jority popular opinion should not necessarily determine most,
newspapers' ideas. It this were so out of necessity, the real
free press would be gone.'’
Mr. Iekes," says the Cornell Bun, "suggests a radical
doctrine, that newspapers should be created, not by the
opinions of the editors, but by the opinions of the readers.
Mr Iekes is wrong, because the public is not entitled to exert
unusual pressure on newspaper, any more than it can tell
any merchant what prices he shall charge. Every newspaper
in the Luited btates may be in l'ar or of an unpopular cause
hit That dvr hr: mean they are wr.-g."
Napoleon wasn't finished af
ter the battle of Waterloo—and
George Washington survived
the winter at Valley Forge—but
the question now is whether
that luwer boy of the Sigma
Nu house, Greg Decker, is go
ing to get out of the hole he is
hiding in at present. Gammafi
Carolyn Collier, and alphafee
Cynthia Caufieid both go to the
infirmary, and draw beds next
to each other—it looks like
they’ll be there a long time . . .
long enough to compare stories.
Apologies to Ann Hawkins—
Doc Henry didn't either kiss off
the Oregon girls for a WSC
fem—the WSC number is pure
ly a platonic friend—no foolin’
These sorority girls are OK—
but take those two Suzie coeds
Jane Webster and Pat McMahon
—they’ll stand up against any
of them—Dean Vincent is ordin
arily easily embarrassed, but
you should have seen him Mon
day night when his Phi Delt
brothers decided he should visit
the pifi song practice—pj's and
all—just for dowsing the light
Bill Ault — Theta Chi from
Stanford—seen all over the
place with Alpha Chi's cute li'l
job—Carolyn Holmes . . . Bob
C'alkins and Jean Horton togeth
er considerably — Beta Andy
Jones and Kappadoll Mary
Bentley . . . ATO's serenade Pi
Phi Peggy Forney’s first anni
versary with Doug Hay . . . An
other budding Pi Phi-ATO com
bination is Mary Jane Terry and
Ed Storli.
If you saw a bunch of Ore
gon coeds hitch-hiking home
from no place in particular yes
terday, it was the Alpha O
pledge class. Why don’t the
ADPis answer their phone be
fore they hang it up—the guy
or gal on the other end of the
line feels snubbed otherwise.
DG Margaret Dakc either
has an insincere line or else she
was taken overwhelmingly by
surprise by Bob Toon Saturday
night—some one else was con
templating planting their jool
cry on her, then she blossoms
out going steady with one Bob—
leaving the other Bob aghast.
Bob Stafford drops school—
but still hangs on to his OAC
Alpha Gam—Jim Banks, Delt
activity man, leaves school for
a term, and Spence Weills—the
pride of the Phi Sigs, comes
back this term after staying out
last fall.
The candidates for Joe Col
lege and Betty Coed are now
narrowed down to five of each
sex—their identity won't be
known for quite a while—in fact
probably until the dance—don
cha wish you knew ? No—you
don't get to wear cords and
sweaters at the deal—strictly
INformal . . . wonder who Ha
vens is going with.
Edie Yturri is sure getting
tired of being called the “down
fall of Oregon's basketball
team.”—Don’t the rest of the
players have girls—she won
What's this the CPT boys are
telling about Johnny Kahana
nui ? Hear he was playing ma
gician and turned an airplane
into a gravel pile. Also hear
that Prof Caswell practically
has to throw rocks at Steve
Worth to keep him awake in
class. Theta Chi’s “Flying Five”
never get to class any less than
half an hour late^-with the
Delts "Flying Four" close be
hind . . . Amy Thyng is the chief
attraction of the flying course
this term—I dunno if she’s
learning to fly—but she adds
plenty of zip to the course—
Uoodby—see you >\ odnesday
llunter college is offering a
program of free public lectures
on problems in economics and
political science.
Vassar college is completing
a topographical map of the
world, covering a wall space 16
by IS feet.
discard your old suit auv
old way. We give you
substantial credit for it
on a new suit, tailoring,
cleaning, or pressing, or
I1J3 Aldsr
International Side Show
A prophet may be without
honor in his own country but
that never stops a prophet from
prophesying. As a man who
brushes his
teeth twice a
day, reads the
newspapers and
patronizes the
most highly ad
vertised brands
of chewing gum
and cigarettes,
I feel I am in as
good a position
as most to make
predictions on international events.
Today I have two to get off my
1. Willkie will be the next Amer
ican ambassador to Britain.
2. Roosevelt’s dictatorship bill
will be defeated in congress.
The first is purely a hunch and
comes in the face of rumors from
Washington that John Gilbert Wi
nant, former governor of New
Hampshire, has an inside track on
the job.
Why Willkie?
The reason I think Willkie is
likely to wear knee breeches in
London is not that he has particu
larly esthetic calves, but because
I am at a loss otherwise to explain
his surprising endorsement lock,
stock, and barrel of Roosevelt’s
foreign policy.
Yesterday Willkie was held up
by bad weather on a little island
in the mid-Atlantic, halfway be
tween Bermuda and Lisbon, but
if nothing happens to the Yankee
Clipper he’ll be in London in a
day or so and if he makes a good
impression on Churchill and the
boys there's no reason why he
shouldn't stay there.
The fact that Willkie is the nom
inal leader of the Republican party
shouldn't deter Roosevelt from
nominating him for the job since
FD has already placed two repub
licans, Knox and Stimson, in his
Kennedy Out
Joe Kennedy, the retiring am
bassador, is probably persona non
grata in England now after the
stand he has taken against U.S.
intervention in the European war.
Willkie should be popular since he
apparently sees eye to eye with
Roosevelt on foreign policy. As a
leader of the “loyal opposition” at
home Willkie wouldn’t have much
to do since his only argument with
Roosevelt is on domestic issues
and it is evident that all internal
problems such as unemployment
are going to be subordinated and
perhaps “solved” by defense ex
In the
January 23, 1911.
The Editor
Oregon Daily Emerald
Dear Sir:
If one is to believe all that
he reads in the Emerald, you
have a National Championship
basketball team wasting their
time grubbing up filler for the
daily effort.
I, for one, doubt if they arc
even in the grammar school
league class, and there is only
one way to prove that they are.
Though the Law School Var
sity has unequivocally refused
to play with your boys, on the
ground that they would be
wasting a valuable practice
session, the Law School Frosh
are willing to play with you,
much as a cat does with a
mouse, solely to gain experi
ence in combatting off color
bush league tactics.
SCHOOL FROSH hereby chal
lenge the Emerald News Rats to
a game of basketball, the time
ahd place to be arranged at the
convenience of both parties.
Yours 'till you score,
Don Walker, coach,
H. B. Collins, bus. mgr.
Get Your
958 Oak St.
So much for prophesy number
one, although I am keeping my fin
gers crossed because last year, just
four days after I grew weary of
reading about invasion scares and
predicted that the Germans would
never attack Holland, the Nazis
started their drive through the
America Knows
As for prophesy number two,
that is bulwarked by a number of
reasons but primarily by a deep
faith in the essential intelligence
of the American public.
When Roosevelt first sprang the
bill on a surprised congress I was
afraid it would slip through un
analyzed on the plea of urgency.
But now that Lindbergh and Gen
eral Johnson, Norman Thomas,
and Charles McNary, McNider and
Kennedy, and other national lead
ers have taken the stump against
it and publicized its outrageous
provisions, it is doomed.
Last night a new voice was
raised against Roosevelt and his
foreign policy. President Robert
Maynard Hutchins of the Univer
sity of Chicago, said it is impossi
ble to listen to Mr. Roosevelt’s re
cent speeches, to study the leasc
lend bill, and to read the testimony
of cabinet officers upon that bill,
without concluding “that the pres
ident now requires us to under
write a British victory, and appar
ently a Chinese and a Greek vic
tory, too.”
simply as an American
Speaking “simply as an Ameri
can” and not as president of the
University, Hutchins warned the
nation it is “about to commit sui
cide” by drifting into war.
Funny thing though, 125 mem
bers of the University of Chicago
faculty issued a statement at the
time urging immediate enactment
of the controversial bill. I haven’t
the faintest idea what reasons
they offer for such a stand and the
wire doesn’t say, but if they want
congress to turn over all its pow
ers to the president and give him
a blank check, I suppose that’s
their privilege. It’s still a free
All Sides
The employment office at the
University of Washington found
3,000 jobs for students during
fall term — doing everything
from reading tea leaves to dem
onstrating clothes. Among oth
er odd positions filled was a call
for an Egyptian dancer and
someone to play the part of old
man 1940 at a New Year’s eve
celebration. The employment
office staff also ransacked the
campus until they found a stu
dent of infantile proportions to
take the part of the baby New
Year. Norm Hillis, head of the
bureau, lamented, “Always
looking for a personality to fit
the job, or a job to fit the per
sonality—I tell you, it’s a vic
ious circle.”—The University of
Washington Daily.
A "special’’ service, which in
sures the preferred acceptance
of an “alumnus" child to
Northwestern university has
been in operation since 1930.
An application certificate can
be taken out, immediately after
the birth of a Northwestern al
umnus’ child, which will guaran
tee his admission to the school
around 18 years later.
—Daily Northwestern
* * *
Something unusual in the way
of a column title has been ob
served in the Daily Texan. Jim
my Pitt, writing on current af
fairs, political and social, takes
a. lead from Hitler's Bible and
heads his opinions “Mein Kam
pus." —The Daily Texan.
* * *
I think that I shall never see
A “D” as lovefy as a “B."
A “B” whose rounded form is
Upon the records of the blest.
A “D” comes easily and yet
It isn’t easy to forget,
“D's” are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a “B.”
—Riverton Hi Trojan (Oregon)
Oregon HEmerald
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First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
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4 Shakespeare
1 Geometry
2 Military Science
1 Essay
3 Prose
2 Social Science
2 Hstory of Europe
1 English Poets
3 Composition
1 Physics
1 Psychology
1 Reporting
1 Economics
2 French Historj
3 German
1 Outline English literature .
3 Literature
5 Looseleaf Notebooks
10 Notebooks
1 Sociology
2 Accounting
1 Business Correspondence
1 Cigarette Lighter
4 Hats
3 Large Kerchiefs
2 Strings of Pearls
2 rings
3 purses
1 slide rule
5 pens
5 eversharps
1 debate pm
1 pledge pin
1 key
1 pipe
1 jacket
1 slicker
3 raincoats
1 white uniform
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UNDERWOOD typewriter. Stan
dard size in good condition. $30
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