EDITS: Plan for Smaller Rally Squad Discussed VOLUME XLII l CAMPUS SPORTS: Vernier Captures Boxing Crown In Two Classes UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1941 NUMBER 65 GRATIS.,, 'Majority Class’ Plans No-Charge, No-Date Affair in Gym Today Dancing Will Start at 4, Last Until 5:30 As Students Hear ASCAP Melodies; Intermission to Feature Skits by Students By BOB FRAZIER Sponsored by the “majority class of 1944," an all frosh ASCAP mixer will begin at 4 this afternoon in the outdoor gym of Gerlinger. There will be no charge and the dance will he a no-date affair, according to Chuck Woodruff, general chairman. Although the dance is sponsored by the “majority class,” Woodruff YOUNG HOPEFULS Union Leaders To Give Frosh Committee Posts New Group to Ask Students to Donate Co-op Receipts Twenty freshmen will be named to the frosh student union commit tee this afternoon, after the main student union committee looks over 60 applications that were dropped in a Co-op box by noon yesterday. According to John Cavanagh, chairman of the main committee, one of the first duties of the new group will be “again campaigning for students to donate their Co-op sales receipts to the student un ion fund.” Co-op Receipts In previous years, Cavanagh ex plained, students have turned their receipts over to the fund to build up the general amount. This year, however, the money will probably be put into a “special fund for fur nishing, or something.” uommiuee memDers wno win name the frosh include, besides . Cavanagh; Glenn Williams, assist ant chairman; Eleanor Sederstrom, Ruth Hartley, and Marge McLean. Although not on the committee Roy Vernstrom, Jim Burness, and Chuck Woodruff will also aid in the selections. Maybe by 1943 There are possibilities that funds for a building may be available by 1943, and the 1944 graduation date of the present freshman class was pointed to as significant in respect to the new committee’s im portance. In attempting to select as rep ' resentative a group of frosh as possible, Cavanagh said that each of the 60 applications would be given “serious consideration.” Spanish Assembly To Organize Club The Spanish department will ho’d a meeting at alumni hall at 7:30 Wednesday night to' organ ize a Spanish club. All students interested are invited to come, ac cording to Miss Frances H. Har land, graduate assistant in the Spanish department. Spanish songs will be sung at the meeting, and an attempt will be made to make definite plans for the club. Campus Calendar 1 Lutheran students will have their regular meeting Sunday evening from 6 to 7 in the Y bungalow. Lois Nordling presents the topic for discussion. Emerald editorial board will meet to select the papers for the ACP national contest today at 4 o’clock in the editor's office, Jour nalism. Canterbury Club Dramatics group will meet today at 4:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Paul Sutley. Leaders of the group are Lorraine Long and Eleanor Robb. Westminster open house will be held from 8 to 11:30 p.m. Friday night. Games and dancing will be featured. Wesley Foundation will hold open house Friday at 8 p.m. ' empnasizea inai au iresnmen are cordially invited. Campus clothes will be in order. Since there will be no broadcast, ASCAP tunes may be played. Be ginning at 4, the dance will last until 5:30 with a short intermission during which short skits will be presented by student talent. “Bette and Buddy,’ jitterbugs, also known as Bette Christensen, new UO yell queen, and Bud Salin ardo, will be featured. Ted Hallock and Ed Johnson will play the drums and bass viol. FEBRUARY 7... Holman Signed For KKK Dance Alpha Delta Sigma Plans 'Newspaper' Theme for Krawl Art Holman’s 11-piece band has been signed to furnish danceable times for the Krazy Kopy Krawl February 7, and will feature the voice of Betty Wycoff, according to Fred May, general chairman. Betty’s voice was featured re cently as somewhat of a surprise when Bob Crosby invited her to sing with his band at the Senior Ball here. She has sung for some time with Holman, and was en rolled in the University last fall. Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s hon orary sponsoring the dance, has worked out a “newspaper” theme for Gerlinger hall. Decorations will consist of huge 24-sheet bill board posters and smaller broad sides plastered on the walls, and newspapers strung to form a false ceiling. “We're going to follow out the Krazy Kopy theme to the letter,” May said. “Ralph Woodall, chair man of decorations, promises plen ty of new ideas in working out the theme ” “We’d like to explain that the Krawl is responsible for the KKK signs on the campus, and not the Ku Klux Klan,” he laughed. The signs have been painted at all campus entrances and walkways. Mr. E. C. Fansett, alumni sec retary, is in Portland conferring with Mr. Hollis Johnston, newly elected president of the Oregon Alumni association, on possible ap pointments to,- fill the director’s department for this year. ... Buchwach Frets In Hospital Bed As Contest Nears A cause for a celebration— The new record for the least number of patients has been es tablished at the campus infirm ary. The atmosphere is similar to King Tut's tomb—nothin’ is doing. Seen—Buck Buchwach is try ing to mentally pace the floor worrying about his Dads' day letter contest. His new title is bedside promotion chairman. Looking at the gaping holes in the infirmary roster we can only pick out ten outstanding monickers. They are: Leota Whitelock, Ruth Hartley, Cyn thia Caufield, Helen F. Moore, Louise Baker, Cecil Wright, Buck Buchwach, Bob Lester, and Earl Lester. ANNUAL TALKS Lecture Series To Begin Soon Dr. Jessie Brodie, Ballard to Discuss Love, Marriage The names of a few of the prom inent people who will talk to stu dents on love and marriage in the lecture period which begins Feb ruary 6 and ends February 18, were announced this week by Billie Christensen, student chairman of the lecture series. Dr. J. Hudson Ballard, pastor of the First Presbyterian church in Portland, will speak at the general assembly February 16, at 11 o’clock in Gerlinger. He will discuss the “psychological angle” of the subject. Dr. Jessie Laird Brodie, Port land physician and surgeon, will speak February 12 at an assem bly for women to be held in alumni hall, Gerlinger at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. She will go into the “physiological aspects” of the top ic. She will repeat her lecture to men at an evening assembly at 7 o’clock on that date. February 18, after-dinner dis cussion groups will be held in all living organizations, and will be conducted by various members of the faculty and a few townspeople whose names will be revealed at a later date. Forum leaders will be dinner guests of the organizations on the : night of the discussions. Winer Plans Talk On Personnel Work Ben Winer, graduate assistant in psychology, will speak at a re search symposium meeting on Jan uary 27, at 7:30 p.m., in room 324 Condon hall. Mr. Winer will report on recent work carried on by the personnel research bureau. In particular, he will discuss the place of English composition in the University cur 1 riculum. The meeting is open to I everyone. TIME PASSERS ... Sickly Swing Session Aired by Bug Victims By BOB WHITELY Necessity is the mother of some thing or other— A new wrinkle in the way of entertainment is taking place over at the campus pill palace—and it's a darn good “time whiler away er” to boot. It seems as if the three rabble rousers of the infirmary—notably Helen Moore, Cynthia Caufield, and Carolyn Collier were getting tired of playing bridge and will fully wishing things were better. At the other end of the build ing, three boys, Jason Hervin, Bob Lester, and Earl Hall were think ing the same thing. After relaying several social “notes” back and forth the boys decided that they were going to put on special broadcasts for their entertain ment Jason had all the equipment, which consisted of one micro phone, one radio, and all the smoothest recordings available. By plugging in the microphone to an ordinary wall plug, and then at taching it to the radio, they were able to play records and carry on a brilliant line of bull all day long and half the night. No Back Talk Every patient in the infirmary could tune in on them on their radios—although they could not talk back. The nurses were play ing Western Union—delivering re quests, time schedules and every thing else connected with the big time operators. Not content to be a bunch of Sir Walter Raleighs of the air, the ward nine radio announcers also sent their prize listeners lollipops and ciggies—for extinguished ser vice. By far the most requests came from the gals— (Please turn to page four) DREAM TEAM Sophomores' Ideal Couples Pass Judges Service Honorary To Start Ticket Sales Monday Ballots, listing- the seven judges’ choice for the typical collegiate couple are locked up tightly in the dean of women’s office and will not be counted until February 1, the night of the Sophomore Infor mal, Pat Cloud and Len Ballif, co chairmen of the dance, announced yesterday. The 48 candidates for the title of Betty Coed and Joe College ap peared before the judging commit tee Thursday afternoon in Gerlin ger hall. Balloting After the judges had written down their preference, Nancy Riesch, chairman of the contest, collected the votes and turned them over to the dean of women’s office. They will remain there un til the list of the five women and five men goes to the printer to be placed on the ballot. “We feel that by using a popular campus band such as Ray Dickson and the Collegians, not oply will it be more in keeping with our “Joe College’’ theme, but it will enable the sophomores to give a swell in expensive dance,” Cloud declared. The Informal committee decid ed that it would be “definitely a sport dance” with wool dresses and high heels for women and sport coats for men. State Board Plans Meeting Tuesday The state board of higher edu cation will hold its regular Janu ary meeting on the Oregon Col lege of Education campus at Mon mouth Tuesday, it was announced here today by Dr. Frederick M. Hunter, chancellor. Problems of handling the in creased enrollment at the Univer sity of Oregon and Oregon State College, each of which passed the all-time peak for winter term reg istration, will be discussed. On Monday preceding the board meeting the finance, curriculum, buildings, grounds, and capi tal outlay committees will have preliminary discussions of their re spective problems. At 11 in the morning the board will be feted by the students at an assembly and at 6 in the evening by the fac ulty at an informal dinner. Also on the docket for discus sion will be curricular changes for 1941-42 in the six institutions of the state system. The Oregon College of Education meeting will be a continuation of the board’s policy of trying to meet at each of the six institutions at least once a year. House Offers Talk By Church Official The Rev. Dr. William Lindsay Young, moderator of the general assembly of the Presbyterian church in America, will be guest speaker at a Westminster house luncheon today. The public is in vited, and reservations can be made by calling 2466. Dr. Young is president of Park college, Presbyterian institution known for achievements in student self help. It is located near Kan sas City, Missouri. Students who wish to contact Dr. Young personally may see him at Westminster house this after noon. Luncheon will start promptly at noon. Admission is 25 cents. Office Head Named Eileen Millard, sophomore in arts and letters from Camas, Washing ton, has been appointed office manager of the Emerald business department to succeed Janet Farn ham, Jim Frost, business manager, announced last night. Miss Farn ham resigned to take part in local advertising. GLEEMEN CONDUCTOR (Courtesy of the Register-Guard) John Stark Evans, above, directed approximately GO Eugene Glee men singers last night when they presented their annual winter home concert in McArthur court. Several students of the University of Oregon music school appeared in solo numbers on the program. I Gleemen Rate Praise Chorus 'In the Groove’ By MILDRED WILSON A program ranging in content from stirring Scotch ballads to sol emn church hymns, distinguished the concert presented by the Eugene Gleemen, last night in McArthur court. Conducted by John Stark Evans, professor of music, the group- gave thetr twenty-eighth semi annual home concert before a large audience of Eugene townspeople and University students. Formally dressed, the chorus of over 70 were unified as to appearance by broad emerald green ribbons slanted across their shirt fronts and gardenia boutonieres. Nilssen Liked Sigurd Nilssen, guest artist and professor of voice, was enthusias tically received by the audience which called him back for two en cores. Nilssen sang the “Pilgrim’s Song," “When the King Went Forth to War,” and “Yeoman’s Wedding Song.” First of the student soloists to perform, Floyd Beardsley, sang "Ave Maria” with a background chorus by the Gleemen. Robert Carmichael soloed on “The Pipes o’ Gordon’s Men” which was fol lowed, later in the program, by "The Lost Chord” with an inci dental solo by Laurence Celsi. Violin Too “She Is Far from the Land,” an adaptation from a poem by Thom as Moore, and especially arranged by Conductor Evans, was accom panied with a violin obbligato played by Verne Sellin. Wilfred Cook took the tenor solo part in place of Joe Keever who was un able to attend the concert. Six especially requested encores were sung by the Gleemen. Lester Ready, also a University student, sang ”01’ Man River” with a speci al choral background by the Eu gene singers. All University students were ad mitted free to the concert this year through arrangements made by the educational activities board. Pilot Awards Ready Students in last year’s and last summer’s civilian pilot training classes should call at 314 Fenton with their licenses to get the large certificates which indicate success ful completion of the course. Ode to '44 ASCAP tunes, they say, Will monopolize, today, The music at the shin-dig that the freshman class will try. Just you wait and see. In a day or two or three, Someone will write a letter to the editor and cry, “I’ve come to the conclusion To protest the vile exclusion Of the music and the vocals of the tuneful BMI.” J.W.S. Choral Union Slates 'Messiah' in March The second annual concert of the University of Oregon choral un ion, which will be a performance of Handel’s “The Messiah” ora torio, will be held in McArthur court on Sunday evening, March 2, it was announced here today by Dr. Theodore Kratt, dean of the music school and director of the union. The University Choral Union, v/hich was organized 18 months ago by Dean Kratt, gave its first concert last April in the Igloo—a performance of Mendelssohn’s “Eli jah.” Since that time membership in the union has increased to the point where it now boasts between 500 and 600 singers. Advanced voice students in the school of mu sic will sing the solo roles, and the University of Oregon symphony or chestra will accompany for the concert, which will be given by the music school in cooperation with the educational activities board. KNOWS WHEREOF Miller to Talk On US Trade In Gerlinger Work of Speaker Covers 17 Years As Berlin Attache Trade Commissioner Douglas P. Miller, Berlin attache of the Unit ed States bureau of foreign and domestic commerce, will address a University assembly at 11 o’clock in Gerlinger today. Classes sched uled for 11 o'clock today were held Thursday. Miller has been m intimate contact with United States foreign affairs since World War I. He stud ied in England, worked in Mesopo tamia and in Bagdad, Vladivostok, Paris, and Germany, and has been with the bureau since 1921, rising through the Western European di vision to the commissionership in Germany. 17 Years In Germany Posted for most of the 17 years in the German capital, he is now touring as a faculty member of the Denver university Institute of International Relations. He has worked as an exporter, industrial chemist, and business man in the Near East and in East ern Siberia. He repatriated pris oners in Stettin, Germany, after the armistice and then joined the commercial bureau in Washington, D. C. Rhodes Scholar Miller holds a master’s degree from Denver and earned a bache lor of jurisprudence degree as a Rhodes scholar at Oxford. He will speak at a chamber of commerce luncheon in the Osburn hotel and will be “available for discussion afterwards,” declared Dean Karl W. Onthank, faculty i representative for most assembly speakers. William Chllcote will play a clar inet solo, “Scene of Air,” from Bergson's Luisa Di Montfort. Mar gery Williams will accompany him on the piano. Students to Study Old Ocean Resort On Geology Trip Students in general geology will make their annual winter field trip to the Oregon coast tomorrow under the direction of Dr. W. D. Smith, head of the geology and geography departments, and Dr. L. W. Staples, instructor in geol ogy. A group of approximately 50 will leave from Condon hall at 10 o'clock. They will proceed north tnrcugh Dallas and will spend Sat urday night at Tillamook. Sunday the students plan to visit Bay Ocean where they will study the effect the ocean has had upon a former resort. They will also spend some time in Newport be fore returning to Eugene by way of Corvallis. 'EDDIE' SCORES AGAIN... Marshall Wins Fame On 'Benjamin Blake' By BEVERLY PADGHAM Edison Marshall, former UO stu dent and author, revealed in a let ter to Mr. W. F. G. Thacher, pro fessor of English and advertising, today that his newest novel, “Ben jamin Blake” will be ready for publication this spring. The well-known Oregonian from Medford, who now lives near Au gusta, Georgia, was a member of the class of ’17. Mr. Thacher said that he had already begun his writ ing career while he was here at school. Marshall was the originat or the Marshall-Case-Haycox prize for writing on the campus. For many years the prize was known as the Edison Marshall contest. Already Popular Mr. Marshall’s latest work, not yet off the press, already has won him many of the honors granted only established best sellers. Twentieth - Century Fox has bought the motion picture rights to the book and plans to star Ty rone Power in the leading role. The Literary Guild has selected “Benjamin Blake” as the book of the month for March. This in itself means an advance edition of 75,000 copies. And Cosmopolitan maga zine plans to publish a condensed version of the book. ‘Dean of Writers’ Marshall, whom Professor Thacher said was the “dean of the writers among graduates and stu dents,” had planned the book for years. Three years ago he began work on it, his first serious novel. He said that he did not write to meet the requirements of the edi tors, but rather for the pure joy of writing. He declared that only once was his writing disturbed. That was September, 1938—the beginning of •(Please turn to page four) FINIS.. Tag-Ends Of Contest Due Todag Judges Will Select Winning Dads' Day Letters Saturday By RAY SCHRICK Today is the day, the last day, in the Dads’ letter contest and promptly at midnight tonight the deadline will fall. Buck Buchwach, promotion chairman, announced last night. Students planning to enter have just the few hours remaining be tween now and this evening to fin ish their notes and turn them in to the educational activities office in McArthur court. Judging Saturday Entries will go to the judges some time Saturday, and Tues day’s Emerald will carry the names of the two winners, one boy and one girl. They will each re ceive a copy of the 1941 Oregana autographed by President Donald M. Erb. With the names of the winning contestants will be printed the two top letters. One will later be published on special Dads’ day sta tionery and distributed to students for mailing home. "We still have plenty of room for lively and interesting entries,” Buchwach declared, “and students will have an opportunity to hand in letters any time today.” Be General The notes may play up any or all of the highlights of the three day celebration program which is planned for Dads’ weekend. They should be general enough, how ever, that they may be applied to any campus Dad, and not to spe cific fathers. Judges of the contest will be R. D. Horn, associate professor of English; Robert Leeper, assistant professor of psychology; and George Turnbull, professor of jour nalism. Top Schools Exhibit Art Work in Gallery Examples of advanced work from 28 of the nation’s top archi tectural schools, Including the University of Oregon, are toeing exhibited for the next two weeks in the little art gallery of the art building. This exhibition, an annual pro ject of the Association of Colleg iate Schools of Architecture, is on a nation-wide tour. The display is being shown at all the 28 schools belonging to the association. According to W. S. Hayden, as sistant professor of architecture, the general public and all Oregon students are invited to see this collection of the best student work from the most famous architec tural schools in the country. The exhibit includes panels from such schools as Carnegie Institute of Technology, Columbia univer sity, Cornell, Notre Dame, Michi gan, Yale, Princeton, New York, and 20 other institutions which be long to the Association of Col legiate Schools of Architecture. Morris to Address Portland Company Dean Victor P. Morris of the school of business administration, will address members of the coun try sales organization of Swift and company in Portland at their annual banquet Saturday night. He has chosen as the topic for his speech, “The Quest for a Better World.” His invitation to speak to the group was tendered by B. C. Dar nall, manager. Two Oregon alum j ni hold positions on this sales ! staff. They are Percy Riddell, ’32, and Norman Lyman, ’40. YMCA to Sponsor Stag or Date Party Social dancing, ping pong, and refreshments are slated for the first winter term YMCA-spon sored party in their bungalow at 8 o’clock tonight. Homer Townsend, chairman of the evening’s arrangements, has announced that the affair is either “stag” or “date” and that 10 cents admission will be charged. This is the first of a series of “Y” winter term parties on the first and third Fridays of every month.