Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 23, 1941, Page Two, Image 2

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    Oregon 1$ Emerald
The Oregon Daily Emerald, published dniiy during the college year except Sundays,
Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University
of Oregon. Subscription rates: $1.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second
class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon.
Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE,
INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bos
ton—Los Angeles—San Francisco-—Portland and Seattle.
JAMES \V. FROST, Business Manager
Hal Olney, Helen Angell
Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor
Kent Stitzer, News Editor
Fred May, Advertising Manager
Bob Rogers, National Advertising Mgr.
Editorial Board: Roy Vernstrnm, Pat Erickaon, Helen Angell, Harold Olney, Kent
Stitzer, ’itnmic Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, adviser.
Editorial and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phones
3300 Extension: 382 Editor; 353 News Office; 359 Sports Office; and 354 Business
Anita Backberg, Classified Advertising
Ron Alpaugh, Layout Production Man
Bill Wallan, Circulation Manager
Emerson Page, Promotion Director
Eileen Millard. Office Manager
Search for Leadership
'T'HERE are too many activities.
At least too many in proportion to the number of students
really capable and willing to devote their time and energy
towards doing a good job in some particular field. There
really is a dearth of leadership on the campus and no amount
of “opening new fields” will remedy that.
There are too many activities for the leaders—not for the
average student. Time and time again this year the same
leaders have been called upon to handle the responsibility
of some committee, of some celebration, of some dance.
Those in power did not plan it that way, but they were faced
with the necessity of seeing that a good job was done and they
had to appoint someone who could be relied upon.
There are plenty of students who can do a job if they are
told exactly what to do, but there are only a handful that
can be depended upon if given a blank check assignment The
number to whom it can be said “here is a job to be done, do it
the best way you see possible,” is very small.
ASUO President Tiger Payne, Activities Man George Lu
oma, class heads, or Emerald editor Lyle Nelson would he
happy—would get a great deal more sleep—if they coidd
find people with those qualities. But they haven’t been able
One campus leader recently stated that he could think of
200 things which needed to be done, but which were going
undone because he and other leaders didn’t have the time
and because the majority of students couldn’t see what there
was to do.
The time is here for a number of enterprising young leaders
to step in and make a place for themselves.
Elbow Grease Needed
TATEST action on the student union front is an announce
ment by committee heads that another freshman stu
dent union committee will be appointed to assist the present
group. And so, tomorrow, another committee will come into
It wasn’t that the present committees, numbering about
seventeen students, needed assistance. If was other motives
that led the student union heads to select a new freshman
committee. There are other reasons that amply justify the
existence of another committee.
It is extremely important that the committees do not come
entirely from one class, as has been the ease in years past.
Thus graduation has in years gone by taken every member
of the committee leaving not even a nucleus to carry on the
work the next year. The result has invariably been a re
treading of the same ground, year after year.
J^AST YEAR a freshman committee was appointed to serve
for four years. This year another is being appointed.
In this way a permanence is given to the program that should
prevent much of this “retreading.”
Furthermore the plan gives the incoming classes an oppor
tunity to participate, which they deserve. It helps to insure
an interest in the student union drive among the members
of the class of '44 and prevent them from feeling that it is
something the upperclassmen are doing. It helps to make
them realize that it is their task and should give them a
deeper interest in the work.
The selection of this freshman committee is of tremendous
importance. It is imperative that students who are really
interested in working on this committee be selected. And we.
did say “working.” (live us not a group of freshmen anxious
to hog a little of the limelight. They must be, genuinely in
terested in student union work and have the time and IN
C'LINATION to do it. —II. 0.
They’re Partly Ours
'"jpO EUGENE, to tho University of Oregon, to the half
hundred singers of the ehorns, to Conductor John Stehn,
and to the five guest soloists . . . will come glory and atten
tion for the seventy-first time tonight, as the Eugene Glee
men “come home” again.
It isn’t because they need a practice session, it isn't be
cause it's now become an annual custom to present the Glee
men concert to the University. It’s because, by general
acclamation and demand, Oregon student audiences have
begged for a repeat performance by the home town boys who
made good.
# # •
’YyilEN John Stehn takes time off from his teaching duties
over in the music school tonight to lift the baton for the
McArthur court concert . . . he will be leading the group in
their first big-time concert of 1941.
The reputation that the Gleemen have built for themselves
throughout the state is not one of fly-by-night popularity.
The honors which have been paid them are those accredited
a group with a long series of triumphs behind them, for the
choral organization is now m its sixteenth season . . . and
is just as popular as ever.
Eugene is a small University towu. It is indeed creditable
to the community that so lugh-rankiug a musical organiza
tion is at their beck and call. It is indeed fortunate, too.
that the University of Oregon student body has the opportun
ity of hearing again the well-trained, talented ' oices, and
can say with a touch ol' unde: “The Eugene Gleemen arc
partly our;. —H. .L
cost OF
1840 /
This Collegiate World
BE MEAN was the only rule for “Meany” clay set aside
by the Buchtelite, University of Akron student newspaper,
as a day for students to grouse and gripe, the day to be mean
to everybody.
The old days of custard pie movies came back when a real
meanie tossed a piece of lemon meringue pie at a co-ed . . .
and hit bis mark. Another co-ed got her face washed in the
One meany poured water in a co-ed's high rubber boots;
another student got the hot-foot; while still another man s
shoe strings were tied together while he was sitting in the
student building cafeteria.
Someone mixed up all the hats and coats in the checking
room while someone else was dumping snow into ali the boots.
A student was given a raw hamburger in the cafeteria, so
he took it into the kitchen and cooked it himself. Then he
refused to pay for it.
One meany’s dirty trick backfired when he shot his own
hand with a toy cannon he was firing to frighten other per
Some unsuspecting sUulents found themselves blue at the
mouth after drinking cokes “flavored” with ink.
In the Editor's Mail
Dear Sira:
Calling all Greeks. There
seems to be a wrong opinion go
ing around the campus con
cerning the majority class of
'44. Most people feel that it is
a class for independents only,
organized to combat Greek bloc
It is true the majority class
was organized by independent
students and at the present
time is almost entirely an in
dependent organization. While
this may be true the fact that
anyone who is a registered
freshman is a member shows
that the class is open to all.
The independent leaders
would like to see fraternity and
sorority freshmen participate
in majority class activities and
they feel it is only a matter of
time until the class will contain
both independent and Greek
The fact that the freshman
class and the freshman major
ity class are, at the present
time, controlled respectively by
Greeks and independents has
caused undue class conscious
ness. There will never be a time
on this campus that there will
not be some class consciousness,
but there is no need for this un
due amount.
The majority class is merely
the expression of students who
feel they were left out of stu
dent government and are fight
ing for what they feel is right.
There are as many Greeks as
there are independents who
sympathize with the principles
of the majority class but are un
able to do anything about it
because of house politics.
The independents are doing
their part to attempt class unity
and it is now up to the Greeks
to follow suit and at least at
tend majority class meetings
and try to understand their atti
Discordancy and ill feeling in
the ranks of an organization
never profited the organiza
tion. Why not try to forget you
are a Greek or independent and
come to freshman meetings
with the interest for the unity
and future of the freshman
class in mind.
Respectfully yours,
Dick Shelton.
From All Sides
Exchange by Mildred W ilson
The ASCAP and BMI feud
forced itself rudely into local
affairs at Harvard recently in
directly forcing the Harvard
band to revise its schedule and
resort to Stephen Foster in
stead of Harvardiaua.
It all came about because the
Crini son-Dartmout h basketball
game was being broadcast over
the air. The band, which was
playing at the game, appeared
on the ether purely as an added
feature, but that made no dif
ference to the warring warblers.
Midway cf the between-halves
recital an excited technician
rushed up to Thomas C. Pee
bles, manager of the band, and
protested violently that he was
being forced to turn the pro
gram off the air any time a
Harvard tune was played. The
musicians arose to the occasion
with a snappy rendition of non
ASCAP “Old Black Joe."
•—The Harvard Crimson.
When a whole class in un
\eying gets the same ar.t" or to
a problem usd that armv.fr u
wrong, something else is defin
itely wrong—at least that's the
way Boris Boguslavsky, engin
ciuing instructor at the Uni
versity of Utah figured. The
problem was measuring the
slope between the civil engin
eering and the Union buildings
- and the class’ answers just
didn't jibe with those found by
the experts the year before. Mr.
Boguslavsky unpacked his tri
pod and made a few calcula
tions on his own. The answer
was simple. The Union building
has settled a couple of inches.
—The Utah Chronicle.
Once 1 had a pet white mouse.
He was great—
Wiggly, dancing little mouse,
tie is ate—
.Some cat got him.
Once I had a lovely beau.
He had a buss —
Lots of cash to spend, you know,
1 could cuss—
r me cat cot turn .
_r.jrf-r,* High Me i.
We're back with a little about
something, and quite a bit about
nothing, and you’ll find that
the best there is to read is be
tween the lines. So between now
and “CONCLUSION” this "Pil
lar of Perfidy” holds sway.
Leona Spaulding, Capital city
queen, seems to have ruined
ATO Gene Cobb’s cherished
bachelorhood days—what with
all this hand holding 'n stuff
. . . One smart girl and one
smart boy get together—Hil
yard’s Aida Brun and Charles
Hillway of Kirkwood go social
... a pair of Theta Chi pledges
invade the Pi Phi house for a
couple bridge playing femmes
and walk out with Barbara
Pierce and Red McNeeley’s
steady—together since then too
. . . TRIANGLE — Marge De
Bolt, Pifi, who has Dan Kirk
patrick’s Sigma Nu pin, and
third person in the plot—Gene
Brown of the ATOs . . . Cros
by came to town — Wycoff
went over big . . . Arnie Mills
gets his pin back from Betty
and you figure it out . . . Camp
bell lads Art Sprick and Jim
Hafenbrack make a hurried
trip to dance to Crosby in Port
land .. .Photogenic-minded Jim
my Leonard goes up in air when
someone swipes pictures from
his office wall — cawote — the
Blank blankety blanks — un
cawote — it was really heart
rending because he was getting
attached to them . . . Some
thing about Delt Ed Boydell
getting a telcall from “Miss
Oregon” — how was pledge
Jerry Battles to know whether
the operator said Miss or Nyssa,
Oregon ... It may not be ex
actly halitosis with the Alpha
O pledges but it is onion breath
—a penalty for speaking when
not spoken to . . . Two orchids
from Gordon Nichols wasn't
enough to keep Donna Ketchuin*
from going out with Jack Wag
staff the next night — inciden
tally the following night she
was with Nichols again . . .
Somebody pulled a gag on Ep
Hoyt — seems as though on a
request program Ep had a re
quest for Barbara Jones, Pifi—
anyway Ep says “not guilty''
maybe we re missing something
. . . Alice Lucas, Gammafi
breaks with, A1 Brady of the
Sigma Nus — latest for Miss
Lucas is Chysy Ned Mansfield
. . . Bob Toon also of the Sigma
Nus tosses over studies to spend
a little time with Delta Gamma's
Margaret Dake.
That's all the stuff that isn't
fit to print and if it is printed
it isn’t fit to read. Solongfora
Oregon ©'Emerald
Thursday Advertising Staff:
Mary Kay Riordan, Thursday
Adv. Mgr.
Barbara Crosland
Elizabeth Edmunds
Peggy Magill
Mary Riemers
Mary Ellen Smith
INight Staff:
Bill Hilton, night editor
Don Ross
Malcolm Ordway
Madelle Christopherson
Yvonne Torgler
Barbara Lamb
Ardis Alexander
Doris Jones
Laurel Gilbertson
Marjorie Major
Jim Wilson
Bob Frazier
Copy Desk Staff:
Mary Ann Campbell, city editor
Mary Wolf, assistant
Tex Goodwin
Lee Samuelson
Cisco Frajah
Bob McClellan
Bob Rogers
Bcrnie Engel
o5e Couple
International Side Show
You have probably heard
some obstinate young man say
in a spirit of defiance that when
the time comes two people are
going to be missing from the
army — himself
and the man
who comes to
get him. I have
heard it any
way, although I
haven't said it
because I don’t
believe in vio
Well, that was
the sentiment
of a young man in Pontiac, Illi
nois and yesterday he and his
father were lying critically,
possibly fatally wounded in a
Twenty-two-year-old Ernest
Eisle evaded the draft registra
tion because he was bitterly op
posed to the brutality of war.
He lived with his father and
mother on a farm near Pontiac.
Went to Arrest
Two men, a deputy U.S. mar
shall and a deputy sheriff, went
out to arrest young Eisle on a
warrant signed by S. C. Cotton,
special agent of the FBI.
The officers talked with the
boy and his parents for an hour,
according to a United Press
story, and when they started to
leave with the boy the father
pointed a shot-gun at them.
There was a fight and at the
finish father and son were shot
three times. Both officers were
cut by a knife.
Taken to a hospital, the son
was reported near death and
the father in a critical condi
tion. TRe officers’ wounds were
not serious.
What Conclusion?
That's the story. As for the
moral, it’s like one of La Fon
taine’s fables, from which any
number of conclusions can be
You can interpret it as prov
ing “you can’t buck the govern
ment.” I prefer to think it
shows that nothing is gained by
Anyway it’s a sad story, and
will be tragic if the boy dies. I
chose to write about it rather
than quote what Norman Thom
as and Charles McNary said
about the “Roosevelt dictator
bill” because Illinois is a long
way from Oregon and most of
the newspapers around here
won’t have room to give the
draft story a big play.
McNary and Thomas, togeth
er with Hanford MacNider,
former United States minister
to Canada, opposed the so-called
lend-lcase bill in their testi
mony yesterday.
To Make Attack
Today Lindbergh and General
Johnson take the witness stand
and are expected to make a
blistering attack on the contro
versial bill, which practically
calls upon congress to abdicate.
Italy’s Libyan base of Tobruk
yesterday fell before a furious
assault by Australian shock
troops. It was just 17 days after
the fall of Bardia, first Italian
fortress in Africa to be knocked
off by the British.
A condition of “anarchy” still
reigned in Rumania, with the
Iron Guard, a fascist group,
claiming control of Bucharest
and the overthrow of Premier
Antonescu. One thousand are
said to have been killed in the
fighting, which continues.
A sad world, my friends . . .
Campus Calendar
Amphibians will entertain girls
from University high school to
night with a swimming party at
7:30 at the Gerlinger hall pool.
Absent club members will be fined
25 cents. Those who have not yet
paid their dues are asked to bring
Kwama and Skull and Dagger
will hold a joint meeting tonight
at 7 above the College Side.
Alpha Delta Sigma will meet at
4 o'clock this afternoon in room
102 journalism.
All Joe College and Betty Coed
candidates are asked to be at Ger
linger hall at 4:20 o'clock this af
ternoon, wearing campus clothes.
Girls of Bowling Green (Ohio)
State university pay 16 cents for
a full dinner, boys pay 19 cents.
The Upsweep
and the
When he takes you danc
ing, he’ll be proud of your
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The front upsweep will
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Manicure .50c
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Shampoo and Finger
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dry. We believe that you will be con
Eugene Laundry — Bandbox Cleaners
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