Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 22, 1941, Page Four, Image 4

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Miller to Explain
Government Man
To Tell of 20 Years
Living in Germany
Home from the somber streets
of Nazi-dominated Berlin, Doug
las P. Miller will visit the Oregon
campus Friday to describe condi
tions in Germany and the status of
German-American diplomatic re
Miller, an nttache of the United
States bureau of foreign and do
mestic commerce, will address an
11 o’clock assembly in Gerlinger
Class Changes
Friday 11 o’clocks will meet
Thursday at 11 to accommodate
the speaker, Dean Kail W. On
thank announced.
The speaker has spent most of
the last 20 years in Germany. In
1920 he helped repatriate war pris
oners at Stettin. After short pe
riods as an exporter in London
and as an industrial chemist, Mil
ler entered the commercial bureau
in Washington, specializing in the
western European division.
On Denver U Staff
Tn 1924 he was appointed trade
commissioner to Berlin and has
served most of the last 10 years
in this post.
At present a member of the staff
of the endowed Institute of Inter
national Relations at Denver uni
versity, Miller has had an exten
sive education. He received a mas
ter’s degree at Denver and spent
a year at Oxford as a Rhodes
scholar, receiving a bachelor of
jurisprudence degree.
During World War T, he worked
in Mesopotamia and eastern Si
UO Band Named
(Continued from pane one)
onstrates this feat in Hay’s "Jungle
Jive" creation.
“We think this All-University
band is the musical discovery of
the year," summed up Cloud, “and
will work in perfectly with our
Joe College theme. They have
already worked up one rah-rah
novelty featuring the drummer,
Ted Halloek, who is, according to
Crosby’s great drummer Hay Bau- <
due: “a solid sender.”
All candidates for the title of
the typical sophomore Joe College
and Betty Coed will appear before
the elimination committee at 4 :30
Thursday in Gerlinger, according
to Nancy Riesch, chairman of the
contest. All aspirants for the title
of Oregon's ideal couple will be
contacted individually about the
Campus Calendar
Frnsli commission members o1
the “Y” elect officers at the bun
galow at 8 p.m.
The YMCA student executive
committee convenes at 9 o’clock
tonight. Each officer will give de
tails on his year’s plan for “Y"
The YM-YVV Bible study group
meets at 4 p.m. today with Dr.
James R. Eranton leading on the
topic, "How We dot the New Tes
Master Dance will have its reg
ular meeting tonight at 7:30. All
junior and senior members please
be present.
The Propeller club will meet at
7:30 tonight in 20G Chapman. Mov
ing pictures of the South Seas will
be shown, and a short business
meeting will be held.
Sigma Delta Psl, men’s physi
cal ed honorary, will meet at 7
o'clock tonight in room 101 PE.
Dinner meeting of Faculty club.
The annual dinner meeting of the
Faculty club will be held on Sat
urday evening, February 1, at
0:30. Members who are in good
standing as of December 31, 1940
will be guests of the club.
Order of the “O” meeting at
Delta Upsilon house this noon.
Library Announces
Additional Papers
Because of student requests for
the Chicago Daily News and the
Ran Francisco Chronicle, the Uni
versity library is subscribing to
these two newspapers. Current
issues may be found daily in the
newspaper room.
The Carlton News and Cave
Junction Illinois Valley News are
two Oregon newspapers which
have been recently added to the
neswpaper room.
Sigma Chis Trounce
(Continued from pane three)
Substitutions: Phi Rigs, J. Crock
er 2.
Gumma Hall I*. E. Club
C Reich 2 .RF. D. Mabee
L>. Lev’tte 2 RF 7 N. Walker
T. Brownhlll 2 C.10 N Conaway
J. Mac Dougal ..LG. 2 A. Ager
N. Notos 2 .RG. 2 K. King
Substitiutions: Gamma H. Is
onaga.; P. E. Club R. Marshall 4,
C, Warner, J. Vitti, J. Jarross 4,
Hallenbeck 5,
Kirkwood Co-op Sigma Phi Ep
R. Adams 4 .. RF.4 R. Lowe
J. Hoover 4 .LF. .2 H. Wil’mson
A. Samples 6. C 10 M. Saloman
R. Braytoon 4 RG OR. Walker
C. Hilliway 2 LO A. Beckatrom
Substitutions: Kirkwood J. Yo
akum 8; Sig Ep L. Reynolds, H.
Set More <W 'f, 5"
Sports, Work, SociaLife
Chew Delicious
_and women every
■ §
^ _ „verywhere
and women eveiy
% *S5z :?:vtn.uwX^
SSS&Sp ^ull0WenioSin,
pe”'-^ “A'!!* r; W*h •>>l»c,"'e A,dS V“
ssS”"-'-" “::
^Po^at^BUMlNT GUM » ««**
Representation in the lower house of Congress will undergo quite a e hange as a result of new population figures released
sus. Ten states will lose representatives, most o'f these being east of t he Mississippi, and seven will gain representation,
only state in the Union gaining more than one member in the house —showing an inerease equivalent to three members,
membership for the United States at 435.
on the 15)40 een
California is the
Law keeps total
'Little Colonel'
Selections Due
House Candidates
Asked for Before
First of February
Women's living organizations
are requested by the military de
partment to choose their candi
date for Little Colonel before Feb
ruary 1 so that careful considera
tion may be given to each contest
ant before the military ball is
scheduled for February 22 in Mc
Arthur court.
The Little Colonel will be select
ed by popular vote at the dance, a
formal sponsored annually by the
Oregon chapter of Scabbard and
Blade, national military honorary,
it was announced Monday by Ehle
Reber, chairman of the selection
committee. The ballots are to be
counted by members of the mili
tary staff and their assistants, it
was reported.
In addition to the honorary
rank conferred upon the contest
winner, four additional girls will
be selected who will act as staff
to the Little Colonel. The girls
placing first and second in the
election will be ranked as Majors
while the remaining two staff
members will be ranked as honor
arly Captains, Reber asserted.
Candidates for Little Colonel
and staff members must be chosen
from the sophomore, junior, and
senior classes, according to Fred
Fillers, general chairman of the i
military ball.
Symposium Team
Sneaks to Kiwanis
On Coed Vocations
Elva Jane South and Jane j
Hooker, members of the Univer- j
sity women's symposium team, de- j
dared in a demonstration sympo
sium before the Eugene Kiwanis
dub Monday noon, that 90 per !
cent of ttie college women of the j
country end up as home makers.
“Education for women should
be functional, with emphasis on :
home-making, not encouraging ca-1
Dad's Day Doings
You know your heart belongs to
daddy. Then why not take Dads’
Weekend as a chance to get ac
quainted with him again for
awhile? Just those short letters
you send him, telling him that you
were appointed to a committee and
that you’re running out of money
aren’t as much as he deserves.
He’ll get just as much kick out
of swinging along through those
new gates, seeing the basketball
game, and having pretty coeds
surround him at dinner as he
would at one of his business con
Take Him Around
Tf he hasn’t been here before
he’ll just eat up your descriptions
of everything, and he’ll love the
sight-seeing tours you take to
gether. He’d probably like to meet
some of the professors, too.
If he’s an alum he’ll like the
campus even more. He’ll look
longingly at the old bench by the
mill stream where he kissed that
pretty coed, your mother. He’ll see
Friendly and Villard, and remem
ber the first sharpenings of his
craving for knowledge—the glor
ious pursuit of it.
A group of students have had
their picture taken this week for
Oregon newspapers, advertising
Dads’ day. They are sons of au
thors and publishers, of people in
the newspaper or writing game
who look back to Oregon as their
training ground. They include
Lora Case, daughter of Robert
Ormond Case, Oregon author; Ep
Hoyt, son of Palmer Hoyt, publish
er of The Oregonian; Betty Jane
Biggs, daughter of Claude Biggs,
publisher of the Yuba City Herald,
and Adele Say, daughter of Harold
B. Say, director of travel and pub
licity for Oregon.
Newspapers, letters, telegrams,
everything will be used to urge the
dads to come to see what their
sons and daughters, these proto
types of themselves, are doing at
reers,” Miss South said. “At the
present time our educational sys
tem does exactly the opposite,’’
she added, “and unless some sort ,
of emphasis is made to strengthen
women’s education along this line,
the results will be disastrous."
Eat Fresh
t«y our Fresh
You’ll like Sally Ann’s
fresh pastries, carefully
made just like home
made goods. The same
e a r e f u 1 preparation
goes into the baking of
Sally Ann’s pastries and
broad as goes into the
cooking of anything
your Mother does.
Sally Ann’s Bakery
691 High St. Phone 283
Record Broadcast
Set by UO Students
"The Story of Coins” will be
presented to radio listeners to
morrow evening- at 7:30 over ra
dio station KOAC by the largest
cast of University students ever
to step before the microphone, ac
cording to Radio Director Don E.
Hargis, who is in charge of pro
The script for the program which
originated in NBC studios in New
York City is a chapter in the se
ries of programs entitled "Our
Wonder World.” These dramatized
episodes are centered about ob
jects and collections of the
Smithsonian Institution.
History of IVIoney
Six coins have been selected to
represent the history of money.
Scenes are presented to illustrate
the background and evolution of
the selected coins.
Marvin Jones, Don Moss, and
Jim Davidson are cast in leading
1 f You 're Gett ing
Poor Mileage
Poor Performance
Let Us
Check your car
Clark Battery &
Electric Co.
1042 Oak
Phone 80
roles in this week's production.
They will be supported by mem
bers of the radio production group.
Bill Mudd will act as program
Birth of Dollar
Besides the birth of the Ameri
can dollar, which centered around
the objection concerning the eagle
and its place on the coin of a de
mocracy, the story of the guinea,
florin, denier, and the coins of
Aurelius, and Alexander the Great
are depicted.
Palmolive Soap .5c
50c Lyon’s Tooth
Powder .33c
50c Barbasol .31c
50c Lucky Tiger
Hair Tonic .39c
500 Facial Tissues.19c
75 Modess Napkins
Jr. .. $1.00
When in Need of
Toiletries or Remedies
Think of
1016 Willamette
Next door to McDonald
Phone 2 We Deliver
‘‘Better than a Letter!” . . .
Send the
Oregon If Emerald
Only .
for balance
of term
$2 for Re.st of Year
Phone 3300 - 354
Pasting To Occupy
Oragana Editors
“We’re going to have to finish
about a third of the book in the
next three clays,” stated Wilbur
Bishop, Oregana editor, yesterday.
■'AH the color ropy has been run
for the senior and activities sec
tions but we’re all going to be pret
ty busy meeting a Friday dead
line,” he continued.
The main business at hand now,
according to Bishop, is pasting the
3,000 organization pictures into
panel form—and checking names.
"We have a good motto to go with
our present job—‘When in doubt,
don't guess, find out’,” he declared.
Two more men have pledged
fraternities recently, the dean of
men’s office reports. Ray E. Stew
art of Eugene pledged Sigma Al
pla Epsilon and James Higgins,
Piedmont, Cal., plecfged Kappa
Ski Club Launches
New Outing Series
University Ski club member?!
held their first outing of the sea
son Sunday at Hoodoo bowl, as a
prelude to their membership drive,
Neil Farnham. president, an
nounced yesterday.
As announced at their initial
meeting last Thursday, transporta
tion to skiing areas at nominal
rates will be available to club
members on alternate Sundays.
Several weekend trips will also
be sponsored by the group this sea
son, Farnham stated.
Regular meetings are scheduled
for alternate Thursday evenings,
and will feature speakers, motion
plans for outings and other ac
Membership fees are fiO cents,
and cards may be purchased from
President Farnham, Adele Canada,
vice-president, Corine Lamon, sec
retary-treasurer, or from Bill Ire
land's Campus shop.
Go Skiing
This Sunday
bv Greyhound Stages to
Hoo Doo on Santiam Pass
Round Trip .... $2.1 5
Make reservations NOW at TTendershotts. Phone U>1.
We handle a complete line of skis and ski equip
ment. We sell Jantzen Ski Sweaters and white Stag
Ski Clothing.
Phone 151 Phone 151
Oregon If Emerald
Classified Ads
Phone 3300—354
Room 5, Journalism Bldg.
Ten words minimum accepted.
First insertion 2c per word.
Subsequent insertions lc per word.
Flat rate 37c column inch.
Frequency rate (entire term) :
35c per column inch one time week.
34c per column inch twice or more a
Ads will be taken over the telephone on a 1
charge basis if the advertiser is a sub
scriber to the phone.
Mailed advertisements must have sufficient
remittance enclosed to cover definite
number of insertions.
Ads must be in Emerald business office no
later than 6 p.m. prior to the day of in
• Found
Found: at Depot, foot of Diver
sity street
4 Shakespeare
1 Geometry
2 Military Science
1 Essay
3 Prose
2 Social Science
2 Hstory of Europe
1 English Poets
3 Composition
1 Physics
1 Psychology
1 Reporting
1 Economics
2 French History
3 German
1 Outline English Literature
3 Literature
5 Looseleaf Notebooks
10 Notebooks
1 Sociology
2 Accounting
1 Business Correspondence
1 Cigarette Lighter
4 Hats
3 Large Kerchiefs
2 Strings of Pearls
2 rings
3 purses
1 slide rule
8 pens
5 eversharps
1 debate pin
1 pledge pin
1 key
1 pipe
1 jacket
1 slicker
3 raincoats
1 white uniform
• For Rent
Share front room and studio with
2 men. Ideal for architecture
students. 935"Patterson, call af
ter five. $8.
• Found
Silver rosary, green case, in chem
istry lab. Journalism. Owner
may have same at Room 5, Jour
nalism by paying for this ad.
Comes Knocking
Anything You Desire ..
Oregon H'Emehald
Call 3300 - 354
or Bring Them
Rm. 5, Journalism