Advertisers Honor Franklin's Birthday The birthday of Benjamin Frank lin wan c’SmmemoratPd Friday at a Umclieon given by Alpha Delta Sigma, national men’s advertising honorary. Robert O. Hall, assistant professor of journalism, spoke on the outstanding part Franklin played in the beginnings of adver tising. Bob Rogers reported on the na tional convention of ADS which is held at the University of Oregon April 2.r>, 20, and 27. A plan of procedure was submitted by Rog ers and approved. The meeting was attended by students and town members of the honorary. George Luoma, presi dent, acted as toastmaster. Emerald Business Office Staff Meets To Plan Term Work Eileen Millard, newly appointed office manager of (he Emerald business department, field a meet ing of her staff yesterday after noon to discuss organization of work for this term. A sophomore in arts anil letters from Camas, Washington, Miss Millard succeeded Janet Farnham, 1 sophomore in journalism from ’Bend, who resigned from the post - of office manager lo take part in local advertising. Duties of the position include supervision of correspondence, charts, supplies, and advertising, newspaper, and mat files. Her staff includes Jean Gallo, Genevieve Graves, Helen Flynn, Louella Mul len, Mildred Meaney, Zolo Dyke man, Anita Simons, Lee Barlow and Pat Woods. Sigma Xi Lecture Scheduled Tuesday “Primitive Messiahs” will be the title of a Sigma Xi lecture to be presented by Dr. Homer Barnett, , acting head of the anthropology de partment, next Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock in 207 Chapman. Dr Barnett will discuss the fre quent rise, in primitive societies, of prophets who claim to have died -and then come back to life with the mission of reforming the native population. Tn his speech Dr. Bar nett will cite some instances and places in which messiahs of this type have occurred'. The meet ing is open to the general public. National Champs (Continued from page three) case of early season weight wor ries—the reason, Marty Shedler, only experienced 135-pouncTer on the squad. Shedler is 7 pounds over the weight limit and is in fairly trim condition. Heath Shows Well According to Assistant Coach Pete Riley the only bright spot in sight i.^ Willy Heath. Riley credits Heath with a hard punch, good co-ordination, and an undeniable aggressiveness. “However,” said Riley, “Heath is green and it will take a lot of hard, exacting work to get him ready for varsity com petition should Shedler fail to make his weight.” Riley, who also holds down the welterweight slot, has been nurs ing a strained back for the past few days. He was hurt during a donut wrestling match early this week. You had better pre pare for the bal ance of the winter social season now. There will he many more formals, and you will want your formal clothes to he in the best of con dition. Call us today. PHONE 252 Superior Work and Service—We Prove It Domestic Laundry and Courtesy Cleaners 121 W. 7th Phone 252 By MARY' ANN CAMPBELL Mayflower -Bud Abbott and Lou Costello frisk through “One Night in the Tropics,” current fare at the Mayflower, with all the possible vaudeville tricks on the docket. They are the sole excuse for the show, which is wrapped around an anemic plot concerning a high pressure in surance salesman who sells his best friends a $1,000,000 policy to guarantee his marriage. Of course, the salesman then proceeds to fall in love with his client's fiancee. The scene shifts to a West Indian island for a happy ending. Allan Jones, Nance Kelly, Robert Cummings, and Peggy Moran struggle val iantly with the story, but said tale simply refuses to cooper ate and give these experienced people all the backing they de serve. This has been done be fore, and better. Abbot and Cos tello provide ALL the fun! McDonald Edward G. Robin son as Julius Reuters heads the cast of “A Dispatch from Reu ters,” with generous aid and support rendered by Edna Best as his wife and Gene Lockhart as the Aachen banker. The ac tual story of how the London news agency was founded is in teresting, but Warner Broth ers felt they had to make it match such epics as “Dr. Er lich’s Magic Bullet" or “Edison, the Man.” It was a noble idea, but they let the play get noble too, which was not. From the meagre beginnings of sending stock quotations by means of carrier pigeons, through Reu ters’ handling of quickening schedules and his selling of his wire service until Reuters fin ally became a great news agen cy, the stuff is there, but it is all so surrounded by the noble, little wife Standing By Her Husband Through His Adverse Fortunes, and Reuters’ noble statements that he is trying to make his agency a going con cern only in order to "make the world smaller,” that little of the original vitality of the plot seeps through. “Haunted Honeymoon” lis merely a sort of field day for Robert Montgomery in another Picadilly Jim role, this time la beled Lord Peter Whimsey, to be amusing and clever and solve a murder. Lord Peter is famil iar to readers of Dorothy L. Sayer’s works, and he will not disappoint his public. This time he is on honeymoon with his bi'ide, Harriet Vane, (Con HE'S ONLY FOOLIN' One flying cadet playfully “draws a head” on a fellow flyer at maneuvers over Uandolph field, Texas. After a 10-weeks’ course at Uandolph, cadets go to Kelly field for final training before receiving com missions as second lieutenants in the army air corps. Military Honorary Plans Snow Outing, Sullivan Announces Scabbard and Blade, men's mili tary honorary, plan a snow outing to the snow line Sunday, January 2G, according to Lloyd Sullivan, captain of the organization. Cam eraman Paris Emery of Vancou ver will take a Universal newsreel of ski patrols in the snow. Fred Waller and Bob Rogers are on the committee arranging the trip. stance Cummings to you fan magazine readers) a mystery novelist he once rescued from a murder charge. They are staying at a cottage in some nice peaceful English country side (it’s rather pleasant to see the English countryside so calm after viewing the news reels) and run across a body in the cellar. With aplomb and ease, Lord Peter lets himself be dragged into solving the mur der which he does neatly, and then he and his frail pick up their respective bonnets and shawls and flit off to finish their honeymoon whore things are a little less homicidal. Hollander Writes Fact Letter Uncensored By MABY WOf.F A letter from Amsterdam—un censored by nazis, arrived in Eu gene a few days ago. It was re ceived by Dr. and Mrs. Quirinus Breen, assistant professor of so cial science and history. Coming' to the United States by way of Siberia, the letter escaped the Nazi blue pencil and arrived in Eugene without a single “ver boten.” The nazi spy system is very ef fective, so effective that Holland ers fear to trust even their best friends. According to the let ter no one is allowed to listen to any other than German radio broadcasts. If caught, a person may be fined $10,0(H) or sent to prison for two years. Huns, as the people of the canal country call the hated Germans, have taken over all the gasoline, so there is no transportation on the highways. As for actual living conditions, the Hollanders write that it is well-nigh impossible to obtain meat and fat. People were used to having dairy products but cheese, eggs, ami milk now are sent into Germany. Beginning: in November they also took butterfat from the milk and used it to make explo sives. Pogrom Exported Tndieations of the beginning of a Jewish purge in Holland are also evident in the letter, which gives the information that the Dutch must fill out questionnaires stat ing whether or not there is any Jewish blood in their families. Very few letters are received uncensored from any place in Eu rope. Some Americans are said to have attempted in June to find out what happened to friends in Rotterdam during tho siege on that city. They sent a cablegram costing $45 with the same amount for a reply. All they received in return was another cablegram say ing merely, “Heil Hitler.” Link Receives Post Gordon Link, graduate assistant in psychology, has left the Univer sity for a position in Portland. He is now in charge of the statistical office of the Farm Security ad ministration in the Terminal Sales building. From the Pulpit By RUBY JACKSON Contra! Presbyterian Dick Thomas will load a dis ! mission oil "Personal Religion" at Westminster house at 9:45 a. rn. Surjday. A social tea at (1 p. m. will be followed by a forum led by Don Hunter on "Rising Above the Commonplace.” Slides will be used to illustrate the topic. Westminster drama club will present its current production, j "One Christmas Eve,” at Walter i ville at 8:15 p. m. Dr. Norman K. Tully will speak on "The Church in Ancient Times” at morning service. His topic for the evening service at 7:30 is "The Reasonableness of Jesus.” St. Mary’s Episcopal Bishop Benjamin D. Dagwell, visiting Eugene this weekend, is to speak at 11 a. m. communion service. Tiie regular student com munion and breakfast will be held at 8 a. m. . I Rev. E. S. Bartlam will address Canterbury club which meets from 5 to 7:15 p. m. on “How We Got Our Bible.” Baptist An exchange program with the Corvallis Young People’s group will be featured at the student! meeting at 6:30 p. m. in the C. O. j S. room. Student Bible class meets I at 9:45 a. m. Dr. C. L. Trawin will preach at morning service on "Fools—With and Without Christ.” For evening service at 7:30 his sermon topic is "Jonah — God's Sign for This Age.” Congregational Kenneth Lodew’ich is in charge of chapel service for the Plymouth club, which meets at 6:30 p. m. Ralph Harlow will review a book, “The Faith We Live." Les Ready wall sing "The Holy City” at 11 o'clock morning ser vice. “As A Man Thinketh in His Heart" will be Reverend Williston Wirt’s sermon topic. First Christian Student Bible class under the leadership of Dean Victor P. Mor ris meets at 9:45 a. m. and Chris tian Endeavor at 6:15 p. m. Walter G. Menzies, recently re turned from India, will speak at 7:30 p. m. on missionary work in India. At morning service Dr. Childer’s sermon topic will be “Paul’s Desire for Us.” Lutheran Senior Luther league will meet at 7 p. m. under the presidency of Helen Luvaas. Morning service is at 11, with Rev. P. J. Luvaas speaking on "Jesus in the Home.” St. Mary’s Catholic Mass and breakfast will be held at 9:30 in Gerlinger hall for stu dents. Other masses at 7, 8:30, and 10:30 a. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist Services will be held at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. The lesson sermon This hool: TOBACCOLAND *U* S *A gives thousands of smokers like yourself the facts about tobacco and... ★ MILDER, BETTER TASTE Copt. JOHN M. MILLER,America's No. 1 autogiro pilot and pioneer of the world's only wingless mail plane route between Camden, N. J. and the Philadelphia Post Office, is shown here enjoying Chesterfield's new interesting book "TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A." lo the keen interest of the thousands of men and women who visit our Chesterfield factories, we owe the idea of publishing the book, "TOBACCOLAND, U. S. A.” It is a comprehensive picture story about the growing, curing and processing of tobacco, telling you why Chester fields are milder, cooler-smoking and BETTER-TASTING. He are proud of the hundreds of letters from smokers like yourself who have seen “TODAC• COl.AND, U. s. A." Many have asked us to send copies to their friends. H e would take pleasure in sending you a copy—just mail your request to Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., 630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. ) . Copyright 1441, Liccbtt & Miu« Tobacco Co. topic for this v/pek is “Life.” Methodist TiiP annual winter concert of the Methodist choir will he presented at 8 p. m. Preceding this, the Wesley foundation will meet at 7 to continue the study commissions as organized by Bishop Bruce R. Baxter last week. At 9:30 a. m. the student Quest group meets in Wesley chapel. Dr. B. Earle Parker will preach on “The Sheet Anchor” at morn ing service. Rev. Charles E. Funk, Wesley foundation director, will entertain 10 students at his home Sunday afternoon, the purpose of the meetings being to get students and community leaders acquainted. The YMOA is sponsoring the Foreign Periodicals Show 20 Per Cent Decline, Warren Says ^ "We are receiving only about 20 per cent of the foreign periodicals that we were receiving last May, ' W. C. Warren, periodical librarian, said Friday. There have been no French nr Italian periodicals since the occu pation of France last June, War ren said, and although German pe riodicals have been delayed, at least 50 per cent are coming through. The library is also get ting a few Dutch and Scandinav ian periodicals. Most notable, however, is the in crease in South American exchang es, Warren said. Relations with South American colleges and uni versities are growing rapidly, he said, if these periodicals furnish any indication. meeting as a part ul' a series, with ^ Dan Bacot in charge. ’ll Girls., a >®\ 9G1 Willamette Plione SSI >• Our years of experience in serving Oregon women liave taught us just what you want. For a hair-do 1 hat will he dis tinctive. come ill and see us today. BGflUTY SflLOn LIKE THE AIRPLANE THE TYPEWRITER IS HERE TO STAY PE MODERN—TYPE YOUR PAPERS . . . RENT A TYPEWRITER—PITT IT TO WORK. Rent or Buy ... $3 Per Month OFFICE MACHINERY & SUPPLY CO. 30 East lllh Phone 148 This CLASSIFIED Brought Results! • For Sale ’27 MODEL T Tudor Sedan. S12, New Battery. Good Rubber. See it at 1630 Patterson St. This ear, advertised in yesterday’s OREGON DAILY EMERALD, was sold by 10 A. M. yesterday. The advertiser received pip-lit replies by noon. USE TIIE Oregon Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Classified Ads Phone 3300—354 Room 5, Journalism Bldg. READER ADS Ten words minimum accepted. First insertion 2c per word. Subsequent insertions lc per word. DISPLAY ADS Flat rate 37c column inch. Frequency rate (entire term) : 35c per column inch one time week 34c per column inch twice or more a Ads must be in Emerald business office no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day of in sertion. • Specialist CHAN CHEW (CHINESE HERB CO. Herb Specialist. Definite » relief against all diseases » and chronic male fe male and children ail ments. 30 vr. experience k Price reasonable Free ■^information. Hours 10 a. I n. to 6 p.m. wkdays. Sun. 10-2. 935 Oak CASH ROLLS IN iTS from EMERALD s WANT ADS For Extra Money Phone. Mail or Brin" Them to uregdn® Emerald Phone 3300—354 Room 5, Journalism