Duck Tracks By KEN CHRISTIANSON, Co-Editor of Sports The only sports Buck Berry hasn’t gone out for thus far on the Oregon campus are swimming, wrestling, skiing, and a couple of spring sports. Berry is the most versatile athlete to enroll at Oregon during recent years. He play ed a couple of years alternating as regu'ar on the football team, led the northern division at the plate in baseball, toss es a lot of leather as a heavyweight, and now flips a basket ball. Hobby Hobson said, “Berry cou’d play 60 minutes of foot ball, come out on the floor and play basketball as well as any one else out here.’’ He’s in that good condition. Condition Among Wrestlers ^ Speaking of condition, Tex Oliver and Lloyd Koehler, No. 1 assistant, have been working patient'y with the wrestling team and this year may be the first in modern history that the Web foot grapplers are in some sort of shape. Not that the other Duck aggregations have been flabby, but when it comes to staying five or six minutes with the OSC Beavers—they just haven’t had it. Koehler does much of the actual coaching of the turnout and doesn’t fear to go two or three minutes with each mem ber of the team every night! He formerly went to Colorado and wrestled there. Koehler has gone to the semi-finals of the national AAU meet where he was bounced by a mem ber of the Oklahoma A and M squad—the team which has won the national collegiate so often that it’s a major news event when it misses. Oregon was none too impressive last year against Oregon State. Scores often times ran around 30 to 0, but this is no ^ reflection on Erie Waldorf, coach then and present head man at Jefferson high in Portland. Waldorf is one of the game’s best fundamentalists—both in football and wrestling which were his strong points at Washington State. It was simply a matter of condition which is being remedied. The Webfoots are not lacking in material. Hal Kaschko, Ray Poster, and iviort lvlyers number among the holdovers. Hal Schluter, Bob Still, Stan Watt, and Floyd Rhea add to the team. Rhea is the huge guard from Fullerton jaysee of whom the comment was made, “he’s got the biggest legs in organized football. ’ ’ Rhea weighs 230 or 240, so if he settles on an opponent, then God help the underdog. Oregon State, as usual, is the traditional opponent, although several other good teams are booked. Other teams docketed are Washington, Idaho, and Washington State. Hoymans Aquacade—Minus Gals “>s\vimniiiig previews ana reviews ot Oregon lor 1941 —man aged by Alike Hoyman—will be given today in the men’s pool. It s ttie first, ol three intersquad meets before the varsity tangles with Oregon State, and the frosh try to dunk the rooks. Iloy man is testing the merit of his men in this fashion, by match ^ ing the varsity against the frosh. It isn t that he docsn t know what they can do, but lie wants to test them under the fire of competition. Meet starts at 3 p. m. Hoyman picks the frosh to e'ean up the water in first places in the freestyle events—naturally Jack Dallas and Sherm Wetmore are the next thing to unbeatable in the breast stroke and the backstroke. But the meet will prob ably go to varsity. It’ll be the first appearance of a Hoy man coached swimming team at Oregon since 1938. Prior to that time, Mike turned out championship teams with the regularity with which a skilled lathe worker turns out a piece of steel. Mecham Says, "I Do" Once again the Oregon grid team has a married member. It’s Curt Mecham, fleet halfback who boots those lofty punts with his left foot. And Mecham's No. I rooter is the blonde girl friend back home in Bakersfield. Curt says he went to jaysee with her and that’s where the interest started. Len 1s ^ berg, another halfback, was the sole Duek who had said “I do’’ last year. Mecham went, through the matrimonial tape during the Christmas holidays but lias been reticent about Airs. Mecham. LOOKING UP Definitely looking up. Mere ‘he Wehfoots' hopes of a Northern Di vision title as they trounced the favored Beaver batkcteeis in a red i,~.+ e+i,, r.w-»n'a lit* riiiht. Waryts la ’.:r, larlr* I*xU for ward prctmt4 abo.fc, u 4 *oo