Emerald The Oregon J)ai 1 y Emerald, published daily during the college year except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, and final examination periods by the Associated Students, University of Oregon. Subscription rates: 51.25 per term and $3.00 per year. Entered as second class matter at the postoffice, Eugene, Oregon. Represented tor national advertising by NATIONAL ADVERTISING SERVICE, INC., college publishers’ representative, 420 Madison Ave., New York—Chicago— Bos ton—Los Angeles - San Francisco—Portland and Seattle. LYLE M. NELSON, Editor JAMES W. FROST, Business Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Hal Olney, Helen Angcll Jimmie Leonard, Managing Editor Kent Stitzer, News Editor Fred May, Advertising Manager Bob Rogers, National Advertising Mgr. Editorial Hoard: Roy Vernstrom, Pat Erickson, Helen Angell, Harold Olncy, Kent Stitzer, Timmie Leonard, and Professor George Turnbull, adviser. Ediiunal and Business Offices located on ground floor of Journalism building. Phones 3300 Extension: 382 Editor; 353 News Office; 359 Sports Office; and 354 Business Offices. Pat Erickson, Women's Editor Ted Kenyon, Photo Editor Boh Falvelle, Co-Sports Editor Ken Christianson, Co-Sports Editor UPPER NEWS STAFF Wes Sullivan, Ass’t News Editor Betty Jane Biggs, Ass’t News Editor Ray Schrick, Ass’t Manag ing Editor Tom Wright, Ass’t Manag ing Editor Corrinc Wignes, Executive Secretary Johnnie Kahananni, Feature Editor UPPER BUSINESS STAFF Anita iiackberg, Classified Advertising Manager Ron Alpaugh, Layout Production Man ager iiill Wallan, Circulation Manager Emerson Page, Promotion Director Eileen Millard, Office Manager Defenders of Democracy’ Whoever thought up the name for the newest national student organization, “Student Defenders of Democracy,” deserves a great deal of credit for formulating a catchy ■phrase — one which packs an emotional punch sufficient to get most students. The “Defenders of Democracy” arc a group of student leaders throughout the nation who “used the occasion afford ed by the Christmas holidays to meet and discuss methods of coordinating the work and activities of student groups and individual students who recognize the urgency and need of aid to all forces resisting aggression.” The list of students endorsing the program is not overly lengthy or impressive. It does include, however, representa tives of many of the Eastern and Midwestern colleges and Universities. Briefly, Ihe organization favors, with only minor excep tions, President Roosevelt's foreign policy. Its leaders prom ise support to that policy and denounce those who “urge a shameful peace with the aggressors.” The organization claims to represent the “great” majority of students in American colleges and Universities. It urges these students to sign their names to the platform presented. This will be sent to the President and congress indicating that students are whole heartedly in favor of his policy. We cannot agree with the organization and its program. In the first place the entire program is full of meaningless, high-sounding phrases which actually prove nothing. No at tempt is made to present facts or to reason the thing out. The appeal is upon an emotional ground. In the second place the material comes to the Emerald via Air Mail and Special Delivery (4*’c). Wlujre is this money coming from? Further, the material to the Emerald comes in the same manner as the pre-election Democratic party news. The envelopes are addressed in the same manner and to the same people. Thirdly, it can be doubted if this organization actually re presents the opinions of the “majority” of college students. Until more definite proof is forthcoming on the nature and backers of the organization, until a clearer program is out lined, this paper cannot endorse the program. Not From the Fountain, Please Whenever a visitor hits the campus one of the first things he comments upon is the number of dogs. And truly one may see “purps” of all sizes and descriptions in a ten minute stroll around the campus. We like dogs. They are wonderful pets. Probably they give Oregon an attraction that would be lacking without them. And yet, at times, we can see an undesirable side to having the campus overrun with dogs. For instance, the other day we saw a huge great dane calmly taking a drink from a foun tain in one of tin; campus buildings while a student obliging ly turned the water on for him. And we've seen the same thing happen a number of other times. Now we trust that none will criticize us very severely if we say that we aren t loud of drinking after a dog no matter how nice the dog is. Dogs, like most other things, are swell —in their proper place. Hut we don’t care to drink from the same fountain with them. Three obvious solutions to the problem present themselves at once. The first one is, got t id of the dogs. Hut -we like the dogs and don't wish to do that. The second is to m some way to protect the fountains so that the dogs can't get at them. Hut when some of the dogs on the campus are the size _of a baby elephant that too might he rather difficult. No, tlie only plausible solution of the problem seems to be to muzzle the dogs. That may seem rather mean and if any one else ran suggest a more humane solution, which is plaus ible, we would be grateful. Perhaps in the ease of some of the smaller dogs it would be unnecessary since they couldn't reach the fountain anyway. Hut certainly the larger dogs should be muzzled to prevent such occurences as we witnessed the other day. _11. q Beside the Point Claud" lng dl-. editor of the Corvallis Gazette-Times, lui in the pa t, accused the Oregon campus of being a center of communistie activity. Perhaps Mr. Ingalls was referring to the tact that the campu.' politicians have been seeing “'red” lately. The reason an old maid never wears more than seven but tons on her blouse is. so we are told, because she eau't fi - ten-eight. We’d add .on;4. moi, )• this except iVr ;L v.'oaid V. -.id in ; :... Parade of Opinion By Associated Collegiate I'rcss FEED EUROPE? Britain’s recent thumbs-down on Amer ean proposals to feed Europe's hungry lias checked, but not stilled, the red-hot argument raging here. A representative statement of the case is found in the col umns of the Harvard Crimson. The Crimson holds that outside relief is urgently necessary. “The most promising proposal made so far,” continues the Crimson, “is that, of Herbert Hoover. Ilis idea is to let the occupied countries buy foodstuffs here with their liquid assets now in this coun try, and carry it home in their own ships. Added to this would be the food contributed by numerous charities. If at any time it, appeared that the food was going to Germany, the shipments could be halted immediately. Negotiations would have to be undertaken by the state department with British and German representatives, i'pon the shoulders of the recalcitrant party would rest the responsibility for what ever calamities may eventuate from a food less Europe.” A new and interesting slant is given by the i’rineetonian, which believes it would be to the advantage of this country to check famine in Europe. The Prineetonian reasons that “the revolution against Naziism on the continent must be waged by a powerful underground democratic movement organized and equipped by Britain and provisioned by Amer ica. Once the people of Europe who still cherish the ideals of freedom feel that behind them stand not only the armed might of Britain but the moral and material support of the United States, the fierce indignation which they must feel against their oppressors will be translated into positive ac tion. They will refuse to be crushed to earth, and united will resume the fight against uniformed men.” At the University of Wisconsin the Daily Cardinal adds its viewpoint, as follows: “Opponents of Mr. Hoover’s plan claim that by not allowing food to pass through the blockade, the danger of revolution would be increased and the cause of freedom helped that much more. However, the latter make two assumptions which may or may not be cor rect. They assume first that the subject people CAN revolt. The Nazi machine and Herr Himmler and his secret police are something the world has never seen before. Secondly, the opponent of Mr. Hoover’s plan has to assert that he, safe in a free country which would definitely suffer from a Nazi victory, can conscientiously require the innocent people in central Europe to die of starvation so that Hie form of gov ernment, 11111011 he thinks best may survive.” A contrasting view is expressed in the Washington univer sity Student Life: “It’s the old question of ends and means. Does the end—the salvation of British Democracy and thus the defeat of totalitarian anti-democracy, of the new revolu tion—-justify the means—the use of starvation as a part of economic warfare, as a legitimate weapon of modern war? Can we be callous and Jet children suffer while keeping alive the principles we cherish? Or should we be merciful, allow ing Hitler to keep the conquered nations in line, helping him in the race with time, possibly destroying all chance of free ing these same children from a lifetime of submission to the new master-race, and subjecting even more people (includ ing ourselves) to the iron rule?” It would appear from a survey of these and other editor ial opinions that the preponderance of America’s serious minded collegians believe there is an obligation to provide food, IF it can be established that such a show of mercy will not be turned to the military advantage of the Nazis. The Passing Parade By HUMBERT SEES AIX This week finds ol‘ Humbert in mourning—another swell gal goes out of circulation as Fifi Isolde Eichonlnub sports Bill MacOihbon’a maltose cross. . . Incidentally, the Pi Phis have more rocks than any other house on the campus at present • it' you don't believe it, just take a look at the VVPA project going on in their front yard. The Cossacks were wonder ful especially the boy in the front row with the slightly glorified shadow they say he can play baseball for the House of David if he wants to. Eadie Bush and Bill seemed to enjoy it the Russian boys certainly had a wonderful alto section - Bet those semi-sopranos didn't get those high voices eating birdseed Kay Diekson and Phyllis Sanders were eagerly at tentive most of the time—won der if Bay got any ideas for some snappy arrangements. . . . Don't forget to patronize the Theta house they give away S & H green stamps a 10-sec ond riddle what does I.ouise Cordon have to be so "cool" (that's the subtle way to say it) about—Theta Nancy Lat ourette is back in school this term—as is Alpha fee .lane Could— Do you have your date for the Senior Ball yet? Dates in the Kappa house arc now as scarce as t hi Psis with N. \ A. jobs . the next in line after the Crosby deal is the Soph Informal on the first of Feb ruary i Unless 07 more cases "f Acute Measles break out be tween now and then). . May have Wes Lang's band from Portland—Best in the west, the ruse city boys say. Humbert’s award for aalor. end ccofcei. under ::: for t .. v.ssl; goes to dim L, U \ _o did two things. (1.) Dated Dotty Havens, only one week and a half in advance, for his house dance, and (2) Kan up 69 free games on the marble board at the bookstore... .Tsk tsk— Lyle Nelson is a cagy ol’ fox —fearing a wrong-doing from one of columnist (?) Wright’s ugly moods—he waited until the day after the Emerald fold ed up for fall term, then plant ed his Signal Delta ('hi pin on Reedport's gift to the Emerald shack, C’orrine Wignes. No-no, a thousand times no — Jack Lansing did not trans plant any pin on any Theta he is permanently entrenhed in the Gamma Phi house—his frater nity brothers just played a hoomerus prank on him... .Who was the red-haired ball of fire out with Beverly Tobin Satur day night at the park? Beverly, incidentally, misses a eoupla fu ture dates for ditching t lie Nickel hop customers for Thct aki Jim MaeBurney. Confine your curiosity down to Wednesday and Friday mornings—the two mornings per week we'll drag in these quibblings —consolidated under the title of Passing Parade we hesitantly leave you Tom my's rot the other three g'by. J. C. Stovall to Speak On Pilot Instruction Jamc: C. Stovall, acting director of vilian pilot training lender the t' A A ( will explain and discuss the organization and scope of the pilot instruction course today in Condon hall. Students planning to enroll in the spring phase of the civilian pilot training class are asked to tie present and to bring their stu dent permits, it was announced. Advertising Banquet To Honor Franklin Alpha Delta tsigma, men's na tional advertising honorary, will meet at luncheon Friday noon in commemoration of the birthday of Benjamin Franklin, pioneer Ameri can advertising man. Professor Robert Hall, superintendent of the T ’ ’ t i'C«.. V i'J t, address on ths life of F rank.in. International Side Show By RIDGELY CUMMINGS All Japanese living in the United States and in British territory will soon be summon Cummings tu numc, uuc m Japan’s numer ous patriotic so cieties has its way. The national service associa tion, which I don’t know but would guess from listening to Professor Noble's icvuuies is, equivalent to our Amer ican legion, has launched a move ment toi call back all Japanese res idents "because of increasing hos-. tility of the ‘British-American al liance’,” according to Domei, Jap anese news agency. Several months ago the state de partment called home American residents of Japan and Japanese controlled areas of China. There was quite a hue and cry raised at the time, with protests about ex cessive fares charged by the steamship companies, and then the affair faded out of the headlines. I presume lots of Americans came back, although there hasn't been much hullabaloo raised over their arrival. Two from Eugene, Robin Drews, formerly of the an thropology department and his wife Elizabeth, are still in Japan ese dominated reking, teaching school. Japanese Retaliate Japanese nationalists have been agitating ever since the state de partment's action for a recall of Nipponese, "in retaliation." Also from the Orient last night came word that Oregon-educated Yosuke Matsuoka, Japanese for eign minister who loves to taik, has made another speech. Japan is sending a new ambassa dor to Germany, a gentleman nam ed Lieutenat General Hiroshi Osh ima, and in a send-off oration Mat suoka told the general he expects him to strengthen Japan's rela tion with the Nazis. No Application Said Matsuoka: “Since practial application of the three-power al liance (between Japan, Germany, and Italy) is yet to be made, we will expect much from General Oshima's competent activities. When we consider the future of Germany in Europe and Japan in Asia we realize that our new am bassador’s reponsibilities will not be light.” That is mostly politician's talk for "goodbye and be a good boy,” but it is interesting that Matsuoka says the axis agreement has not yet been put into "practical appli cation.” When the Nipponese start getting “practical” about helping Germany we on the west coast can be glad the fleet's in the Pacific. Senior Boll Orchids SPECIAL PRICES! for this occasion Excellent colors and varieties in heavy supply from our own greenhouses. Chase Gardens 58 East Broadway . . . .Phone 1950 HEILIG YOUR SENIOR BALL BANDLEADER! ON THE SCREEN—NOW! -IV _ BOB and his Di with JEAN ROGERS OONTIHTJQUS SHOWS DAILi JEUM 12.45 TIL 12 .'JC DhecdnW Emerald Copy Desk Staff: Kay Schrick, City Editor Mary Wolf, Assistant Dorothy Routt Bob McClellan Betty Jane Biggs Bernie Engel Night Staff: Bill Hilton, Night Editor Malcolm Ordway Yvonne Torgler Barbara Lamb Don Ross Madelle Christopherson Doris Jones Ardie Alexander Jim Wilson Laurel Gilbertson Ball Ticket Sales (Continued from page one) shak, Sigma Alpha Mu; Bill Mox ley, Sigma Chi; Richard Thierolf, Sigma Phi Epsilon; DavicI Eng land, Sigma Nu; Milton Levy, Sig ma hall; Merle Hanscom, Theta Chi; Jack Mast, Yeomen; and Phil Jonsrud, Zeta Hall. All representatives must have proceeds of their sales in the hands of Jack Holcomb or Bob Rogers by Friday noon. Ii ' - - - SAFE - FAST COMFORTABLE ECONOMICAL • LOW-COST MEALS • AIR-CONDITIONED COACHES AND SLEEPERS • CONVENIENT SERVICE • FREE PILLOWS AND PORTER SERVICE IN COACHES ^ For information as to fares a and other details inquire your local agent^-dtSSaBj UNION PACIFIC II DEBUTANTE STYLES in a gown—pretty on any young figure ! Draped liras section, diamond studded midriff, a n d sweeping skirt arc at their best on the dance floor! 1 Prices $16.95 and up 1004 Will. St. Phone 633 Oregon56# Emerald Classified Ads Phone 3300—345 Room 5, Journalism Bldg. READER ADS Ten words minimum accepted. First insertion 2c per word. Subsequent insertions lc per word. DISPLAY ADS Flat rate 37c column inch. Frequency rate (entire term) : iSc per column inch one time week. 34c per column inch twice or more a week. Ads will be taken over the telephone on a charge basis if the advertiser is a sub scriber to the phone. Mailed advertisements must have sufficient remittance enclosed to cover definite number of insertions. Ads must be in Emerald business office no later than 6 p.m. prior to the day of in sertion. • • Found Found: at Depot, foot of Univer sity tsreet Books: 2 Shakespeare 1 Geometry 2 Military Science 1 Essay 3 Prose 2 Social Science 1 History of Europe 1 English Poets 1 Composition 1 Physics 1 Psychology 1 Reporting 1 Economics 2 French History 3 German 1 Outline English Literature 1 Literature 2 Looseleaf Notebooks 10 Notebooks Miscellaneous: 2 strings of pearls 2 rings 3 purses 1 slide rule 8 pens 5 eversharps 1 debate pin 1 pledge pin 1 key 1 pipe 1 jacket 1 slicker 3 raincoats 1 white uniform CHERE IS A RECOVER l IEE The appearance of one's iiair'is—‘ IMPORTANT Try Xaiuptts Barber Shop James Copeland ■** f'ctfcrta-'lic. • Room for Rent Share front room with 2 men stu dents—Homey, close in, 935 Pat terson, call after five. CASH COMES by reading the Oregon If Emerald Classified 1 0 Words for 20c Phone, Mail or Bring Them to Rm. 5, Journalism CALL 3300 Ext. 354 3fer--. |