Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1941, Image 1

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Who Are the
Defenders for
Warren's Frosh
Paddle Dallas
High Again
L 1 Bit Art I
Send-Off for Tall Firs
To Keynote Assembly
Student Program
Scheduled for 11
First ASUO Entertainment of Winter Term
To Include Yells, Music; Four Sororities,
Two Fraternities to Sing in Gerlinger
A whooping send-off to Oregon’s “Tall Fir" basketball team will
keynote this morning’s ASUO assembly at 11 o’clock in Gerlinger
hall, according to Program Chairman Bette Morfitt.
Coach Howard “Hobby” Hobson and his players will be called
on to appear on the stage. Ed Burtenshaw has a skit arranged. and
UO Song Contest
Offers $150 Cash
Independents Vie
With Greek Houses
In Campus Function
First all-campus interhouse song
contest will take place January 29
and 30 under sponsorship of ASUO
announced Wally Rossman, chair
man, last night. Prizes of $75 will
go to each winning women’s and
winning men's house.
This is the first time in the
history of a song contest that any
money has been donated by the
ASUO. Last year it was held on
the stage of the McDonald theater,
but Tiger Payne, associated stu
dent body president, initiated it as
a permanent campus function.
Rules are that contestants may
sing any three songs that they
choose in their respective houses
at times to be announced at a fu
ture date by Barbara Pierce, com
mittee member in charge of ar
Les Reedy heads the committee
to select judges from members of
the music school faculty, who will
determine the houses to enter the
Campus Calendar
E. S. A. A. Students will contin
ue their discusison on a Christi
an’s attitude of foreign affairs be
gun at the last meeting. Come Sun
day 6 P. M. at the YW bungalow.
Skiers, advanced or beginners,
are invited to attend the Oregon
Ski club meeting tonight at 7:30
in 207 Chapman. President Neil
Farnham will outline the club’s
program for the new season.
Sopomore YW fireside will be
7:30 tonight at Chi Omega.
Weekly YW tea will be at the
Bungalow this afternoon at 4
o’clock. This week it will be sup
plemented by a book review.
Condon club will hold its first
business meeting of winter term
in the geography seminar room
of Condon hall at 11 o'clock today.
The Emerald business office staff
will meet this afternoon at 4 o’
clock in room 5, journalism.
Skull and Dagger will meet to
night at 10 above the College Side.
Continuation of sounding-board
policy will be discussed.
Badminton club members will
hold a dessert on the sunporch of
Gerlinger tonight at 6:30 before
the regular meeting.
Grads' Ranks High
Scott Corbett, ’40, and Bill Feas
ley, ’40, were recently ranked
{ fourth and fifth in a class of
eighty at the Marine Officers’
Training School at Quantico, Vir
the yell-leaders, including new
comer Bette Christensen, will be
vocalizing lustily—all to prime the
fountains of Duck spirit for the
“Civil War” game Friday night at
Freshmen — men are to wear
rooter lids all day; women are to
wear green hair-ribbons.
Houses Sing
In place of Theta Chi, which
has appeared in previous assembl
ies, Alpha Phi has been selected to
sing as a house. Others chosen in
clude Gamma Phi Beta, Pi Beta
Phi. Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta
Tau Delta, and Sigma Alpha Ep
silon. Program heads urge houses
chosen to arrive early, as seats
have been scarce at other pro
McArthur Considered
“Arrangements will be made to
obtain McArthur Court in the fu
ture if we have to turn too many
away this time,” ASUO President
Gleeson Payne declared.
Wallace Heider and his 11-piece
campus band will play “Five O’
clock Whistle,” “Woodchoppers’
Ball,” and “There I Go.” The Al
pha Tau Omega quartet, composed
of four out of the quintet of Doug
Hay, Carl Little, Jack Boone, Ed
Storli, and Fred Farrior, will sing.
Muilenberg to Talk
On Culture of Jews
In an effort to combat the ris
ing anti-Semitic feeling in the
United States, the faculty lecture
committee has invited James Muil
enberg, of the Pacific school of re
ligion in Berkeley, Cal., to speak
to students tomorrow evening at
7:30 in Friendly hall on “Hebrew's
Contribution to Modern Civiliza
Highly recommended by Herbert
Seamens, chairman of the Nation
al conference of Christians and
Jews, Mr. Muilenberg is expected
to show how modern culture still
leans on the Jewish donations to
Mr. Muilenberg is author of
many books on this subject, in
cluding “Literary Relations of the
Teachings of the 12 Apostles” and
“Epistle of Barnabas.”
Bob Crosby, swing maestro,
shown above, will bring his band
to Eugene Friday night to play
for tiie Senior ball in McArthur
Ball Ticket Sales
Top Fall Dances
'Name' Orchestra
Attracts Buyers,
Gurley Announces
With Bob Crosby’s “name” or
chestra which has just completed
an engagement at the Blackhawk
in Chicago and has played re
cently at the New Yorker hotel,
the Senior ball will swing into mo
tion at 8:30 in McArthur court
Friday night.
Joe Gurley, on the ball com
mittee, reports that the educa
tional activities office in Mc
Arthur court has had the best pre
dance sales for the ball of any
dance of recent date.
Tickets in Houses
Tickets are handled by repre
sentatives in all fraternity houses
and sell for $1.75. Senior class
card holders can get tickets for
$1.50 at the educational activities
office until Friday afternoon at 5.
Representatives in the living
organizations include: Loyal Lang,
Alpha Hall; Joe Callahan, ATO;
Don Turner, Beta Theta Pi; John
Schreiner, Campbell Co-op; Jack
Holcomb, Canard club; Charles
Tripp, Chi Psi; A1 Siewert, Delta
Tau Delta; Stew Hayward, Delta
Cpsilon; Lloyd Wilson, Gamma
hall; Joe Gurley, Kappa Sigma;
Max Ordway, Kirkwood Co-op;
Jonn Sla*ter, Omega hall.
More Representatives
Pete Igoe, Phi Delta Theta; Rod
McMillen, Phi Gamma Delta; Paul
Livesay, Phi Kappa Psi; Jack
Rice, Phi Sigma Kappa; Chuck
Green, Sherry Ross; Jack Shim
(Please turn to page tzi’o)
Argumentation Class
Will Air' Discussions
A new wrinkle in the way of
radio programs will be tried out
shortly by Professor M. Aaron
Krenk's argumentation and persu
asion class, when members present
a new series of public discussions
to radio listeners.
After hearing "The Town Hall
Series," "Chicago Roundtable,” and
other programs of similar nature,
Professor Krenk thought that if
some national bigwigs could sit
around a table and proceed to ar
gue a current vital question and
to call each other names over the
radio his students in argumenta
tion and persuasion could do like
Beliefs Definite
"College students especially have
definite beliefs in matters of na
1 tional i mportance,” Professor
Krenk stated, "and this is one way
where they can really get down
and air their opinions.”
According to the present setup,
students in groups of three may
choose their own topic for discus
sion—providing that it is hot
enough to debate about—and after
both sides have given their opin
ions, the studio audience is invited
to add its views on the matter.
Half Hour Long
"Programs will be a half hour
long,” Professor Krenk added,
“and that ought to help the parti
cipants to take part in a good live
ly discussion.”
"We hope to have every member
of the class speak on some cur
rent issue at least once,” Professor
Krenk stated. “The hotter the con
, troversy the better for discussion.”
Writers Start
Dads' Letters
For Contest
Buchwach Names
Leeper, Turnbull,
Horn as Judges
Entries in the Dads’ day letter
contest have already started to
roll in and are expected to mount
the latter part of the week, Buck
Buchwach, chairman of the pro
motion committee, announced last
Full set of rules announced Tues
day provide that letters shall not
be more than 250 words long and
shall be turned in on or before
January 24, the closing date.
Judges Named
Basis of judging will be style,
originality, conciseness, and inter
est. Judges as announced by Buch
wach include R. D. Horn, associ
ate professor of English, Robert
Leeper, associate professor of psy
chology, and George Turnbull, pro
fessor of journalism.
Letters for entry may be brought
to the ASUO office in McArthur
court or given to Stan Staiger,
general weekend chairman, or to
Program Given
Dads’ weekend will begin Friday,
Feb. 17, with registration from
1:30 to 5 p. m. Complete program
will include an annual dads’ ban
quet and dedication of the new
gates which the dads have con
structed on the campus.
Registration will continue Sat
urday, February 18, with lunch
eons scheduled in campus living
organizations at noon, open house
on the campus from 1 to 4, meet
ing 9t the incoming and outgoing
executive committees at 4 in Pres
ident Donald M. Erb’s office, the
banquet at 5:30, presentation of
“Taming of the Shrew” in Gerling
er hall at 7:30, and a basketball
game with Oregon State at 8. Con
cluding events for the three-day
program are being arranged for
Krazy Kopy Krawl
Set for February 7
Alpha Delta Sigma, men’s ad
vertising honorary, yesterday an
nounced that it will again spon
sor the annual Krazy Kopy Krawl
February 7, during Dads’ week
Fred May, general chairman,
announced his committee appoint
ments for the informal Krawl,
which will be held in Gerlinger
Jess Shinn, May said, will han
dle the programs; Ralph Woodall
and Hal Ellicott, decorations and
favors; Emerson Page, advance
sale; Ron Alpaugh and Bob Lov
ell, advertising and promotion.
Jay Stott will make hall and
floor arrangements; Jack Saltz
man will handle invitations; Rob
ert Marland, cleanup; Rod McMil
len, refreshments, and Stew Hay
ward, coat checking.
May, who is in charge of music
for the dance, said that the or
j chestra selection would be an
nounced soon.
Dr. Wood to Speak
Dr. Hugh B. Wood, professor of
■ education, will talk at the faculty
| social science club at 6:15 Monday
about recent trends of teacher ed
Pome No. 91
All hail you forceful fellows
That are slamming other guys
In letters to the editors.
We’d like to put you wise.
Write for the Dad’s Day contest,
j Forget those moans and sighs.
Y-'u’ll feel a whole lot better,
: And perhaps you’ll win a prize.
—J. W. S.
Photo by Bert Shoemaker
The intrepid hand of Bud Vnndeneynde, sophomore elass president grasps the gavel proffered by Phi
Theta Upsilon (junior women’s honorary) President Elizabeth Steed. The men of the eampus will take
over at the Phi Theta assembly for freshman women this afternoon. In the picture, from left, are: Car
ol Cook, Miss Steed, Bob Keene, senior class president, Vnndeneynde, and Jean Burt. (i
Phi Thetas Will Fete Men
Girls' Assembly
Set Today At 4
Gerlinger Show
Features Leaders
In Campus Activity
Career women will step into the
background today when Phi Theta
Upsilon presents an assembly for
freshmen women at 4 p. m. in
Gerlinger and introduces all the
"big men on the campus."
Elizabeth Steed, president of
Phi Theta, will fade into the back
drops of the stage as Dr. Donald
M. Erb, special guest of honor,
and all the presidents of classes,
honoraries, organizations, etc., are
introduced to speak briefly.
Purpose of the assembly is to
acquaint the freshmen women
with the activities of the school
and the leaders of those activities.
Members of Phi Theta sponsor
ing the assembly are Billie Chris
tensen, Betty Workman, Kathleen
Grady, Virginia Pyrell, Jerry
Walker, Pat Lawson, Eleanor Sed
erstrom, Lois Nordling, Pat Salis
bury, Helen Angell, Trudy Ander
son, Mary Kay Riordan , Jean
Burt, Marjorie Roehm, Carol
Cook, Mary Peck, Janet Morris,
Phyllis Sanders, Betty Planking
ton, Betty Morfitt, Joan Bulles,
Michi Yasui, Nismi Banta, Becky
Anderson, Hope Hughes, Pauline
Pengra, and Slizabeth Stead, pres
Sneakers to Reveal
Employment Chances
For Business Seniors
Seniors of the school of business
administration will secure in
formation on future employment
opportunities and the means of se
curing permanent after-gradua
tion work in the senior depart
mental assembly in 105 Commerce
this morning at 11 o’clock.
Principal informers will be Dean
Victor P. Morris, of the school of
business administration, and Miss
Janet Smith, employment secre
tary, who has already contacted
several employers for permanent
employment for Oregon gradu
ates in conjunction with her own
office program.
The BA school’s new plan for in
dividual "case history” cards for
seniors from which employers may
get information on University
graduates is to be explained at the
meeting, Dr. Morris announced.
New GPA Rating System
Low Pledges Omitted
A sharp rise in men’s fall term
grade point averages, as indicated
by the tabulated summary of 17
fraternity groups, printed in to
day’s Emerald, is credited to a
new system of averaging fratern
ity grades, announced by W. A.
Dahlberg, faculty secretary of the
interfraternity council.
In the recently-initiated plan the
grades were not included of those
pledges who failed to make the re
quired 2 point which is a requisite
to fraternity membership, and the
grade averages were computed
without these figures.
‘Old’ List Coming
A list of ratings compiled under
the system, in which all grades
within a house are included, will
be published together with figures
for other groups within a few days,
it was revealed.
The new system was inaugurated
as an attempt to place more em
phasis on scholastic accomplish
ment, Dahlberg said, and cited al
so the interfraternity council’s re
cent vote to raise fraternity GPA
Name GPA Rank
Alpha Tau Omega 2.36 10
Beta Theta Pi 2.40 8
Chi Psl 2.24 16
Delta Tau Delta 2.53 2
Delta Epsilon 2.45 5
Kappa Sigma 2.09 17
Phi Delta Theta 2.33 11
Phi Gamma Delta 2.48 4
Phi Kappa Psl 2.30 12
Phi Sigma Kappa 2.43 . 6
Phi Sigma Kappa 2.43 6
Sigma Alpha Epsilon 2.26 15
Sigma Alpha Mu 2.70 1
Sigma Chi 2.27 14
Sigma Nu 2.5 3
Sigma Phi Epsilon 2.39 9
Theta Chi 2.41 7
requirements for membership from
1.75 to 2 point.
Used Elsewhere
This new plan is expected to
place Oregon’s grades more near
ly on par with those of other coast
schools, who also use the system
of excluding sub-standard pledge
^ grades.
A ustralia In terested
In US War Program
There was just one plank in
America’s recent presidential elec
tion—at least from the Austarlian
point of view. The only important
issue to thorn was whether the
United States is going to war.
According to Dean James Gil
bert of Oregon’s school of social
science, Australian newspapers
carried only bare reports of the
November battle, “except when
Mr. Willkie or Mr. Roosevelt made
some statement pertaining to the
United States’ relation to the
Home Now
Back on peaceful home shores
for a month now, Dr. Gilbert sat
in his office on the second floor of
Oregon building yesterday to
recall his reactions to Australia
and New Zealand. A study of the
public finance of the two nations
was the purpose of the trip. ... and
I it was his first leave of absence in
j 33 years, as well as the dream of
the Tennessee-born professor since
“the time when I was a graduate
The Australians were jubilant of
the outcome of the election, Dr.
Gilbert said, although the pre
election speeches didn’t vary much
in their proposals on the one issue
of importance. He chuckled as he
remarked that they “thought,
however, the British cause was a
little more secure with Mr. Roose
velt than with Mr. Willkie.”
Classes Easier
Turning to the lighter phases of
their trip, the dean made the
bland statemeht that one can get
a degree at the University of New
Zealand whitout ever going to
class. But the reason for that, Dr.
Gilbert explained, is that they’re
much more serious-minded about
college and its purpose than Amer
ican collegians and are willing to
do unsupervised study. A vacation
or holiday to the Australian col
lege student signifies a period for
extra study. They are very fond of
outdoor sports, however, and are
earnest fans of a type of football
"that seems to be a combination
of soccer and rugby,’’ Dr. Gilbert
The dean and Mrs. Gilbert re
turned to the United States by
way of the Hawaiian Islands,
spending two weeks in Honolulu.
They docked in San Francisco De
cember 24.
‘New Frosh'
Elect Krenk
For Advisor
Student Leaders
Address Meeting
On Cards, Politics
What the Class Did:
1. Heard and unanimously ap
proved a constitution presented by
Uly Dorais chairman of the con
stitution committee.
2. Unanimously elected Marvin
Krenk. instructor in speech, as
temporary class advisor.
0. Heard four student leaders
discuss class political organization
and the use of class cards.
More than 200 members of the
‘‘majority class of 1944” were
present at the first meeting of the
newly-organized group last night
in Villard hall to unanimously
adopt a constitution and to start
the wheels moving for a new forih
of class government.
Dorais Reads
Uly Dorais, chairman of the
constitution committee, read the
proposed document to the group.
There was almost no discussion be
fore the vote was taken. Although
there were no dissenting votes,
several were present who did not
vote either way.
Marvin Krenk, instructor in
speech, was nominated as tempor
ary adviser to the class, after
Charles Woodruff, who presided at
the meeting, suggested his nom
ination. Mr. Krenk will serve un
til the new group is formally or
Leaders Speak
Lyle Nelson, editor of the Em
erald: Roy Vernstrom, editor of
Old Oregon; Dick Williams, busi
ness manager of the Oregana; and
John Cavanagh, first vice-presi
dent of the ASUO spoke briefly,
telling why they were opposed to
class cards as voting requisites.
The constitution provided for its
six-man council governing unit to
be elected by preferential voting.
It specified that no fees or dues
would be charged for voting.
• • 9
Activities Office
Announces Staff
Simons, Kitchen
Chosen Chairmen
For New Workers
In order to facilitate a greater
working efficiency 26 students
have been designated as a group
from which chairmen to be respon
sible for the proper execution of
various types of activities work
undertaken by the educational ac
tivities department will be drawn,
it was announced from the depart
ment yesterday. The students
will be under the supervision of
Anita Simons, program manager,
and .Teff Kitchen, publicity chair
Simons Promoted
Miss Simons, who was assistant
program manager last term, has
been promoted to the position
formerly held by Jeanette Chris
tianson, who did not return to
school this term. Kitchen will
continue in the position to which
he was appointed last term and is
to be in charge of publicity re
leased to Eugene papers and citie3
in surrounding territory.
It was emphasized that al
though the designated 26 students
would have a specific official ca
pacity, the others who had worked
in the department would be called
from time to time during the year
for special committee work and
Calls Requested
Those who have been selected
for regular staff work are re
quested to call at the activities
office during the next week to re
ceive their scheduled office hours.
They are as follows: Marion
Allen, Jo Ann Supple, John Bus
terud, Peggy Magill, Dorothy
Routt, Jimmie Lyle, Pat Lawson,
Frank Lockwood, Ed Zelinsky,
Charlotte Schwartz, Emma Ver
durmen, Margaret Johnston,
Jeanne Routt, Margaret Meyer
holz, Cynthia Coujuld, Jean Doris
Griffith, Leda Sheppard, Yvonne
Torgler, Gertrude Puziss, Peggy
Rakest.rom, Bette Workman, Ed
gar Blumenthal, Emily Tyree,
Connie Ryals, and Nancy Riesch.